Cut A Tree In The Courtyard Where To Contact

What to do if a tree in the yard interferes

First and foremost, do not try to chop off the branches yourself or, even worse, completely cut down the tree. This is at least unsafe: the barrel can fall onto a parked car or injure passers-by. The felling should be done by professionals under an agreement with the Criminal Code or HOA.

Who has the right to permit felling

Issuance of permits for pruning, demolition or transplantation of green spaces. a municipal service.

To obtain such a permit, first you need to apply to the district administration. to the department of landscaping, landscaping and transport or to the department of RATI. Specialists examine the area where trees need to be cut or demolished. In this case, they will definitely draw up an inspection report.

After that, the district administration will send a package of documents to the administration for the improvement of public spaces of the city hall. It is this department that issues permits for work.

The issued permit is valid for one year. That is, during the year, at any time, the applicant can engage in the demolition or pruning of the tree.

The resolution of the mayor’s office “On the administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services for the issuance of permits for the demolition, replacement, transplantation, pruning of green spaces” can be downloaded from the link (PDF file).

How to cut a tree legally

Trees are ennobled in Novosibirsk every summer. Dry, old and sick ones have to be cut down, and overgrown ones have to be trimmed. Let’s figure it out. who makes decisions about cutting down green spaces, who to complain about suspicious lumberjacks and where to go if tree branches began to climb through the window.

How to know if trees are being sawed legally

If you see that a tree is being demolished near your house, you can call the management company or the HOA and find out on what basis the work is being carried out and whether the mayor’s office issued a permit for them.

You can also contact the mayor’s office directly. the department for the improvement of public spaces. Contact phones: 227-52-73, 227-52-83, e-mail.

If the contractor does not have permission to cut down, call the police.

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What to do?

If you can’t grab the saw yourself, where can you go to cut down the tree under the window? First, you need to prepare:

  • Get written support from your tenants. Compose a text on your own, which sets out exactly what a particular tree is hindering you, and put maximum signatures of neighbors under it.
  • Try to get a formal certificate that you or a family member is sorely lacking in sunlight, as a result of which there is a negative effect on health.

Further, an official letter should be sent to the territorial service organization (management company) with a request to cut down the tree due to its danger. Any of these may be listed as specific hazards:

  • The tree blocks the flow of light into the apartments;
  • There is a risk for windows;
  • Bystanders may get hurt;
  • The tree is dry and may fall at any time, causing damage to others.

The application must be registered with the management company, after which it will have 21 days to give you an answer.

Where to go if you need to cut a tree?

Having green trees under your windows is not always a plus. Their branches can interfere with you, blocking the sun or threatening to fall into the glass under the pressure of the wind. In addition, the tree can dry out, as a result of which it will already become a serious threat, both to the health of people around and to their property.

What is the problem. why not cut it down?

The problem is that unauthorized cutting of trees is a serious violation that involves administrative responsibility. The latter consists of a fixed fine and the amount of damage to the environment. As a result, the amount of compensation can be significant even for a strong budget.

over, in the presence of some aggravating circumstances, after an unauthorized sawing of a tree, criminal liability can occur up to 6 years in prison. Aggravating circumstances include various consequences of a saw cut that you did not plan. For example, if a tree fell on someone.

Time has passed and the tree is still

Where can I go to cut trees in the yard if the management company is idle? In this case, you should apply to the local administration with an application. Such issues can be supervised by various departments related to housing and communal services or environmental management. If you do not want to deal with the peculiarities of the staffing of your local government, you can write a letter addressed to the head of administration.

In the letter, state the same hazards for the tree that were outlined to the management company. You can also tell about her inaction and ignoring the deadlines for responding to citizens’ appeals established by law. It would not be superfluous to mention the sanitary standards regarding natural illumination of residential premises, and the building rules, according to which trees cannot be planted closer than 5 meters from the house. The more signatures under such a statement, the better.

Measures must be taken by the administration within a month: either in the form of removing the dangerous tree, or in the form of a written justification for refusing to eliminate it. In the second case, as well as in the absence of any measures within a month, you can continue to write letters to higher authorities or send an application to the court.

