How to connect a strip saw at home. Welding technology

Welding tape saws with his own hands, what equipment is required, a description of the technological process

Ribbon saws are widely used in industries specializing in wood processing, and at home, for example, during the construction of structures exclusively from the named “living” material.

Such devices are a cutting canvas with a unilateral location of the teeth, made in the form of a classic ring and used to quickly process a large volume of raw materials.

To create such a design, it is necessary to join the ends of the workpiece and connect them using a special apparatus. DIY strip saws with your own hands significantly save money without loss of quality and durability.

DIY tape welding: technology for doing work

After placing a strip saw in machine equipment and choosing a welding mode, you must click the start button and control the execution of the process.

The connection technology is simple. the current through electrodes is supplied to the clamping devices, due to which the edges of the metal begin to melt.

connect, strip, home, welding, technology

In this case, the movable device pushes the ends with the help of the spring mechanism to meet each other, forming a welding seam.

During the implementation of such a procedure, one must not forget about the time of welding. On semi.automatic and manual equipment, the machine officer monitors such indicators.

When using complete automation, depending on the power of the unit, it is necessary to withstand this value at the level of 1-2 seconds.

Along with the temporary characteristic, the cleanliness of the electrodes also affect the quality of work.

Even minor pollution can create obstacles to the passage of electric current, which will lead to a decrease in nominal values ​​and increase the load on the constituent elements of machine equipment, their wear and service life.

After each use, it is necessary to clean all surfaces of power nodes and assemblies.

Homemade Welding Fixture Table Storage Hack — Built for my Home Garage Shop

Let’s see an interesting video about welding tape saw with his own hands:

What is a strip saw?

The tool, which is designed to work, both in the carpentry workshop and in a small garage. a tape saw on a tree for a home workshop, is a metal canvas closed into a ring on which the teeth, their height, location, and the width of the canvas determine the view. saws and its ability to work with different materials. The tape saw on wood is able to process logs and boards of such width, which cannot be lending on other types of saws. disk or frame, and can be used to work with other materials:

Such equipment is divided into manual, semi.automatic and automatic. In addition, there are three types of tape saw on wood:

  • Toer. A model with teeth is widely used for processing wood and metal, and it also cut mineral wool, foam concrete and even food. meat, fish.
  • Erystrous friction saw. Its metal tape is also equipped with teeth, but they pursue the goal of strengthening the release of heat during friction and thereby increasing the performance of all equipment.
  • Electrician ribbon saw. Its use is advisable in one case and it concerns the processing of blanks, the thickness of which exceeds 15 mm. Ordinary round saws of electrical action cannot cope with them because of a large beating, significant diameter and step, and therefore use a strip unit.

A variety of canvases can be used on the same device. both special and for specific types of blanks. The scope of the cutting tool depends on the step of the teeth, that is, their size, the hardness of the edges, their geometry and wiring. For example, for processing large blanks, a canvas with large zazubins is selected, and increased hardness of the teeth is required to cut products from tool steel. Their backs are enhanced if the process is accompanied by strong vibration and shock exposure.

Wood tape saw device

Tape.type sawmills are similar in their device. Professional tools are distinguished by dimensions and weight compared to home saws intended for household use in small workshops, and manual units. Structurally ribbon saws consist of several knots:

connect, strip, home, welding, technology
  • Frame or bed. a case on which all the main elements are fixed.
  • A working surface equipped with a ruler and an emphasis, which helps to regulate the correctness of the cut.
  • Engine. brings the saw to work.
  • The canvas for the tape saw on the tree is put on the pulley and rotates at high speed.
  • Control panel, lubricant system, protective casing. additional nodes that make the operation of the strip saw safe and comfortable.

What materials and tools will be required to make a saw

A set of tools and consumables for creating a tape saw with your own hands at home may vary depending on the features of the selected structure. But, as a rule, it is mandatory for the construction of the machine:

  • boards or sheets of plywood for the frame;
  • bearings;
  • motor. electric or gasoline;
  • metal corners;
  • metal cutting canvas. homemade or purchased;
  • Self.tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
  • rubber from a bicycle chamber;
  • wooden bars and rails, they are needed for the supporting frame of the structure;
  • bushings;
  • belt for transmitting a rotational moment;
  • a steel rod that will serve as a shaft for pulleys;
  • a steel sheet or a piece of textolite;
  • varnish or paint, they are needed at the final stage of creating a machine.

