If The Tape Is Cut Into 4 Pieces


Now there are several varieties of addressable LED strips, they are based on different LEDs. Consider a line of Chinese chips called WS28XX.

Chip Voltage LEDs per chip Number of data inputs Buy in RF
WS2811 12-24V 3 one 30 led, 60 led
WS2812 3.5-5.3V one one 30 led, 60 led, 144 led
WS2813 3.5-5.3V one 2 (duplicate) 30 led, 60 led
WS2815 9-13.5V one 2 (duplicate) 30 led, 60 led
WS2818 12 / 24V 3 2 (duplicate) 60 led

For two-pin tapes from the WS28XX line, it is enough to connect only the DI pin to the controller, the BI pin does not need to be connected. When connecting pieces of tape, you need to connect all pins!

tape, pieces

WS2811 (WS2818) and WS2812

Two types of tape are now popular: on the WS2812b and WS2811 chips (and the new WS2818). What is the difference between them? The WS2812 chip is located inside the LED, so one chip controls the color of one diode, and the power supply of the tape is 5 volts. The WS2811 and WS2818 chip is placed separately and 3 LEDs are powered from it at once, so you can control the color only by segments of 3 diodes in each. But the supply voltage for such tapes is 12-24 Volts!


WS2812 Ribbon





  • Black PCB / White PCB. ribbon backing color, black / white
  • 1m / 5m. tape length in meters
  • 30/60/74/96/100/144. the number of LEDs per 1 meter of tape
  • IPXX. moisture protection
  • IP30 tape without moisture protection
  • IP65 silicone coated tape
  • IP67 tape completely in a silicone box
  • ECO. “economical” version of tape, less quality and brighter than usual

    Address tapes can be connected to a ready-made controller and switch modes with a remote control / from a smartphone.

    Light and music

    Controller 1

    Controller 2

    Controller 3


    This guide is devoted to the addressable LED strip for use with microcontrollers (Arduino, esp8266). Basic concepts, connection, common mistakes and places to buy are covered.


    So, this guide is devoted to the addressable LED strip, I decided to make it informative and detailed, therefore, having reached the point “typical errors and malfunctions”, you can diagnose and successfully cure a clubhand assembly without even reading the aforementioned paragraph. What is address tape? Consider the evolution of LED strips.

    An ordinary LED strip is a strip with soldered LEDs and resistors; it has two wires for power supply: plus and minus. The voltage is different: 5 and 12 volts DC and 220 volts. Yes, into a power outlet. For 5 and 12 volt tapes, you need to use power supplies. Such a tape shines in one color, which depends on the LEDs.

    RGB LED strip. This tape has rgb (read ergebe. Red Green Blue) LEDs. Such a LED already has 4 outputs, one common 12 (anode), and three minuses (cathodes) for each color, i.e. inside one LED there are three LEDs of different colors. Accordingly, the tape has the same outputs: 12, G, R, B. By supplying power to the common 12 and any of the colors, we turn on this color. Apply for all three. we get white, green and red give yellow, and so on. For such tapes, there are controllers with remote controls, a typical controller is three field-effect transistors for each color and a microcontroller that controls the transistors, thus making it possible to turn on any color. And, as you already understood, yes, it is very simple to manage such a tape with arduino. We take three field workers, and PWM them with analogWrit, easy breezy.

    Addressable LED strip, the pinnacle of strip evolution. It is a strip of addressable diodes, one such LED consists of an RGB LED and a controller. Yes, there is already a controller with three transistor outputs inside the LED! Inside everyone! Well, the Chinese give blet! Thanks to such a filling, we have the ability to control the color (that is, the brightness r g b) of any LED in the strip and create stunning effects. The address tape can have 3-4 contacts for connection, two of them are always powered (5V and GND for example), and the rest (one or two) are logical, for control.

    The tape is “smart” and controlled by a special digital protocol. This means that if you just plug power into the tape, absolutely nothing will happen, that is, you cannot check the tape without a control controller. If you touch the digital input of the tape, then most likely several LEDs will light up in random colors, because you are introducing random noise that is perceived by the diode controllers as commands. Ready-made controllers are used to control the tape, but it is much more interesting to steer the tape manually, using, for example, the arduino platform, for which the tape must be connected correctly. And here there are several critical points:



    The further development of the concept of number is provided by exercises in dividing objects into equal parts. Children learn to see parts in a whole subject, reveal the relationship of the whole and the part.

    The division of subjects into equal parts is assigned b-7 (sequentially conducted) classes, and then until the end of the year they periodically return to this.

    At the first lesson, situations are created in which it becomes necessary to divide the object into 2 equal parts, for example, divide the treat between 2 dolls or 2 children (guests), help 2 greedy cubs share the cheese, etc.

    The teacher shows how to divide objects into 2 equal parts, that is, in half, emphasizes that he precisely folds and cuts the object in the middle, then compares the resulting parts, superimposing one on top of the other or applying one to the other. Children count the parts, make sure they are equal. The teacher says that any of 2 equal parts is usually called half.

    The teacher deliberately divides the next subject into 2 unequal parts and asks: “Can such a part be called half? Why not?”

    Children see that objects can be divided into equal or unequal parts. Half of 1 out of 2 parts can be called only when the parts are equal. Gradually, children are convinced of how important it is to accurately fold, cut objects to get equal parts. After completing the action, they check (by imposition and application) whether the parts are equal, count them and, having connected them together, get the whole object, outline its outline and parts with their hand, compare the size of the whole and the part.

    In the second lesson, the teacher expands the range of objects that the children divide in half. You can use cereals, water. They are distributed equally in 2 transparent glasses of the same size.

