How To Cut Door Trims

Using nails

The most traditional way of installing platbands is using nails. In order to hide the attachment points as much as possible, special miniature carnations are used, their feature is the almost complete absence of a cap.

In order to properly nail the platbands on the door, you need to set them in level. Since when mounting on a wall, distortions or gaps may occur that were not on a flat surface, it is recommended to leave a small excess of material when cutting.

Since nails without heads are used for the platbands of interior doors, try not to damage the coating of the cladding itself. It is most convenient to work with a small hammer. In advance, you can outline the connection point using an awl.

In order to cover up the nails on the platbands, they mainly use a special mastic or grout to match the coating. Minor damage can be masked with paint, felt-tip pen or pencil.

How To Cut Door Trims

The use of nails is the traditional way of attaching platbands

Liquid Nails

Another method of fixing platbands involves the use of special glue. The most popular option is the so-called liquid nails. This compound provides fast adhesion to almost any surface.

Let’s consider how to properly fix the platbands without ordinary nails. To do this, it is necessary to initially determine the exact position of each element. Then apply a small amount of glue to the back of the plank and press it against the wall. If glue has come out from under the trim, wipe it off immediately. It is advisable to apply only a few points to prevent spreading.

Fastening platbands to liquid nails simplify the process

The main types of platbands

Before we look at how you can attach platbands to interior doors, you should familiarize yourself with their main types. The installation method directly depends on the specific type of product.

The material of manufacture is distinguished:

  • Wooden;
  • MDF;
  • PVC;
  • Pressed paper;
  • Metallic.

Varieties of door trims, depending on the material of manufacture

For budget options, pressed products are used. In a modern interior, the most popular type is MDF products, besides, unlike other types of platbands, any mounting option is available for MDF.

In appearance and configuration, they are distinguished:

  • Straight;
  • Rounded;
  • Carved and curly;
  • Typesetting.

Variations of platbands by configuration

As for fastening methods, platbands can be installed in three main methods:

  • On ordinary nails;
  • On glue “liquid nails”;
  • According to the principle of “thorn and groove”.

In order for the opening to look organic, it is important to observe the optimal dimensions for all parts. Elements can be cut in two ways: at right angles or 45 degrees. In the first case, the upper bar is most often installed over the sidewalls, while the edge must be processed. With an oblique cut, you need to bring out the ideal angle so that the fragments dock together without gaps. It is better to use a miter box for cutting.

Preparation of the working area

Before proceeding directly to the fastening of the platbands, you should properly prepare the work surface. The entire list of works can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • Installation of the box. Platbands serve as a kind of decor for doors, as they are able to create a spectacular frame and hide minor wall defects. Consequently, their installation must be done at the very end after installing the doors.
  • Foam removal. After the box dries out, it is necessary to cut off excess polyurethane foam in order to bring an even level between the wall and the tray, it is best to do this with a clerical knife.
  • Removal of irregularities. If, during the installation of the door leaf and the frame, there are small defects on the wall, for example, concrete chips, they can be repaired with plaster, this will not only facilitate installation, but also improve the strength of the opening. So that during the installation process there are no gaps, the surface for fixing the platbands must be flat.
  • Wall decoration. Before installing the platbands, it is necessary to complete all the finishing work: painting, wallpapering, etc.
  • Cleaning. Remove all dust and other debris from the surface; when using glue, you need to additionally degrease the perimeter of the opening.

Preparation of the working area for the installation of the door trim

Next, we will consider in detail the various ways of attaching platbands to interior doors.

How platbands are attached to interior doors: basic methods

How to properly fix the platbands on the door. this question often becomes relevant when carrying out repairs in the house. It is actually quite simple to do it yourself if you know some of the nuances regarding the types of products and methods of fixing them around the perimeter of the opening.

Telescopic models

The simplest is to attach telescopic platbands to interior doors. It is made without nails, but can be supplemented with glue for greater strength. Installation features are directly related to their design. The fact is that the edges of the platbands, when connected, coincide with the edge of an extension or a lute. The principle of adhesion. “thorn-groove”.

Telescopic platbands are fixed strictly in the groove of the box bar

In other words, one part goes inside the other. Thus, in order to install such products, it is enough just to cut off the excess and dock the parts. The protrusion of the element is inserted into a recess in the door frame. Then you need to set the required distance, which is regulated by the size of the recess.

Regardless of which installation method you choose for a particular situation, you should be careful, since one awkward movement can ruin the entire structure. If there are irregularities on the wall, it is necessary to pre-align them so that there are no gaps, this applies to absolutely all models of platbands, regardless of the material of manufacture and configuration.

Types of platbands

Many types of platbands are used in the interior. They differ in the material from which they are made, in their shape, color and quality. Usually, either wooden or plastic trims are used to frame doors or windows.

By its shape, the platbands can be divided:

    • Flat. have a simple, uncomplicated look, and they are most often used.

