How to unscrew screws without a screwdriver

How to undo a very small screw if you don’t have a screwdriver?

Another option is to use a toothbrush. Melt one end with a lighter, then immediately insert it into the recess on the head of the screw. After waiting a little bit for the melted plastic to solidify, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course it doesn’t help if the screw is screwed too tight.

Instead of a knife you can use a CD, if the screw is not too tight, you can unscrew it with your fingernail, a plastic bank card, a coin, or a metal ruler, a metal hacksaw blade and a. т. д. If the screw is a Phillips screwdriver, you need a knife with a sharp end.

How to open a very small screw?

Tape it shut, and then find small screwdrivers and tighten it. A stationery knife is perfect for this. Buy a screwdriver for eyeglasses. in the optic.

  • Heat and cool
  • Find the right tool
  • Knock on the head of the bolt or screw with a hammer and an impact screwdriver
  • Use a penetrating rust dissolver or lubricant
  • Drill a screw
  • Solder or weld a screwdriver or hexagon to the screw.

Types of screws

To begin with, a screw is a cylindrical rod with a special head, on which a screw groove is applied. Screws are produced according to a number of regulatory documents, including GOST 1144-80, GOST 1145-80, etc. д.

At the same time, there are two main types of hardware are:

Metal and wood self-tapping Screw diameter and length are used for the designation in this case (for example, a product with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 3.5 cm will be referred to as 5×35 mm). In addition, hardware can be classified according to the shape of the slot and the features of the head itself:

Types of screw heads All these varieties are made with a cross-shaped slot, with a straight (flat) and with a Torx slot (the latter is also known as “star”), as well as with an internal hexagon and other, less popular variants. There are also self-tapping screws with the head of the six- and octahedral shape (roofing), which are also made with different slits.

Please note! According to the type of threads, screws are also divided into several varieties, which are primarily determined by the connected materials and the specific purpose (metal, wood, drywall or small household appliances).

Why the edges on the fastener get torn?

Before figuring out how to unscrew a star screw with torn edges, let us highlight a number of reasons for the problem. Most often the trouble is caused by the use of low-quality tools. It is a question of using a screwdriver or an electric screwdriver bit with an insufficiently sharp tip. In such a case, the tight contact between the tool and the notches of the fastener disappears. Therefore, in order to subsequently not have to puzzle over the question of how to unscrew the screw with ripped facets, before performing the work, you need to make sure that the screwdriver’s sting is fully immersed in the grooves.

Another reason is non-observance of screwing technology. The problem occurs when the performer of works does not press on the tool sufficiently. Sometimes the problem is caused by the screwdriver tip being at an angle to the screw head.

It is easy to guess that this could be due to the poor quality of the materials used for the fastener. Notch defects can also occur on single items. To avoid having to look for a solution, how to unscrew screws with torn edges, before buying a fastener, it is worth to ask about its technical characteristics and make a visual inspection.

Option No1. A crossed slot

For starters, you may notice that some screws have a deeper hole in the head than the other one. If so, you should work only with a hole of greater length to simplify the task. Let’s also add that the edges of these cavities can be chipped, and therefore you should work carefully, otherwise you can ruin the workpiece.

One of the easiest ways is to use a coin. The method often works on small screws only. Put a coin in the groove and then turn it counterclockwise.

If the screw is loose you can try to unscrew it with your fingernail. The procedure is the same as the previous method.

You can try to remove a screw with your fingernail

Take a knife, place it in the groove (long if they are different lengths) and twist. Be careful, because if the screw is tightened too much and the knife you use is of poor quality, it (the knife) can be bent, not achieving the desired result.

How to remove any screw. THE BEST TIPS.

Using a knife to drive a Phillips head screw

Use an old CD. Put the edge of the CD in a groove and twist it. The cd itself can be damaged by such manipulations, so make sure beforehand that you do not need it anymore. The method definitely will not help if the screw is tightened too much.