What to do if the tree is emergency?

If a tree growing in the courtyard is emergency and poses a threat to residents and property, then the Criminal Code has the right to cut down such a tree promptly without the consent of local authorities.

In particular, a tree cracked after a thunderstorm must be cut down immediately to avoid accidents.

Can a fallen tree be cut and taken out? Even after the fall of the tree, it remains the property of the city, therefore, it is impossible to saw and take out the fallen trees for their own needs without permits.

Only representatives of the Criminal Code or the organization hired by them have the right to carry out sawing work on the local area.

On the other hand, cutting and removing wood costs a lot of money, so the management company may be interested in this.

So, if a private person has such a desire, then it is better to coordinate it with the Criminal Code.

Is it legal to charge a doorphone fee every month? Find out the answer right now.

Valuable breeds

What trees are valuable species and cannot be cut down? Some biological tree species are valuable species, the cutting of which is limited and can only be carried out for sanitary reasons or as an exception.

These include rare relict trees listed in the Red Book, or trees that are valuable as a biological resource.

The list of valuable and rare tree species can be determined by regional legislation.

Complaint about illegal cutting

Why complain if a tree was illegally cut down in the courtyard of the MKD? If neighbors or unknown persons have illegally cut down trees, then you can complain:

  • To the management company or the administration of the settlement (city), where you can also find out if the felling was not authorized by them.
  • To the local police station.

The district officer must check the availability of permits and, in the absence of it, draw up an act on initiation of administrative proceedings.

In the event of serious violations and significant damage, the proceedings can be re-qualified from administrative to criminal.

What is included in the common areas in an apartment building? Read about it here.

Who should be planting?

Only a specialized organization attracted by the management company can be engaged in felling of plantings in the courtyard of the MKD.

How to get a cut of a tree in the yard? Learn from

Where to go to saw down a tree in the courtyard of the MKD?

An emergency tree in the yard can pose a danger to the life and property of residents and their guests.

However, the felling of trees in the courtyards of the MKD is regulated by Russian law and can only be done with the permission of the city authorities. We will tell you about where to go to cut a tree in the yard in the article.

  • Legislative regulation
  • Valuable breeds
  • Cutting down on a personal plot
  • Complaint about illegal cutting
  • Who should be planting?
  • Where and with what application to apply?
  • Waiting period
  • Cost of services
  • Is it possible to cut down a tree or branches that cover the window yourself?
  • Responsibility for unauthorized actions
  • What to do if the tree is emergency?
  • Where to call if it fell on the car?
  • Is it possible to plant a seedling in the yard?

You can find out the rules for the use of residential premises and common property in apartment buildings from our article.

Where and with what application to apply?

  • Full name and data of the submitter;
  • data of the chairman of the HOA or management organization;
  • grounds for cutting down trees;
  • organization requirements;
  • signature and date.

The main thing that needs to be indicated in the application is the grounds for felling, whether it is an emergency state of a tree with a threat of its fall, location contrary to SNiP, violation of insolation by the crown of a tree, or other.

Sample application for sawing a tree in the yard.

Responsibility for unauthorized actions

Administrative responsibility for unauthorized felling of trees consists of two components:

tree, courtyard, contact
  • directly a fine for illegal logging;
  • compensation for damage.

The amount of damage is assessed by the regional ministry of the environment or the federal ministry of natural resources.

Usually the amount of damage is estimated at 3-5 thousand rubles for each tree, however, some tree species can be estimated at much more expensive. So unauthorized felling is quite expensive for violators.

As for the fine, such a sanction is spelled out both in the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation and in the Criminal Code.

In Art. 8.28 of the Administrative Code the amount of the fine is set in the amount of 3 to 4 thousand rubles for an individual, from 20 to 40 thousand rubles for officials and from 200 to 300 thousand rubles for legal entities.

The same actions with the use of mechanisms and equipment increase the amount of the fine and may entail the confiscation of the used property.

Responsibility under the Criminal Code is much higher. Here, violators who inflict significant damage face fines from 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment up to 2 years, and a crime committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons or on a large scale entails a fine from 1 to 3 million rubles or imprisonment for up to 7 years.

