How to correctly configure one -axle tractor for plowing. How much is the plowing of the field

Adjustment and adjustment of the plow on a walk.behind tractor

Before we start to understand how to plow a walk.behind tractor with a plow, you need to prepare the same.based tractor for soil plowing:

  • one. To get started, move (roll) one.axle tractor to an even place on your site.
  • 2. Prepare soil hooks and interchangeable axes.
  • 3. Replace the wheels with tires on a walk.behind wheel with soil hooks, which are installed on interchangeable (elongated) axes.

How to plow a plow on a walk.behind tract, recommendations

Motoblocks to many owners of personal plots and gardens facilitate manual labor. The same tractor, with its proper operation, will become an indispensable assistant in your farm. But not everyone knows how to plow a plow on a walk.behind.

Rather, they do not know how to properly prepare a single tractor and a plow for plowing and cultivating the earth. But, it’s not so difficult. Study our recommendations, and you will succeed.

Now that when we have decided on the walk.behind tractor, we will find out how to plow a motor block correctly. Small areas are best processed using a cultivator or cutter. The supply of light and medium.sized shoes includes with milling.

Soil plowing technology with their help is simple. It is simply a single tractor is placed on the edge of the site, an increased gear is turned on and, holding it, we follow it, turning 180 degrees at the opposite end of the site.

Using a One-Bottom Plow | John Deere Tips Notebook

A completely different thing to plow with a plow in a large area. The correct adjustment of the plow is very important here. Suppose it is done correctly.

Then, at low speed, a control pass is made from one to the other edge of the site, on which we unfold one.axle tractor and perform the reverse passage. At the same time, we put the one.based tractor with the right wheel in the middle of the furrow, which remained from the first passage. We carefully observe the plow. Taking into account the inclination of the walk.behind tractor, the plow should stand perpendicular to the plane of the earth. If this is not, then adjust the plow again.

Then the second passage is made and the depth of the furrow is evaluated. If the depth is too large or too small, then adjust the plow. As a rule, with plow plowing, the depth of the grooves should be within 15-20 centimeters.

As the plowing is mastering, when your furrows become even, you can raise the speed of the walk.behind tractor. Then the plow will dump the ground stronger, its surface will be even, without lumps, and the plowing itself will go faster. That’s how they plow with motorcels.

Plug device

Depending on the model of the device, its design varies. The main structural elements of the unit:

  • Frame. The case and adjusting wheel are attached on it. Two talreps are installed on the frame, which change the position of the case in horizontal and vertical position.
  • Frame. This is the main working element of the plow. It is fixed on it: a plunder (knife), dump and field board. The case is adjustable in height by moving the rack. The plow is responsible for cutting the formation of the Earth, and the dump for turning the soil. Field board is an official element according to which setting up.
  • Support wheel. Depending on the exhibited height of the support wheel also depends.

In addition to the main workers and official bodies, the plows are equipped with other details. It depends on the type of device and its purpose.

correctly, configure, axle, tractor, plowing

Types of plows

Over the thousand.year history of the use of plow, it was often modified. Modern units are customary to be divided by the working bodies, their number and purpose.

  • According to the working elements of the plow, they are divided into limed and disk.
  • By the number of working bodies on one-, two-, three-body, etc.D.
  • As intended for special and general.

A plow is a unit, the case of which is equipped with a piece (knife). The plow cuts the soil, lifts it, and turns the dump. A prayer unit is used for plowing land for sowing grain crops. Maximum plowing depth. 30 cm.

Disk plow. instead of a lime, on the device there are discs that plow the ground. This unit is used on heavy rocky soils and fields that are located in the place of uprooted forests. The advantage of the disk is that if the plunder finds on the stone, then it will break, and the disk will roll over the obstacle. Disk devices are used only by powerful tractors on large fields.

A multi.corps plow is an unit on which several buildings are installed with leemes. The more powerful the tractor, the more buildings on one frame it can pull. devices accelerate the processing of the field and increase performance. Two.string devices are installed on a heavy diesel single.axle tractor.