Read how much is the sound of a battery chain saw

Also, in the manufacture of a tape saw with your own hands, you need to use the following tools:

  • corner grinder;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • wretched keys. sizes are selected in accordance with bolts;
  • electrician;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a hammer.

How to assemble a tape saw from a jigsaw with your own hands

Another simple scheme offers to make a mini tape on wood with your own hands from an electric jigsaw. The algorithm is offered as follows:

  • A jigsaw is applied to a small square blank with a handle and metal corners are fixed on both sides. Using a drill in the marked places, the holes for the screws are made. The corners are fixed on a wooden stand. Any hard board or a small sheet of a wood-based slab is suitable as a base for a desktop machine
  • A jigsaw is inserted between the corners, slightly lift it and put a piece of rubber between the edge of the metal elements and the body. Since the tool is not pressed close to the board, the space for adjustment through the buttons remains below. Long screws are fixed between the corners so that it does not swing and not play. Rubber laying softens possible vibrations during the operation of an electrician
  • Theoretically, the likeness of the strip saw can already be used, but it is more convenient to bring the structure to perfection and give it the appearance of a classic machine. To do this, the tabletop of compact sizes is attached to the sole of the jigsaw using screws. Previously, it is necessary to cut a narrow hole through it, through which the tape canvas of the tool will perform. Any hard material is suitable for the countertop. steel, textolite, ebonite

For serious work and cutting logs and large boards ribbon saw

DIY from an electrician. But small blanks with its help will be very convenient to process.

The choice of a tape canvas

If desired, you can make a saw canvas for a strip machine with your own hands from instrumental steel U8 or U10. The material should be durable, but flexible, with a thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm for sawing solid wood. When creating the canvas independently, you will need to cut the teeth in metal with a corner grinder, dilute them and then sharpen them, and then solder the tape with a gas burner into a solid ring and grind the seam.


When the contact method of welding is not available, high.temperature soldering is used with silver solders with a special pasty flux based on a drill. To fix the ends of the canvas, a simple homemade device is used. Heating is carried out by a gas burner.

Soldering is made according to the standard methodology. A flux is applied to the beveled ends of the saw. After clamping in the device, the connection place is heated to the melting temperature of the solder set nearby. Under the influence of capillary forces, he will begin to drag on to the joint. After the solder appears along the entire line of connection, the heating stops. After cooling, the saw is removed and cleaned of the influx.

The equipment used

There is a separate group of welding machines for working with tape saws. They are called. a machine for welding tape saws. All of them differ only in the degree of automation. The simplest budget models have manual adjustment of the welding mode and control of the formation of the seam on board. And the most expensive models are capable of welding in automatic mode without an operator.

We will tell you about the simplest device for welding tape saw on wood or metal. It is shown in the picture below. The design is simple: 1. case, 2. welding transformer, 3. clamping mechanism with electrodes, 4. launch button.

What materials and tools will be required to make a saw

A set of tools and consumables for creating a tape saw with your own hands at home may vary depending on the features of the selected structure. But, as a rule, it is mandatory for the construction of the machine:

  • boards or sheets of plywood for the frame;
  • bearings;
  • motor. electric or gasoline;
  • metal corners;
  • metal cutting canvas. homemade or purchased;
  • Self.tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
  • rubber from a bicycle chamber;
  • wooden bars and rails, they are needed for the supporting frame of the structure;
  • bushings;
  • belt for transmitting a rotational moment;
  • a steel rod that will serve as a shaft for pulleys;
  • a steel sheet or a piece of textolite;
  • varnish or paint, they are needed at the final stage of creating a machine.

Also, in the manufacture of a tape saw with your own hands, you need to use the following tools:

  • corner grinder;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • wretched keys. sizes are selected in accordance with bolts;
  • electrician;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a hammer.

