How can you cut the tile for the floor.

Than and how to cut porcelain border at home

Unlike ceramic tiles, cutting porcelain tile is not so simple, especially at home. The problem is that it is much more firm and dense material. What tools can be used to solve this problem? Below we will consider how you can cut a porcelain tile using manual tools or electric devices.

Porcelain stoneware is made in industrial conditions from mineral crumbs and various additives by double pressing and high.temperature firing. The result is a heavy and dense finishing material with a low level of porosity. All these characteristics provide him with very high strength and duration of operation, but, on the other hand, create difficulties for processing porcelain tiles. In addition, the surface of the material often has a texture to achieve anti.slip properties and decorativeness. This is an additional test for a hand tool, since many manual tools for cutting ceramics and glass are able to cope with smooth materials of the middle plane.

Ceramic tiles, on the contrary, are often smooth, thinner and lighter, with an average level of porosity. It breaks easier, tolerates mechanical loads worse, but it is easier to cut it when laying. Thus, cutting porcelain tiles is much more difficult than tiles, and not all tools are suitable for this.

Tools for cutting porcelain tiles

Obviously, it is better to use specially designed tools for cutting porcelain tiles. But there is not always such an opportunity, especially if you need to perform a limited volume of work and buy electric tile cutter for especially durable materials is inappropriate.

For cutting porcelain tiles for household purposes, cutting elements with diamond spraying are suitable. The optimal solution is diamond wheels for corner grinding or electric stump.cutter. It is very difficult to achieve a neat cut line with manual tools.

Below we will consider suitable tools. from the simplest to more complex specialized devices.

Glass cutter

This is the easiest manual tool, but, unfortunately, not very suitable for porcelain tiles. He copes well with glass and ceramics with a thickness of not more than 10 mm, but does not cut thick and dense materials.

tile, floor

The tool consists of a diamond cutter, winning or a special alloy fixed on the handle. The edge when cutting porcelain tile glasses is usually uneven, so glass cutter is not recommended in cases where it is important to get a neat cut.


The glass cutter will not be able to cut a large amount of porcelain tile, it can only be used if you need to cut one or two non.thick tiles of porcelain tiles in a straight line.

Manual tile cutter

This is a special mechanical tile cut. The design of manual tile cutter includes a carbide cutter, lever mechanism and guides. The square allows you to accurately measure the tile and choose the desired angle of the cut, and a special platform helps to move the material evenly along the cut line. The tool is suitable mainly for working with ceramic tiles, as well as porcelain tiles of small thickness.

There are devices of various modifications:


When choosing a tile cutter for porcelain tile, it is extremely important to focus on the quality of its cutting surface, materials from which a lever, moving nodes, a platform is made. Models of the lower price segment from dubious manufacturers are unlikely to cope with dense and thick porcelain tiles and quickly become unusable.

Electric tile cutter

A specialized electric drive device for flat and quick cutting of tiles and porcelain tile during repair and final work. As a cutting element, a diamond disk is used. Cutting is carried out in a wet method. the water is supplied from the hose from above or poured into the tank under the statin. The liquid provides high.quality diluting and cooling of the cutting element.

Corner grinder (angular grinder)

If necessary, porcelain tile can be cut with a hand.made hand.grinder of low power. For cutting porcelain tiles, you need to choose a disk for an angle grinding machine with diamond spraying. Cacks for concrete and stone for this purpose are unsuitable. Suitable as continuous diamond discs for wet cutting, which are periodically moistened with water for cooling, and segment. The optimal disk thickness for this type of work is about 2 mm.

To begin with a little theory

Ceramics in itself. rather fragile material. But the glaze, which is covered with facing tiles. on the contrary, is quite strong. It not only creates a decorative coating, but also strengthens ceramics.

Accordingly, in order to cut ceramic tiles, it is necessary to loosen the glazed coating. To this end, a continuous scratch is applied from one edge to another.