Plugs of special and general purposes. General.purpose unit is a tone device that is intended for plowing fields. Special.purpose units are devices for complex soil types, such as swampy, rocky, etc.D.

Plug settings before the plow

Starting arable work, it is necessary to correctly configure and adjust the position of the plow relative to the ground. This procedure is carried out in several stages: before the arablepon and through the first rut.

Read also: Puff of nuts on wheels with a dynamometric key

We suggest watching a video where it is described in detail how to configure the plow to the eye motoblock:

The algorithm of actions when setting up the plow under the uniform tractor of the eye:

  • Prepare the necessary manual tool (wrenches), one.axle tractor, coupling and plow.
  • Change pneumatic wheels to soil.spaces.
  • Assume the coupling to the walk.behind traffic by means of bolt compounds.
  • Attach the plow to the hitch, combining the holes on the plow rack with holes on the hitch, fix the position of the plow with codes.
correctly, configure, axle, tractor, plowing

It is not enough to put the plow, it is still necessary and correctly adjusted:

  • Set the depth of the plowing, which for the motoblocks of the eye is 15-18 cm.
  • We proceed to adjusting the angle of attack, on which the depth of immersion of the nozzle into the soil directly depends. We twist the bolt on the coupling, responsible for the height of the heel of the plow (the higher the heel, the stronger the deepening). The optimal size is 3-5 cm from the heel to the ground.
  • We move on to a trial plow of soil. For the first passage, such parameters as: the depth of the cut furrow, the smoothness of the sequence of the reck of the eye with a load are checked.
  • If at the first passage some disadvantages were discovered, we re-carry out the system.

Land of the garden by a walk.behind tractor: equipment preparation

How to plow a motor block correctly? This is quite simply subject to all preparatory procedures.

For effective plowing fields, you need to choose the right one.axle tractor. The model and size directly depend on the area of ​​the land, as well as the required operations. The three main subspecies of the blocks are determined:

Some of the most functionally simple and light devices have an engine power up to 4.5 horsepower. Their weight does not exceed 40 kg, and cost no more than 300. Thanks to small dimensions, maneuverable and easily controlled. Due to a slight capture of cutters, hard-to-reach places are easily processed.

The average unoic tractor goes beyond the category of devices for processing personal sections. The presence of the rear.wheel drive allows you to work in fields up to 0.5 ha size. Their weight is from 45 kg to 65 kg, the cost does not exceed 600. The performance of the main functions is carried out due to the operation of an engine with a capacity of up to 12 horsepower.

Many models allow you to process fields at different speeds, adjustable using a gearbox. Work in the evening is carried out thanks to the headlights. One of the disadvantages is the small depth of land cultivation up to 11 cm. This is not enough for many cultures, so the devices are considered in the category of amateur and are not attributed to professional.

The largest variety of blocks is used to work in fields with an area of ​​more than 0.5 hectares. Engine power. from 10 to 30 horsepower. In addition to the trailer, a potato tutor joins. Multipulators do not cultivate the Earth with the speed with which this is done by connected plow or trailer. The advantages include steering wheel adjustment according to the growth of the farmer, reverse, tuning pneumatic fire. Devices are quite improvised in comparison with ordinary models, so the farmer requires appropriate physical training and experience.

How to plow a motor block with a plow correctly

If the conditions allow, it is recommended to produce a plow with a motor block along the long side of the site. Often the first furrow is plowed along a stretched rope, which allows you to make it even. In the future, each next groove is plowed so that one wheel walks along the edge of the plowing of the previous row. So it turns out even and uniform plowing of the entire site.

How to adjust the plow of a motor block for plowing properly

The plow adjustment process consists of several stages:

  • Depending on the necessary depth of plowing, the one.axine tractor is hung over the ground at the same height. To do this, you can drive it to a stand from boards or bricks.
  • In accordance with the instruction manual, install the hitch on the unit. The plow stand should be vertical, and the field board should touch the soil along its entire length.
  • If necessary, adjust the angle of inclination of the field board.
  • Depending on the type of plowing, draw one or two rowing furrows.