      • Rounded. the front of the bezel has a rounded appearance.
      • Curly. can combine various shapes. They look very unusual and quite attractive.

      The material from which the strips are made can be very diverse:

      • Wood is the most common material, as it is environmentally friendly and not expensive.
      • Plastic. made in any color and shape. Most durable material and quite easy to install.
      • Metal. allows you to experiment with the most unusual patterns, create various shapes.

      The frame is also classified by the type of thread.

      • Slotted. the pattern is made across the entire area of ​​the plank.
      • Overhead. the finished pattern is nailed or glued to the finished background.

      According to the method of mounting the platband, there are only two types.

      • Overhead. mounted on the doorway.
      • Telescopic. they have spouts that, during installation, are inserted into the holes of the door frame.

      How to cut the trim

      The platband is a decorative design for any door. It gives it a finished and most attractive look, enhancing the interior of the house. Attachment of cashing. This is the final stage of door installation and repair in general. Thanks to this framing, the gap between the doorway and the door frame will be masked in the best possible way. Working with a platband is a topical issue for everyone, since when installing a door one cannot do without such a frame. Such work requires care, as it has many nuances.

      How to cut the platband with a miter box

      To work you will need the following tools:

      • Miter box;
      • Hacksaw;
      • Crafting table.

      The miter box is a tool thanks to which you can cut a product at any angle. It looks like a tray that is made of wood or an alloy of metals, but most often it is made of plastic. In the construction market, you can find a simplified version of it, you will need it for cutting at an angle of 45 degrees, but there are also more complex designs, they are designed for cutting at an angle of 90 degrees.

      In such work, it is also important which cutting tool to use. Depending on what material the frame is made of, you need to choose a specific tool so as not to damage the product. For example, a hacksaw for metal is suitable for cutting a metal strip, and it is also suitable for a plastic frame. And for a wooden product, you need to use a hacksaw for wood. The accuracy of the cut and the quality of the work done depends on whether the correct tool is used when cutting.

      The workbench will facilitate the work in terms of having all the necessary tools at hand.

      In order for the bar to be cut off correctly, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions with precision.

      The framing must be leaned against the doorway and marked the required length, then cut off the excess part.

      We install the bar in the miter box in such a position in which it will be attached in the doorway. It needs to be pressed against the far side of the tool.

      Cut the bar at an angle of 45 degrees.

      By the same principle, we set a second striker to the far side of the tool and its mode.

      For the accuracy of the work done, beforehand, before fastening, we join two parts of the platbands, and if there are no gaps between them, you can start installing them.

      For a complete representation of such work, you can see.

      How to cut platbands yourself without the help of a miter box

      If it is not possible to use the miter box, then you can make it yourself or do without it at all.

      To properly cut the frame without using a special tool, you can use the usual markings on the wall and at the same time get a good result.

      For work you will need:

      • Pencil;
      • Roulette;
      • Ruler;
      • Hacksaw.

      To complete the work, you need to follow the step by step instructions.

      We attach the bar to the wall where it will be attached, and draw a small line along it.

      Now, in the same way, you need to draw the fishing line, attaching the second platband, in the place where the corner should be.

      When everything is drawn, you should get a mark on the wall that looks like two crossed mowing lines. The point where these mowing lines intersect must be shifted alternately to two planks.

      The mark transferred to the frame will be the cutting line, for this, from the mark to the other end, draw a line and cut.

      We attach two parts of the plank to the wall in order to correct the angle, if suddenly there was no joining.

      To cut off a corner using a homemade miter box, it is quite possible to draw it on cardboard, a board, or on a regular sheet of paper. To do this, you need to draw the angles with a protractor at the desired degree. Use such a homemade tool in the same way as a purchased one, namely, we expose the platband parallel to the mowing line with the desired degree and cut it off.

      The main advantage of such a drawn tool is that you can draw an angle at absolutely any angle.

      How to attach platbands yourself

      When the corners of the platbands have been cut off, you can attach them to the wall. It is recommended to do this with decorative nails with small heads, and not with glue, since glue is not durable. And if the frame needs to be replaced or removed for painting, it is much easier to do this with nails, and if the bar was attached to glue, then when removed it can be easily damaged.

      There are only four ways to attach such a frame:

      • Finishing nails
      • Liquid nails.
      • Self-tapping screws.
      • Use of platbands with latches.

      Installation with finishing nails is the most common method. It is recommended to use nails 4 centimeters long and no more than 1.5 millimeters in diameter. The holes are drilled at a distance of 5. 7 centimeters, after which nails are hammered into them, but not completely. Now you should remove the heads of the nails using side cutters and mask with a wax pencil of the same color as the bar itself.

      If the surface of the wall to which the frame will be attached is completely flat, and the strips are made of MDF material, then the method of fastening to liquid nails is suitable. To do this, it is necessary to apply such nails to the seamy side of the strip and attach it to the wall, holding it in this state for some time. Then you should fix the frame with tape. This method is quite simple and its main advantage is that the front part will not be subjected to mechanical stress. But when removing it, you will need to make a lot of effort.