    In the third lesson, they show how to divide objects into 4 equal parts, that is, in half and again in half. Establish a relationship between the whole. and part: part is less than the whole, the whole is more than part. If many new children have entered the preparatory group for school, it is advisable to start by dividing objects into parts by folding.

    Children receive 2 objects of the same size, which they are convinced of by superimposing 1 object on another. They divide 1 item into 2 equal parts, the other into 4. By connecting the parts together, they get the whole item, count the parts, show 1 of 2 parts, 2 of 2 parts, respectively 1 (2, 3, 4) of 4 equal parts. Compare the size of 1 part and the whole.

    Similarly, in the next lesson, they show the relationship between different parts of a single whole. Children receive 3-4 sheets of paper of the same size, put the first in front of them, divide the second into 2 equal parts, and the third into 4 (you can divide the fourth sheet into 8 equal parts).

    Connecting the parts (as if leaving the sheets intact), the children lay them out one under the other, show 1 of 2 parts, 1 of 4 parts, compare the size of 1/2 and 1/4 of the part and their number. Which is less: a whole sheet or half? Which is more: half or 1 of 4 parts, 1/4? Which part is the smallest? Why? And so on.

    It is useful to establish a relationship between the number of cutting actions and the number of pieces obtained. For example, the teacher asks: “How many times do you have to fold the square in half to get 2 equal parts? And 4 parts? “

    To generalize knowledge, you can use the scheme for dividing an object into equal parts (apple, circle, square, etc.). Considering the scheme with the children, the teacher asks: “How many equal parts were the apple divided first? How many parts did you get? How many equal parts was the apple then divided into? How many pieces did you get? What is more and what is less: half or a whole apple? 2 halves or a whole apple? 1 of 4 parts (1/4) or half (1/2)? ” And so on. Children usually perceive such exercises as a game and answer questions with pleasure.

    In subsequent lessons, exercises are carried out in dividing geometric figures into 2, 4, 8 parts and in composing whole figures from parts, for example: “How do I fold and cut a square to get 2 equal rectangles? To get 2 equal triangles? ” (You need to bend the square side to side or fold the corner with the corner.) Children talk about which figures and how they divided and what happened as a result of division, what shape of the part, how many of them.

    Special exercises are also carried out in drawing up figures from parts: “How many circles can be added from 4 semicircles?” You can show parts of the figures: “This is 1 of 4 (1 of 2, 4 of 8) parts of a square. Guess how many squares there were. Make them up “.

    It is useful to encourage children to find the most convenient (rational) ways of dividing objects into parts, taking into account their size, shape, proportions. For example, you need to compare how it is easier to divide into 4 parts a narrow strip (tape) and a square (piece of fabric). Children decide that it is more convenient to fold a narrow strip in half lengthwise and again in half, and to fold the square sequentially on opposite sides. In one of the last lessons on this topic, it is advisable to compare the results of dividing objects of different sizes into equal parts. Children are presented with 2 objects of contrasting sizes, for example, a large and a small circle or a square. The teacher divides the figures into 2 (4) equal parts, takes 1 of the parts of each figure and asks the children to say what these parts can be called (“Half, 1 of 2 parts, 1/2”.) “This is half and this is half. Explain why they are different sizes. ” While helping children, the teacher shows spare figures of the appropriate size. Concludes: half of the large circle is more than half of the small circle, and half of the small circle is less than half of the large circle.

    The objects were of different sizes, and their parts were also of different sizes. It is expedient here to contrast the results of division into parts of objects of equal size. When carrying out exercises in dividing objects into equal parts, the teacher constantly monitors that the children accurately perform the actions, check the equality of parts, using the techniques of imposition and application, as well as measuring with a conventional measure, teaches children to use the following words and expressions in speech: divide into equal parts, whole, half, in half, one of two parts, one of four parts, and a little later. one second, one fourth. The latter expressions should not be specially memorized, children gradually memorize them. Each time the guys count the parts, and connecting them together, they get 1 whole object, establish a relationship between the whole and the part.

    As a result of a series of activities, you can ask children questions that allow you to generalize knowledge: “How many times do you need to fold a circle to divide it into 2 (4, 8) equal parts? If you add a square 1 (2, 3) times in half, how many pieces are there? If I ask you to give me half of a pear, how many parts will you divide it into? And if I ask for 1/4? How many parts are there in a whole pear? How many parts have I divided the whole if it is 1 part out of 4 (out of 2)? If we halve a large object and a small one, which half will be larger? Less? Why?”

    Division into parts will show children the possibility of splitting objects into equal parts, visually reveal the relationship between the whole and the part, and thus, a condition is created for children to understand the process of measuring quantities. When measuring, the object is, as it were, split into parts, the sum of which characterizes its size.

    After the children master the techniques of measurement, they can be asked to divide the stick, rail, board, rectangle drawn on the board, etc. into 2; 4, 8 equal parts. The guys see that these objects do not bend, the learned methods of division are not suitable. How to be? The teacher is in no hurry with a hint. He lays out objects in front of the children that can be used as a yardstick. This is where children understand the relationship between the size of objects and the size of their respective parts. 1-2 leading questions and the children guess that they need to choose a suitable measurement, measure out a piece equal to the length of the object, divide the measurement (add) into the appropriate number of parts and then measure these parts on the object, make marks with a pencil, chalk, etc.

    It is useful to teach children how to divide geometric shapes drawn on squared paper. Children draw figures of a given size, and then, at the direction of the teacher, divide them into 2, 4 equal parts, measuring in cells. At the instruction of the teacher, they draw segments from 2 to 10 cells in length from top to bottom or from left to right and divide them into parts equal to the lengths of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cells. Connections are established between the size of the measure and the number of the resulting parts: “How many parts will the segment be divided into if each part is equal to 2 cells? If we divide the segment into 3 equal parts, what is 1 part? “

    Exercises in dividing objects into equal parts allow you to move on to teaching measurement, and the ability to measure makes it possible to divide a wide variety of objects into parts.

