Cut the trapezoid into 4 pieces of the trapezoid

All formulas for medium trapezium mowing line

A trapezoid is a figure that has four sides, two of which are parallel and the other two are not. Parallel sides are called. top base and bottom base. The other two are called sides.
Medium trapezoid line. a segment connecting the midpoints of the sides and parallel to the bases. Medium line length equal to half the sum of the bases.

Medium Trapezoid Mowing Line Formula Through Blades

b. top base

a. bottom base

m. medium line

Medium line mower formula, (m):

Medium line formulas across base, height and angles at bottom base

b. top base

a. bottom base

h. trapezoid height

m. medium line

Medium trapezoid mowing line formulas, (m):

Formula of the middle trapezium mowing line in terms of diagonals, height and angle between the diagonals

α. β. angles between diagonals

d 1.d 2.diagonals of the trapezoid

h. trapezoid height

m. medium line

Medium Trapezoid Mowing Line Formulas. (m):

Medium trapezoid mowing line formula in terms of area and height

S. area of ​​the trapezoid

h. trapezoid height

m. medium line

Shrugs on the block

This variation of shrugs is offered by Jeff Cavaliere, a strength and conditioning specialist. In the exercise, the arms are also positioned at an angle from the body to better work out the fibers of the upper trapezoid.

Hook the handle onto the lower block, grab it with your right hand and turn your right side towards the simulator. Pull your working shoulder up while rotating the body to the right so that your chest is facing the machine. After a short pause, return to the starting position and repeat. Do the same number of times with the right and left hands.

Chin pull

The pull to the chin perfectly pumps the trapezoid, but when used with a narrow grip, it can cause inflammation and pain in the shoulders. But if you grab the bar with a grip twice as wide as your shoulders, the exercise will not only become safe, but also the Effect of grip width on electromyographic activity during the upright row will load the trapezoid than movement with a narrower arms.

Grasp the bar with a straight wide grip, raise your elbows to shoulder level and lower back down. Try to perform the movement smoothly and exclude buildup. Tighten your abs and glutes to keep your core stiff.

Leaving the arm to the side on the block

This movement is often done to pump mid-deltas, but also works great INSIDE THE MUSCLES: BEST SHOULDERS AND TRAP EXERCISES trapezoid.

Hook the handle onto the lower block, take it in your right hand and turn your left side to the simulator. Move your arm to the side to shoulder level and lower it back down. Keep your body rigid, run smoothly and in control.

IYT-belly lifts

The arm spreads, lying on the stomach, perfectly pump ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: What Is the Best Back Exercise ?, Surface Electromyographic Analysis of Exercises for the Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles all parts of the trapezius. This exercise can be performed on a straight or incline bench.

Lie on a bench on your stomach, pick up dumbbells. Raise your straight arms over your head to shoulder level, lock for a second and lower back. On the next rise, slightly spread your arms to the sides so that the body resembles the letter Y.

Again, lower and raise the dumbbells clearly on the sides so that the body takes the shape of the letter T. At the extreme point of this position, turn the brushes outward. Surface Electromyographic Analysis of Exercises for the Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles. thumbs up to the ceiling.

Return your arms to their original position and repeat the ligament from the beginning. Perform the movement smoothly and under control, lower your arms at the same pace as you raise them, bring your shoulder blades together at the extreme points.

Moving the shoulders from the Y-rise towards you

This is a rather difficult exercise that combines two movements at once for an effective Surface Electromyographic Analysis of Exercises for the Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles load on the trapezium: raising the arms over the head, lying on the stomach, and deadlift.

Lie on the floor on your stomach, move your arms with dumbbells to an overhead position and lift them off the floor. Bring your shoulder blades together and bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells to your shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat.

Free weight shrugs

This is the most efficient movement for pumping the top of the trapezoid. Since its fibers are angled, the muscle is best activated by Anatomy and actions of the trapezius muscle, Modifying a shrug exercise can facilitate the upward rotator muscles of the scapula. when the arms are at least 30 ° to the side.