After the striking furrow is ready, it is necessary to set the angle of the plow rack. Since one of the wheels will go along a plowed furrow, the one.legged tractor will receive the roll, but the stand should remain a vertical. In order to adjust the angle of inclination of the rack, it is necessary to put the stand of the same height under the left wheel of the walk.behind tractor as it was adjusted.

After that, the plow rack must be installed perpendicular to the surface of the earth.

With which wheels it is better to plow a walk.behind engineer

Most motoblocks are equipped with rubber pneumatic wheels. This allows the unit to move along the ground and roads without damaging them. For conventional movement and even for transporting a trailer with a load of grip of rubber wheels with the road, it is quite enough, but the plow with plowing is much more serious resistance. Therefore, on the site, the rubber wheels are usually replaced with soil.shaped. all.metal cylinders with a steamed Christmas tree made of metal plates. These devices significantly increase the weight of the walk.behind tractor, so that such wheels literally bite into the ground.

Practice shows that the use of soil.spaces as a movement significantly improves the clutch with the ground and increases the traction, while the rubber wheels even with a large pattern are prone to slip. This is especially noticeable with plowing heavy soil or virgin. Another danger of using pneumatic rubber wheels for plowing is that the rim can trite “cream”, and the wheelcase will become unusable.

How to adjust the depth of plowing on a walk.behind tractor

You can adjust the depth of plowing by raising or lowering the plow. In the plug strut, the design provides several holes into which the adjusting bolt is inserted. Holes are at different heights. To ensure the desired depth of plowing, the adjusting bolt is threaded through the right hole and fixed with a nut.

What speed to decide when plowing with a walk.behind tractor

As a rule, the motorblock gearbox allows you to change the speed of movement. This is done so that the unit is more universal and can move in transport mode with a higher speed. However, for plowing, especially if the work is carried out manually on dense and heavy soils, the transport speed is too high and will not provide the effort necessary for the plow of the right deepening.

The usual plowing speed in manual mode is 5 km/h. This allows the plowman at a calm pace to move around the walk.behind tractor. However, this speed can be doubled if you use a walk-behind tractor frame for attaching a plow, but a transport and label module.

Attention! The use of this link significantly increases the smoothness of the unit stroke, the quality of plowing increases, the unoic tractor loads less. At the same time, mobility and maneuverability are reduced, but when working in large areas, this does not matter significant.

How to plow the garden with a motorcycle unit

Depending on the time of year and the goal, plowing the earth in the garden by a motor block can be two ways.

  • Ride. With this method of plowing, the layers turn in the opposite directions relative to the central axis of the site. The work begins from the right edge of the field, pass it to the end, then drive the unit to the left edge and return to it to the starting point. Then the right wheel of the one.axle tractor is installed in the furrow and the plowing of the second row begins. Cycles are repeated until the last furrow, which should pass exactly along the central axis of the site, is not plowed out.
  • Hungry. The plowing of the plot with this method begins with the warming of the central furrow walking along the axis. Then the right heater is installed in the furrow and return to the original place. Then the cycle is repeated. Plowing is carried out on both sides of the central axis, gradually filling the entire site. In this case, the layers turn out to meet each other relative to the central axis of the site.

The first method is most often used in spring plowing, it allows you to smoothly close fertilizers into the soil, laid out or scattered over the surface. With plowing in the second way, deeper furrows remain, so they often plow them in the winter. The earth in this case freezes stronger, which kills pests, and in deep furrows there is longer snow, maintaining soil moisture.

How to plow the virgin soil with a motorcycle unit

The virgin plow plow is a rather serious test, both for the walk.behind tractor and for its owner. The heavy cervical earth, intertwined by the roots of grass, creates a very large resistance, often this leads to a breakdown of the hitch and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is better to develop virgin grounds with heavy equipment, namely the tractor. If the site does not allow this to do this and it remains only to dig the ground with a motor block, then it is better to choose the following order of work:

  • Clean the site as much as possible from weeds, dry grass, from everything that can interfere with the motorcycle unit.
  • Pass the plot with mills with a small depth to destroy the upper layer of the turf.
  • Set up a plow to a small deepening (approximately 5 cm), plow the site.
  • Increase the depth of the plow of the plow. Re.plow the site.