You can saw a long groove on the head with a hacksaw, but this method is effective only when the hardware is not screwed in completely, ie. е. If the head protrudes slightly over the surface. Hold the saw at right angles to the head, saw slowly and carefully. Then, when the groove is ready, the screw can be unscrewed with a flat-blade screwdriver or with improvised means (e.g. a credit card).

A long groove is cut into the screw head

Take a flathead screwdriver of suitable size in the absence of a Phillips head screwdriver. This will only work with large/medium sized screws. Be careful not to tear the edges of the slot!

You can try to undo a Phillips head screw with a flat-blade screwdriver

Using a toothbrush is another option. Melt one end with a lighter, and then immediately insert it into the groove in the screw head. Slightly wait for the melted plastic to solidify, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course it doesn’t help if it is screwed too tight.

To remove a screw with a toothbrush

So that’s it, we have considered what to do to remove a screw with a damaged edge. As you can see, it is possible to find the right solution, even in the most desperate situation. The wide variety of methods for unscrewing damaged fasteners proves it.

Using screws to fasten products is convenient and secure. But it often happens that there is an urgent need to unscrew a screw, and no suitable screwdriver at hand. Screwdrivers are by far the easiest and safest method, but you can also do without them if necessary. How to unscrew the screw without a screwdriver? Today you will learn about it!

How to unscrew a screw without a screwdriver

Option #3. Remove the Torx head screw

We are talking about screws with a recess in the form of a six-pointed star on the head. Such screws, by the way, can be protected. with a rod in the center of the star. Proceed with care in any case, since the facets of such a slot can easily get damaged.

Try it with a flathead screwdriver. Insert its sting into a pair of opposite beams, gently twist counterclockwise. And if the screw is protected, then insert the screwdriver between the rod and either of the beams, and twist already in the opposite direction.

A small flathead screwdriver is used

To unscrew a Torx-protected screw, try using a screwdriver for an unprotected screw, but then the stem on the head has to be removed (this can be done, for example, with a punch and hammer).

Removing the center pin on the head of a Torx-protected screw

Another possible option is to drill a hole on the tip of an ordinary screwdriver for the rod of the star.

Drilling a hole in the screwdriver for a regular Torx screw

Finally, you can use the same toothbrush, having melted one end with a lighter (proceed in the same manner as described in one of the previous methods).

Ways of removing a screw without a screwdriver

Let’s consider the most effective ways depending on the specific type of slot. Let’s start with the Phillips head.

Variant No1. Phillips head slot

To begin with, let’s note that some screws have one recess on the head may be longer than the other. If so, you should work only with a longer recess in order to simplify the task. Let’s also add that the edges of these cavities can be chipped, and therefore you should work carefully, otherwise you can spoil the product.

Why edges on fasteners break?

Before we figure out how to unscrew a star screw with torn facets, let’s highlight a number of reasons why the problem occurs. Most often the trouble is caused by the use of a low-quality tool. It is a question of using a screwdriver or an electric screwdriver bit with an insufficiently sharp tip. In this case, the tight contact between the tool and the notches of the fastener disappears. Therefore, in order to avoid subsequent puzzlement with the question of how to unscrew screws with ripped-off edges, before performing the work, you should make sure that the screwdriver blade is fully immersed in the grooves.

Another reason is the failure to comply with the technology of fastener screwing. The problem occurs when the performer of works does not press on the tool sufficiently. Sometimes the angle of the screwdriver tip to the head of the screw leads to a problem.

It is easy to guess that this can happen due to the poor quality of the materials from which the fasteners are made. There can also be notch defects on some units. To avoid looking for a solution, how to unscrew screws with torn edges, before buying a fastener it is worth to ask about its technical characteristics and make a visual inspection.

Option No1. Phillips head slot

For starters, note that for some screws one groove on the head may be longer than the other. If so, work only with a longer hole to make it easier. Let’s also add that the facets of these grooves can be chipped, and therefore you should work carefully, otherwise you can spoil the product.

