How To Mow A Lawn With An Electric Lawn Mower

How To Mow A Lawn With An Electric Lawn Mower

There are several situations in which the braid on the summer cottage or suburban area can be optimally useful:

  • The rains had passed, and the grass had grown strongly;
  • There is too much grass for the trimmer, but no lawnmowers;
  • You need to mow the grass in an uncomfortable place for the mower (uneven soil, near shrubs or trees).

If the grass is too tall. Than 15 cm, then the trimmer scatters it in the form of small debris throughout the site. In order to remove the mowed vegetation quickly and without unnecessary debris, it is advisable to use a manual scythe. About how to use it and will be discussed in this article.

  • Why mow grass
  • Where and when to mow grass
  • How to mow grass: technique
  • How to sharpen a scythe with a bar
  • The man who mows the grass
  • Network user reviews

Why mow grass

Weed grass has good adaptability to any growing conditions and grows everywhere. If weeds are not destroyed, then in a couple of years they will turn any site into a wild field. Weeds propagate not only by seeds, but also by rhizome. Thus, to remove some types of vegetation will have to spend a lot of time.

Growing weeds quickly develop the useful area of ​​the site, intensively use nutrients and moisture from the soil. It is impossible to destroy the unsolicited flora, which grows next to useful plants, by chemical means.

This will lead to the death of all vegetation. For these reasons, grass mowing is a must. For the rational use of their time, it is necessary to choose the right tool for mowing:

  • Mowing with a lawn mower is necessary on an even large area. A lawn or rest area;
  • It is convenient to work with a trimmer in any areas if the height of the grass is 5 to 10 cm.
  • Oblique mow tall grass or vegetation in an uneven area.

When choosing a tool, you must remember that the older the braid, the better the metal used to make it. Modern braids significantly lose in the quality of the Soviet. The size of the tool is indicated by a number from 3 to 9. The number determines the length of the blade: the larger the number, the longer the braid.

Where and when to mow grass

Grass needs to be mowed as it grows. Intensive growth of vegetation occurs in late April. May, especially it intensifies after rains.

Mowed grass must be removed immediately from the site, as uncleaned parts of plants can grow in wet soil. Then you can mow once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the growth of vegetation. If you do not start growth, then you can mow small shoots with a trimmer as they appear.

In hot weather, plant growth slows down and you need to mow less often. In the heat you can not mow the lawn too low. The grass will burn out.

The last lawn mowing occurs in October.

How to mow grass: technique

Good mowing is ensured by a well-chosen working tool and its preparation for work.

Mowing instructions:

  • The tool must be sharp and not dull while you mow. Sharpen it on an abrasive wheel. The width of the circle is 1.5-2 cm, the blade is wetted during sharpening so that it is wet. Sharpened the bottom.
  • Blasting is performed using a special hammer. The purpose of beating is to prevent the blade from blunting quickly when mowing.
  • Both planes of the braid sharpen bar. If you have no experience sharpening such a tool, then it is advisable to find a professional.

Mowing technique:

  • Mowing starting position: take tool; in work, the body will bend slightly, following the movement of the hands; supporting leg is slightly in front; the body is slightly turned to the left.
  • The mowing wave will consist of two parts: first the tool goes in one direction, then in the other.
  • The swings are not wide; hands move like pendulums. From right to left and then a second swing from right to left.
  • Smooth waves. There should be no tension in your hands, otherwise you will quickly get tired.
  • To make it easy to mow, the handle should be located at the level of the belt.
  • When the mowers mow, the heel of the braid rakes the mowed plants and folds them to the side of the mowing. It turns out a grass roll.

The mowing should be straight, its width should not change. Video: how to mow grass with a manual scythe

How to sharpen a scythe with a bar

Sharpening a scythe with a bar can be difficult for a beginner. Here, as in any other business, there is its own instruction:

  • Keep the tavern against the ground, with the blade and bar in your hands;
  • The tool in this position has two planes: upper and lower;
  • The upper is sharpened by a sliding movement along the blade from itself to the side;
  • The lower plane is sharpened by the movement of the bar with a force upward in the direction from itself forward.

Bar for sharpening braids

The man who mows the grass

The mower puts his legs so that a comfortable support is formed when moving (the distance between the heels is about 35 cm) and brings forward the supporting leg.

  • A wave consists of two tricks: the tool moves to the right, then with a return movement to the left. At the same time, the blade cuts the plants. Try to capture no more than 15 cm of grass.
  • After 1-2 strokes, a step forward is made with the left foot.
  • Again 2 strokes and step forward with the right foot.
  • Do not slouch, as your back muscles will get tired and you won’t be able to work long.
  • Follow your breathing technique. Do not rush, try to just perform the movements correctly.