Preliminary stage

The machine is initially rolled up, all elements for their performance are being examined. Only after that you can start plowing a motor.cultivator.

Before starting work, the following actions are performed:

  • The soil is prepared, stones and large branches are removed;
  • The nozzle for plowing is installed;
  • The fasteners of the cultivator are examined;
  • The height of the handle is installed.

Not every motor cultivator can plow the soil. A light unit will not cope with this type of work. Cultivators of the light and middle weight category will not be able to process heavy land plots. The weight of the unit should be from 70 kilograms.

When working, the soil layer is turned, loosened, and subsequently aligned. Using the plow, pneumatic fires should be replaced with soil.spaces that increase the traction force. Special heavy metal wheels will not be clogged when plowing.

How to setup?

Installation of wheels

Before starting the summer season, you will need to configure the walk.behind tract for a plow. Before engaging in a plow, the rubber wheels should be replaced with metal luggage. This must be done so that the unit does not slip during land work. The choice of wheels should be taken seriously, otherwise the ground will not work to plow the ground after winter.

Firstly, their diameter should be at least 55 cm, and secondly, the width of the wheel is selected within 20 cm, otherwise, with too narrow wheels, the unoic tractor will lose stability, and it will download it in different directions. If the diameter is too small, the gearbox will hook the soil and may become unusable, and it, as you know, is the “heart” of the motorcycle unit.

A monolithic rim is suitable for the wheels so that the earth does not clog on the soil. Work with wheels is carried out by putting one.time tractor on special stands. The height of the elevation directly depends on the depth of the future plowing: to work with ordinary soil. 20 cm, with a freezing. 25 cm.

Installation of the plow

Thanks to the coupling (fasteners), the plow is mounted to the walk.behind tractor. This work is best done with an assistant, as it will require some effort and skills. First, the hitch is mounted on a single tractor, then connected to the plow mounting with steel pins. The connection should not be installed tightly, light movement horizontally is necessary, otherwise when treating the soil, the uno-ears tractor will “bring” to the sides due to soil uneven.

After the main installation, the plow must be adjusted. You have to tinker with adjustment. the quality of plowing depends on it. Using the plow mounts, they are tilted so that its “heel” is directed horizontally to the earth. The adjusted uniform tractor is placed on the surface of the earth and check the control steering wheel. it should be in the area of ​​the plowman belt.

It remains to check if the unit is ready for land work. It is necessary to make several trial grooves with depth measurement, check the quality of the soil decomposition. Pay attention to the strip between the furrows. it should not be too wide (not more than 10 cm) or crossed by a plow.

Launch of the walk.behind tractor

Each time before starting the engine, the oil level and the amount of fuel are checked. the lack of both can disable the motor. The diesel engine is seasoned with a seasonal diesel fuel (for warm or cold season). Before starting, you should check the work of the clutch, steering wheel. Movements in systems occur with a certain effort.

To start the engine, you need to free the tubes from the air, which the diesel fuel will later fill the tubes. During the launch by manually, it is necessary to give access to the fuel, produce gas and a certain number of swinging by the starter. The decompressor is returned to the original state, and the motor starts up.

For two.stroke engines, gasoline is used (oil dilution proportions are indicated in the instructions). To start a single tractor, open the gas tank, direct the handle to the “launch”, move the starter several times, not including the ignition. And only then turn on the ignition to start the engine. Then the handle should be at the mark “Work”.

In the presence of an electric starter, just turn on the ignition and start the engine.

Setting the depth of plowing

This indicator is a segment of the deepening of attachment equipment into the soil during operation. It should be installed on a distance that can take a shovel bayonet.

If the depth is small, most roots of weeds will remain in the ground, and this will require additional expenditures of time and effort to combat them. In the opposite case, the upper nutrient part of the soil mixes with those below, and the planted crops will not receive the necessary vital substances.