How to assemble a tape saw from a jigsaw with your own hands

Another simple scheme offers to make a mini tape on wood with your own hands from an electric jigsaw. The algorithm is offered as follows:

  • A jigsaw is applied to a small square blank with a handle and metal corners are fixed on both sides. Using a drill in the marked places, the holes for the screws are made. The corners are fixed on a wooden stand. Any hard board or a small sheet of a wood-based slab is suitable as a base for a desktop machine
  • A jigsaw is inserted between the corners, slightly lift it and put a piece of rubber between the edge of the metal elements and the body. Since the tool is not pressed close to the board, the space for adjustment through the buttons remains below. Long screws are fixed between the corners so that it does not swing and not play. Rubber laying softens possible vibrations during the operation of an electrician
  • Theoretically, the likeness of the strip saw can already be used, but it is more convenient to bring the structure to perfection and give it the appearance of a classic machine. To do this, the tabletop of compact sizes is attached to the sole of the jigsaw using screws. Previously, it is necessary to cut a narrow hole through it, through which the tape canvas of the tool will perform. Any hard material is suitable for the countertop. steel, textolite, ebonite

For serious work and cutting logs and large boards ribbon saw

DIY from an electrician. But small blanks with its help will be very convenient to process.

The choice of a tape canvas

If desired, you can make a saw canvas for a strip machine with your own hands from instrumental steel U8 or U10. The material should be durable, but flexible, with a thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm for sawing solid wood. When creating the canvas independently, you will need to cut the teeth in metal with a corner grinder, dilute them and then sharpen them, and then solder the tape with a gas burner into a solid ring and grind the seam.

Stages of welding


First, the saw canvas must be cut into a given length. For cutting, you can use different tools. We recommend guillotine scissors, since they give the most even cut. The cut itself should be located on the top of the teeth. Do not forget to leave about 1-2 millimeters from the cutting side for sediment.

To achieve an accurate cut, you can use the technique shown in the picture below. After such cutting, the ends of the saw will be even and perfect. And this directly affects the quality of the weld.


After cutting, the ends of the saw must be cleaned. This is the standard preparation of metal for welding. Clean the metal of pollution and traces of corrosion. Then degrease with any solvent. For example, acetone. Then clean the edges using abrasive material. We use sandpaper. Make sure that there are no burrs on the edges. Ideally, they should be smooth and even.

Installation of saws in clamps

Above, we could already familiarize ourselves with the components of which the machine for welding tape saws consists. We said that there is a clamping mechanism. It is in it that it is necessary to install the saw canvas. The clamp has a mobile and motionless part. Install one end of the canvas in the movable, and the second end into the stationary. There is free space between the clamps. You need to install the canvas so that its joints are exactly in the middle of this space. Naturally, the joint should be even and accurate.

Choosing welding mode

Next, you need to select welding mode. If you have the simplest welding machine, then all the parameters need to be set manually. Welding mode is selected based on the size of the saw and its section. The larger the cross section, the greater the value of the welding current. These are general recommendations.

Typically, instructions are attached to the welding machine, in which all welding modes are spelled out depending on the size of the saw canvas. Also pay attention to the setting speed setting of current pulses. For budget models, it must be controlled manually, otherwise the metal will heat up too much. Recommended current supply time-1-2 seconds. In apparatus more expensive this parameter is automatically regulated.

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Welding for strip saws begins with the inclusion of the machine. Ribbon saw welding machine is launched depending on the model. It can be a separate button or special handle. After starting to the ends of the saw, a welding current will be summed up, which will melt the metal in the area of ​​the future seam. The current is brought to the saw through clamps. After heating the junction, the movable clamp must be slightly shifted so that the welded roller forms. The seam is ready!

Make sure that the surface of the electrodes is clean before welding. It is not necessary to clean all the electrodes, it is enough only the part that contacts the saw canvas. If you ignore this rule, the connection is low.quality. Pollution will violate the resistance of the circuit.


Next follows anneal. It is necessary because as a result of welding the metal becomes too hard, which increases its fragility. Anneal helps to return the canvas its original state. After pushing, the metal becomes plastic again, its operational characteristics improve.

To make annealing, you do not need to get a canvas from the clamp. Just set another current supply mode. The main thing is to achieve heating temperature about 600 degrees. In expensive devices there is a separate annealing function. But if you have a simple budget model, then you need to perform several additional actions.