With a high tension at the beginning of the scratch (at the time of pressure on the tile), the thin glaze cracks exactly along a given path. And with her. all ceramics.

How can you cut the tile

There are actually a lot of ways. And it’s good that there is a lot. Because every master can choose the most suitable way for himself, depending on the situation.

With the help of a nail

Cutting tiles with a nail is, of course, a rather exotic way. However, he is a worker. To cut one tile, one nail is enough.

If you need to cut several tiles, then it is advisable to use several nails or one, but the best. But in any case, you will have to periodically undermine it, since do not forget that it is made of low.carbon steel.

Using glass cutter

Most often for cutting tiles manually, glass cutter is used. The principle of cutting is the same as in a tile. Unlike a nail, it does not need to be grinded, because the cutting video is rather hard.

If you purchase a tile, there is no way, for small volumes of glass cutter, it is quite a working option.

Using a tile cutter

Titty cutter is a faithful assistant to any tile. The design of the tool allows you to perform both cutting tiles and its broken.

The basis of the tile cutter is the bed, along which the rib passes in the center. it concentrates the voltage exactly along the cut line so that when pressed, the tiles breaks exactly where it is necessary.

The supports are fixed along the edges of the bed, on which the guides are held.

Typically, guides are a couple of round rods. the carriage moves along them on plastic bushings or bearings.

Also, the guide can be one. in the form of a rail, and the carriage in this case moves only on the bearings.

A cutting video, a clamp (or a paw) and a lever that performs two functions are attached to the carriage:

With the help of a sheath for a hacksaw

This method is not as popular as the previous ones, but it can also be used to cut tiles.

In this case, a canvas for a hacksaw for metal acts as a cutting tool. But not ordinary, but with carbide-wolframic spraying.

Such a canvas can easily not only cut ceramic tiles, but also cut a full.bodied brick.

How can you cut a round hole in the tile

If everything is relatively simple with a linear reza, that is, you can choose almost any tool, then preparing a round hole often causes difficulties. So, how to cut off the tile, if you need to make a round recess? Here you need any tool that can rotate. For example, it can be a drill, peorator or electric screwdriver. It is important that there is an opportunity to set the rotation speed up to 500 rpm.

Drilling nozzles are selected depending on the dimensions of the hole that you need to get:

  • If the diameter is from 15 to 30 mm, then you can use the drills: they can be spear.shaped (cheaper), with carbide attacks or special sharpening (they cost more, but give the best result);
  • If the diameter of the hole is from 20 to 50 mm, then it is best to use a special crown with diamond, carbide-wolframa or corundum attacks;
  • If the diameter is more than 50 mm, then you can use the corner grinder, but you need to have a skill.

How can you make a figured incision

We will tell you how to cut a ceramic tile, if you need to make a curved or curly cutter. Firstly, you need to try to make deep risk along the border of the cut, as this will facilitate the breakdown. Secondly, if the cut does not begin from the edge, then first you should make a hole, and then perform a figured cut.

The breakdown itself can be done with special forceps, and if they are not, then ordinary pliers are also suitable. They are compressed so that the tiles in the effect of exposure crumble. Break off small fragments. A sharp turn of the pliers can only break off long, straight and narrow pieces passing through the entire tile.

You can also cut a curly element with a jigsaw. This method is also suitable if the cut is not over the entire length of the module.

How to cut porcelain tiles

The principle of operation of the tool is somewhat similar to glass cutter. There is also a cutting video that moves along the guides. In addition to him there is a bed on which a part, lever and guides are laid. It is very important that the diameter of the cutting element corresponds to the height of the tile.

In addition, when choosing a device, attention is paid to:

  • The bed of the device. The metal from which it is made should be thick enough so that the base in the cutting process does not vibrate or bend.
  • The strength of the guide elements and support.
  • The smoothness of the carriage. It is desirable that special bearings are provided with this.
  • Lack of backlash when promoting a carriage. If you have it, it is impossible to perform an even slice.

