How to stretch a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer. Choose a fishing line for a trimmer

Learning to correctly wrap the fishing line for a trimmer to the coil of a trimmer for grass and lawn mowing instructions for installation

Any owner of a garden plot knows how quickly weeds can fill the territory. A trimmer for grass will help to win over them without excessive efforts. This is an incredibly useful device. an indispensable assistant in the ending and mowing of grass.

It’s no secret that an ordinary lawn mower can be used far from everywhere. Unlike it, the trimmer can process even very complex sections. This is especially true for those tools in which the knife does not act as a cutting element, but a fishing line for a trimmer.

What you need to know about the fishing line on the trimmer for the grass

Fishing lines is called consumable, which consists of nylon, and serves as a cutting device. Through this equipment, the grass grows, which is ensured due to rotation of the instrument head with a high frequency. This material has a different thickness, which depends on its use on the corresponding tools of low-power (from 1 to 1.6 mm), electric from 500 W (2-2.4 mm) and gasoline trimmers for grass with motorcycles (from 2.4 up to 3.2 mm).

The more powerful the tool, the accordingly there should be a cutting equipment. This affects not only the quality of the injection of grass, but also on the life of the material. If you ask the question of how to wind the coil of a trimmer for grass, then it’s time to change the reload of the tool. With the onset of spring, this issue is becoming more and more in demand, so it’s time to understand the instructions for replacing the fishing line in the coil of the trimmer for grass.

Features of the use of trimmers

A trimmer for grass, mowing grass with a fishing line, can be used near: houses and other buildings, fences and hedges, trees and shrubs, beds and flower beds, a row in a garden plot.

Such a convenient, and most importantly, effective device, like a trimmer for grass, exists in several variations:

As the names understands, the types of trimmer for grass are noticeably different from one another. But regardless of the type of this tool, its cutting element can be a fishing line for a trimmer. Of course, a trimmer tilted for the grass for a trimmer is not infinite. And sooner or later it will need to be replaced by a new.

Fishing consumption directly depends on the frequency of using the device and the scale of the work performed. The more herbs are brazen and the more often it is trimmed with a trimmer for grass, the more actively a fishing line for a trimmer is consumed in it. And, accordingly, the faster it will end. In this regard, the question arises: how to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass?

Not everyone knows the answer to this question. But the winding of the fishing line on the coil plays an important role in the work of a trimmer for the grass. To make the device normally, it is very important to correctly wind a new fishing line for a trimmer to the reel. About how to change a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer, and will be discussed in this article.

fishing line coiling hank

Which line for a trimmer to choose

Before you stock up on this material for refueling in a trimmer for grass, you need to decide on the choice. After all, the usual so.called round fishing line for a trimmer is far from the only existing look. How to choose the most suitable? First you need to determine the working conditions.

Type choice. a line for a trimmer with a round section is the most common. It will suit any reels with the rarest exceptions. This type of consumable is suitable in order to mow fresh, juicy grass. But with the mowing of the so.called dryness, this kind may not cope anymore. It is pointless to mention attempts to mow shrubs and mention.

In addition to the usual type, there are others with sharp faces. Usually they are made by a “star” or “square”. The presence of sharp faces is the main feature and key difference between these threads.

It is thanks to this feature, the threads of such species are able to mow dry weeds. But the spicy threads are not devoid of disadvantages, the main of which can be called rapid wear and strength, markedly inferior to the round type.

In addition to the already mentioned types of forests, there are still interesting and often encountered varieties. Especially among them can be noted fishing lines, inside which a metal wire is stretched. Threads of this type are often used in tools working on gasoline and having an engine more powerful than one and a half horsepower.

Threads with a metal core are both with a round section and with sharp faces. Regardless of the type of cross section, such threads are the best suited to overcome plants. Threads related to this type easily mow not only dry grass, but even small shrubs.

The threads with wire inside are favorably different from other types of consumables for their incredible wear resistance. But unfortunately, this feature has a more than noticeable effect on the price of this type. The cost of threads with a core significantly exceeds the cost of threads of other types.

Choice in thickness

In addition, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the consumption material. For mowing young grass, a thread is suitable with a diameter of one and a half millimeters. The larger the diameter of the thread, the more dry and rude weeds it can overpower.

When choosing a fishing line in thickness, there is one “but”. It is important not only to evaluate the capabilities of the material, but also to take into account the features of the trimmer for the grass. You must definitely look into the user’s management, which is attached to the tool, and find information about the requirements for the cutting element.

