How Can You Cut Ceramic Tiles

3 ways to cut tile at home

Any ceramic tile laying process is not complete without cutting it. There will be a lot of it especially if you use some kind of non-standard layout, for example, diagonally. In the last article, we talked about which layout is better to choose in order to get uniform and beautiful cuts everywhere. Now we will talk about how to properly cut tiles at home.

As you know, the tile is made of baked clay, which is covered with glaze on top. It’s hard to break it with your hands, but if it lies on any unevenness, then it cracks easily from a small load. To simplify this process and make the required break line, you need to loosen the top layer of the glaze, that is, cut it, and therefore make efforts to break.

There are 3 main ways to do this:

  1. Special hand tool, electric tile cutter or special tongs.
  2. Angle Grinder.
  3. Other handy sharp tools.

Let’s talk more about each tile cutting method.

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How to cut a tile with the letter G

Since the tile cutter can only cut the tiles straight, many have difficulty with L-shaped cutouts. The easiest option is to divide this tile into 2 rectangular elements, but then you get an extra ugly seam that will catch your eye.

But this can be avoided by trimming the short side with an angle grinder and then cutting the long side with a tile cutter.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make L-shaped cuts on tiles

The second method: by any method available to you, a cut is made on the glaze, and the excess is gradually broken off with pliers. Irregularities are sanded with sandpaper. This option will even allow you to get a rounded incision for abutting the risers.

How to cut porcelain stoneware

It is believed that porcelain stoneware is the hardest material from which floor tiles are made. You can trim it in the same way as a regular tile.

Sometimes simple floor tiles are more difficult to cut than porcelain stoneware. There is a hardened tile on which, after cutting with a tile cutter, almost no notch in the glaze is visible. And even a diamond disc on an angle grinder does not take it, the cut turns out to be torn, like after a tractor. In such cases, you need to use an angle grinder, and file a 23 mm groove from the back to mark the place of the fracture.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter

If you only need to cut a few tiles, it doesn’t have to be spent on a tile cutter. You can use the tools at hand:

  • Glass cutter.
  • Drill. It should preferably be with a victorious tip, as it will scratch the tile better.
  • Nail.
  • Construction knife.

Attach a metal ruler to the notch and draw once with a glass cutter or drill. A deep scratch should remain on the enamel. If you use a knife, but will need to carry out several times.

Place the tile at the corner with the cut and press down on the edges with a sharp motion. The cut will not turn out perfectly even, unlike the tile cutter, but you will not have to spend extra money either.

Cutting tiles angle grinder

Sometimes there are cases when you need to cut a narrow strip of 0.52 cm tiles, and a regular tile cutter does not take it, because his legs are too wide.

In such cases, you need to draw a notch line with a pencil and make an angle grinder with a diamond disc. But if you try to cut it off in one go, the narrow strip will break off in parts. Therefore, you need to smoothly and without pressure walk the angle grinder along the markings to get an incision with a depth of about 2 mm. You need to walk along the mowing line with a disc, and not directly along it, then the width of the already narrow strip will not decrease.

Using the same method, running several times along the same seam, you will cut a narrow strip. The second and next time you can drive the angle grinder faster, but try to press it to the opposite side, then there will be no chips.

It is better to do this work by weight, so the vibration will go into the hands. When you already see that the strip will soon fall, it is advisable to put something soft so that it does not break.

Tile cutting angle grinder with a special diamond-coated disc on tiles

Be sure to wear glasses when working with an angle grinder.

We make a drink at 45 degrees

Ceramic pencil skirting is best for protecting the sharp outer corners of tiles

If you are using a professional electric tile cutter, the tilting platform there makes it easy to make a 45-degree angle on the tile bevel, but not everyone has such a tool. It is easy to make such an angle on your own using the same angle grinder by eye. The disc is guided along the line of the cut, with the disc tilted slightly inward.

Cut tiles at 45 degrees

Tools used

  • Tile cutter;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • Jigsaw.

A simple hand tool is best for the home.

What else is used:

  • Sharp forceps;
  • Diamond wire;
  • Glass cutter and pliers.

These options are used with soft tiles, and a large amount of work with such tools will seem overwhelming. But with their help, they make adjustments.

Hand tools

They have their own advantages. Firstly, the cost is relatively low, and secondly, they take up a minimum of space and are quite simple to use. But they are inferior to electrical counterparts in efficiency and are suitable only for a small amount of work.

How to properly cut tiles with a glass cutter:

  1. Mark the line;
  2. Place the tiles on the table so that they do not slip;
  3. Using a ruler, draw a line strictly along the mark. Be confident, but don’t push too hard;
  4. Tap the back of the tool along the cut;
  5. Move the tile to the edge of the table so that the line is overhang;
  6. Press down on the edge of the tile. If the work is done correctly, it will split exactly along the mowing line;
  7. If there are teeth, trim them with tongs, and then grind off small defects with sandpaper.

Such devices are intended for domestic use.

How to use a manual tile cutter:

  1. Place the tile on the base of the tool so that the line is aligned with the position of the cutter;
  2. Press the blade against the tile and pull the handle guiding it;
  3. The movement is moderately smooth, the pressure is not too strong, do everything in one go;
  4. Break the tile over the furrow mowing line.

We cut ceramic tiles at home

During self-facing, the question of cutting tiles at home often arises. There are many options and the final choice depends on a lot of factors.

When performing finishing work, you cannot do without cutting tiles

How to choose the right option

Hand tools are used with soft porous tiles, in particular, glazed ones. The pressure is enough to split the tile in two. If you work with porcelain stoneware, then you cannot do without special electric devices.

Embossed ceramic tiles should only be cut on the front side, so a glass cutter and other tools that work on the same principle will not work. Electric devices are used, because at the slightest deviation, a chip is formed. It is difficult to wipe the damaged area, since the pattern is disturbed.