One of the easiest ways is to use a coin. The method often works only with small screws. Insert a coin into the groove and then turn it counterclockwise.

You can try to unscrew a loose screw with your fingernail. Actions are the same as in the previous method.

You can try to unscrew it with your fingernail

Take the knife and put it in the recess (long one if they are different lengths) and twist it. Be careful because if it is tightened too much and the knife you use is of poor quality, it could be bent and you will not get the result you want.

How to remove any screw. THE BEST TIPS.

Using a knife to drive out a Phillips-head screw

Use an old CD. Put its edge in the groove and twist it. The CD itself can be damaged by such manipulations and you should make sure beforehand that you do not need it anymore. This method is definitely not helpful if the screw is tightened too much.

You can saw a long groove on the head with a metal saw, but this method is effective only when the hardware is not screwed in completely, ie. е. If the head protrudes slightly above the surface. Hold the saw at right angles to the head, saw slowly and carefully. Then, when the groove is ready, the screw can be unscrewed with a flat screwdriver or improvised means (e.g., credit card).

Saw a long groove in the head of the screw

Use a flathead screwdriver of appropriate size, if you do not have a Phillips head screwdriver. This will only work with large/mediumdiameter screws. Be careful not to tear the edges of the slot!

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You can try to unscrew the phillips head screw with a flat-blade screwdriver

Another option is to use a toothbrush. Melt one end with a lighter, and then immediately insert it into the recess on the screw head. After waiting a little bit for the melted plastic to solidify, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course, it doesn’t help if the screw is too tight.

Unscrewing a screw with a toothbrush

unscrew, screws, screwdriver

So, we examined what to do to remove a screw with a damaged edge. As you can see, it is possible to find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. A wide variety of ways to unscrew defective fasteners proves it.

Using screws to fasten any items is convenient and reliable. But quite often it happens that the screw needs to be unscrewed urgently, and there is no suitable screwdriver at hand. Of course, using a screwdriver is the easiest and safest method, but if necessary, you can easily do without it. How to unscrew a screw without a screwdriver? Today you will learn about it!

How to unscrew a screw without a screwdriver

Option #3. Unscrewing the Torx screw

We are talking about screws with a recess in the form of a six-pointed star on the head. By the way, such screws also exist as guarded ones, with the screw shaft in the center of the star. Proceed with care in any case, as the facets of such a slot can easily get damaged.

Try to handle with a flat-blade screwdriver. Its tip insert into a pair of opposite rays, gently twist counterclockwise. And if it is a guarded screw, put the screwdriver between the head and any of the threads and turn in the opposite direction.

Use a small flathead screwdriver

In order to unscrew the Torx-protected screw, try using a screwdriver for the unprotected one, but then the head pin has to be removed (it can be done e.g. with a punch and hammer).

Removing the center pin on the head of a protected Torx screw

Another possible option is to drill a hole on the tip of an ordinary screwdriver for the star rod.

Drill a hole in the screwdriver for a common Torx screw

Finally, you can use the same toothbrush by melting one end of it with a lighter (proceed in the same way as described in one of the previous methods).

Why the edges of the fastener get torn?

Before figuring out how to unscrew the star screw with torn edges, let us highlight a number of reasons why the problem arises. The most common reason is the use of a low-quality tool. It is a question of using a screwdriver or an electric screwdriver bit with an insufficiently sharp tip. In this case the tight contact of the tool with the fastener notches disappears. Therefore, in order to subsequently do not have to puzzle over the question of how to unscrew screws with stripped edges, before performing the work to make sure that the screwdriver blade is fully immersed in the grooves.

Another reason is that the screws are not tightened properly. Trouble occurs when the performer of the work does not press the tool enough. Sometimes the problem is caused by the tip of the screwdriver at an angle to the screw head.

It is not difficult to guess that this can happen due to the low quality of materials from which the fasteners are made. Some items may also have notches defects. To avoid having to find a solution, how to unscrew screws with torn edges, before buying a fastener you should ask about its technical characteristics and make a visual inspection.