The depth is regulated when using screws fastening the riser of the plow and the castle. This setting occurs when the equipment is moving up or down. However, if there is one lateral connection and hole, adjustment is impossible.

Installation of the plow on the device by clutch

Many people think that when connecting to the motor block of additional equipment, the work will accelerate. But they are mistaken. In the process of plowing, the power is acted by power perpendicular to the level of the dump, there is resistance that leads the tool to the side. If the mount is very hard, a person spends strength in order to press the equipment into the soil. Therefore, when connecting, it is recommended to leave a gap of a horizontal plane up to 6 degrees.

Clutch. devices connecting one.axle tractor with a plow. There are two types: universal and stationary. The first more suitable for this kind of activity, because they make it possible to perform correct debugging.

To easier to install a plow, you should place a single.based tractor on the backs: bricks or stones.

The accession of the tool is a simple process when the clutch occupies the right place on the equipment and is fixed with a screw. From this stage, the procedure for setting up the plow on the one.axine tractor begins.

correctly, configure, axle, tractor, plowing

The slope of the field board

This process is called the angle of attack in another way. It is a degree of roll of plowing relative to the plane. Regulation occurs using a spiral handle.

  • Place a single.axle tractor with a plow attached to it on a stand. Unscrew the adjustment handle until the board falls tight on the ground, without gaps.
  • Twist the handle in the opposite direction until the back rises above the soil a couple of centimeters. If something is wrong at this stage, there may be unpleasant consequences. When the value of the field board is large, the device moves hard. Otherwise, it will not be able to remove the laid part of the soil.
  • Control whether the correct setup can be opened when opening, the same.based tractor should go medium: not too easy or difficult.

The initial furrow and the angle of the dump

The time of final regulation comes so that the original soil plowing occurs easily. The same.based tractor is placed from the edge of the site, the plow is driven into the ground and begin to plow. If you try to make a direct furrow, the following will also be even. A stretched rope will help this.

At this stage, it is better to observe the degree of deepening the plow, for which a measuring tool is placed in the soil. If necessary, you can configure the depth of plowing. One of the wheels of the walk.behind tractor is pressed into the ground, and the plow is placed perpendicular to the ground. To do this comfortably, you can install the device on a straight plane by putting a stand under the wheel equal to the depth of the furrow.

Work with potatoes

One of the common areas of the use of a walk.behind tractor is work with potatoes. The device is used at all stages, starting from intake and ending with harvesting.


Potato hilling is extremely important. In addition to the fact that the process itself has been greatly facilitated by technical devices, it carries several important aspects for the formation of a future crop.

Hilling is the process of oxygen saturation by loosening the upper surface of the soil. This helps to clean the plant of weeds, The weeding of potatoes is also carried out.

To perform this task, soil.spaces are installed on the uniform tractor, and the capture of both wings increases to the maximum value. We hill at the smallest speed so as not to damage the root system of plants. Each wheel should go exactly along the aisle, without damaging the row and without touching the bush. If there is a one.row perch, it is necessary to use only rubber wheels.


You can also plant potatoes with a holler. To do this, it is enough to adhere to a simple scheme.

First, prepare the equipment: install soil.spaces and extension cords instead of wheels. Instead of the central support, the clutch is installed, the cup is attached to it. If the device is a two.row, it is necessary to set the corresponding distance, as a rule, it does not exceed 65 cm. If the device is one.row, set the width up to 70 cm.

Before planting potatoes with a motor block with the cigop, you need to apply the site accordingly. You can use the improvised tool. For the inter.row processing of potatoes, it is enough to have one wooden crossbar with three pegs attached to it so that a distance of 65 or 70 cm is preserved between them.

To plant potatoes, you need to start the cultivator along the marking and start making a furrow. The slowest speed is perfect for this. Cutting the furrows for planting potatoes is a very important point, After the work is completed, it will be quite problematic to redo it.

The coupling can be adjusted using a special handle. The groove either deepens, or the degree of its deepening is reduced.