The use of inappropriate thread can lead to the failure of the tool. The use of too thick thread will entail the overload of the device engine. And the use of too thin thread will significantly increase the wear of the torque.

That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of consumables no less responsibly than to refuel in a trimmer for grass. When a suitable fishing line for a trimmer is found and purchased, you can begin to consider the ways to wind it on the coil.

How to change a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer

The fishing line for a trimmer is wound on a coil (bobbin), which is located in the body of the head of the trimmer for the grass. First, unscrew the head from the bar with the motorcycle cord and open it the top cover, pressing on the side latches. In some models, the case simply spins.

We take out the coil, clean it from dirt, the remains of the old fishing line. Coils are one- and two-section.

Fishing line winding on a single.section coil

We take 2 m of fishing line, we spread it up to half through a special hole inside the coil. The ends of the fishing line of the same length stick out from both sides. We wrap them with both along the groove of the coil in the direction indicated by the arrow on the case (back to the rotation of the coil on the shaft of a trimmer for grass). We do not wound the fishing line for the trimmer to the end-pieces of 10-15 cm, which will be workers, fix in grooves on board the coil. Fixation is needed so that the fishing line for the trimmer is not unwound when installing it in the head of a trimmer for grass.

We insert the coil into the body of the head, while at the same time we spread the free ends of the fishing line into the holes of the body, set. We collect the head, put it on a trimmer for the grass. Everything, the change of fishing line in the trimmer was carried out.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass with a two.section coil

If there are two sections in the coil, put the fishing line for the trimmer in half and insert the fold place into a special groove in the side between the sections. We begin to wind the ends each in its own groove. then everything, as in the case of a single.section coil.

How much fishing line is wrapped on a trimmer for grass? You can wind 2-4 m, depending on the product model. In each case, it is impossible to wind too tight, the thread should have a free move for stretching during operation.

DIY Wire instead of fishing line in a brushcutter

We change the fishing line for the trimmer to the disk

The procedure for changing fishing line to disk in a motorcycle is as follows:

  • Remove the protective casing from the bar;
  • We block the drive shaft of the trimmer for the grass, stretching the screwdriver through the hole in the gearbox bowl to the hole in the shaft hub;
  • We unscrew and remove the coil with a fishing line from the hub of the drive shaft for the grass;
  • Install a cutting disk on the shaft, combining the slots on the puck of the hub with the recesses of the mounting opening of the disk;
  • Again, the stop shaft of the trimmer for the grass and twist the mounting tag of the mount. It is advisable to squeeze the nut with a tubular key, but do not overdo it;
  • Put the protective casing back.

Everything, the lawn mower is ready to work with a cutting disk.

Important! The change of cutting elements should be carried out carefully, observing safety precautions. You must definitely familiarize yourself with the instructions and follow all the rules set there. This one will ensure a guarantee of the productive, reliable and safe operation of the trimmer for grass.

How to change a fishing line for a trimmer on a lawn mower: detailed instructions

In 1971, American entrepreneur George Bollas invented a mower for grass, where a fishing line for a trimmer played the role of a cutting knife. A lot of time has passed since then, the drive has become more powerful, a modern trimmer can easily damage the bark, so that the idea itself was transformed into mowing around obstacles without damage to the very cutting apparatus of a mowing room. For a neat mowing around obstacles, you can have a head with a smaller fishing line, it is easy to change it when moving from mowing large areas to delicate blocking. However, periodically and the cutting tool itself requires replacement. We tell you how to disassemble the head of the lawn mower (trimmer for grass) and wind a new fishing line for a trimmer.

All about the replacement of fishing line with a trimmer head

There are many types of heads that are designed for different types of fishing line. The latter is also available in several diameters: from 1.0 mm to 3.2 mm. At the same time, its section is round (including with a special groove to reduce noise), square, twisted and in the shape of a star.

There are no clear preferences, and this explains the wide variety of forms and diameters in the market. The round shape is usually stronger, but has a worst cutting ability, in addition, when rotation, it makes a characteristic sound. Therefore, sometimes they make an acoustic groove, however, the use of this fishing line makes sense only on battery trimmers, in machines with gasoline and network drive, the sound level of the drive itself practically drowses the sound from the fishing line. The square has a good cutting ability, and despite the fact that such a fishing line for a trimmer is less durable than round, on average it is consumed less. A square fishing line for a trimmer quite easily cuts the shoots of the same Ivnyak up to 1 cm in diameter. The star has the maximum number of cutting faces, mows best and is the fastest consumed.