First of all, keep in mind that in addition to heating, you need to cool the metal. And it is advisable to perform these operations alternately. Press the current supply button and hold it until the heating temperature is displayed on the scoreboard. Then let go and let the metal cool. To cool the canvas evenly, you can periodically press the button again, preventing the metal from cool quickly. Cooling time takes an average of 5 minutes.

If your device does not have a scoreboard with an indication of heating temperature, then you can focus on the color of the metal. Typically, the canvas acquires a cherry shade when the necessary heating temperature is achieved. Do not allow metal heating to orange or yellow. Sometimes annealing needs to be performed twice.

Repeated stripping

During annealing, visible influxes may form on the canvas. They need to be removed by performing re.stripping. Now it is needed not for technical, but for aesthetic purposes. At the same time, you can correct the hollows between the teeth, giving them the correct geometric shape. Repeated stripping can be performed by any tool with an abrasive. Process the metal so that the connections are practically not visible.

Soldering ribbon saw

In the absence of the device for welding, the ribbon of the canvas of the saw machine is soldered. To do this, it is degraded, the ends of the canvas are heated with a gas burner and the following operations are carried out. they apply a flux and melt it with the same burner, connecting with a piece of brass with a piece of brass:

  • We put a piece of brass on the end of the canvas, we melt it in the burner flame. when melting, the saw steel differs with a brass melt at the atomic level. As a flux we use a drill or special flux PV209X.
  • We build a special device that looks like mobile and motionless clamps of the machine welding.
  • We fix the ends and apply the flux to both ends.
  • Align the ends of the tape with 2 teeth, align.
  • We insert a piece of brass between the canvases and heat this place with a burner.
  • As the melt forms, connect the canvases.
  • We are waiting for complete independent cooling.
  • Grind the junction of the connection until the moment is “enough. already even”.

Brass melting temperature is about 900 degrees. The halves are heated precisely to such a temperature. Instead of brass, you can use silver solders with a melting point of more than 900 degrees.

connect, strip, home, welding, technology

The connection is easier, but it is more difficult to process the rations to the desired thickness. This method is suitable only if it is impossible to use special equipment for welding.

Welding and soldering tape saw: how to do everything right with your own hands?

Ribbon saw. a special unusable closed canvas with teeth, designed for sawing metal, wooden products on special machines. When working, sometimes there is a rupture as a result of increased load. Then I drank. at least for the release. But if it is not worn out, you can try to fix it with your own hands.

The tape canvas in the work experiences high loads, which sometimes tear it. Repair seems uncomplicated. All complexity consists in the quality of the connection. The seam must withstand the same loads as the product itself, which is bending and stretching loads.

The best option would be the welding of the canvas. It can be reliably connected using a special device for welding tape saws. He cooks the saw on the way, after which its characteristics do not deteriorate. Manual contact welding is impossible to do such work.

Welding machines differ only in the degree of automation. Some use the manual mode of welding and suture control, advanced do everything automatically.

The simplest device requires several stages of preparatory work:

  • Cutting the canvas. To do this, use guillotine. it gives the most even cut. We have it on top of the teeth, leaving 1-2 mm on sediment. The ends are better to process at the same time, folding the canvas, for flat processing.
  • After cutting, the ends are necessarily cleaned and degreased with any solvent.
  • Install the ends of the saw in the clamp, falling into the gap between the mobile and the fixed part of the structure. The joint should be even and accurate.
  • For welding, configure the apparatus mode. Manual setting is selected depending on the thickness of the metal and the speed of the current pulse supply. This is necessary to prevent overheating of the material.
  • After heating, the movable clamp is slightly shifted to form a welded roller.
  • As a result of welding, the heating site becomes hard and fragile. The annealing will help him to return to him, after which the plasticity returns. For annealing, it is not necessary to take out the canvas from the clamp. just change the current supply mode and get the metal heating to 600 degrees. Dear devices do it automatically. The canvas when heated becomes cherry. Do not overheat to yellow and orange color. The anneal is performed twice with cooling for 5 minutes.
  • Repeated trimming will help from any abrasive will help from the resulting.
  • Welding quality control is required. It is necessary to bend a canvas with a circle of a circle of 25 cm. The bend should be round. After bending at the welding site, there should not be cracks. Their appearance speaks of low.quality annealing