You can perform shrugs with a trap bar: in this design, you do not have to choose the width of the grip and the position of the hands. this will be predetermined by the barbell.

If you don’t have such a bar, a regular bar will do. Grasp the bar with a straight grip wider than your shoulders so that your arms are away from your body at an angle of about 30 °. To relieve the forearms, you can strap around the bar.

Pull your shoulders up to your ears, lock for a second, turn back and repeat. Perform smoothly and under control, do not drop your shoulders abruptly in the second phase of the exercise.

Pancake rises over your head

Standing pancake lifts perfectly pump Kinetic chain influences on upper and lower trapezius muscle activation during eight variations of a scapular retraction exercise in overhead athletes the lower trapezius muscle. In order to properly load the trapezoid and at the same time partially relieve the load from the front deltas, Jeff Cavaliere suggests lifting in a limited range.

Take the pancake from the bar, pull it out in front of you on straight arms and place it on the back of the bench set at a 90 ° angle. Raise the pancake over your head and lower it back to the back.

The technique for performing this exercise for trapeziums is as follows:

  • We stand between the two upper blocks
  • With our right hand we grab the handle of the left block, and with our left hand we grasp the right one, and bend in the lower back
  • As we inhale, we make a crossing movement, spreading our arms to the sides and down, while simultaneously bringing the shoulder blades to their complete contraction. Pause, additionally straining the upper back
  • Exhale and return the arms to their original position.

We swing the trapezoid correctly | The best trapeze exercises

How to pump up a trapezoid | Muscle gain rules

As in the case of a set of muscle mass for any difficult-to-grow muscle group, above the traps, you will have to work hard. But the process of gaining trapezium muscle mass can be significantly accelerated if you follow the following rules:

RULE 1. Exercises for the trapezium use the same assistant muscles as the traction movements on the back. But since the back is always rocked first, and the traps are loaded only at the end of the workout, tired lumbar muscles and back extensors will not allow you to pump the traps on the day of back training. It is better to swing the traps with the shoulders.

RULE 2. In most people, the trapezius muscles are composed of fast twitch fibers. They are very hardy and do not respond to multiple repetitions. This means that the number of repetitions in trapeze exercises should not exceed 6-9.

RULE 3. The trapezius muscle must be deliberately stretched. It is necessary to start performing the exercises with the shoulders down, so that the traps are in a stretched position already at the start. And you need to complete the set of exercises for the trapezius muscle with one approach of static holding the bar / dumbbells for 30-40 seconds. But the weight of the burden should be 25-30% more than the worker.

RULE 4. Muscles during the performance of any exercise for trapeziums, barbell shrugs or with dumbbells must be constantly kept in tension, not allowing them to relax for a moment. The weight of the projectile may have to be reduced in this case, but the involvement of the muscles in the work will increase very much.

How to build traps at home and in the gym

Everyone knows what to do to pump up a trapezoid. Perform shrugs with a barbell. and a powerful scruff is provided to you! But if this trapeze exercise is so effective, then why so few people can boast of them? Read about how to swing the trapezoid correctly, and what exercises, in addition to standing barbell shrugs, need to be done for their development, read this article. The most interesting about training and sports nutrition, read on my telegram channel


Probably, there is no other muscle group that would so clearly symbolize overt physical strength, like the trapezium. A man with inflated trapezius muscles of the back looks really powerful and aggressive even in clothes.

But, as a rule, competing athletes who sit tightly on “chemistry” can boast of a really well-developed upper back. This is because, according to scientific research, steroids (which serious bodybuilders use very actively) have a much stronger effect on the muscles of the shoulder girdle than, say, on the legs. In other words, if you see a man with large trapezoids, it means that he is almost certainly a “chemist”.

Pumped up trapeze | Sign of immense physical strength

This is certainly great, but how then should we, ordinary gym goers, who dream of gaining muscle mass in a natural way, be able to walk without traps? Of course not, but you will have to forget about the apparent simplicity in trapeze training. To increase muscle mass and trapezium shape, you need to significantly expand your arsenal of exercises and tune in to long and hard work.