    How to connect an LED strip. 3 mistakes, diagram and rules for Volt strips

    How to cut an LED strip correctly

    12 volts are supplied to the LED strip. So that the correct (not increased) voltage gets to the diodes, every 3 LEDs are connected in series in the circuit. Therefore, if you cut the tape elsewhere, the last (one or two) LEDs will not light up.

    Also, if the LED strip is waterproof, as in our example, you will have to make an incision and clean the contacts from silicone:

    Cutting LED strip

    First of all, you need to decide how to cut the LED strip. Every 3 LEDs there is a cutting line along which you can cut the tape. Contacts are located on each side of this line. It is to them that tension will be applied. There are signs “” and “-” near the contacts. We will be guided by them when connecting the power. If you mix up the power wires, nothing terrible will happen, just the tape will not glow.

    Many will have a question: why are the LED strip cut off by 3 diodes? The answer is very simple. Each LED requires 4 volts of voltage to operate.

    Connecting power to the LED strip

    There are two main ways to connect a wire to an LED strip. The first one is with a connector. To do this, we open the lock, insert the LED strip and snap the lock (many have met with such connectors in laptops, phones and other electronics). This method is the fastest and saves a lot of time.

    Other people are used to doing everything the old way. Nobody bothers to connect the wire by soldering it to the contacts. This method is the most reliable: the contacts will never oxidize. And although the base of the tape is copper and the application of tin to such a surface does not require effort, this method requires initial soldering skills.

    How to cut an LED strip into pieces

    But even if the error did occur, then you can lose only three diodes, while the rest will delight you with their work. In order to cut the tape, you must use the most common office scissors. As for the supply wires, they will have to be soldered in any case, regardless of whether you cut the tape or not. Having bought the tape, you may not see the wires on it, but even if they do exist, then both the length and the quality of the soldering are of course low.

    In order to replace the contact wires, you will need to use a soldering iron first. But if possible, nevertheless, try to use a soldering iron, which will have a small power, in order not to overheat the LED itself. If your lamp is the same color, then it is worth using wires that will have different colors: red and black. After the ends of the wires are promptly stripped, it is worth tinting them. After that, it will not be so easy to reverse the polarity of the connection. Of course, you can mount the LED strip without insulating the soldering point, but it is still better to insulate the soldering point.

    The solution that is most suitable in this situation is shrink tile. Despite the fact that it is quite inexpensive, the results are simply amazing. In order to heat shrink tiles, you can use a hair dryer with a nozzle that will protect the LED from hot air. The positive feature of the tube is that it “shrinks” well.

    Today we will show you how to shorten an LED strip to the desired length and reduce its power consumption.

    Let’s start by how to shorten the LED strip to the length you need. Simple office scissors are enough to cut a piece of tape.

    Before cutting an LED strip, it is important to understand a number of key aspects regarding this product. The tape can only be cut in specially marked places.

    Is it possible to cut the LED strip?

    It is known that multi-color LED strip has a certain diode cutting ratio. It is three diodes, that is, depending on the size and density of the diodes, it can be from five to ten centimeters. But it is impossible to make a mistake in this case, because on any tape the place of the cut is clearly marked.

    How to cut a 220 volt LED strip?

    These places are the cutting line of the cut between the contact pads (metal points).

    The distance between the lines of the cut may vary depending on the model of the LED strip. Among the samples we have, you can see:

    • Cutting pitch 100 mm for LED strips with 30 LEDs per meter
    • Cutting pitch 50 mm for LED strips with 60 LEDs per meter
    • Cutting pitch 25 mm for LED strips with 120 LEDs per meter
    • Cutting pitch 15 mm for LED strips with 240 LEDs per meter

    Once you have found the cut lines marked on the LED strip, simply cut straight along one of them with scissors, as shown here

    It is important to note that LED strips should only be cut at the indicated locations. Cutting the tape in the wrong place will cause some of the LEDs in the cut area to not work. In this example, you can see that the tape was cut incorrectly: two LEDs are off

    While here you can see that the ribbon that was shortened correctly is fully functional.

    In this example, we used a warm white single color LED strip (2600-3000 Kelvin). The same rules should be followed when cutting multi-color RGB LED strips.

    Back to the list

    How to properly connect the LED strip? Sooner or later, this question is asked by any person involved in lighting. In fact, the process of connecting the LED strip is extremely simple.

    • Break an object into components along a plane.
    • Break an object into parts with slots or snaps.
    • Break the object into components with curly cuts.
    • Video instruction.

    Break into components by plane.

    To split a part into several objects, let’s turn to the NetFabb program. information about the program and its capabilities can be found here.

    After opening the model in the program, look for the “cuts” window. We start moving the sliders. As you can see, a stripe appeared on our model. The so-called cutting line. Click “execute cut”.

    The cutting plane appears. Here we can more accurately adjust the cutting line in terms of dimensions. Click “cut”.

    As you can see, our part was split into two parts. Each part can be saved as a separate file and printed separately.

    Let’s consider another situation where we need additional latches or guides for correct positioning after breaking into components.

    Break an object into pieces with slots or snaps.

    Take Misha-Bear and mark the cutting line and click on the “Cuts” button.

    But now, before the “cut” operation, we click on the “pin settings” button.

    You should open a window where you will need to choose what kind of alignment guides you need.

    Cylindrical tapered groove:

    Or, the so-called latch:

    I selected the latch and defined all the parameters that I require. Please note that you can select the size, depth, overhang and other parameters for the connecting structures.