The next nuance when choosing is stiffness. The fact is that in the production of nylon, a modifier (often maleine anhydride) is added to it, which improves its strength and prevents gaps. However, modifiers are not the cheapest component, they are trying to save on it. Therefore, it seems to be a good fishing line for a trimmer that remained for the winter, in the spring suddenly behaves completely differently. it breaks, stops doing normally from the reel. There is a recommendation to soak a fishing line for a trimmer in the water before work, but I do not see much sense in this, malein anhydride interacts with water, but if it is not enough in the nylon, then there will be nothing to interact. Therefore, it makes no sense to stock up on fishing line for a long period of time, a breakdown or constantly torn fishing line for a trimmer, which also does not want to leave the reel itself, can significantly complicate the work.

Problems and their solutions

Users of gasoline and electric trimmers sometimes occur with fishing line. Consider the most common.

    A fishing line for a trimmer is often torn:

    • Perhaps in the place where you mow the grass, large stones or branches come across;
    • Be careful when working near mesh fences, since the antennae of the fishing line easily break off in contact with such fences;
    • Frequent cliffs can be associated with the poor quality of the fishing line used, in this case, try to purchase another manufacturer to the forest;
    • If the holes in the mowing head are worn out, the fishing line for the trimmer will be washed on the edges of the bushings; In this case, the part will have to be replaced with a new.
  • If the thread sticks in a coil, this may indicate a poor quality of fishing line or a meeting with a solid obstacle. In the latter case, the trimmer cord dramatically slows down, delayed into an overheated head and seizes. If this situation occurs, you can lubricate the fishing line for the trimmer with motor oil, sprinkle it with a silicone spray, or just refuel less fishing line. But it is better to change the cord for better.
  • If a fishing line for a trimmer is not served during work, the reasons for this:
  • The fishing line for a trimmer is wound incorrectly, as a result of which the coil ceases to spin;
  • Due to the distortion of turns when winding a fishing line for a trimmer can get stuck between the turns;
  • If too short ends of the cord are left, there is not enough centrifugal force for good supply (pull the ends before each use of motorcycles);
  • Squeezing the cord.
  • Passing or unwinding of the cord. It may happen due to weakening or lack of a spring in a mowing head. This part is easily lost, so be careful when you start a lawn mower.
  • The large fishing line consumption may be associated with improper operation, when the operator often resets the speed of the trimmer motor for grass. The head will serve a new portion of fishing line with each decrease, consuming it faster. As well as frequent pressing of the spit.heading down with kosba can provoke its unlocking, lengthening and trimming of the thread.

What problems with the fishing line and the coil of the trimmer for the grass do you have to face operation?

stretch, fishing, line, trimmer, choose

Preparation. remove and disassemble the rogue

In most models of electroly and benzotrimmers, to replace the fishing line, you will need to remove the coil. FUBAG tool (electrimmers and benzoprimers) allows you to skip this stage. For the instruction to be universal, we will still consider it in detail:

one. Fix the shaft. Insert a stop element into the corresponding hole. They may be a thin screwdriver or a metal rod.

Unscrew the spool body. In our example. strictly in the direction clockwise.

Unscrew the lid in accordance with the direction indicated on the case.

The preparatory stage has been passed. You can go to the winding of the fishing line.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass

First determine the length of the consumable for your reel. Wrap a fishing line for a trimmer on a bobbin until it staches for the sides. We got 4 meters. How much will it work with you depends on what diameter of the fishing line for a trimmer for a spool and design features.

Winding algorithm

Lay the fishing line for the trimmer in accordance with the indicated direction on the element case.

Insert the short end into the groove on the side of the coil.

Fasten the long end in the opposite groove.

Place the coil with a wound fishing line in the spray building.

Cut the ends of the fishing line, leaving 10 to 15 centimeters.

The replacement of the fishing line is completed and now it remains only to fasten the bobbin on the trimmer for the grass and you can work.

Preparation for the replacement of fishing line

Before replacing the fishing line, you need to pull out, and then disassemble the head. It usually includes a casing, a spring (on some models), a bobbin with a fishing line, a lid. It is necessary to turn off the electric trimmer for the grass (or drown out gasoline) from the network, and then proceed to remove the coil. It can be recorded in two different ways: in the first case, it is necessary to completely disassemble the head, and in the second. just remove the gearbox from the shaft, to which it is attached.