Triple hit

The trapezius muscle is a group of three separate muscles, each attached at a different angle. They start at the base of the neck, cross a significant part of the back, and end at its middle. To pump up the trapezoid, giving it height and thickness, standing alone with a barbell is not enough.

The training complex for this muscle group should consist of at least three, or better, four exercises for the trapezium, each of which should be performed at a certain angle, while loading its own section (upper, middle and lower) and even the entire muscle group as a whole.

How to pump up a trapezoid at home | Farmer’s walk

Using a professional trapezium construction algorithm, you can significantly accelerate the set of muscle mass in this department. over, both in the gym and at home. Pumping up traps at home is no more difficult than at the gym. Shrugs with a barbell while standing will be lacking, but in addition to them, in your trapeze training complex, you can include such an unpopular exercise in the bodybuilding environment as the “farmer’s walk”.

Farmer’s Walk | The best way to pump up traps at home

It is mainly performed by strongmen, as one of the most spectacular strength extreme exercises. Meanwhile, moving a weight in the hands over a distance is a truly basic exercise for the whole body, since it loads the muscles of the core, legs, arms and, of course, the entire shoulder girdle, with an emphasis on the trapezius muscles.

The main benefits of the Farmer’s Walk are:

  • Much more time spent by the trapezium muscles under load. A typical exercise will take 30-40 seconds. Moving with a load can take up to a minute or more.
  • Most of the time, the trapezius muscles are in a highly stretched position, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of this exercise.
  • The versatility and simplicity of the “farmer’s walk” allows you to use as shells, in addition to dumbbells, any symmetrically heavy objects (bags, water cylinders, spare parts)

Trapezium Exercises | Middle department

The fibers of the middle trapezius muscle are attached at an angle of 60 ° to the middle of the body and their only function is to bring the shoulder blades together. It is they who give the muscles of the upper back their thickness and strength. The best exercise for traps, with an emphasis on the middle, are shrugs with dumbbells lying on an incline bench.

Shrugs with dumbbells lying on an incline bench | The best exercise for the middle of the traps

Trapezium Exercises | Upper section

The muscle fibers of this section are attached at a 45 ° angle to the mowing line of the spine. This means that for their maximum involvement in the work, the body should be tilted to the ground at exactly the same angle. Shrugs with a barbell while standing put a lot of stress on this section, allowing the muscles of the trapezium to grow in height, but the upper back remains flat and empty.

To increase the effectiveness of barbell shrugs, they need to be performed in an explosive manner, throwing the projectile upward using inertia. In this case, the grip of the bar should be slightly wider than usual. this will allow you to stretch the muscles more.

Shrugs with a barbell standing | The main exercise for gaining trapezium muscle mass

But it should be noted that many professional bodybuilders perform explosive shrugs with dumbbells, preferring them over the barbell, since the trajectory of the dumbbells is larger.

If we talk about the isolated study of the upper section, then the best exercise for trapeziums with an emphasis on thickening is the slope shrugs in a cable simulator.

Trapezium Exercises | Lower section

This department is mainly developed by competitive bodybuilders looking to increase the detail and muscularity of the back. The developed muscles of the bottom give the trapezoid the correct finished shape. The muscle fibers of this segment are also located at an angle of 45 ° to the spine, but in a mirror-like position from the upper part.

Crossover of the arms in the block trainer loads the bottom of the traps well

Cross-mixing of the upper rope blocks overhead is the best exercise for traps, with an emphasis on its lower segment.