In this case, the amount of damage is calculated according to the methodology of the government of the Russian Federation. Significant damage. from 5 thousand rubles, major damage. from 50 thousand rubles.

Therefore, it is not difficult to “fall” under a criminal article, and the sanctions for unauthorized felling are very high.

Waiting period

Within 10 days from the date of delivery of the application, the applicant must receive an answer.

This period arises from the need to coordinate the felling with the city improvement department.

In the event that the specified period has expired, and the felling has not been completed, the submitter can apply to further instances. These include:

  • district administration;
  • local management of housing and communal services and improvement;
  • City Administration;
  • prosecutor’s office.

to the content

In the courtyard of an apartment building

In apartment buildings, you will need a good reason to legally log down. For instance:

  • This tree is emergency and threatens the lives of people;
  • This tree threatens or harms communication;
  • The plant is located near the house;
  • This plant blocks the view from the windows and the light;
  • It spoils the appearance of the yard, but since this factor is subjective, you will need the consent of most residents.

Next, you will need to send the act to the “Association of Homeowners” or local authorities for further consideration. This process can take a long time. from ten days to one month.

If you receive an official response from these authorities, then very soon you will be assigned a time for felling and sawing will take place. This will be done at the expense of the general fund for the care of the condition of the house.

In a private house

In all aspects, the legality of actions must be taken into account, therefore, before proceeding with the demolition of trees on a site where construction will soon begin, you need to coordinate your further plans with the local authorities, because the state will want some monetary compensation in return.

The permission itself from state bodies will be issued subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the conditions, which include planting new seedlings, but keep in mind that the authorities may require you to take the action you need on a completely different piece of land. Sometimes there is a possibility of cash compensation.

If you need to start cutting down green seedlings in your own summer cottage, then here, in addition to documents, you will need to deal with this issue with the summer cottage cooperative, however, you will have to pay for the felling at your own expense, while even removing the tree on your own. If you cannot cope yourself, then hiring a professional will cost around 1000 rubles. If you have already purchased a plot, but there are such trees that are an obstacle in the planned layout, you can eliminate the tree by providing the following documents:

  • a statement must be written from the organizer of the construction;
  • papers that certify your right to this piece of land;
  • landscaping plan;
  • improvement plan;
  • cutting agreement with a licensed company;
  • gardening act, that is, transplanting trees and other plantings;
  • the act of cutting the cutting down of interfering trees.

As soon as all the necessary package of documents is collected, contact the local administration for further instructions.

Location on

If you are the official owner of your site, but there were problems during construction due to the presence of green spaces, you will also need a permit for clearing from the local government. You can get it by providing a package of documents, including:

  • site plan;
  • confirmation of rights to the land plot;
  • official, written permission to perform work on this site.

Next, you will need to take the entire package of documents to the local management of the cooperative or to the administration.

In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??

Before you cut down a tree, be sure to check the town planning plan, find out if this area is not your property legally, and you also need to find out the type of tree that you are going to cut down.

If there is a possibility that a tree can fall on houses, roads or catch wires, causing material and physical damage, it will be much easier to obtain permission to cut it. To perform this action, even if the site is your property, you will definitely need permission from the administration of your settlement or a felling ticket, which you will have to additionally purchase.

But if you still decide to take risks, you can proceed to action, understanding all the consequences, if:

  • the site is your property;
  • trees are not marked on the plans of this territory;
  • if the tree falls, it will not cause material damage;
  • you brought the neighbors up to date and they gave their consent;
  • you only need to cut a few trees (no more than 2 trees).

If you work quickly, the likelihood of successful completion increases. Do everything as little as possible: immediately remove the stumps and remains of the tree after felling. But also remember that you can use the services of professionals in this area. You decide whether to cut dead wood or not, but be sure to keep in mind that the territory may turn out to be legally alien.

Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?

Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

From the point of view of the law, this issue can be dealt with for a long time. But in the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” itself, article 209 says that the owner has the right to dispose of natural objects that are on his land, provided that he does not inconvenience other persons.