      To attach the platband with self-tapping screws, you need to make not very deep, but rather wide holes in it. This will be needed so that the caps of the screws are not higher than the frame itself. To decorate the screws, you can purchase special caps for them in the same color as the bar itself. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws 2 centimeters long and no more.

      The door frame with latches outwardly resembles the letter “G”. It is fastened very simply, which is a plus. Its “beak” moves into the hole and snaps into place. The disadvantage of this method of fastening is that it is not so easy to remove it, and when reattached, the platband may delaminate, and subsequently it will not look beautiful.

      All of the four proposed options for mounting the frame are not difficult, you just need to choose the one that is suitable for the interior of the room.

      Telescopic platband

      It is similar to the usual one, differs from it in the presence of a protrusion, which serves to connect with the door frame and the extension. If the box turned out to be narrower than the opening, it will be the best option.

      In case of improper installation, a gap will remain in the structure, which will spoil the appearance. Therefore, when installing a telescopic platband, everything must be done correctly, carefully and slowly.

      Installation of door trims

      For work you will need to prepare tools:

      • The bar is applied vertically and the required length is marked. Then, a right angle is marked with a square and cut off.
      • Now it is applied again, aligned and marked on the inner corner of the box.
      • Using a goniometer, mark an angle of 45 ° and cut.
      • Do the same with the casing on the other side.
      • After preparing two blanks, you can proceed to their installation. To do this, nails are driven into the door frame with a pitch of 50 cm. Then the caps are bite off from them so that an acute angle is obtained. The length of the nails on the surface of the box must remain at least 5 mm.
      • For reliability, glue can be applied to the bar.
      • Now a platband is applied to the door frame and with a mallet or through a bar wrapped in a rag, tapping is put on carnations.
      • After installing the two side parts, they proceed to marking the upper.
      • The corners of the upper platband are measured by attaching it to the side.
      • Cutting off the excess top, they are nailed in the same way as the side trims.

      Finishing nails

      This method of fastening has such advantages as: ease of installation and, if necessary, dismantling. Even an inexperienced person can cope with this task. Therefore, this particular method is the most popular.

      For high-quality fastening of cashing, you will need nails with a narrow head. The length of the nails must be at least 4 cm, since they must enter the door frame by 1.5. 2 cm.

      Before starting the installation, the places for driving in nails are marked on the platband. They should be evenly spaced along the entire length of the plank. The recommended step between them is 0.5 m.

      : How to correctly install door trims

      Plastic platbands

      Plastic platbands are good for ease of installation. They are installed on special nipples, which are self-tapping screws with plastic heads. The platbands have grooves in the form of longitudinal grooves. The groove is aligned with the nipple head and pounded on the casing with a fist. A click indicates that the nipple is secured. Depending on the width of the rail, there can be 2, 3 or 5 slots. If desired, you can hide various kinds of communications in the neighboring furrows: wiring, Internet or television cable.

      Plastic trims are easy to install

      How to install platbands correctly?

      Very often, after installing doors, gaps appear, which have to be sealed with polyurethane foam. The main problem in finishing the door is the installation of platbands. The process is not difficult, but painstaking. In order not to spend extra money on hiring specialists, you can install platbands with your own hands.

      Specificity of installation of platbands

      Platbands are mounted in different ways: overhead and telescopic platbands are distinguished. Wooden or MDF platbands are most often fastened with liquid or regular nails without heads. But if you decide to work with nails with heads, but you need to “drive” them deep into the wood, and then hide these places with a correcting wax pencil or acrylic sealant of an acceptable shade.

      The use of liquid nails for installation is allowed only if there is a leveled plane of the adjacent walls. Otherwise, gaps are formed between the wall and the decor details.

      Options for fastening and cutting platbands

      Each option has its own advantages. For example, screws are easier to hide than nails. At the same time, nails are the most reliable fastening option.

      The only good glue is that you can’t see it. The rest is solid cons: the adhesive requires a flat surface, which it is desirable to prime. Increased requirements for surface cleanliness completely discourage all desire to work only with an adhesive composition. But it is convenient to use the combined method of fastening with glue and nails.

      MDF laminated planks

      MDF is a reimagined and improved version of fiberboard. The overlapped wood board is covered with a special film. In theory, such a coating should protect the woody body of the casing from moisture. In practice, MDF, like other materials, is susceptible to moisture.

      Platband from MDF

      The big advantage of such platbands is the price. Actually, therefore, models from MDF are the most popular. In addition, they are easier to mount, since the MDF rail is simply thinner, which means less effort is required to attach the platband to the wall

      Types of platbands for interior doors

      Manufacturers offer us a huge range of door trims. The shape can be: curly, drop-shaped and semicircular.

      The material from which they are made is also diverse, it is MDF, and plastic, and natural wood, aluminum or steel. Platband decoration can be done: with laminated film, veneer, plastic or paint.