Formula for determining the radius of a circle inscribed in a trapezoid

Formula for inscribed circle radius in terms of height:

Formulas for determining the lengths of the sides of a trapezoid:

a = b h (ctg α ctg β)

b = a. h (ctg α ctg β)

a = b ccos α dcos β

b = a. ccos α. dcos β

4. Formulas for the lateral sides through the height and angles at the bottom base:

c = h d = h
sin α sin β

Formulas for determining the length of the diagonals of a trapezoid:

d 1 = √ a 2 d 2. 2 adcos β

d 2 = √ a 2 c 2.2 accos β

d 1 = √ h 2 (a. h ctg β) 2 = √ h 2 (b h ctg α) 2

d 2 = √ h 2 (a. h ctg α) 2 = √ h 2 (b h ctg β) 2

d 1 = √ c 2 d 2 2 ab. d 2 2

d 2 = √ c 2 d 2 2 ab. d 1 2

Perimeter of the trapezoid

Formula for determining the radius of a circle circumscribed around a trapezoid:

Radius formula in terms of sides and diagonal:

R = a c d 1
4√ p (p. A) (p. C) (p. D 1)


p = a c d 1

a. greater base

Trapezium area

Trapezium. Formulas, signs and properties of a trapezoid

Parallel sides are called trapezoid bases, and the other two are called sides.

Also, a trapezoid is called a quadrilateral, in which one pair of opposite sides is parallel, and the sides are not equal to each other.

  • Trapezoid basics. parallel sides
  • Lateral sides. the other two sides
  • Medium line. segment connecting the midpoints of the sides.
  • Isosceles trapezoid. a trapezoid whose sides are equal
  • Rectangular trapezoid. trapezoid, in which one of the sides is perpendicular to the bases
Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Medium trapezoid line

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Trapezoid Side Splitting Theorem

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A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid

If a circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, there are several directions in which the solution of the problem can be led.


A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, which at the point of tangency divides the lateral side into segments m and n. Find the area of ​​a trapezoid.

1) ∠ ADC ∠ BCD = 180 º (as internal one-sided with AD ∥ BC and secant CD).

2) Since the center of the inscribed circle is the point of intersection of the bisectors of the trapezoid, then

3) Since the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 º. in a triangle OCD ∠ COD = 90 º.

4) OF is perpendicular to CD (as a radius drawn to the point of tangency), therefore, in a triangle OCD OF is the height drawn to the hypotenuse. By the property of a right triangle,

Since the height of the trapezoid is equal to the diameter of the inscribed circle, then

5) Formula for finding the area of ​​a trapezoid

Since a circle is inscribed in the trapezoid, the sums of its opposite sides are equal:

Thus, the area of ​​the trapezoid is

A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, which at the point of tangency divides the lateral side into segments m and n. Find the perimeter of a trapezoid.

CD = CFFD = mn.

AB = CD (by condition).

ADBC = ABCD (since a circle is inscribed in the trapezoid).

3.A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid. Find the height of the trapezoid if its bases are known: AD = a, BC = b.

Let’s draw the heights of the trapezoid BP and CE. The quadrilateral BCEP is a rectangle (since all corners of it are straight). Therefore, PE = BC = b.

Right-angled triangles Triangles ABP and DCE are equal in leg and hypotenuse. From here,

Since a circle is inscribed in the trapezoid, ABCD = ADBC ​​= ab,

From triangle ABP by the Pythagorean theorem

If a circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, the height of the trapezoid is the average proportional between its bases.


The “A-line” skirt (the pattern above is also suitable for leather) can be sewn from a natural sheet of leather, from high-quality elastic leatherette, eco-leather or suede. Leather products have always been considered an item of special luxury, due to the peculiarities of the material, its plasticity and high aesthetic qualities.

Skirt “A-line” made of leather perfectly fits the figure at the waist and upper thighs, and the flaring at the bottom forms beautiful folds and hides all the imperfections of the physique.

In the fold

The model of the “A-line” skirt with pleats. deep, textured or small, “pleated” is always in demand. Pleated skirts are suitable for creating a romantic look and a business suit.

Skirts made of dense, suit fabrics are sewn for work or study, for example, for girls-schoolgirls during the “autumn-winter” period. Lush and light skirts for summer are sewn from airy fabrics. silk, chiffon, organza or satin.

For many years, the “A-line” skirt has been a favorite model of women. On the basis of a classic straight skirt (pattern construction is presented above), you can create a whole family of A-silhouette skirts with your own hands. The shape of the skirt is suitable for creating an image of any style, for any season and for all categories of women.


Pattern basis

To build a skirt of any style, including the “Trapeze”, the construction of a classic straight skirt is used.