The tiles differ in length, and it is better to choose a long model. This will make it possible to cut porcelain tiles of different sizes, not only along the side, but also diagonally.

Rubi tile cutter 650 mm

To cut off a fragment of porcelain tiles in a straight line with your own hands, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Put a tile cut on a strong even base.
  • On the product, we plan a fishing line for a cutting trimmer.
  • We put the part on the bed so that the trajectory of the roller moves exactly on the wrap.
  • We carry out a cut, pressing on a carriage and moving it from yourself.
  • Let the handle go and break the part with strong pressure.
  • Grind the cut to remove possible chips.

It is very simple to work with a mechanical tile, even a novice master will cope. True, there are some shortcomings that you need to know:

tile, floor
  • A fragment with a width of 6 mm is so impossible to cut off in this way.
  • Removing the chamfer or performing a curved incision with a mechanical tile cutter is also impossible.
  • If the cut falls on the rib or surface of the material ribbed, the probability of chips is very likely.

How to cut porcelain tiles with an electric tile

In the recommendations, how to cut porcelain tiles at home, you can read that it is convenient to do this with a wetrer. This is the name of an electric tile cutter, for which a cutting diamond disk is used. To cool it, during the cutting process, water is supplied to the part (hence the name of the device).

Distinguish between two varieties of equipment: with the upper and lower tiles of the tile. The former cuts the cut as accurately as possible and cost more. For homework, budget devices are more often purchased that supply parts from below.

Devices of any type make it possible to perform cuts not only straight, but also curved shape. To cut off a fragment of porcelain tiles, do the following:

  • We plan a fishing line for a trimmer cut.
  • We fix the part on the bed using special locks. If you have to make a curved shape, you will have to hold it with your hands.
  • Run the device. First, select the minimum disk speed, so the part is not deformed.
  • Gradually increase the speed of cutting. We make sure that the element does not move from vibration.

Electric bison EP-200-800C tile

An important point. The product must be laid so that the cutter begins to process its front string. That is, on equipment with the upper arrangement of the cutter, the part is laid the front part upward. On the device with the lower disk, the tile is placed face down.

The cuts made on such equipment are more accurate and better than on a mechanical device. It is especially appreciated by beginners, since it is able to completely level the so.called factor of a trembling hand. In addition, the device allows you to cut off fragments with a width of less than 6 mm, does not dust and does not make noise. The main drawback of the device is the high price of quality models.

All about cutting tiles with an angle grinding machine

To begin with, the tile cutter is designed to cut the tile. For each of its varieties: thick or thin, more or less strong, you can find a suitable tool model. The main advantage of the tile cutter. it gives an even cut without chips. There is no large amount of dust in the process, the risk of ruining the plate minimum. With an angle grinding machine, everything is wrong.

Corner grinder Makita GA5030

You can cut ceramics with it, the result can be very good. But for this you have to try. It is desirable that there is a skill of working with a grinder, otherwise there is a great risk of spoiling the material. The tool will cut any cladding if you choose the right cutting disk. One must be prepared for the fact that in the process the saw will be very noisy, a lot of dust will rise into the air. a fishing line for a trim of a cut can be chopped.

Nevertheless, home masters choose exactly a corner grinder. The reason is simple: a tile, especially if it is a high.quality and a model that is well.core with work, is expensive. Buying it for the sake of decorating one room is unprofitable. It’s cheaper to trim the angle.grinding tool. You just need to learn how to handle it correctly.

What disk to cut tiles

The tool for the tool is selected for a specific material. Several varieties of discs are suitable for cutting tiles.

Circles made of stone

Cutting element of significant thickness. Due to this, the cut is wide, the amount of dust during work increases. The main disadvantage is the rapid wear of the consumable. over, if chips or other defects appear on it during work, the circle is immediately changed. Otherwise, it can collapse by damaging the processed part and causing harm to a person working with him. Stone discs are the cheapest.

Steel circles

Thin equipment with different processing. For solid materials, select steel with diamond spraying. Such a cutting device easily copes with the task, for a long time does not grind. For cutting, three varieties of steel disks are used.