Soldering ribbon saw

In the absence of the device for welding, the ribbon of the canvas of the saw machine is soldered. To do this, it is degraded, the ends of the canvas are heated with a gas burner and the following operations are carried out. they apply a flux and melt it with the same burner, connecting with a piece of brass with a piece of brass:

  • We put a piece of brass on the end of the canvas, we melt it in the burner flame. when melting, the saw steel differs with a brass melt at the atomic level. As a flux we use a drill or special flux PV209X.
  • We build a special device that looks like mobile and motionless clamps of the machine welding.
  • We fix the ends and apply the flux to both ends.
  • Align the ends of the tape with 2 teeth, align.
  • We insert a piece of brass between the canvases and heat this place with a burner.
  • As the melt forms, connect the canvases.
  • We are waiting for complete independent cooling.
  • Grind the junction of the connection until the moment is “enough. already even”.

Brass melting temperature is about 900 degrees. The halves are heated precisely to such a temperature. Instead of brass, you can use silver solders with a melting point of more than 900 degrees.

The connection is easier, but it is more difficult to process the rations to the desired thickness. This method is suitable only if it is impossible to use special equipment for welding.

Tape type welding methodology

The welding technique of such a sawing tool using a special machine is not particularly difficult, but individual points of the technological procedure must be known.

Preliminary preparation of a strip saw

  • The connected ends of the tool are cut, the butt plane should be located relative to each other in parallel, and in relation to the cutting edge. perpendicular. Cutting can be performed with a hammer and a chisel or on guillotine.
  • When breaking the saw on the preliminary welding section, this docking area must be removed. To do this, in each direction from the connection point, you must retreat 0.5 cm.
  • The cutting of the canvas should be carried out exclusively between the teeth.
  • Necessarily pollution on the ends with the help of a solvent are removed.
  • To remove irregularities, burrs on the cut, the formation of a rough plane, the ends are processed on a sharpener.

After such preliminary preparation, the saw can be inserted into the welding installation and start cooking.

Installations for welding a tape type

Modern production technologies provide the opportunity today to produce different modifications of welding equipment for sawing tools, but conditionally they are divided into three categories.

  • The first category is intended for welding with resistance. The advantage of such units is small in size and relatively low cost. But they have small performance, designed to release small batches of sawing tools.
  • The second category. welding tape saw with melting. Equipment of this type is already higher than capacity, respectively, has large sizes and cost. Used for any canvases.
  • Third category. automated welding with melting. The equipment is intended for large production workshops. Differs as high as possible, work is automated.

An important point! For the most efficient operation of the strip saw, its teeth should have the correct shape.

Soldering ribbon saw

In the absence of the device for welding, the ribbon of the canvas of the saw machine is soldered. To do this, it is degraded, the ends of the canvas are heated with a gas burner and the following operations are carried out. they apply a flux and melt it with the same burner, connecting with a piece of brass with a piece of brass:

  • We put a piece of brass on the end of the canvas, we melt it in the burner flame. when melting, the saw steel differs with a brass melt at the atomic level. As a flux we use a drill or special flux PV209X.
  • We build a special device that looks like mobile and motionless clamps of the machine welding.
  • We fix the ends and apply the flux to both ends.
  • Align the ends of the tape with 2 teeth, align.
  • We insert a piece of brass between the canvases and heat this place with a burner.
  • As the melt forms, connect the canvases.
  • We are waiting for complete independent cooling.
  • Grind the junction of the connection until the moment is “enough. already even”.

Brass melting temperature is about 900 degrees. The halves are heated precisely to such a temperature. Instead of brass, you can use silver solders with a melting point of more than 900 degrees.

The connection is easier, but it is more difficult to process the rations to the desired thickness. This method is suitable only if it is impossible to use special equipment for welding.