    As you can see, our bear has additional fixators after breaking.

    This path will help not only to correctly position the two parts relative to each other, but also fix one part to the other.!

    How to cut a 3D model into its component parts for 3D printing?

    A very common situation. a part is not included in the maximum dimensions of the three-dimensional printing area, whatever one may say there. There is a solution! We cut the part into several parts, and after printing it can be glued, soldered, sewn, welded or simply docked. How to cut a 3D model into component elements is described in this article. It should be remembered that with this method of 3D printing, it is necessary to take into account the accuracy of matching the components. information about accuracy can be found in the article: ACTUAL PRODUCT SIZE AFTER 3D PRINTING.

    The methods below have been described based on the capabilities of NetFabb. This does not mean that you can only cut the model in NetFabb. Similar capabilities exist in many 3D modeling software. At the same time, the essence and approach remain the same.

    Break the object into components with curly cuts.

    This section describes how to cut a 3D model with curly planes. Please note that you can break an object into its components with curly cuts only if the model meets the requirements for 3D printing. If errors occur in the model during the cut, immediately correct the model after each cut. Before each subsequent cut, check the model for errors and fix them using the appropriate tools in Netfabb.

    To be able to cut a part in the free space of the 3D model, you need to find the “Free Cut” button and click on it. After it is necessary to mark the points sequentially in such a way as to describe the separated segment.

    See below how it looks in perspective.

    After the “Cut” command, you will get a separate segment and you can save it as a separate file.

    Thus, even if the 3D model does not fit into the 3D printing area, you can split it into many segments along the natural fold lines. And after 3D printing, the segments will be beautifully docked together.

    Please note that cutting lines can be as complex as desired.

    And there can be as many cuts as you like.

    Another example of such an iteration.

    This approach will allow you to get even more quality in 3D printing.

    How to cut a video file in VSDC Free Video Editor

    Video editing is an extremely exciting process that can drag out even a novice user for several hours. However, sometimes all you need is to quickly cut a video file into parts or crop a specific frame to the desired moment. These simple tasks, while seemingly trivial, can be challenging. especially if you’ve never done it before.

    There are a number of different ways to crop your video depending on your goals. Do you need high accuracy down to a second to capture a specific moment on a recording? Or maybe you just need to split one long video into chunks and export them separately? In this article, we will show you as many as three video cropping methods that are available in the free VSDC video editor.

    Method How to cut video into parts on export after editing

    Sometimes you may need to first edit the entire video file, apply effects, add all the necessary elements and only then cut it into parts. The most convenient way in this case is to use the file trim markers on the export.

    After you have added the video file to the scene and completed all the planned processing steps, go to the “Export project” tab (top menu). In the export tab, find the red checkbox button called Set Markers. Click on this button to open the split window as illustrated below. Place as many markers as you need in the places where you want the video file to be cut. When finished, click “Apply Changes” in the lower right corner.

    Remaining in the export tab, go to the Advanced Options menu. it is located at the bottom of the interface. Check the “Split file” checkbox. “By markers”. After that, select the format in which you want to save the clip, and click on the “Export project” button in the upper right corner. As a result, you will receive the original video, divided into the number of files indicated by markers.

    Method: How to cut a video file into parts with one click

    The first and easiest way to cut a video is for those who want to quickly split a recording into fragments and do not need ultra-high precision. All you need to do is position the timeline cursor where the first part of the video should end and the second should begin. After that, click on the “Split into parts” icon. It looks like a razor blade and is located in the top menu of the Delete Split tools. As soon as you do this, the video file is split into two parts, which will be sequentially located on the timeline.

    Method How to cut a video file into several parts, so that later work with each of them independently

    If you need to apply different types of effects to individual parts of the video, it will be most convenient to split the video into fragments and place each of them on a separate layer. To do this, add a video file to the timeline and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”. the so-called “Properties window” will open on the right. Scroll down a bit until you see the light green Delete Breakdown button.

    As soon as you click on it, the window already described above will open, allowing you to cut the video with high precision using markers. After you’ve finished placing the markers, click Apply Changes. The program will automatically split the file into designated fragments and sequentially place them on the timeline.

    After that, you can apply various video and audio effects to each separate video fragment independently, and upon completion of editing. export the clip as one or several files, if necessary.

    Similarly to the way described in the previous paragraph, in the “Export project” tab, go to the “Additional parameters” menu. If you want to export the video as a single file, leave a check mark next to the option “Combine scenes into one”. If you want to export the clip as several files marked with markers, uncheck this option.

    We hope this tutorial was useful, and now you can cut the video into parts yourself using the VSDC video editor. If you still have questions, write to us at and do not forget to subscribe to the VSDC channel on YouTube, where more than 200 short video instructions on working with the program are available.

    Instructions that may also come in handy for a novice VSDC user:

    You can get more information about the program on Free Video Editor ‘description page.

    Is it possible to bend the LED strip?

    Bending the LED strip is highly discouraged. The minimum bending radius of the tape is 3 cm.

    How to connect RGB LED strip ?

    How to solder LED strip?

    • Strip the ends of the wire by 3-5 mm and subsequent twisting.
    • Apply a drop of alcohol flux to the twist and tin with a soldering iron.
    • The connection of the wires is carried out in accordance with the color coding, and the stub wires are led to the contact area on the tape.
    • It is recommended to seal the solder spot with silicone sealants.

    The most detailed analysis Here.

    How to cut a regular 12V LED strip

    On the 12V LED strip, the diodes are arranged in groups of three. There is a cut point between each group, marked with the corresponding icon.

    This is where it can be cut into pieces. If you cut at random, the LEDs closest to the cut will not light up and there will be no place for connection on the conductive layer. In this case, you will have to shorten the strip and cut off the damaged area.