  • A bobbin is located under the lid, it must be carefully pulled out of the case (sometimes a spring is hidden under it, it should also be carefully removed to the side so as not to lose);
  • After removing the spool, it becomes noticeable in the center of the case with a fixing bolt (or screw), which must be unscrewed in a direction opposite to the clockwise movement;
  • After removing the fasteners, it is necessary to hold the body with a swaying movement to remove the coil from the gear shaft.

The second method involves the following actions. Coil head is worn on the gear shaft. To disconnect it, you need to lock this shaft. Typically, in braids, for example, the brand “Champion” or “Stihl”, for this a hole is made into which a nail, rod or screwdriver is inserted. After fixing the shaft in a fixed position, you need to, holding the body, start rotating the head clockwise, since the thread on the shaft is usually applied to the left.

Now that the head is removed and dismantled, it is necessary to determine what thickness the cord should be. You can find out the suitable diameter for your trimmer for the grass by looking at the user’s guide or on the squash itself, it usually indicates such information. Another way is to insert the thread into the hole from which it is served. If the Sruna is without difficulty, it can be used to work.

On a note! To understand how much fishing line is wrapped for coil, you need to wind it on the bobbin so that the height of the skein is not more than the diameter of the sides. If the cord protrudes behind the edges, the coil cannot be hidden in the casing.

Fishing lines winding algorithm

The procedure for winding the fishing line depends on the type of coil. with one or two antennae, as well as with automatic charging the cord.

On a reel coil

Winding a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil with one osik is very easy. In such structures, depending on the brand of a trimmer for grass, from two to five meters of the cord is placed. The edge of the fishing line in the spool must be tucked into a special hole or groove, after which the string is wound in the direction opposite to the rotation of the coil during operation.

Advice! To understand which way to wrap the thread, you should look at the corps of the spool. usually marks are made on it indicating the direction of movement of the coil during operation.

After the fishing line for the trimmer is windpowed, you need to leave a small piece (15-30 cm), walk into the output of the spool and collect the head again.

To a coil with two antennae

In the rogues of this type, you need to inspect the inside of the coil and determine the number of grooves for winding the cord provided for in it.

Important! If there is only one gutter in the coil, then both antennae must be wrapped in a common groove, if two, then on separate paths.

For winding, you need to take a piece of fishing line with a length of two to three meters. For a spool with one groove, tie a fishing line for a trimmer into a through hole, combine a mustache, leve and wind it up in the direction in the direction of its rotation during operation. If fixing grooves are provided, they need to go through the ends of the cord, then stretch them into the output, and then close the coil and put them in the same place.

For a two.lep mewood, the difference is that the section of the string should be folded in half. Next, it is necessary to charge the middle of the bend into the groove between the grooves, and then wrap each of the pieces of fishing line on its path, fix the antennae and assemble the coil as well as the spool with one track.

stretch, fishing, line, trimmer, choose

On a trimmer head with automatic dressing

For heads with automatic refueling, it is enough to just start and squeeze the edges of the fishing line, and the tool will perform further winding on its own when turning on. It is impossible to make a mistake here, because the coil itself recognizes how the antennae should be located.

On a note! The advantages of trimmers with such a head include the convenience of laying the cord, and the disadvantages. high cost and complex repair.

stretch, fishing, line, trimmer, choose

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of the electrimmer and lawn mower often face a problem associated with a semi.automatic braid head. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

The fishing line for the trimmer does not extend automatically

If, with a light blow, the trimmer coil button for grass on the ground is not lengthened for a trimmer, then the reasons for this may be the following.

Option 1. there was a snack, t.e. Squeezing the cord between turns. This problem usually appears if the user wound a fishing line for a trimmer to the coil unevenly, with the intersection of the turns, or wound it with insufficient tension. In the latter case, when the mowing head is rotated at large revolutions under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to drag on, as a result of which the interitral clamping of the fishing line is possible. To eliminate the problem, you will have to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and rewind the cord correctly, that is, with even turns with good tension.

Option 2. too short ends protrude from the head. A fishing line for a trimmer may not exit when hitting the ground, if its ends sticking out of the head, insufficient length (short). In this case, the centrifugal force is not enough for the fishing line for the trimmer to stretch. Therefore, it is required to stop the unit (drown out the engine or turn off the ethletric trimmer for grass from the network) and pull the fishing line for the trimmer manually, after pressing the button.

Option 3. a fishing line for a trimmer was soldered inside a mowing head. This leads to the fact that the coil is stopped and does not spin when the button is pressed. Basically, this happens for several reasons: poor quality of the cord, overheating of the coil with prolonged operation of the unit, a fishing line on solid items.