When the furrow is ready, you can start the process of landing itself. A sprouted tuber is thrown into a hole at a distance of 40 cm from the previous. After the sowing is completed, the wings of the enchanter should be extended, placed the uniform tractor opposite the earthen shaft, and begin to instill in the recesses with tubers.

Collection of potatoes

Duck potato is not the most difficult process. First you need to mow the challenger of the tops. To do this, you can use a braid or a trimmer for grass. To harvest, you can resort to the services of the enchantment again. First you need to set the soil.spaces and the necessary width, and then direct the one.axle tractor to the garden. The furrow should be cut at maximum slow speed, preferably in the “one through one” mode. The enchanter (or cigarette butt) evenly plows the soil, pulling the grown tubers to the very edge of the furrow.

Digging potatoes with a motor block is easy, quickly and simply, most importantly, to observe the row and remember: if you plan to re.sow the site in the spring under the plow, it will be necessary to change the direction of the rows. In this case, the upper layer of soil will not shift in one direction, and the landscape integrity of the site will not suffer.


After hilling the potato bushes, additional processing is required. Many who have already used the same.based tractor for weeding potatoes know that for the effective removal of weeds it is necessary to loosen the soil properly to expose the roots of the plant. Different equipment is used for this.

  • Rotary harrow or special attachment equipment that is installed on the device. In the common people, this device is called “Hedgehog”. This device is several rings of various diameters, interconnected. There are spikes and teeth on the rings. This whole design looks conical. “Hedgehog” is always installed in pairs, observing a certain slope. In the case of a home.made brush, discs can sometimes be used, but this design has a number of disadvantages: the Earth is often clogged inside, as well as the leaves and stems of weeds. The principle of action is quite simple: being immersed in the ground, hedgehogs loosen the upper part of the soil, hooking the root of the weed plant, turning it up. On a similar principle, some loosening mills work, but they are more often used to weed potatoes.
  • Mesh harmonica. This equipment is considered the most effective, can be applied at almost any stage of agricultural work. In fact, this harrow is the usual “drag”, a frame inside which is a network with teeth. Each cell has a width up to 20 cm, the shape is either square or hexagonal. In another case, the teeth are located on a chessboard, however, a comb with spikes can be more frequent and more rare, depending on the need. The installation of the harrow occurs strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. The advantage of the mesh harrow in the width of the processed territory. The clear disadvantage is that the aisle remains unprofitable. Such a weeding is most relevant after the moment of plowing before the start of the hilling or for the corner of the upper part of the beds until the first sprouts appear. In any case, the device is best used with other devices.
  • Paws. There are also special trimming blades called “paws”. It is “paws” that is best wielded in a row, the most problematic place during the operation of a walk.behind tractor. The device “paws” is quite simple and understandable. One blade is attached after another, and the stems of weeds are cut off on the principle of razor. There are both paired knives and knives made in the form of V, and the fork in this case is executed forward. You can also find a single “paw”, which is placed by the end both towards the center of the aisle and against it, putting out the cutting edge. In this case, the bed will pass between him. The immersion of the “paws” is carried out to a depth of 5 cm, and a cut of weeds is also carried out simultaneously. Unfortunately, with this type of weed, weed roots remain in the soil.
  • PROPER. A special frame that has a special knife in the base. Behind the frame is the drum lying on the side. The walls of this drum are a blast-plastine. Before the opening of the wheel steam is placed in a row (either in neighboring or one through one). The wheels are fixed on a special axis, which facilitates their adjustment by the width of the bed. The knife soaks the soil and brings the stalk of weed grass, and the drum captures the remaining weeds with naked roots with its blades, leaving them behind. There is another variety of the prosecutor. This option does not have a leading frame. Instead, he has several knives bent in the form of the letter “g”, which are attached from the end side of the cylinder over its entire continuous surface.

Alignment of the site using a motor block and cultivator

Neighbor plowing under a hay field with a 7 bottom plow

This type of equipment is suitable not only for agricultural needs. Cultivator or Unine tractor can be used for landscape work. You can align the summer cottage with improvised means, shovel and rakes, as well as with the help of utility equipment, but if the area is hilly or replete with stumps and a developed root system, a more heavy equipment may be required.