Technical characteristics of vehicle welding machines

Model BAS 040 BAS 050-01 050-11 BAS 060-01 BAS 065-11 BAS 051 (310) BAS 052 (320) BAS 100 (330) BAS 120 (340) BBA 121 BAS 150 BAS 160 BAS 210 (360)
Nominal power (50% PV), kA 3.5 4.5 ten twenty 7.5 25 25 45 25 120 45 70
The width of the welded ribbon saws for metal (bimetallic, alloyed tungsten), mm 3. 27 6. 34 10. 41 10. 54 6. 41 6. 54 15. 81 25. 105 67. 130
The width of the tape saw on wood, mm 5. 40 6. 50 10. 60 10. 60 3. 50 6. 50 15. 100 25. 120 25. 120 70. 150 25. 160 35. 215
The width of stainless steel ribbon saw, mm 5. 20 6. 30 10. 40 10. 40 6. 30 10. 50 25. 50 25. 60 25. 60 30. 80
Width of the strip knives, mm 5. 20 6. 30 10. 40 10. 40 6. 50 6. 50 25. 80 thirty.120 60. 150 30. 120 40. 120
Max. The section of the welded strip of n/a steel, mm2 40 75 90 90 100 150 200 250 200 250 360
Max. Shiring width, mm 40 fifty 60 60 fifty fifty 90 (100) 120 120 150 160 217
Net/gross weight, kg 80/100 140/185 180/220 250/350 290/390 460/560 460/560 600/700 625/725 300/- 430/- 660/-
Packaging dimensions ShHHHV, cm 59 73 64 100 88 68 115 100 90 115 115 115 120 107 138 120 107 138 100 135 170 100 135 170

The process of soldering joints of the canvas is carried out on a welding machine, which, depending on the modification, are launched by means of a key or a special handle.

After turning on the unit to the ends of the tape, a welding current is supplied through the clamps for melting the metal in the area of ​​the proposed seam.

The end of heating will mean that the chassis of the clip should be slightly shifted to form a weld roller.

To obtain a strong connection, the surface of the conductive rod should be cleaned. It does not make sense to clean along its entire length, the main thing is that the surface contacting with the tape does not have traces of dirt or other unwanted layers.

Non.compliance with this condition will violate the resistance of the circuit, which will negatively affect the quality of the connected part.

Repeated stripping

The process of metal leave forms visible influxes on it. It will be possible to remove them by repeated stripping. The latter is not so necessary to increase technical characteristics, how much aesthetic goals.

The stripping of the strip saw is carried out by an angular grinder or any abrasive tool to a visual erasing of the seam.

It is also recommended to correct the recesses between the teeth, having designed them with the correct geometric shape.

Soldering control

The seam examination of a cooked ribbon saw will not be superfluous if it is completed by a novice master. Control is carried out by a visual way. Carefully inspect the articulated area to identify possible defects.

The shift of the ends occurs due to a small current strength, the splash. due to excessively increased. Non.carrier forms at low pressure or insufficient current.


The connection of the strip saws in the ring for working on a tape.sawer or sawmill is possible:

  • Soldering. The method was used earlier for not wide saws on wood, to the distribution of contact butt welding devices for tape saws by resistance and melting. Requires laborious training, in serial production is poorly applicable, but can be used to repair.
  • Welding semiautomatic device on a forming lining. In this case, alloy welding wire and heating the canvas in front and during welding are used. There are such machines, part is equipped with a lining heater. The connection method is not laborious but long.term. Used for wide canvas in wood. It has a partial replacement in the form of apparatus for welding tape saws with melting with the capabilities of welding of paintings up to 210 mm, but in just a few such machines.

The last two methods will be discussed below.

Welding ribbon drank resistance

The essence of the method in the process of warming up the saw material under the influence of current ends and precipitation. The canvas is completely restored in the joint area, since it is there that the main heat release is localized. Under the influence of precipitation efforts, the rested material begins to be squeezed into the ground, and the distance between the lips of the device for welding tape saws is reduced. When the adjustable length of the length is reached, the current is turned off and the canvas cools under the influence of precipitation, then the precipitation pressure is removed, the canvas is closed again into the diluted sponges of the machine to the annealing to heat treatment with heating also due to the current passage.