  • In what situation can you cut a tree yourself?
  • Which tree species should not be cut down?
  • Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?
  • In a private house
  • In the courtyard of an apartment building
  • Location on
  • Required documents
  • How much is?
  • Fines and punishment for cutting yourself

However, if you undertook to solve this problem on your own, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the sawn tree could simply not be on your site or, if you are in a small settlement, completely maintain the ecological state, which can cause great discontent among other residents.

Which tree species should not be cut down?

It is possible that the tree you need to remove belongs to a valuable species, then cutting it down will be prohibited by law. But there are some cases in which this action becomes possible at the legal level. These can be various reasons or sanitary conditions.

Rare relic plantations are attributed to the number of valuable species. those that are listed in the Red Book and valuable biological resources. The legislation of each locality may indicate which trees are prohibited from destruction or permitted, but subject to a limited number. Provided that you can obtain permission from the administration of your locality, this will be a legal action.

If you have a need to get rid of a large number of trees, then you will need to issue a felling ticket, but keep in mind that you will need to pay a rather large amount for this separately.

Required documents

You can cut down trees without having a single document for this, if the felling site is privatized, and the tree itself was planted by the owner. If these conditions are not met, you will be issued monetary compensation, which will be at least 4,000 rubles. Or, to obtain official permission, you will have to call the commission. To get started, you need:

  • submitting an application to housing and communal services;
  • organization of a commission to which an environmentalist will be assigned.
  • then the tree is studied, and if it is in an emergency state, then the felling will be quickly resolved.

If the tree is not in emergency condition, then even in this case, permission to demolish the tree can be obtained, but with certain conditions. If you have permission from the authorities, then you have the right to cut down even a tree that is in good condition. Contact the professionals, they will be able to provide you with all the documents you need for this.

After the commission, the condition of the tree will be assessed as good or satisfactory, and then measured. After that, the amount will be assigned to contribute to the city budget. If the plant interferes with the normal operation of special repair equipment, for example, roofs, then the tree will be removed without fail. Such organizations as RES, “Gorvodokanal”, “Gorgaz” are entitled to this.

In a private house

In all aspects, the legality of actions must be taken into account, therefore, before proceeding with the demolition of trees on a site where construction will soon unfold, you need to coordinate your further plans with local authorities, because the state will want some monetary compensation in return.

The permission itself from state bodies will be issued subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the conditions, which include planting new seedlings, but keep in mind that the authorities may require you to take the action you need on a completely different piece of land. Sometimes there is a possibility of cash compensation.

If you need to start cutting down green seedlings in your own summer cottage, then here, in addition to documents, you will need to deal with this issue with the summer cottage cooperative, however, you will have to pay for the felling at your own expense, while even removing the tree on your own. If you cannot cope yourself, then hiring a professional will cost around 1000 rubles. If you have already purchased a plot, but there are such trees that are an obstacle in the planned layout, you can eliminate the tree by providing the following documents:

  • a statement must be written from the organizer of the construction;
  • papers that certify your right to this piece of land;
  • landscaping plan;
  • improvement plan;
  • sawing contract with a licensed company;
  • landscaping act, that is, replanting trees and other plantings;
  • the act of cutting the cutting down of interfering trees.

As soon as all the necessary package of documents is collected. contact the local administration for further instructions.

How much is?

8,000 rubles is the minimum. When removing a large number of plantings, the price for each will be reduced in relation to the amount of work.

Detailed prices:

Fully off the ground, no pulling back:
Up to 20 cm. 500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 600 rub.
Up to 40 cm. 800 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 60 cm. 1200 r.
Up to 70 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1500 r.
Completely off the ground, with a pull:

Up to 20 cm. 800 RUB.
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 2000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 2400 r.
Up to 80 cm. 2500 r.

Without hanging, in large parts, with the possibility of throwing branches to the ground:
Up to 20 cm. 1500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 2500 r.
Up to 40 cm. 3500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 4800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 5800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 6500 r.
Up to 80 cm. 7000 r.

Hanging top:
Up to 20 cm. 3000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 4500 r.
Up to 40 cm. 5500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 7000 r.
Up to 60 cm. 9000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 11000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 12500 r.