Methods of cutting tiles

For cutting tiles there are special devices. However, at home you can cut the tile without tile cutter. You can use devices for one.time work, others will cope with facing on an industrial scale. And also distinguish the devices depending on the types of tiles.

Cramping Ceramics with corner grinding

This corner grinding machine can dissect both ceramics and tiles at home. The tool in skillful hands will make not only a straight line for a trimmer, but also a figure. First you need to prepare:

  • Tiles.
  • Angular grinding machine or corner grinder.
  • Cutting and grinding wheels.
  • Remedies. Mask or glasses are needed for sure, and the respirator and overalls are worn if necessary.
  • Vise or clamp.

A pointed item must be made preliminary marking. You can use an unbearable marker. The lines applied by a simple felt.tip pen will be erased from the mirror surface.

On the table where it is planned to cut the tile, you need to lay a piece of plywood or other material so as not to spoil the surface.

With shallow cuts, the tile can not be held. Its masses and friction forces of the lower side on the table are enough for it to stay in place. With a more serious deepening, the help of a partner may be required if it cannot be fixed with a tile with a foot.

Curved cuts will require fixing the tiles in a vice, it must be shifted on both sides with a soft cloth or cardboard in order to avoid scratches.

To conduct high.quality fitting, you need:

  • The deepening is gradually, cutting 2-3 millimeters in the depths in one pass.
  • Small dissection performs on the entire thickness at once.
  • In order to prevent a random touch of the disk on the front surface, it is recommended to mark on both sides. Then make one continuous cut along the glossy part, and bring to the end from the internal.

With the help of a corner grinder, it is better to make curly edges, and straightforward. other, simpler, tool. This will avoid the costs of acquiring diamond discs, as well as dust that rises when working in this way.

Expanding an electrician

If there is no corner grinder at hand, then another electric tool may be nearby. Когда не важна скорость, то можно использовать и обычный лобзик с полотном для работ по камню. Tile cutting such a device does not differ from processing any other material. Only a special saw and preliminary soaking of the tile will be required.

tile, floor

For tiles of large thickness, the jigsaw is not effective. It is suitable for wall covering and cutting pieces with a large radius of curvature.

Glass cutter or any pointed item

This is another way to cut tiles without tile cutter. Such a tool works only on a tile and in a straight line. There is also a restriction on the width of the cut part. at least 20 millimeters. This will require the tool itself or a similar device. As it, diamond or winning sovers are used as it. Sometimes you can use a good economic knife.

The line on which the incision will be made is metal, since wooden can be ruined when a knife is disrupted from the cutting line.

The cut must be applied slowly, carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the initial and final pressure on the tool. Usually at such moments it is insufficient. If it is good not to cut the edges, the break in these places will be uneven.

In order to cut ceramic tiles at home, you can use improvised means. A drill or knife must be carried out along the trajectory several times until the upper layer of tiles erases. The number of visits depends on the hardness of the tool.

You can split the cut tile in several ways:

    Taking the tiles on both sides on both edges of the incision, clearly, from a distance of 10-15 centimeters, hit the edge of the table. The corner itself should be straight and tough. The blow must be applied carefully, without hitting the surface on the surface.

  • Can be placed under the entire length of the tile along the cut line of an even rod. He must play for the edges a few centimeters. You need to sharply press from two edges with both hands. If the length of the piece of tiles is large, carry out this operation in several visits.
  • To break in clamping devices, the tiles must be wrapped with cardboard and clamp between the lips along the fault line. You can make a homemade clamp from two metal corners or wooden bars fastened with bolts or studs.

Methods of drilling holes

The process begins with the selection of a sore or crows of arbitrary diameter. Drilling tool is suitable for any electric or manual. For drills, the presence of speed adjustment is desirable. This is important for the preservation of cutting accessories, since tips quickly sit on high speeds. And also in this case, the likelihood of a chipping of enamel increases.