    Cut the strip with a sharp knife or scissors

    In a silicone tube

    IP68 waterproof tapes are enclosed in a silicone tube. When cutting with scissors, the coating material may stretch unevenly, forming a deformation of the edge, which will create additional difficulties when the site is subsequently connected to the connector. In this situation, it is better to cut the outer silicone tube with a clerical knife, and directly the tape with scissors.

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    If there is no marking

    There are also manufacturers who do not put special marks on the surface of the tape. Even so, there is a way out. Regardless of the marking, there are fields between the specific LEDs, which indicate the place for the cut. There are exceptions on some tape samples and the location of the cutting pins is shown there.

    How to properly connect an LED strip ?

    How to cut a 12V LED strip?

    LED strips, like other LED devices, have an electrical circuit. At the same time, low-voltage backlighting differs in design from high-voltage backlight. Flexible and elastic 12B tape consists of separate segments. Each of them has 3 LEDs with a number of resistances. R1-R3. You can verify this by removing the protective adhesive film from the tape and applying it to the light.

    Voltage is distributed between segments along the backlight.

    The thin coating makes it possible to cut the tape into separate sections with a clerical knife or scissors. In this case, the step of separating the segments should be 3 LEDs. If you break it, some of the backlight won’t work.

    Most manufacturers indicate the place for the cut with dotted lines.

    How to cut a 12V LED strip?

    LED strips, like other LED devices, have an electrical circuit. At the same time, low-voltage backlighting differs in design from high-voltage one. Flexible and elastic 12B tape consists of separate segments. Each of them has 3 LEDs with a number of resistances. R1-R3. You can verify this by removing the protective adhesive film from the tape and applying it to the light.

    Voltage is distributed between segments along the backlight.

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    The thin coating makes it possible to cut the tape into separate sections with a clerical knife or scissors. In this case, the step of separating the segments should be 3 LEDs. If you break it, some of the backlight won’t work.

    Most manufacturers indicate the place for the cut with dotted lines.

    How to cut a 220 volt LED strip?

    Unlike low-voltage, 220V tape has a more rigid sheath. It is possible to divide it into segments only in specially designated areas. In the carrier board for the cut, the manufacturer provides for gaps. conductive buses. Their length can fluctuate in the aisles of 1.5-2 cm. The frequency of special breaks in silicone depends on the manufacturer and can vary in values ​​of 0.5-2 meters. For example, in ecola 220v LED strips, the cutting areas are located at a distance of 1 meter.

    Make the cut strictly in the middle of the gap with sharp scissors.

    As a result, you get several independent light sources. Between the two buses can be located from 30 to 120 LEDs.

    If you make a cut not in the area of ​​the gap, the separated section of the led strip will not work, or a short circuit will occur.

    How to connect a cut LED strip?

    If you have two segments, you can connect together without much effort. There are two ways to splice led backlight:

    • Soldering.
    • Applications of the led connector.

    In the first case, you can connect individual segments to each other through additional wires, or by directly soldering the contact pads of each of the segments. Consider a wireless splice.

    Before applying rosin to the contacts, make sure that they are not oxidized.

    Rosin can be applied to contact pads that have not been oxidized. In this case, both the platform on which the LEDs are located and the surface under the protective film applied to the back of the tape must be able to process. For high-quality splicing of segments, the thickness of the solder should be at least 3 mm on each segment of the backlight.

    The total length of the spliced ​​tape should not exceed 5 meters.

    The input voltage is calculated by the manufacturer only for the illumination of limited parameters. Its value will decrease with the formation of printed paths of greater length towards the end of the tape.

    This will result in the LEDs at the end of the backlight being less bright than those closer to the power source.

    The simplest connection method is to use a special connector. To attach an additional segment, the following sequence of actions should be performed:

    • Open the cover of the device.
    • Connect the backlight contacts, observing the polarity.
    • Close the cover of the junction box.

    How to cut an LED strip into pieces

    To cut off an LED strip, you just need to have sharp scissors and know where to cut. Everyone has scissors, but not everyone knows where to cut, let’s figure it out.

    There are low-voltage. 12, 24, 36V and high-voltage LED strips. 220V on the market. On the first, there are marked mowing lines, along which the cut should be made. They are presented in the form of dashed lines with the applied designation. scissors. The principle of high voltage cut is different, they do not have special engraving.

    In any case, the cut must be made between the copper conductors. When you make a cut, you provide each part of the LED row with a pair of connection pads.

    To work you will need:

    • Tape.
    • Stationery knife or sharp scissors.
    • Video
    • How to cut a 12V LED strip?
    • How to cut a 220 volt LED strip?
    • How to connect a cut LED strip?
    • Summarizing


    As you can see, having a certain amount of knowledge, it is not difficult to cut an LED strip. For backlighting at home, it is advisable to use led backlighting with a voltage of 12 volts. They do not cause difficulties during installation and are safer than high-voltage ones.

    How to cut an LED strip

    As you know, an LED strip is a collection of LEDs and resistors mounted on a flexible substrate with copper tracks. It is no secret that it consists of separate segments, each of which can be an independent light source (Fig. 1). Therefore, there is a natural need to cut a single piece of LED strip into smaller pieces for subsequent installation.

    Figure 1. LED strip segment

    A separate tape segment has copper contact pads on both sides. Monochrome LED strips have two contacts on each side of the segment, RGB strips. four. In the middle of these contact pads, at the junction of two adjacent segments, a thin black stripe is applied to the entire width of the tape (on some types of LED strips, the “scissors” symbol is shown in addition). this is the place for cutting (Fig. 2).