Hanging all branches that can damage something:
Up to 20 cm. 4000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 6000 r.
Up to 40 cm. 8000 r.
Up to 50 cm. 10000 r.
Up to 60 cm. 13000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 15,000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 17000 r.

With hanging branches and trunk:
Up to 20 cm. 4500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 6900 r.
Up to 40 cm. 9900 r.
Up to 50 cm. 11900 R.
Up to 60 cm. 14900 r.
Up to 70 cm. 17000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 20,000 r.

Prune dead branches, without hanging:
Up to 20 cm. 900 r.
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 2300 R.
Up to 70 cm. 2600 r.
Up to 80 cm. 3000 r.

Prune dry branches with hanging:
Up to 20 cm. 1000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1600 r.
Up to 50 cm. 2300 r.
Up to 60 cm. 3000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 4000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 4500 r.

Bucking. Portable parts:
Up to 20 cm. free
Up to 30 cm. 200 r.
Up to 40 cm. 300 r.
Up to 50 cm. 500 r.
Up to 60 cm. 800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 900 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1000 r.

In the oven 40 cm:
Up to 20 cm. 200 r.
Up to 30 cm. 300 r.
Up to 40 cm. 400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 500 r.
Up to 60 cm. 800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 900 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1000 r.

Removed completely into parts that are transferred:
Up to 20 cm. 300 r.
Up to 30 cm. 350 r.
Up to 40 cm. 500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 900 r.
Up to 60 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 70 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1500 r.

Removing stumps:
than 50. from 30 p. per cm;

Less than 50:
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 2250 RUB.
Up to 50 cm. 3350 RUB.
Up to 60 cm. 4850 RUB.
than 60 cm. 5500 r.

Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

From the point of view of the law, this issue can be dealt with for a long time. But in the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” itself, article 209 says that the owner has the right to dispose of natural objects that are on his land, provided that he does not inconvenience other persons.

  • In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??
  • Which tree species should not be cut down?
  • Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?
  • In a private house
  • In the courtyard of an apartment building
  • Location on
  • Required documents
  • How much is?
  • Fines and punishment for cutting yourself

However, if you undertook to solve this problem on your own, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the sawn tree could simply not be on your site or, if you are in a small settlement, completely maintain the ecological state, which can cause great discontent among other residents.

Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?

Which tree species should not be cut down?

It is possible that the tree you need to remove belongs to a valuable species, then cutting it down will be prohibited by law. But there are some cases in which this action becomes possible at the legal level. These can be various reasons or sanitary conditions.

Rare relic plantations are attributed to the number of valuable species. those that are listed in the Red Book and valuable biological resources. The legislation of each locality may indicate which trees are prohibited from destruction or permitted, but subject to a limited number. Provided that you can obtain permission from the administration of your locality, this will be a legal action.

If you have a need to get rid of a large number of trees, then you will need to issue a felling ticket, but keep in mind that you will need to pay a rather large amount for this separately.

In the courtyard of an apartment building

In apartment buildings, you will need a good reason to legally log down. For instance:

  • This tree is emergency and threatens the lives of people;
  • This tree threatens or harms communication;
  • The plant is located near the house;
  • This plant blocks the view from the windows and the light;
  • It spoils the appearance of the yard, but since this factor is subjective, you will need the consent of most residents.

When Loggers Cut Down Old Tree – They Couldn’t Believe What They Found Inside

Next, you will need to send the act to the “Association of Homeowners” or local authorities for further consideration. This process can take a long time. from ten days to one month.

If you receive an official response from these authorities, then very soon you will be assigned a time for felling and sawing will take place. This will be done at the expense of the general fund for the care of the condition of the house.

Required documents

You can cut down trees without having a single document for this, if the felling site is privatized, and the tree itself was planted by the owner. If these conditions are not met, you will be issued monetary compensation, which will be at least 4,000 rubles. Or, to obtain official permission, you will have to call the commission. To get started, you need:

  • submitting an application to housing and communal services;
  • organization of a commission to which an environmentalist will be assigned.
  • then the tree is studied, and if it is in an emergency state, then the felling will be quickly resolved.