  • The initial distance between the lips (electrodes) of the apparatus. This distance mainly depends on the thickness and stiffness of the material of the canvas. If this distance exceeds this distance, the canvas can lose stability under the influence of precipitation, at a small distance, the material is not enough to squeeze into the ground and in the seam are waterproof, fistulas and extraneous inclusions.
  • Precipitation force. the larger the cross.section of the canvas and the more viscous metal the more effort is necessary.
  • The moment of turning off the current during sediment. this parameter regulates the degree of precipitation of the canvas and prevents the dangerous convergence of the welding apparatus electrodes and their damage

The specificity is that the distribution of the current along the width of the canvas will be uneven and depend on the uniformity of the pressing of the canvas to the electrodes along the width, and on the state of the end surfaces. If the first is achieved by press adjustments and the state of the surface of the electrodes (polished or purely millned flat surface of free from pollution), then the second only by the purity of pruning and withstanding strictly perpendicular cut. This is necessary so that heating occurs evenly over the entire width of the canvas to approximately the same depth. Burrs, not perpendicularity of the cut of the axis of the tape canvas. Pollution getting into the saw clip zone, saw surface defects in the form of scuffs, deviations of the thickness of the tape will cause uneven heating and or obtaining a seam with pronounced uneven properties or visual marriage.

With visual defects, everything is clear. they are obvious. However, in case of violations of technology, the seam of the tape saw may not have visual defects. there is a grat, but it is not uniform in the width of the canvas and different in thickness. Such a defect, depending on the sensitivity of the saw material to the anneal, can both critically affect the work of a strip saw and be acceptable. The cooling rate of metal after welding the saw in the zone where the zone near the seam was more heated, there will be less than the cooling rate where the relatively colder areas entered the contact. The hardening of the saw structure will occur in different ways, and in addition, in the zone of slow cooling, there may not be enough precipitation and large grain will appear. If the canvas is rigid, then it is likely to be demanding on observing the parameters of heat treatment in order to obtain the main material of the saw of the properties of the seam and the near.haired zone close to the elastic properties. Alas, since the initial state of the canvas after welding turned out to be different in terms of hardening and structure to level the properties of the heat treatment, and if the canvas is sensitive to such a deviation, then the performance of such a seam in the saw is under a big question If the canvas is relatively soft and supple, If, with normal welding, it allows significant deviations of temperature and heat treatment time without changing the properties- most likely such a defect will be permissible and, if it affects the performance of the saw, then only in the long term.

With the simplicity of equipment and the relative cheapness of devices for welding the drainage by resistance, it is this “moodiness” of the technology to uniform water supply during welding and restrains the use of stiff welding, welding of paintings with defects. The scope of the use of the welding method according to the welding technology by resistance is welding not wide wood canvas in small volumes, welding of part of the strip knives, episodic welding of bimetallic saws, welding of tapes in the production of other types of products such as reservation of cables, production of powder welding wire, small tubes of small diameter.

Welding tape saw with contact welding with melting.

With this welding method, the process after the clamping of the ends of the canvas in the sponges of the welding apparatus occurs according to another technological sequence:

  • The sponges of the device for welding saw are diluted by a small distance of about 0.2 mm and the voltage supply to the welding transformer and to the sponges is turned on;
  • The rapprochement of the sponges with increasing speed begins. As the microdistrict of the ends of the canvas comes together, the current passes through this local connection melts the surface of the surface, and. It also partially evaporates the bridge of their liquid metal of the saw that has entered into contact (short circuit). As the neighboring sections of the canvas come into contact, the number of microdugs from the gap of the bridges increases, the arcs are mixed throughout the cross.section of the canvas evenly warming the end. The evaporation of a part of the metal and the thrown out splashes burn the oxygen from the welding zone and protect the heated metal of the ends from the oxidation.
  • When a certain way of melting and the desired heating of the ends of the saw, a sharp closure of the gap with the application to the canvas force of precipitation occurs. In this case, the welding current remains turned on until the apparatus sponsion is brought up to the adjustable distance between them or turns off with a custom time delay (depending on the technology laid in the device welding).
  • The cooling of the canvas occurs with applied precipitation, in the future is also reduced to an annealing position (either manually or automatically) and further heat treatment with the release of the canvas from axial pressure when heated and cool down. The mobile sponge with annealing should freely move at least at a short distance. It will be 0.3 or 1.0 mm from the point of view of technology to free the saw during heat treatment after welding the difference does not play. but this freedom should be! The same applies to welding resistance, but not all welders drank after the clip of saws to the annealing position additionally, the precipitation spring for the same purpose.