    Figure 2. Ribbon pads

    However, care must be taken when cutting the tape. Before cutting, it is imperative (!) To measure the length of the cut section of the tape several times. Do not forget that the length of the cut piece will be limited by the contact pads of the first and last segments. In other words, the length of the cut section of the tape will be a multiple of the length of one segment. After determining the length of the section to be cut, you must put a mark on the contact pads of the tape. It is convenient to use a thin black marker for this (Fig. 3). And only after that, you should proceed to the direct cutting of the tape.

    Figure 3. Measurement of the length of the section to be cut

    It is most convenient to cut the tape with scissors, because the substrate and copper tracks of the LED strip have a small thickness (Fig. 4). Do not use stationery or other knives to cut the tape. using them can damage the contacts of the cut segment. Attention! Use only sharp scissors to avoid damaging the tape.!

    Figure 4. Cutting the LED strip

    The cut should be made exactly in the middle of the contact pad connecting two adjacent tape segments (Fig. 5). If the cut is displaced in one direction, it will be more difficult to solder the connecting wires to the smaller contact pads, or it will become impossible to install the connectors.

    Figure 5. Cutting a part of the LED strip along the mowing line of the cut

    It is also important to remember that the LED strip consists of individual pieces of 0.5m length. In places of such joints, the tape is welded with an overlap (Fig. 6). It is highly recommended to avoid cutting the tape at the seams, as the contact pads after this cut will be too small. If it is necessary to disconnect the tape at this point, it is recommended to use soldering, i.e. unsolder the joint with a soldering iron. In this case, the contact pads will remain intact.

    Figure 6. Place of overlapping tape pieces

    Special attention should be paid to cutting different types of LED strips. Thus, cutting the tape without silicone (protection class IP20) is easy. Silicone coated tapes (IP54 degree of protection) are slightly more difficult to cut due to the increased tape thickness, but the operation is performed according to the same recommendations above. As for waterproof tapes with a degree of protection IP68, when cutting them, it is worth considering the possibility of displacement of the polyvinyl chloride sheath relative to the tape (Fig. 7).

    Figure 7. Cutting IP68 waterproof tape

    After cutting the LED strip into pieces, you can start the connection process (solder connections, using connectors, etc.).

    How to make an endless feed
    on Instagram

    Things to consider when creating an infinite design template:

    • Most often, subscribers interact with posts in the feed, so the photo for each post separately should be complete. You should not divide a photo of a person into several parts, and so on.
    • Create each row so that you can post posts one at a time. Posting 3 posts will quickly exhaust you, and the quality of the content will inevitably begin to decline.
    • The creation of an endless feed usually occurs in “portions” of 9 posts. Always leave space to create transitions.
    • Publish finished posts in right-to-left order.

    Create the canvas.
    Select Custom Sizes and create a 3600 × 3600 px canvas.

    Choose a background for an infinite structure on Instagram.
    You can use a color fill or a picture as a background. To add a background, open the “Background” section.

    Add photos.
    To do this, open the Elements tab → Grids and select the first grid in the form of a square. Hold shift and resize the square below the photo. To duplicate a square, click “Copy” in the upper right corner and drag it to the desired location.

    Next, open the “Downloads” section and upload photos, which you can then drag into the placed squares. Thus, place 6-9 photos. If you want to insert a non-square photo, just drag one of the edges of the square grid and scale it.

    Add decorative elements and text.
    All of Canva’s decorative elements are under the Elements section. Use search to find the items you want. The editor allows you to change the color, size and arrangement of elements. To place an element on one photo on top of another, and on another, vice versa. in the “Arrangement” settings for each photo, select “Forward” or “Back”, respectively. Next, place the text you want.

    Preparation for unloading.
    The collage for the endless tape is almost ready, it remains only to unload it and divide it into 3 parts. But before that, you need to add a 3×3 grid like on Instagram and check the layout. If necessary, edit the layout, transfer objects so that each post individually is complete: the text is not divided into 2 posts, and so on. If the layout is correct, upload it in jpeg format. To do this, click on the arrow in the upper right corner.

    Divide the layout into parts.
    Divide the layout into 9 parts in the Imgonline service. In the settings for the parts of the photo, specify 3 in width and 3 in height.

    And if you don’t want to waste time and sort out, you can purchase ready-made templates in the Storio app or on the Creative Market.

    How to cut different ribbons?

    You can cut an LED strip only according to specific marks that are set (or not set) by a certain manufacturer. Not all of them mark the tape accordingly. Sometimes you can determine the location of the cut only by carefully examining the topology of a kind of printed circuit board. a thin layer of textolite applied to a rubber or plastic substrate along with current-carrying tracks.

    For a 12-volt tape, the topology is arranged in such a way that the LEDs are connected in series. 3 in each group. This group, together with the series connection of the current-limiting resistor, forms a cluster or sector operating from 12 volts. It would be more correct to connect not 3, but 4 LEDs, since each of them is powered by 3 volts. If such an LED is connected to 4 volts, it will overheat. and after a few minutes it will burn out. To avoid this, the manufacturer includes a 20-30 ohm current limiting resistor. Accordingly, from 12-13.8 V, the entire assembly heats up noticeably to 60 degrees or more. And since it is more profitable for the manufacturer to turn on the ballast resistor instead of the 4th LED. while calculating so that after several hundred hours of continuous glow the LEDs still degrade and fail due to significant heating. the assembly should not experience an overload. It would be more reasonable not to exceed the supply voltage above 12 volts by choosing the appropriate AC adapter or stabilized power supply.

    If we are talking about a higher voltage, then the power supply should be limited by current by installing lowering voltage conventional diodes, or by including an additional resistor, rheostat or lengthening the wires.