If the tree is not in emergency condition, then even in this case, permission to demolish the tree can be obtained, but with certain conditions. If you have permission from the authorities, then you have the right to cut down even a tree that is in good condition. Contact the professionals, they will be able to provide you with all the documents you need for this.

After the commission, the condition of the tree will be assessed as good or satisfactory, and then measured. After that, the amount will be assigned to contribute to the city budget. If the plant interferes with the normal operation of special repair equipment, for example, roofs, then the tree will be removed without fail. Such organizations as RES, “Gorvodokanal”, “Gorgaz” are entitled to this.

In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??

Before you cut down a tree, be sure to check the town planning plan, find out if this area is not your property legally, and you also need to find out the type of tree that you are going to cut down.

If there is a possibility that a tree can fall on houses, roads or catch wires, causing material and physical damage, it will be much easier to obtain permission to cut it. To perform this action, even if the site is your property, you will definitely need permission from the administration of your settlement or a felling ticket, which you will have to additionally purchase.

But if you still decide to take risks, you can proceed to action, understanding all the consequences, if:

  • the site is your property;
  • trees are not marked on the plans of this territory;
  • if the tree falls, it will not cause material damage;
  • you brought the neighbors up to date and they gave their consent;
  • you only need to cut a few trees (no more than 2 trees).

If you work quickly, the likelihood of successful completion increases. Do everything as little as possible: immediately remove the stumps and remains of the tree after felling. But also remember that you can use the services of professionals in this area. You decide whether to cut dead wood or not, but be sure to keep in mind that the territory may turn out to be legally alien.

Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?

In the courtyard of an apartment building

In apartment buildings, you will need a good reason to legally log down. For instance:

  • This tree is emergency and threatens the lives of people;
  • This tree threatens or harms communication;
  • The plant is located near the house;
  • This plant blocks the view from the windows and the light;
  • It spoils the appearance of the yard, but since this factor is subjective, you will need the consent of most residents.

Next, you will need to send the act to the “Association of Homeowners” or local authorities for further consideration. This process can take a long time. from ten days to one month.

If you receive an official response from these authorities, then very soon you will be assigned a time for felling and sawing will take place. This will be done at the expense of the general fund for the care of the condition of the house.

Which tree species should not be cut down?

It is possible that the tree you need to remove belongs to a valuable species, then cutting it down will be prohibited by law. But there are some cases in which this action becomes possible at the legal level. These can be various reasons or sanitary conditions.

Rare relic plantations are attributed to the number of valuable species. those that are listed in the Red Book and valuable biological resources. The legislation of each locality may indicate which trees are prohibited from destruction or permitted, but subject to a limited number. Provided that you can obtain permission from the administration of your locality, this will be a legal action.

If you have a need to get rid of a large number of trees, then you will need to issue a felling ticket, but keep in mind that you will need to pay a rather large amount for this separately.

Required documents

You can cut down trees without having a single document for this, if the felling site is privatized, and the tree itself was planted by the owner. If these conditions are not met, you will be issued monetary compensation, which will be at least 4,000 rubles. Or, to obtain official permission, you will have to call the commission. To get started, you need:

  • submitting an application to housing and communal services;
  • organization of a commission to which an environmentalist will be assigned.
  • then the tree is studied, and if it is in an emergency state, then the felling will be quickly resolved.

If the tree is not in emergency condition, then even in this case, permission to demolish the tree can be obtained, but with certain conditions. If you have permission from the authorities, then you have the right to cut down even a tree that is in good condition. Contact the professionals, they will be able to provide you with all the documents you need for this.

After the commission, the condition of the tree will be assessed as good or satisfactory, and then measured. After that, the amount will be assigned to contribute to the city budget. If the plant interferes with the normal operation of special repair equipment, for example, roofs, then the tree will be removed without fail. Such organizations as RES, “Gorvodokanal”, “Gorgaz” are entitled to this.

In a private house

In all aspects, the legality of actions must be taken into account, therefore, before proceeding with the demolition of trees on a site where construction will soon begin, you need to coordinate your further plans with the local authorities, because the state will want some monetary compensation in return.

The permission itself from state bodies will be issued subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the conditions, which include planting new seedlings, but keep in mind that the authorities may require you to take the action you need on a completely different piece of land. Sometimes there is a possibility of cash compensation.