Holes are made using special acute.angle. However, they have a high cost. But you can drill the surface of any hardness, and the period of use of such a tool is great. The use of inexpensive spear.shaped tiles is suitable for periodic, small in terms of work. One tool, provided that the tiles are used, is enough for two dozen holes. Winning drills are recommended only as a last resort.

For the production of large round openings, you can apply a crown with spraying or ballerinka.

Manual tile cutter

This tool allows you to cut the tiles in a straight line or diagonal with a width of a cut canvas from 5 millimeters. With it, you can saw tiles for floor and porcelain tiles. Its design consists of a base and a carriage with a diamond knife. a wheel sliding along the runners. For a greater depth of cut, the diameter is larger than that of glass cutter. As you wear, the knife can be replaced. When choosing a tool, it is advisable to purchase a mechanism with bearings, which will ensure a smooth sliding of the cutting mechanism.

To break off the cut strip on the base on the edge, a flat metal strip is fixed, and behind a cut with a knife a small T is a figurative lever. It is he who presses on the tile after the cut.

The tile incision begins with alignment of the material on the basis of the marked line. Then tightly fixed. The carriage is driven by hands, producing a single incision. Then, pressing on the handle, the tile is split into parts. With this method, small chips are sometimes obtained, which are masked with grouting.

How to cut floor tiles at home. a review of possible options

Many problems arise during repair work in those who are trying to master construction technologies on their own. So, for example, for an experimental tile, it will not be difficult to lay a tile floor, a beginner does not always know how to cut floor tiles, what tools you need to use in order to lay out a perfectly even row of tile cladding. Therefore, it makes sense to talk about this issue in more detail.

What tools can be used to complete the task?

Before answering the question posed, it is important to learn to determine the properties of floor tiles that can provoke some difficulties during the designated work. We denote the main ones.

  • So, for example, it is necessary to pay attention to the strength of the material. Since the floor is a surface subject to large loads than the wall, a tile has been selected for its cladding, having high strength characteristics. That is why cutting sex tiles is much more difficult than wall tiles.
  • In its structure, the sex tile is much thicker.
  • The front side of such tiles almost always has anti.slip properties. That is why the cutting of such a variety of material is simpler than the glossy wall tile.
  • To measure and cut off sex tiles with a complex pattern is much more difficult than a product with a simple smooth surface.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a suitable tool. So how to cut sex tiles at home? To solve the problem, the tools are different in type and design. It can be:

Hydroabraseic cutting deserves special attention, but we will talk about it at the very end of the article. Each tool has its own principle of work, its advantages and disadvantages of choice, so it makes sense to consider in more detail each option.

Ordinary paracores

There is a special tool for cutting the tiles of wall and sex. It is called tile cutter. There are two options for its performance on sale: manual and electric.

Manual tile cutter

With a manual tile, only a straight section can be performed. Its fishing line for a trimmer is capable of strictly straight direction or diagonal of the module. The manual model is easy to use, but in order to correctly cut the tile, you need to study the device of the described tool. Its main detail is the basis.

It is fixed on it with runners similar to tubes. They are carried out using rollers sliding a carriage made of solid metals. Tile cutting is as follows:

  • Marking is previously applied to the tile, the fishing line for the trimmer is drawn.
  • After that, the tile is laid on the base, so that the fishing line for the cutting trimmer comes, exactly to the place of movement of the carriage.
  • A video is set to a fishing line for a trimmer.
  • The movement of the handle produces an even section.

note! Only one cut is performed with manual tile cutter. Cover something, cutting. The tile simply breaks down, being inside the tool.

When choosing a similar method, it is important before work to check the severity of the cutting element. If professional equipment is purchased, the cutting device is removable, therefore, if desired, a dull video is easy to change.

Manual tiles make only a cut on the tile, but it allows you to easily break the module along the line made. It is important to do such an operation correctly. The tubercle helps to facilitate the task, which is on the basis of a tile cutter exactly in the course of the cut. It slightly lifts the ceramic product clearly above the designated line. After the first operation, the tubercle turns into a guide for a breakup.