On this basic basis, by modeling, you can sew a large variety of models:

  • pencil skirt;
  • a skirt with buttons (fastener);
  • skirt “balloon”, “tulip”;
  • wrap-around skirt;
  • pleated skirt with yokes.

Step-by-step execution of the base structure:

Note: Raise the point “Т₂” vertically upwards by 1.0-2.0 cm. This is the difference between the length of the skirt from the floor in the middle of the front and the length of the skirt from the floor along the side seam.

To create a trapezoidal skirt, the patterns of a straight classic skirt should be cut into 4 parts (see diagram above). Then, combining the sides of the darts in pairs, open and push the skirt along the bottom. Additional volume can be created in the product by adding 3.0-10.0 cm on both sides of the side seam at the bottom.

Patterns can be laid out in the opposite direction. However, then you need to take into account the location of the pattern or shade of the fabric.

The expansion of the skirt should be made out with smooth curved lines along all the seams of the product.


The mini skirt is suitable for girls, teenagers and young girls with beautiful slender legs and narrow hips. “A”.silhouette visually enlarges the area of ​​the hips, and models with yokes, folds, gathers at the waist or from the hip completely hide this flaw.

For short A-line skirts, poplin, silk, chiffon, woolen or suiting fabric, leather, suede are recommended.

A midi skirt is a versatile wardrobe item for any woman. This model does not completely cover the figure, which means it will not look too bulky on a full figure.

At the same time, the skirt fits snugly to the waist and, due to the flare to the bottom, hides the extra volume of the hips and legs. Well-chosen upper, shoes and accessories make the image very feminine and stylish.

Who suits the style

The peculiarity of the shape of the skirt is a visual decrease in the volume of the waist, hips and lengthening of the legs. These undoubted advantages make the model especially attractive for women of different ages and physiques. “Trapeze” suits young and slender girls with a model figure and persons in the Plus size category.

The “A”.siluette skirt looks equally good on tall and thin girls in the “mini” version and on women with “curvy” short forms in the “midi” and “maxi” versions.

Recommendations for women of different body types and age groups:

  • For young and slender girls, the skirt can be “mini” or “midi”. The product can be with a snug fit at the waist, as well as with folds or gathering at the waist and hips. The “maxi” version is not recommended for everyday wear and is only suitable for an exceptional occasion.
  • For women with an hourglass physique, as well as for curvaceous forms with the correct proportions (Rubens style), trapezoidal skirts with a length of up to the mowing line of the knee or slightly below it are suitable. The style of skirts should not be overloaded with excess volume in the hips, not frequent vertical folds or “smell” are recommended.
  • For women of small stature with a lower type of figure (“pear”), the ideal solution would be the “A-line” skirt with a tight fit at the waist without yokes and horizontal undercuts. Additional volume in the thigh area in the form of gathers and folds should be excluded. The optimal skirt length for this category of women is just above the knee, to the middle of the knee, “French” length.

In order not to disturb the correct proportions, the length of the A-line skirt should visually be greater than the width of the hips. The A-line skirt is a versatile piece of women’s wardrobe, it can be combined with almost any top, from simple cotton T-shirts to jackets, cropped coats and short fur coats.

This is the perfect waist product that can be combined perfectly with blouses, T-shirts, turtlenecks or warm sweaters. The main thing is that such a combination is correct in style, color and shape.

Shoes under the skirt “A-line” are selected depending on its length and according to a specific occasion. For example, to create an image with a short skirt, shoes with high heels are suitable, and for a “maxi” skirt, a combination with shoes without a heel or solid soles. sandals, ballet flats, light summer slippers, “Romans” or “clogs” will be very organic.


The “A-line” skirt (the pattern of the model is presented above) is good in any length. Skinny slender girls and girls can afford any length of a skirt. in any version, a skirt on such a figure will look great. For women of medium build and overweight, a length below the knee and a skirt to the floor are suitable.

Taking measurements and calculating fabric

Sewing a skirt begins with choosing a style, taking measurements and calculating the material.