If you need to start cutting down green seedlings in your own summer cottage, then here, in addition to documents, you will need to deal with this issue with the summer cottage cooperative, however, you will have to pay for the felling at your own expense, while even removing the tree on your own. If you cannot cope yourself, then hiring a professional will cost around 1000 rubles. If you have already purchased a plot, but there are such trees that are an obstacle in the planned layout, you can eliminate the tree by providing the following documents:

  • a statement must be written from the organizer of the construction;
  • papers that certify your right to this piece of land;
  • landscaping plan;
  • improvement plan;
  • sawing contract with a licensed company;
  • gardening act, that is, transplanting trees and other plantings;
  • the act of cutting the cutting down of interfering trees.

As soon as all the necessary package of documents is collected. contact the local administration for further instructions.

Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

From the point of view of the law, this issue can be dealt with for a long time. But in the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” itself, article 209 says that the owner has the right to dispose of natural objects that are on his land, provided that he does not inconvenience other persons.

tree, courtyard, contact
  • In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??
  • Which tree species should not be cut down?
  • Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?
  • In a private house
  • In the courtyard of an apartment building
  • Location on
  • Required documents
  • How much is?
  • Fines and punishment for cutting yourself

However, if you undertook to solve this problem on your own, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the sawn tree could simply not be on your site or, if you are in a small settlement, completely maintain the ecological state, which can cause great discontent among other residents.

Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?

In a private house

In all aspects, the legality of actions must be taken into account, therefore, before proceeding with the demolition of trees on a site where construction will soon begin, you need to coordinate your further plans with the local authorities, because the state will want some monetary compensation in return.

The permission itself from state bodies will be issued subject to the mandatory fulfillment of the conditions, which include planting new seedlings, but keep in mind that the authorities may require you to take the action you need on a completely different piece of land. Sometimes there is a possibility of cash compensation.

If you need to start cutting down green seedlings in your own summer cottage, then here, in addition to documents, you will need to deal with this issue with the summer cottage cooperative, however, you will have to pay for the felling at your own expense, while even removing the tree on your own. If you cannot cope yourself, then hiring a professional will cost around 1000 rubles. If you have already purchased a plot, but there are such trees that are an obstacle in the planned layout, you can eliminate the tree by providing the following documents:

  • a statement must be written from the organizer of the construction;
  • papers that certify your right to this piece of land;
  • landscaping plan;
  • improvement plan;
  • sawing contract with a licensed company;
  • gardening act, that is, transplanting trees and other plantings;
  • the act of cutting the cutting down of interfering trees.

As soon as all the necessary package of documents is collected. contact the local administration for further instructions.

In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??

Before you cut down a tree, be sure to check the town planning plan, find out if this area is not your property legally, and you also need to find out the type of tree that you are going to cut down.

If there is a possibility that a tree can fall on houses, roads or catch wires, causing material and physical damage, it will be much easier to obtain permission to cut it. To perform this action, even if the site is your property, you will definitely need permission from the administration of your settlement or a felling ticket, which you will have to additionally purchase.

But if you still decide to take risks, you can proceed to action, understanding all the consequences, if:

  • the site is your property;
  • trees are not marked on the plans of this territory;
  • if the tree falls, it will not cause material damage;
  • you brought the neighbors up to date and they gave their consent;
  • you only need to cut a few trees (no more than 2 trees).

If you work quickly, the likelihood of successful completion increases. Do everything as little as possible: immediately remove the stumps and remains of the tree after felling. But also remember that you can use the services of professionals in this area. You decide whether to cut dead wood or not, but be sure to keep in mind that the territory may turn out to be legally alien.

How much is?

8,000 rubles is the minimum. When removing a large number of plantings, the price for each will be reduced in relation to the amount of work.

Detailed prices:

Fully off the ground, no pulling back:
Up to 20 cm. 500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 600 rub.
Up to 40 cm. 800 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 60 cm. 1200 r.
Up to 70 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1500 r.
Completely off the ground, with a pull:

Up to 20 cm. 800 RUB.
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 2000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 2400 r.
Up to 80 cm. 2500 r.