Now that you know how to mow and how to sharpen the braid, remember that this is a traumatic tool and you need to handle it carefully, especially if there are other people near you. Also, do not be distracted while mowing so as not to injure your slanting leg.

  1. Features of the situation
  2. Equipment role

Arrangement of a suburban area (and even a local area in the city) is a very complicated matter. Especially because you have to take care of the household all the time. Many people have questions about how to do this or that job, for example, is it possible to mow wet grass with a trimmer.

Features of the situation

Of course, such a question does not arise for those who live in the immediate vicinity of the lawn. Then you can wait a while, and work when the grass dries. But the need to clean wet grass arises immediately if you can visit the site only occasionally. What to do if you have to mow the lawn at the weekend, on another day with rainy weather, that’s the subtlety. The opinions of the summer residents themselves differ, therefore focus on their position does not make much sense. You need to understand the nuances yourself.

Equipment role

From the very beginning, it must be pointed out that there are two main types of trimmers, which in different ways “relate” to wet vegetation. Some devices are equipped with a gasoline engine, while others are driven by connecting to the mains or installing a battery. In turn, electric mowers are divided into two subgroups: with the location of the motor in the lower or upper part of the apparatus. It is safe enough for the user to remove wet grass can only petrol trimmers or hand braids.

Using an electric mower in this case is categorically undesirable. Sometimes you can come across allegations that this requirement applies only to devices with a lower motor placement. Such an electric motor comes into direct contact with water. Due to this contact, short circuits can be feared.

If water does get inside the power plant, there is a risk of not only a short circuit, but also an electric shock. It is worth noting that these restrictions apply not only to trimmers, but also to full-fledged lawn mowers. The assurances of manufacturers and marketers about security should not be taken into account. To minimize the risk for yourself and your equipment, you should use a lawn mower. But there are a few more subtleties that must be taken into account.

Even if the mowing machine does not fail, and its owner is not shocked (let’s say such a favorable situation for a minute), you still cannot mow the raw grass with a trimmer. This is a known abnormal mode of operation, due to which the equipment wears out too quickly. Wet vegetation has a much greater resistance to cutting elements than it should be. Therefore, even very well insulated motors operate with overload.

Due to the sticking of wet grass to the knives and the spindle, the load on them will necessarily increase. This can not be avoided, and no skill kosets, no methods and schemes for clearing the lawn do not help. Not only the motor suffers, but also the shaft, which sometimes cranks.

Problems with mowing wet grass can occur in gasoline devices. Yes, they are more powerful than electrical counterparts, but the load is still higher than normal. First of all, “under the blow” are piston pairs and other moving parts. If there is no way out other than using a gas mower, you must protect it. When mowing raw grass, the device is periodically switched to idle without load. 30 seconds is enough to remove excess heat, as well as save the life of the trimmer.

And about different situations

When talking about mowing wet grass, you need to distinguish the following possible situations:

  • It is wet after rain;
  • It’s raining;
  • The cause of moisture is a moist area (lowland or soil water).

In the first case, it is quite possible to take a chance and try to clean up the lawn mower. In the second mowing is impractical. In the third, you will first have to decide something with humidity and only then put the lawn or lawn in order. If you often have to mow wet grass after rain or “along the dew” in a small area, it is better to use not a trimmer, and not a lawn mower, but a simple hand-held scythe. You need to look not only at the grass that is being cleaned, but also at the one where the network wire is laid.

Moisturizing it can be a very serious risk factor. To mow grass after rain, you need to wait a bit. A few minutes, even with a very large hurry, will not significantly reduce the time that can be allocated for mowing.

As for mowing raw grass, there are the following objections to it:

  • It is more difficult to walk with a trimmer or lawn mower in such conditions, you can easily fall and get injured;
  • Have to spend more time on work;
  • After mowing, it will be necessary to thoroughly clean the device itself;
  • Wet chlorophyll will leave more stains on clothes, leather, shoes.

Now you need to figure out how to proceed, if you still decide to use a gas trimmer to clean the lawn or lawn in wet weather. An important rule is to maintain optimal grass length. Shortening it excessively, especially in the summer, summer residents risk provoking the plants to dry out early. It is unlikely that this will contribute to a good appearance.

Of course, wear sturdy, waterproof shoes. Headphones or ear plugs are used only when working with a push-pull gasoline trimmer. In a large meadow with even grass, mowing is carried out along imaginary squares, conditionally dividing the entire territory into them. First they move along the perimeter of each square, then mow it from the inside and move on to the next part of the lawn. Regardless of the weather, before starting work, you should do the following:

  • Check the health of the equipment;
  • Remove all debris and foreign objects from the site;
  • Replace worn cutting elements if necessary;
  • Are determined with the direction of mowing so that the lawn does not resemble a “washing board”.

For how to mow wet grass with a trimmer and lawn mower, see the next.