How To Turn On The Lawn Mower

How to work with a lawn mower How to work with a lawn mower Any advertisement presents a modern lawn mower as a versatile tool that can do the work of a dozen mowers in an hour. Besides the big

How to operate a lawn mower

Any advertisement presents a modern lawn mower as a versatile tool capable of doing the work of a dozen mowers in an hour. In addition to high productivity, the lawn mower allows you to get a good quality lawn and successfully mow, regardless of skill, with relatively little physical activity. But working with a lawn mower is not so easy, it requires a certain skill in operating the machine and a good knowledge of the terrain features.

how to turn on the lawn mower

Handle adjustment

Modern lawn mowers make it possible to adjust the position of the handle for any height or features of the constitution and physique of a person. The easiest way to mow and steer the cart is if your hands on the handle are at the level of the center of gravity of the body or 2-3 cm higher.

With a large mass of the lawn mower, the control handle has a lot of force, so when choosing a model, choose a design with an aluminum or steel tubular frame.

This is especially true for front-wheel drive lawn mowers. Owners of front-end mowers like to hang the front axle, thereby reducing traction and adjusting the direction of travel of the machine by turning the body on the rear axle in the desired direction.

Lawn Mower Blade Adjustments

Before mowing, adjust the height of the blades above the ground. Most often, the lift of the mower body above the grass is set with one handle, less often with two. For each pair of wheels, this helps to mow lawns with very dense and heavy grass.

The heavier the mower body, the lower the cutting edges can be. Most often this is a value of 20-25 mm. It is good to mow soft grass with a low position of the cutting plane, for hard and high one it is necessary to adjust not only the ground clearance, but also the angle of inclination of the mower body.

The forward tilt helps compensate for the backward tilt of the windrower if the handle is pushed too hard. Especially if the grass is wet. It is difficult to mow, the rear drive wheels may slip. For a front-drive lawnmower, this tilt will only impair the performance of the mower, it will skip and the surface will remain uneven.

What are lawn mowers and how to choose the right one

Creating a beautiful lawn and keeping it in order is not an easy job. And to make it easier, you need a reliable assistant. A lawn mower. There are many good and different models on sale. And although they all have the same purpose, they differ from each other in a number of parameters. Let’s try to figure them out.

Electric trimmers

The electric trimmer is operated from a household electrical outlet. To his merits can be attributed:

  • Light weight,
  • Environmental friendliness (no exhaust gases and noise).

Disadvantages of an electric trimmer:

  • Binding to the network (outlet),
  • The presence of a stable voltage,
  • An ever-interfering cable on the lawn,
  • Low power.

And the cable itself has a limited length: you can’t mow far from home.

Electric trimmer

Battery trimmer. The same as an electric one, but the engine does not work from the outlet, so you can mow at any distance from the house. This is his basic convenience. However, the mowing area is determined by the capacity of the battery.

What kind of lawn mowers are there?

By way of movement lawn mowers are divided into:

  • Manual (trimmers), which are held in hand when mowing,
  • Wheeled manual ones that need to be transported on the lawn,
  • Self-propelled.

By type of drive motor distinguish mechanical, gasoline and electrical lawn mowers.

Mechanical wheeled lawn mowers easy to operate, no electricity or gasoline is needed, but considerable muscular effort is required. They are environmentally friendly, quiet and allow you to adjust the cutting height of the grass. The cutting mechanism is a cylindrical knife driven by wheels. Such a tool is good for caring for a young lawn, since the low speed of rotation of the knife prevents pulling out grass with a fragile root system.


Even in spite of the fact that such devices have a rather high level of popularity, these instruments have peculiar disadvantages, among which one can note: toxic exhaust, high noise coefficient, and professional service.

But not everything is as bad as you thought, since there are also positive aspects in these lawn mowers relative to other devices, namely: easy starting of the tool, they have inexpensive models, ease of use, correct drive position, and they are also quite practical and reliable.

Over, such hand lawn mowers are not particularly demanding in terms of maintenance of a technical nature. Over, if you are “smart” about your lawn mower and correctly distribute the load during its operation, then it will be able to serve you for more than a dozen years.

It is also important that if you need a gasoline lawn mower, which one is not easy enough to choose, should first of all fully meet all your needs. As soon as you decide on them, then it will immediately become easier for you to actually decide on the model itself. You must take into account what kind of area the unit will need to process. For example, there are special gasoline-powered self-propelled lawn mowers for tall grass, which are ideal for working in overgrown areas, or rotary mowers.

Also an important point is that if your site has a large number of shrubs, lawns, trees and other, shall we say, obstacles “for the device, then in this case you should also” put emphasis “on the maneuverability of the mechanism.

Self-propelled device

First of all, it should be noted that this kind of tool is best suited for areas that are large enough. One of the best units in this series is the Makita self-propelled electric lawn mower, click here and you will find out the main reasons why this particular device deserves your attention.

But naturally, the cost of such equipment is quite high. However, if you decide to shell out a tidy sum for the unit, you need to know what to build on in the process of choosing a mechanism. Namely:

  • From the body material (plastic, metal). It is important to note that the first type is more reliable in terms of the fact that it does not corrode, but it is very fragile in terms of damage. Besides plastic gives the device lightness, which is not unimportant in working with him;
  • Knives. They can have any shape, so it’s up to you here;
  • Grass catcher. It should be convenient, easy to remove and clean;
  • Motor power. The higher the grass, the more power should be;
  • The width of the capture itself. The wider it is, the more productive and better the work is done.

Hand model

First of all, what I would like to draw your attention to is the fact that manual electric lawn mowers are suitable only for areas where there are not a lot of stones and potholes, and the land is rich in gorgeous green grass, which actually needs to be brought in order, as they say.

There is no doubt that such a mower on such an area will perform its work smoothly and efficiently. But many owners are wondering: how to choose an electric lawn mower for their summer cottage?

However, let’s now actually talk about the very choice of this kind of device. Since, knowing all the necessary nuances to which you need to pay attention, you can make the right choice of the tool in your direction without any problems.

It is also important that, for example, unlike motocross, such devices can be used exclusively for cutting short grass, since if the growth of grass is too high, then this device will simply not be able to advance in this area.

Naturally, the power that mowers of this direction have can not be left without due attention. In addition, when choosing a tool you should carefully study how high the grass is capable of mowing this or that model, as well as the bevel width.

It should be noted that in most cases the lowest height that this kind of mower is able to “take” is 20 mm, and the highest is no more than 75 mm.

In addition, during the choice, you must be prepared for the fact that her cannot be used when it rains, the manipulation itself will be carried out in a radius that allows you to directly install the cord, which is connected to the outlet itself, and also such devices have a certain time range of operation.