Ahead of the video is also a mobile loop that has a T-shaped shape. During the breakup, this loop should be set exactly in the middle of the cut of the floor tile. Then, when pressing the lever, it will put pressure on the canvas, and facilitate the process of breaking the tile.

note! You can use manual tiles when the floor tile is small in size. For cutting dimensional tiles, it is better to use electric tile cutter.

Electric model

What is an electric tile? This is a professional equipment that can work on, having certain skills and skills. By its design and on the principle of action, this tool is completely similar to a standard circular saw, with only one difference. In our case, other discs are used, the presence of water baths is also provided in the design.

The use of electrical tile cutter becomes justified when it is necessary to cut a solid floor tile of large sizes, when a large amount of work is to be performed. Will cope with him electric tiles playfully. In addition, using the described element, it is easy to perform a very neat cut with rounding or tilt. Such an operation helps to carefully arrange the external angles of tile cladding.

How an electric tile works? The design of the tool is extremely simple. Even foundation. The disk is fixed exactly in the middle of the base, its upper half rises above it, and the lower part of the disk lowers into the bath. Before starting work, it is necessary to fill the bath with water, so that the bottom is closed by 3 cm. The tiles are preliminarily performed for the cutting trimmer. Then the tile is laid on top of the machine. The upper part of the disk is protected by a metal handle. It rises and allows you to control the course of the cutting element. The tile is tightly pressed to the canvas and is carefully brought under the disk. It rotates and makes a cut.

Using a tile cutter in the presence of a certain experience of working on it is quite easy. Its use at home has one significant minus. Such professional equipment is quite expensive. To purchase it in order to lay the floor with tiles in the bathroom, of course, you should not. But if desired, you can always rent electric tiles from specialized companies. Many repair teams also provide rental services for renting. In the absence of such options, it is worth considering other opportunities.

Other tile cutting tools

You can cut off the tile without tile cutter using: hand glass cutter, electric cutter, hand.lobby, angle grinding machine (corner grinder), penetrator, drill, screwdriver, ring saw (crown). Let us consider in detail some of them:

How to remove Ceramic & Stone Tiles for Repair or Demo purposes

Figure breakdown

Cracking of ceramics on slices for mosaics. This unpretentious type of “cutting” has many advantages. The mosaic will help create the uniqueness of the decor, realize your creative impulses with a minimum of expenses, and the remains of unnecessary or chopped tiles will be destroyed instead of disposal.

We lay ceramics on one part of the canvas, cover with the second half and apply light blows from above. Do not be zealous, otherwise it will turn out too small pieces.

Glass cutter

Cutting tiles with glass cutter. One of the most budget options. You will need:

  • glass cutter;
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Put the tiles on the flat surface and make risk (markup).
  • With one hand, firmly press the tile to the base. We hold the glass cutter as a ballpoint handle, tightly press it to the surface and make a cut on the marking
  • Under the tile at the cutting site, substitute a metal dowel or a nail. Press on tiles simultaneously on two sides of the cut.

Result: even cut. The edge is easy to bring to smooth condition with sandpaper.


Cutting tiles using an electrician. In this way, you can cut the details of both simple and complex configuration, in addition, the universal tool itself is found in many. Additionally needed:

  • saw or ceramics saw;
  • finished pattern.
  • Apply marking to the surface using a prepared pattern.
  • We make a cut in the direction of ourselves. We move the jigsaw evenly and without haste.

Result: Low performance is suitable for a small volume of work. Ideal for cutting parts of complex configuration.

Advice! If the circle or part is not located at the edge of the tile, first we drill the hole close to the contours of the picture (inside or outside, depending on the figure) to insert the file through the hole.

How to cut ceramics with a hand jigsaw? This tool is convenient to perform figured cutting of any complexity. The result will be accurate, as when using an electrician.