Without hanging, in large parts, with the possibility of throwing branches to the ground:
Up to 20 cm. 1500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 2500 r.
Up to 40 cm. 3500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 4800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 5800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 6500 r.
Up to 80 cm. 7000 r.

Hanging top:
Up to 20 cm. 3000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 4500 r.
Up to 40 cm. 5500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 7000 r.
Up to 60 cm. 9000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 11000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 12500 r.

Hanging all branches that can damage something:
Up to 20 cm. 4000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 6000 r.
Up to 40 cm. 8000 r.
Up to 50 cm. 10000 r.
Up to 60 cm. 13000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 15,000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 17000 r.

With hanging branches and trunk:
Up to 20 cm. 4500 r.
Up to 30 cm. 6900 r.
Up to 40 cm. 9900 r.
Up to 50 cm. 11900 R.
Up to 60 cm. 14900 r.
Up to 70 cm. 17000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 20,000 r.

Prune dead branches, without hanging:
Up to 20 cm. 900 r.
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 1800 r.
Up to 60 cm. 2300 R.
Up to 70 cm. 2600 r.
Up to 80 cm. 3000 r.

Prune dry branches with hanging:
Up to 20 cm. 1000 r.
Up to 30 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 40 cm. 1600 r.
Up to 50 cm. 2300 r.
Up to 60 cm. 3000 r.
Up to 70 cm. 4000 r.
Up to 80 cm. 4500 r.

Bucking. Portable parts:
Up to 20 cm. free
Up to 30 cm. 200 r.
Up to 40 cm. 300 r.
Up to 50 cm. 500 r.
Up to 60 cm. 800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 900 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1000 r.

In the oven 40 cm:
Up to 20 cm. 200 r.
Up to 30 cm. 300 r.
Up to 40 cm. 400 r.
Up to 50 cm. 500 r.
Up to 60 cm. 800 r.
Up to 70 cm. 900 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1000 r.

Removed completely into parts that are transferred:
Up to 20 cm. 300 r.
Up to 30 cm. 350 r.
Up to 40 cm. 500 r.
Up to 50 cm. 900 r.
Up to 60 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 70 cm. 1300 r.
Up to 80 cm. 1500 r.

Removing stumps:
than 50. from 30 p. per cm;

Less than 50:
Up to 30 cm. 1100 r.
Up to 40 cm. 2250 RUB.
Up to 50 cm. 3350 RUB.
Up to 60 cm. 4850 RUB.
than 60 cm. 5500 r.

Location on

If you are the official owner of your site, but there were problems during construction due to the presence of green spaces, you will also need a permit for clearing from the local government. You can get it by providing a package of documents, including:

  • site plan;
  • confirmation of rights to the land plot;
  • official, written permission to perform work on this site.

Next, you will need to take the entire package of documents to the local management of the cooperative or to the administration.

Which tree species should not be cut down?

It is possible that the tree you need to remove belongs to a valuable species, then cutting it down will be prohibited by law. But there are some cases in which this action becomes possible at the legal level. These can be various reasons or sanitary conditions.

Rare relic plantations are attributed to the number of valuable species. those that are listed in the Red Book and valuable biological resources. The legislation of each locality may indicate which trees are prohibited from destruction or permitted, but subject to a limited number. Provided that you can obtain permission from the administration of your locality, this will be a legal action.

If you have a need to get rid of a large number of trees, then you will need to issue a felling ticket, but keep in mind that you will need to pay a rather large amount for this separately.

Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

From the point of view of the law, this issue can be dealt with for a long time. But in the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” itself, article 209 says that the owner has the right to dispose of natural objects that are on his land, provided that he does not inconvenience other persons.

  • In what situation can you cut a tree yourself??
  • Which tree species should not be cut down?
  • Where to go to cut down an emergency tree?
  • In a private house
  • In the courtyard of an apartment building
  • Location on
  • Required documents
  • How much is?
  • Fines and punishment for cutting yourself

However, if you undertook to solve this problem on your own, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the sawn tree could simply not be on your site or, if you are in a small settlement, completely maintain the ecological state, which can cause great discontent among other residents.