The alignment of the site with a cultivator is possible only if there are minor irregularities that can be eliminated without resorting to additional technical means (a tractor with a bucket, etc.D.). The same-based tractor is capable of immersing a little deeper, but on average, the immersion area reaches 15-17 cm. Further leveling of the site occurs with the help of a rake. Loosened soil should be evenly distributed throughout the site.

If the soil on the site is too hard, rocky, or if there are undecuted stumps and t.D., It will be better to resort to the service of the tractor. Solid items, such as a large stone, deepened into the soil for a considerable distance, or an overgrown rosehip bush, deeply rooted on the site, it will be better to dig in advance using a conventional bayonet shovel. Only by removing the parts interfering with loosening and removing large garbage, you can start work with a walk.behind tractor.

It is important to remember that the operation of a motor block and a cultivator on hilly terrain and other irregularities are associated with increased risk.

Assembly of the plow and a hanging plow on a single tractor

The plow and hitch are two main components that you need to perform soil plowing. To do this, you need to assemble a plow and a hitch into one whole to install a plow on a single tractor and adjust it for a plow.

The plow is attached to the walk.behind tractor using a hitch. Since the clutches have various modifications and each model has its own differences, in some cases you will have to carry out preliminary work on installing the clutch on the plow. Когда сцепка установлена ​​на плуг, приступаем к навеске плуга на одноосный трактор.

Fastening the plow to the walk.behind tractor through a universal coupling provides a reliable attachment of the plow to the power block, and also allows you to perform a number of accurate adjustments to the plow for soil plow.

Types of collapse for a walk.behind tractor

If we use a universal coupling, as shown in photo 3, I recommend not to fix the adjusting screw, the locknuts (a) are left weakened, we also weaken the counterthops (b) fixing the coupling to the plow rack. Now we can start adjusting the plow.

Adjustment of the motoroblock plow

The adjustment of the motoblock plow includes the following. adjusting the plow of the plow, adjusting the angle of inclination of the dump of the plow and adjusting the angle of inclination of the field board, relative to the nose of the lime. We will first talk about how the motor block plow works.

Plug device for a walk.behind tractor

Photo 4 in photo 4, we can see the device of a standard plow for a walk.behind tractor. In some cases, plows have some differences, but mostly most plows for walk.behind engines have just such a device.

First, we will adjust the plow for the depth of plowing. To do this, we will need two stands 12-20 cm high, the height of the stands depends on what depth we will plow our land with you and we will plow our land. If the depth of the plowing is 15-18 cm, then the stands are needed 15 cm high, if the depth of plowing is 20-23 cm, then accordingly we take the stands with a height of 20 cm.

Note: You can use bricks or bars as stands.

The first stage of the plow adjustment and cutting of the grooves

Having chosen the stands suitable for us, we lay them on the even surface of the soil at a distance from each other equal to the width of the track between the primrose, after which we install the same tractor on them. The plow should touch the surface of the soil of the field board along its entire length. As shown in photo 5, the plow stand should be parallel to the inner end of the soil and strictly perpendicular to the surface of the soil.

The next stage of adjusting the plow is the angle of inclination of the field board. It is important to withstand the height of the heel of the plow (field board) relative to the nose of the plow (Lemeha), as shown in photo 6, this distance should not exceed 30 mm (matchbox), otherwise the plow will explode into the soil and the quality of plowing will worsen much or in a motorcycle unit not enough traction and the engine will overheat and die out.

Photo 6 (right) shows an example of how you and I can adjust the angle of inclination of the field board using the adjusting screw. Ring.on A and B must be completely weakened, rotating the screw clockwise, we will thereby increase the height of the heel of the plow relative to the nose and vice versa. After performing this adjustment, it is necessary to tighten the nuts a and b using a wrench.

After adjusting the plow, we remove the stands from under the ground-bearing motorcycle unit and, along the pre-planned line, we pass through the motor block by cutting the first roller groove with a plow. It is important that the first striped furrow is as flat as possible.