Which attachment to use

The next important point is the selection of a suitable cutter. Each type of material and tool has its own parameters. It is recommended to use diamond cutters when working with ceramic tiles. For an angle grinder and electric cutter, this is a disc, for a jigsaw, a wire with spraying, for a glass cutter, a diamond pebble.

Special attachment for angle grinder

What type of disc is used for an angle grinder? Use a dry cutting attachment. The electric tile cutter has more choices. It all depends on the type of construction. When working on the principle of a simple circular saw, a dry blade is sufficient. If the machine is equipped with a water reservoir, such an accessory will not work, replace it with a wet cutting blade. The advantage of this method is the absence of a lot of dust and dirt.

Electric tools

With their help, a huge amount of material of any strength is processed quickly and effortlessly. In this case, it is more convenient to make curly cutouts. True, the dimensions of such tools are larger.

This category includes:

  • Electric tile cutters;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Electric glass cutter;
  • Circular saw with a disc attachment;
  • Etc.

For cladding on an industrial scale, water-cooled power tools are used.

How to cut tiles with an electric tile cutter:

  1. Check the reliability of the fastening of the cutting elements;
  2. Mark the line;
  3. Fasten the tiles to the base of the machine or to the cutting work surface;
  4. Guide the cutting head if using stationary attachments, then the tile will move towards the disc.

A huge plus immediately gets a cut part. However, minus the increased risk of injury. Protect your hands and follow the recommendations to protect your eyes and respiratory system from dust and small sharp particles.

Other ways

Lots of tile cutting tools

Method five by means of a stationary tile cutter.

This tool is perfect for cutting ceramic tiles. Stationary tile cutters are usually equipped with:

  • A cutter;
  • A lever with a corner;
  • Stop ruler.

When choosing this tool, you must pay attention to its quality, which will be indicated by the presence of thick guide walls and a rigid base.

Sometimes an electric drill is used when cutting tiles. This tool is ineffective when cutting ceramics. However, it will help you make good circular cuts. In this case, do not forget that you need to use only victorious drills.

There is an easier and more popular way to fit tiles to size: using a ceramic hacksaw. This tool is the best choice for cutting ceramic tiles. Thanks to the presence of tungsten-carbide spraying, the tiles are easy to cut. At the same time, there will be no need for further grinding of its sections.

How Can You Cut Ceramic Tiles

How to cut tiles

Many who decided to independently carry out the repair of their home, for sure, ask themselves a completely logical question, what tool can be used to cut this material at home.

First, it should be noted that when choosing one or another tool for cutting ceramic tiles, you must take into account the following nuances:

  • The nature of the cut;
  • The thickness of the tiles;
  • Number of tiles.

The tiler has a variety of tools in his arsenal for cutting, tiling, and mixing mortar, but if you decide to tackle this at home, you need some knowledge. How to cut tiles at home and which tool is best to use, we will tell you.

How to cut tiles with wire cutters

Working with nippers

Nippers are indispensable if you don’t know how to cut floor tiles to fit around pipes or other small irregular objects. This process is slow, because if you hurry, you can make a mistake, and the chip will turn out not in the place of the marking.

In order to start nibbling the tile, mark the smooth side with a marker or pencil. Use the tool to break off small pieces when placing the cutter on the line.
At the same time, a lot of dirt does not form, there is no dust at all, but this is not the main way to separate particles from tiles.

In order for the break to be as accurate as possible and correspond perfectly to the marking, cutters with carbide clamps should be chosen.

Work should start from the edge, gradually moving towards the middle of the object.

The advantage of nippers lies in their low cost, ease of use and the ability to cut not only at right angles. In parallel, of course, many worries arise with the processing of an uneven edge: sandpaper or special grinding tools will come to the rescue.

Everything about how to cut tiles at home

Of course, the headline is about cutting tiles, and also about the fact that it is impossible to properly glue ceramic tiles without cutting them where necessary. In this regard, questions arise how to cut at home and what tools can be used at the same time, what are the features when performing this type of work.

Tile and ceramic are almost the same, so the cutting process for this material is the same

Thus, the purpose of our article will be tips on how to cut tiles. When trimming tiles, it becomes necessary to install near various communications: water supply, sewerage, heating system and others, as well as with certain laying schemes, for example, diagonal, where it is necessary to cut off a lot of ceramics.

This process has its own specifics, but even at home, if you have certain skills, you can cope with it. Taking into account the mechanical and physical properties of ceramic tiles, it is not possible to cut them without the use of any tools and devices.

Working with a manual tile cutter

  • The ceramic pre-soaked in water is placed in the instrument.
  • Along the marked mowing line, we make the cut with the cutting element of the tile cutter, pressing the cutter with effort. Material movement should be smooth without jerking.
  • We divide the tile into parts according to the formed mowing line.

Types of tile cutting tools

The tools available for this action can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Electric tools.
  2. Hand tools and fixtures.

Electrical include:

  • Electric tile cutter;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Drill with attachments.

Basic types of tile cutting tools

Manual include:

  • Manual tile cutter;
  • Glass cutter;
  • Hacksaw for ceramic tiles;
  • Wire cutters.

And even with the help of a banal large nail and a fairly sharp end, you can cut the tile at home. The cutting process is actually the same as when using a glass cutter. Consider the selection of a tile cutting tool in more detail.

Tip: to make the ceramic tile easier to cut, it must be soaked in water for a couple of hours.

First of all, the choice of tools will depend on the amount of work planned. If this is a small fit, without complex cuts, then you can do with a diamond glass cutter, in the case of a large number of undercuts (diagonal laying pattern), it is already better to use a tile cutter.

Tile cutting hand tools