If the “part” is located far from the edge of the tile, then first we make a hole with a drill, for this we use a drill or nozzle for ceramics. The size of the hole should be such that a saw (string) passes through it). We reinforce the string from one edge of the jigsaw, stretch through the hole and fix it again. When working, the jigsaw move towards yourself.

Advice! It will be easier to saw if the tool handle is left on top.

Corner grinder

We work with an angle grinding machine (corner grinder) or “corner grinder”, as the tool is more often called in everyday life. With this tool, you can quickly perform a straight cut, curly, curved, make holes of different diameters without using a crown.

  • corner grinder of any power and any type;
  • Vise or clamp for fixing parts;
  • Cutting circle (disk) Diamond or stone disk:
  • A turbo disk is used for a rough cut, if the same type and fast work is needed, for example, direct cutting. Chips and other defects that are formed during cutting are overlapped with skirting boards, platbands, threshold or other tiles. Result: high performance, but with defects on the edge.
  • Solid diamond disk of dry cutting is used for thin cutting. In this case, you will get a flat and clear edge. Microskols are eliminated with light grinding with sandpaper. Result: even aesthetic edge, but low performance.

The sequence of work and the technique of execution:

  • We risk a sharp tool or mark the surface with a graphic pencil, a marker on the front and reverse side.
  • We put the tiles on a flat surface: workbench, table or floor. If you carry out the work on the floor, then lay the flat board to avoid damage to the floor surface.
  • If we perform gross cutting, then one pass is enough. We move the corner grinder in the direction of ourselves. If we perform thin cutting, then in one pass, you should not deepen the 3 mm disk. We work with a disk in the direct and reverse direction, that is, first we move the corner grinder in the direction of ourselves, reaching the edge, move to us.

Advice! In both cases, we keep the disk under a slight inclination to the ground cut, then possible chips will remain on the opposite side. If you keep the disk at right angles, then chips will be on both sides of the cut.

Important! Try to work inside the circle, retreating 3-5 mm from the drawn line. When working, the disk brings a little, if the disk is carried out along the line, then the circle will turn out to be larger diameter.

Round holes

Round holes can be made by several tools:

Let’s start with the pea. A drill or a screwdriver is also suitable. Neither the sequence of work or the technique of execution will change from this. You will need:

  • Peorator;
  • Ceramic drill;
  • concrete drill if further concrete work is planned;
  • Carbide-wolf crown.

For small diameter holes, the drill on ceramics is used, or as they are called in everyday life “feather on the tile”. Such cores delicately process the surface, scrape the upper icing and wash ceramics into powder. The result is a neat hole with even edges. First, work at low speeds so that the drill is hooked on the outer layer of the glaze and does not damage the surface. If the next stage of work involves drilling a concrete wall under the dowel, then a drill of the same diameter is inserted into the peorator.

Useful life hacks:

Regardless of the method and type of cutting, safety measures should be observed. A tool with sharp cutting elements and brittle tiles are a danger if you work carelessly. During work, unforeseen schisms, dust formation, and sharp fragments of tiles are able to cut hands or get into unprotected parts of the body. Before work is required:

Figure harsh

Often, the tiles have to be trimmed not in a straight line, for example, adjusting to the sink, toilet or pipes. Below we will talk about how to cut flooring tiles at home, adjusting it to the shape of various structures.

How to Cut Tile for Beginners

If your question is how to cut the floor tiles at home, while receiving a hole of a certain diameter, then you should use the tool with a photo. ballerinka. This is a circular drill that provides for the adjustment of the diameter of the cut opening.

If you want cutting floor tiles in this way to be as neat as possible, then use a special tripod for a drill.

The only minus of the drill is that it is enough only 20 holes in the tiles.


Simple tool, but it will help to get the most diverse forms of tiles. Bake small pieces, starting from the edge. The method is simple, so be prepared for the fact that you will get sloppy edges and they will have to process them.

Now you have figured out how to cut floor tiles, but remember that you can not always do without professional tools, so you can contact a company specializing in cutting various materials.