    The assembly is cut at the scissor-shaped mark where the contacts “red”, “blue”, “green” and “ground” pass. It is easy to guess that the three “colored” contacts are positive for each of the colored semiconductor crystals. In this case, the current-carrying paths go further, bypassing the LEDs and resistors soldered by the manufacturer. In LEDs that are not tricolor, or work as monochrome (red, yellow, green or blue separately), there are only contacts (and tracks) “plus” and “minus”. 12-volt LED strips, for example, for red (used as a brake light and tail lights), contain 6 LEDs connected in series: the maximum supply voltage for each of them, which is not recommended to be exceeded, is 2.2, and not 2.7-3.3 volts. For 24 V tapes, the number of LEDs per sector is doubled.

    If there is no mark on the front side, the cut line may end up on the back. A thin strip is cut with scissors. You need to cut exactly in the middle between the contacts: in case of accidental capture on either side, soldering the power wires will turn out to be an extremely difficult action.

    Trimming tape with waterproofing

    There are no cut marks on the face of the print ribbon. But they can be found on the flip side. To cut at the point through which the cutting line passes, you must first remove the silicone. They are cut off with a clerical knife. Having soldered the wires, the soldering contact points must be re-insulated.

    Is it possible to cut LED strip and how to do it?

    • How to cut different ribbons?
    • 12V
    • 220 volt
    • Color RGB
    • Trimming tape with waterproofing
    • Helpful hints

    Not always a solid LED strip. for example, on a 5 meter reel. is needed in a specific place. If we are talking, for example, about a car interior, then only one segment of 3-4 LEDs can be used in each backlighting place.

    Color RGB

    RGB color strips have four lanes. common, red, green, and blue. A more advanced version. RGBW (white is added as the fourth LED). contains 5 tracks in the ribbon topology (the 5th is the positive pin for the white LED). These assemblies are most often rated for 5 volts and have current limiting resistors for each color group. One cluster of RGBW tape contains 4 LEDs and 4 resistors (up to several tens of ohms). There are RGB tapes in which two red, green and blue LEDs are connected in parallel. in series with a limiting resistor in groups. If we are talking about 12 volts, then the number of LEDs triples. six red, green and blue. In 24-volt tapes, each color group is longer. it already contains 12 LEDs.

    They are also cut according to marks (cutting lines) and consist of clusters corresponding to their number.

    220 volt

    In the case of a 220 volt tape, cutting off clusters is much more difficult. These are mainly the series of products SMD-3528/2835/3014/5050/5630 and several others, similar in power and operating current. They are cut by footage. 0.5, 1, 2 m. The number of LEDs is 30-120. As white, double LEDs are often used. 2 to 3 volts, connected in series in one light crystal. Accordingly, for uninterrupted operation, 30 pieces are required per segment. It is easy to calculate that 30 double LEDs (60 single. this is the conversion) are designed for a voltage of 180 volts. To make them glow as brightly as possible (3.3 volts on each LED), a voltage of about 200 volts is required. However, here, too, manufacturers interested in the constant sale of LEDs make a deliberate mistake, including only 30 (and not 35-40, as it should be) double LEDs in the cluster. As a rectifier, a network diode bridge with a current-limiting resistor and a CHIP fuse can be installed on each cluster. Each section plugs directly into the outlet.

    Needless to say, LEDs are forced to overheat. Some craftsmen rework the tapes, soldering additional groups of LEDs into it, or reworking the driver. As a result, the supply voltage at each light element (and the brightness of the glow) decreases slightly, which prolongs the life of the tape.

    Tapes for 220 volts are also cut according to special marks. It is important not to cut the driver (or pins for the external driver). Their multiplicity remains at the level of 30-120 LEDs. the dividing line of the mowing line is indicated by the presence of a current-limiting assembly at the beginning of each composite cluster.

    Helpful hints

    Anywhere the LED strip contains conductive tracks. Using an ultra-sharp blade (razor, scalpel) with a certain skill, craftsmen clean the polymer layer to metal (copper), even when the tape is not cut quite correctly, but the LEDs and other parts are not damaged. It is better not to bring the situation to this point. if there are marks, cut along them. If the scissors (or knife) damaged the parts (components) themselves, then the failed segment will most likely not be able to be restored.

    Even when only one of the three LEDs is damaged, extreme care and accuracy will be required so as not to damage the rest.

    If one of the three LEDs in the 12-volt cluster is damaged, then the current limiting resistor will need to be replaced as well. Otherwise, the remaining LEDs, hitting too high a voltage, immediately burn out (the glow “subsides”).

    A sharp bend of some belts, even at the cut point, can lead to their breaking. Even when the LEDs are located on opposite sides of the point of a sharp bend, the tracks themselves may break. due to the fragility of the textolite or other composite material, of which the tape is made. It is forbidden to weave ribbons into knots, weave patterns from them. in addition to gaining the risk of being torn, the ribbon may lose part of the useful light flux due to overlapping of several LEDs with its own opaque substrate for light.

    Entertainment communities on began to cut pictures into two parts due to changes in the smart feed algorithm Editorial Articles

    Some communities on began to publish pictures, cut into two parts so that they fold into one image. This is mainly done by entertainment communities, despite the dissatisfaction of subscribers, writes TJ.

    Community owners attribute this approach to changes in smart feed algorithms, due to which posts with one image are no longer a priority and lose reach.

    Community admins link to a screenshot of a post that went viral on social media in mid-November. In it, an unknown author writes that changes in the algorithm occurred in early November.

    The “smart” feed began to consider posts, consisting of one picture, not worthy of users’ attention. All communities that used such content began to disappear from the news feed. Reach falls, motivation for more suitable content falls, because the number of people who will see it also falls.