Option #1. Cross-headed slot

To begin with, some screws may have one depression on the head longer than the other. If so, you should work only with the longest recess to make it easier for you. Also note that the edges of these cavities can be chipped, so you should work carefully, otherwise you can ruin the product.

One of the easiest ways is to use a coin. The method often works only with small screws. Insert the coin into the groove and then twist counterclockwise.

You can try to unscrew a screw which is loose with your fingernail. The steps are the same as in the previous method.

You can try to unscrew it with your fingernail

Take a knife, place it in the groove (long one if they are different lengths) and twist. Be careful because if it is too tight and the knife you use is of poor quality, you might bend it and not get the result you want.

How to remove any screw. THE BEST TIPS.

Using a knife to drive out a Phillips head screw

Use an old CD. Place its edge in the groove and turn it. The CD itself can be damaged by such manipulations and you should make sure beforehand that you do not need it anymore. The method is definitely not helpful if the screw is screwed in too tight.

You can saw a long groove on the head with a metal saw, but this method is effective only when the hardware is not screwed in completely. е. If the head protrudes slightly over the surface. Hold saw at right angles to head, saw slowly and carefully. Then, when the groove is ready, the screw can be unscrewed with a flat screwdriver or with improvised means (e.g. credit card).

A long groove is sawed into the head of the screw

Use a flat-blade screwdriver of the right size without a Phillips head. Characteristically, this can only work with large/medium diameter screws. Be careful not to tear the slot edges!

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A phillips head screw might be attempted with a flathead screwdriver

Another option is to use a toothbrush. One end of it melt with a lighter, and then immediately insert it into the recess on the head of the screw. After waiting a little so that the melted plastic hardens, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course, it is no help if the screw is tightened too much.

To remove a screw with a toothbrush

Here we have considered what to do to remove a screw with a damaged edge. As you can see, it is possible to find a solution even in the most hopeless situation. A wide variety of ways for removing screws proves this.

Using screws for fixing things. it’s convenient and reliable. But quite often you need to unscrew a screw in a hurry, and you don’t have a suitable screwdriver handy. Of course, using a screwdriver is the easiest and safest method, but if necessary you can do without it. How to remove a screw without a screwdriver? Today you will learn about this!

How to unscrew the screw without a screwdriver

Option 3. Screw out the screw with a Torx

We are talking about screws with a notch in the shape of a six-pointed star on the head. Such screws, by the way, can be protected. with a rod in the center of the star. In any case, proceed carefully, because the facets of such a slot can easily be damaged.

Try to manage with a flathead screwdriver. Its tip insert into a pair of opposite rays, gently twist counterclockwise. And if it is a guarded screw, put the screwdriver between the rod and any of the beams and twist in the opposite direction.

A small flathead screwdriver is used

To unscrew a Torx-protected screw, try using an unprotected screwdriver, but then the head pin has to be removed (this can be done e.g. with a punch and hammer).

Removing the central rod on the head of a protected Torx screw

One more possible variant is to drill a hole at the tip of an ordinary screwdriver.

unscrew, screws, screwdriver

drilling a hole in the screwdriver for a regular Torx screw

Finally, you can use the same toothbrush by melting one end of it with a lighter (do the same as described in one of the previous methods).

Screw with torn edges

Flat head / half head screws (or rather slotted screws) often come off, and there can be several reasons for this:

  • Use of old, poor quality or unsuitable tools;
  • Incorrect screwing in (with a hammer, for example);
  • insufficient force when unscrewing/screwing and, as a result, the screwdriver pops out of the slot;
  • The screw is “seized” (corroded);
  • Incorrect use of the hardware (no drilling when you need it or for the wrong material).

What is the working part of the screwdriver called?

A slotted screwdriver, the working part of which has a square cross-section, is known as a square slot. Another name for this option is SQUARE HEAD. Less common is the SQUARE TEMPER RESISTANT. a square with a hole in the center for a guide.