Roller grooves can be one, two or more, it all depends on the type of plowing. For example, with plowing in “dump”. We will need to make two rowing stripes in the center of the site (left and right), and after that, again return to the adjustment of the plow.

The second stage of adjustment of the plow and plow

After we cut the rowing furrows, we go to the second stage of adjusting the motor block plow. We take one stand and put it under the left gilling. After that, we need to change the angle of inclination of the dump, so that the plow as in the first case is located perpendicular to the surface of the soil.

To change the angle of inclination of the dump of the plow, it is necessary to weaken the nuts of the plow attachment to the cap (the footnote is indicated by the arrow) and turn the plow so that it takes the position as shown in photo 8.

Having finished adjusting the plow, we remove the stand from under the left soil-bearing and roll out the one-axic tractor to the place of plowing, the right heater should be located in the proper furrow (photo 9, left).

We turn on the first (low) gear, begin the motion movement, so that the right ceremonial is moved strictly in the prophetic furrow. At the same time, the uniform tractor is tilted to the right side, but the plow during movement is located perpendicular to the soil surface (photo 9, right). And so we continue to plow the entire site.

The unoic tractor with proper adjustment of the plow moves without jerking, the engine works in optimal mode, the plow does not bury the nose of the lameck in the soil. From under the dump of the plow, the soil when turning over the edge of the previous furrow.

Внимание! На видео пока представлен только первый этап регулировки плуга мотоблока, пробное видео, эта регулировка плуга предназначена только для прохождения пропашных борозд.

Tips and recommendations

The first and most importantly, what should be noted. observe safety precautions.

In general, the device of the walk.behind tractor is understandable and simple. But in any case, as well as for any other equipment, it needs care and timely maintenance and replacement of consumables. Use only high.quality spare parts recommended by manufacturers.

To prevent mixing of the fertile layer and what is under it, change the direction of plowing every season. In this case, you will reduce the likelihood of crop failure.

If your plow is not provided for height adjustment, you can independently drill an additional hole in the rack. But make sure that the design does not lose its rigidity.

correctly, configure, axle, tractor, plowing

The device of the revolutionary plow to the walk.behind tractor

Consider the device of the revolutionary plow to the walk.behind tractor on a specific example. The plow is designed for cringing and turning the arable layer, and is recommended for use on soils that have already been processed.

The main characteristics of the plow

  • Plowing depth 20cm;
  • Lemech width (capture) 22 cm;
  • 3 holes are made in the rack to configure the depth of plowing in the rack;
  • Height 76 cm;
  • Width 32 cm;
  • Length 48 cm;

The plow joins the walk.behind tractor using the appropriate adhesion. The plow should be adjusted so that the side line of the field board during operation is located in parallel to the direction of movement, t.E along the wall of the furrow. And the supporting triangle formed by the cutting edge of the bowl, the heel and the lower facet of the field board, should be in the horizontal plane.

In order to configure the depth of plowing, you need to adjust the angle of inclination of the plow body in the vertical-proper plane. To do this, use additional holes in the staple of the miniseter and the plow rack, or the adjustment screw of the clutch.

During operation, you can adjust the correct installation of the plow. The design of this revolutionary plow allows you to fall off the soil layer in one direction, both with direct and in the reverse course. To change the housing of the revolutionary plow, it is enough to turn it 180 ° around the axis, and fix it in the working position. Before you start working with a plow, you need to equip it with soil.bearing, to ensure a reliable adhesion of the assembly of the unit with processed soil.

Safety precautions when working with a revolutionary plow

Before starting work, check whether all threaded connections are tightened. Delete all extraneous objects from the processed territory. During the maneuvering of the unit with a plow installed, as well as when moving in reverse, observe special caution. In order to avoid injuries that can be obtained from protruding sharp corners and edges, follow a safe distance to the gun during operation.

Use protective gloves when servicing the gun. If you finished work, you need to clean the plow. All details and threaded joints that do not have a paintwork must be treated with grease. Store the plow must be in a closed room.