  • In the first case, the cord of manufacturers can be made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand the mechanical and temperature load. Therefore, preference should be given to “branded” fishing.
  • But, if you still purchased a fishing line for a trimmer of unknown quality, and it is often soldered during operation, then you can follow the example of some users who, after refueling the cord, moisten it either with silicone grease (from the spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure greatly reduces the likelihood of soldering a fishing line among themselves.
  • Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can sleep if during a mowing it hit a hard object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc.D.). As a result of this, it is slightly stretched and draws back into the head with high speed. The cord is heated from friction, and its turns are sticking together. The only thing that can be done to eliminate this malfunction is to open a trimmer coil for grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

The cord spontaneously lengthens

There are situations when a user of a trimmer for grass notices a very fast fishing line consumption. At the same time, he never hit the ground with a button to lengthen the fishing line. The reason that the fishing line for a trimmer spontaneously lengthens, cutting off a special knife on the casing of the device, may be the absence of a spring in a mowing head. Often beginner users of mowers, trying to charge a fishing line for a trimmer into a coil, forget to install a clamping spring in the head, or completely lose it when opening the lid, and in the future, they do not even suspect its existence.

Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can lengthen without using a button if the spring is weakened. If the spring check confirmed this fact, then it is necessary to put several goals under it to strengthen its clamping properties.

Types of trimmer heads

A mowing head for grass is a cylindrical case in which a coil (bobbin) is inserted with a fishing line in it (cord). This design can be installed both on gasoline and electric trimmer. The heads differ in the method of refueling and supplying the cord and there are 3 types.

  • Automatic. The cord is supplied after the user reduces engine speed. Although the automatic supply of the fishing line is convenient if large volumes of work are performed, such rods have one drawback. a large thread consumption.
  • Semi.automatic. Using this type of head does not require complicated manipulations from the user. The principle of their operation is arranged so that the cord is automatically lengthened at a time when the device works at full speed. It is enough to slightly hit the trimmer’s head for the grass on the ground (this removes the cord lock), and the fishing line for the trimmer, due to the centrifugal force, moves out of the bobbin, after which it is cut to the desired length with a knife located on a protective casing.
  • Manual. For lengthening the cord, the device is required, after which the fishing line for the trimmer is handed out manually.

Based on the above, semi.automatic bobbins are the most optimal option. It should also be borne in mind that the coils for a trimmer for grass are one.built (used only to trim the grass) and two.string, which are used to mow high grass and small, with thin stems of shrubs.

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Semi.automatic fishing line

Semi.automatic. during the work of a trimmer for the grass, if it is necessary to lengthen the cord, it is necessary to touch the earth with a reel. There is a button on it that opens the mechanism of the liberation of the fishing line. Of course, a fishing line for a trimmer is not unwound from every random touch of the earth. To do this, on the handle of a trimmer for the grass is a start button that needs to be clamped and at the same time “hit” a trimmer for grass. Pros: a simple principle of action, a convenient and fast feed during the work of a trimmer for grass. Cons: more expensive a manual coil, a complicated device of the feed system (from a technical point of view).

Automatic fishing line

Automatic. we can say that this is the “last word of technology” for today. Now you can not follow the cost of fishing line, The trimmer for grass in automatic mode itself lengthens the cords. This action takes place when the engine speed decreases. Pros: Fishing crew feeds automatically during the work of the trimmer for the grass. Cons: more expensive than a semiautomatic device several times, technically more complicated (perhaps the weakest side of such coils). Only a high.quality automatic coil will serve faithfully for a rather long time.

stretch, fishing, line, trimmer, choose

Conclusion: manual coils moderately spend a fishing line for a trimmer, but are less convenient to feed the cords. Semi.automatic. we can say this is the most optimal option, the main thing is to follow the fishing line and “hit” the trimmer for the grass in time. Automatic coil. does everything for the operator, but the only minus: does not spare a fishing line for a trimmer. Because of what a large consumption of material.

It is worth noting that the fishing line for a trimmer plays an important role in the efficiency of any coil, as well as the engine of the trimmer itself for grass. It is worth considering the thickness and shape of the thread. And it is better to do this in accordance with the parameters specified in the tool passport. For example, if you install a fishing line for a trimmer more thickly than the manufacturer recommends, then during operation the cord will increase the resistance, which will give additional pressure on the engine. And what such negligence leads to is no secret to anyone.

As for the shape of the fishing line, everything is also not easy here. information can be found in a separate article “Fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass: which is better to buy”.

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