Let’s assume that the flat on the screw or bolt remained, but the slot is torn off, as many craftsmen say. “ripped off”, rolled out. A screwdriver or drill bit will simply pop off such fasteners. The easiest way to handle this problem is to use a piece of rubber or any rubberized material.

How to unscrew a screw that has been torn out?

The simple rubber band method. It is advisable to use a wide rubber band. For a snugger fit at the head. Apply a small piece of rubber to the bit or screwdriver pressed tightly into the head of the torn off screw and unscrew.

  • Heat and cool
  • Choose the right tool
  • Knock on the head of the screw or bolt with a hammer and impact screwdriver
  • Use a penetrating rust dissolver or grease
  • Drill out the screw
  • Solder or weld a screwdriver or hex to the screw.

How to remove a screw with ripped off grub screws?

The simple rubber band method. A wide rubber band should preferably be used. For a tighter fit at the flat bar. Apply a small piece of rubber band to the bit or screwdriver pressed firmly into the head of the snapped screw and unscrew.

  • Heat and cool
  • Find a suitable tool
  • Knock on the head of the screw or bolt with a hammer and impact screwdriver
  • Use a penetrating rust dissolver or lubricant
  • Drill out the screw
  • Solder or weld a screwdriver or hex to a screw.

How do you replace a thin screwdriver??

Nail file. A thin Phillips screwdriver can be replaced with another thin Phillips screwdriver. Trust me, I won’t cheat you. You can sharpen a nail with a nail file and then bend it or twist it with a pair of pliers.

To unscrew secure Torx screw, try to use screwdriver for unprotected, but in this case the rod on the head will have to be removed (it can be done for example with puncher and hammer). Another likely option is to drill a hole in the tip of an ordinary screwdriver for a star rod.

What can replace the screwdriver for the iPhone?

Although the screws have tiny threads, they are placed on the surface. Therefore, you can use a knife with a thin and sharp end for unscrewing. Also use other sharp objects such as needles, scissors and awl. Some go further and use women’s jewelry.

The edges of the screw are licked, and the screw is a polyhedron. heat while hot apply pressure and twist the phone with a flat screwdriver while pressing the screwdriver and the screwdriver is depressed. that can be done by two people. One presses the screwdriver, the second twists the phone so that the screw would unscrew.

Tips to prevent rust

Prevention is the best way to combat rust. Always tighten fixtures according to the degree of tightening of similar threaded connections, use quality bolts, nuts and screws, treat the part with grease before tightening. Even if the part is new, it is best to resharpen it. All this will help to avoid the moment, when it is necessary to resort to an impact method.

All the methods described above are quite effective, so you can safely use any of them. They have been tested by various masters and always give a positive result. Using these tips, you can easily overcome difficulties with stuck screws, bolts or nuts. And if you take preventive measures, you can avoid the recurrence of the problem.

How a self-tapping screw can break a slot?

The grooves on the head of the screw can be damaged for a variety of reasons, but, more often than not, it is:

  • ? A bad electric screwdriver bit with a worn edge is also the cause of screw slot failure. So do not use a worn out PH2 nozzle on an electric screwdriver, as you may not be able to unscrew the screw back in the end.
  • ? Poor-quality self-tapping screws made with violations of standards and requirements. The metal of bad screws is too soft and the slot can be damaged easily, even without using much force with an electric screwdriver or an electric drill.
  • ? Excessive force on the electric screwdriver while screwing in screws also often leads to grinding of the slot. this is especially true if the bit is fidgeting on the head of the self-drilling screw, in simple words, it is pressed against it perpendicularly, but with some bevel to the side.
unscrew, screws, screwdriver

Whatever the case may be, it is still possible to unscrew leaking self-tapping screws.

You will need a piece of rubber or a tool such as a bolt extractor for this purpose. With the help of an extractor it will be possible to unscrew even the worst version of a screw, when its head does not have a slot at all.