How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw at home

Do you want to use long saw equipment? Then take care of its timely prevention. It is necessary to sharpen the tool as necessary.

How to sharpen a chain of a chainsaw. We will tell you the tool yourself!

A chainsaw without a normal chain tape that a car without a motor. This time-proved postulate will be confirmed to you by any technically savvy specialist. The chain should always be well sharpened, if you, of course, want to always use the services of your chainsaw. Otherwise, she will not forgive you miscalculations. This means that you will not see the accuracy, efficiency and safety of your work.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw at home

Any professional will confirm. From sharpening the teeth of your tool, even more than from the motor itself, and the final result of such a laborious event, such as working with a chainsaw, will depend. Lumberjacks with experience give the following practical advice. It is necessary to sharpen as sharpening sharpening worsens. If you have to make a lot more effort than before, the saw begins to cut as it pleases, and changes the angle, slowing down your work, in which case you have no choice. Proceed with sharpening.

Pay attention to the sharpness of the chain and to the emerging chips. If everything is fine with sharpness and sharpening, then the shavings you have will be almost uniform, and the resulting sawdust will be square in shape. If there is a need for sharpening, then this will be visible by dust in the chips and sawdust in the form of needles.

File and chainsaw. A successful tandem!

To correct the inconvenience, it is advisable to stock up with round and flat files, as well as a template and vise. The last device will greatly facilitate your work, freeing both hands.

Remember that you must pay attention to each link in the chain. The rule should also be taken into account that the efficiency of the saw is determined by the difference in heights: we are talking about the distance between the cutting teeth and the limiter itself. The differences in height parameters allow the teeth to cut into the tree (usually the limiter tooth should be approximately 0.7 mm lower than the cutting tooth in its characteristics).

The chain sharpening process is harder than sawing!

Do not think that everything will turn out so simple the first time. But with skill, you will succeed. First you need to sharpen the cutting teeth. A special template is applied for this. When sharpening it, arrows indicate the direction of movement. Do not use physical force in such cases, but try to smoothly and accurately make uniform pressure at an angle directly to the saw bar.

Experts recall that in practice the angle of inclination itself can be different and depends on the chain pitch. The main thing in such a jewelry and laborious work is not to rush and, as an option, remember how many movements you made. This practice of counting will allow you not to overdo it in one place and not to forget to perform the same amount of load in another.

Sharpened cutting teeth, too soon to rejoice. Before grinding the limiter tooth. A template is also used here (it is better to use a flat file in this place). As practice shows, if you sharpen without a template, you can accidentally go beyond the mark, and then your chainsaw will “bite” into the tree and increase vibration when working with material, which means you can simply forget about such an important characteristic as accuracy.

What to consider:

If you are ready to start sharpening, then it is better to do it right away, without delay. And remember: the frequency of sharpening can vary significantly depending on the bark of trees. If the bark from the logs is stripped off, then you can not grind the chain so often and, accordingly, cut it longer. And don’t be afraid to use a chainsaw. If you have small trees and branches, you can always use different types of tools for trimming trees. So good luck!