    But we found a temporary way out of the situation. Cutting the post into pieces, which the subscribers did not quite like. And now adding “dummy”, increasing the number of pictures, but not affecting the structure. So that you can share whole pictures with friends and add to “saves”.

    Community owners interviewed by TJ confirmed the problem of falling reach for posts with one image. They expect that will soon fix the algorithm and there will be no problem.

    creates very uncomfortable conditions for authors’ creativity, since the promotion of records by the platform is now too much tied to algorithms.

    If the author deals with the text, then subscribers simply will not see the content in the feed. Now, due to new algorithms, the same thing happens with records containing one picture.

    The smart feed does not consider such posts to be “interesting”, and the audience will not see this post. From here comes the story with the division of memes into two chunks. The appearance of “empty” pictures in posts. also from this.

    A spokesman confirmed to TJ that in early November the company had carried out a major update to its smart feed system. According to him, after the changes, posts with collages can really get more views than posts with a single image. However, coverage across the platform continues to grow, noted on the social network.

    We are constantly developing smart feed and ranking algorithms. the last major update was in early November. After the changes, traffic between authors and content types can sometimes be slightly redistributed, but the total reach across the entire platform is growing.

    The ranking of content formats depends on the audience. In some communities, collages can actually gain more views than a single photo post. This means that such posts arouse more interest among subscribers than publications of a different format in their own feeds.

    If some content format is used to artificially increase reach, we react to this and make changes to the algorithm.

    Cut photo into equal parts online

    The main thing is to specify the picture on your computer or phone, if necessary, indicate how many parts should be in width and height, click OK, wait a couple of seconds, download the result. The rest of the settings are already set by default. There is also the usual photo cropping, where you can specify how many% or pixels to crop on each side.

    An example of a photo before and after cutting into two equal parts vertically, the default settings are:

    On this site, you can cut a photo anyway, the first picture below is cut into nine parts of the same size (3×3 format), the second picture is cut into two equal parts horizontally (1×2 format):

    With the help of this online service, you can cut a picture into two, three, four, five or even 900 equal or square parts, as well as automatically cut a photo for Instagram, specifying only the desired crop format, for example, 3×2 for a horizontal photo, 3×3 for a square or 3×4 for vertical. If you need to process a huge picture of more than 100 megapixels, cut it into more parts or need a different numbering of sliced.jpg files, then write to the box. it will be done for free within 24 hours.

    The original image does not change. You will be given several pictures cut into equal parts.

    What is a Mobius strip and why should you cut it?

    Those who know what a Mobius tape (sheet) is, and in childhood glued and cut it, it will be pleasant to remember their then surprise at the result and the bright feeling of Cognition. They can skip this article and reminisce. Who has not cut. highly recommend. And connect the children, they will like it. Stock up on a few sheets of plain white paper, glue and scissors.

    We take the ABCD paper tape. We attach its ends AB and CD to each other and glue it together. But not randomly, but so that point A coincides with point D, and point B with point C. We obtain such a twisted ring. And we ask ourselves: how many sides does this piece of paper have? Two, like any other? And nothing like that. He has ONE side. Don’t believe me? If you want. check: try to paint over this ring on one side. We paint, we don’t come off, we don’t go to the other side. We paint. Did you paint over? And where is the second, clean side? No? Well that’s it.

    Now for the second question. What happens if you cut a regular sheet of paper? Of course, two ordinary sheets of paper. precisely, two halves of a sheet. And what happens if you cut this ring along the middle (this is the Mobius strip, or the Mobius strip) along its entire length? Two half-width rings? And nothing like that. What about? I will not say. Cut yourself.

    Cut? Fine. Now make a new Mobius leaf and tell me what happens if you cut it along, but not in the middle, but closer to one edge? Same? And nothing like that. And if in three parts? Three ribbons? And nothing comes. And so on. Explore further this amazing (yet completely real) one-sided surface and you will have a lot of fun. And this all calms down the nerves upset by the forum disputes, I assure you. What can be more beneficial than Pure Knowledge?

    The Möbius strip is one of the objects of the field of mathematics called “topology” (in other words. “geometry of positions”). The amazing properties of the Mobius strip. it has one edge, one side. are not related to its position in space, with the concepts of distance, angle, and nevertheless have a completely geometric character. Topology studies such properties. In Euclidean space, there are two types of Mobius strips, depending on the direction of twisting: right and left.

    And you can read in more detail in the excellent book “The Magic Bicorn” by Sergei Pavlovich Bobrov, Chapter 8. Which book can be downloaded here (or here). But the file format is special there: DjVu, and what to do to open it is written here, and there is nothing complicated there. The Deja Vu reader is installed and opens these files in a format similar to the pdf format, only they are not so cumbersome. But with pictures! Although this is a book for children, at the same time, it is not at all simple, but written in a very cool, lively and exciting way. Children read it with rapture, but adults it may be too tough! Therefore, let’s give it to the children, of course, not to kindergarteners, but to the class at 6-7-8. But not later. This is a fun, kind book, and at the same time great food for the mind.!

    The Möbius strip was discovered by the German mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858. August Ferdinand Möbius is a German geometer, professor at the University of Leipzig in the first half of the 19th century. Before him, it was believed that any surface (for example, a sheet of paper) has two sides. Mobius made a startling discovery. he got a surface that has only one side.
    August Ferdinand Möbius is said to have invented his ribbon when he watched a maid who wore a scarf around her neck.

    But the Mobius strip is not only an exercise for the mind, it is also quite practically applied. A strip of a conveyor belt is made in the form of a Mobius strip, which allows it to work longer, because the entire surface of the belt wears out evenly. Möbius tapes are also used in continuous tape recording systems (to double the recording time), in dot matrix printers, the ink ribbon also looked like a Mobius sheet to increase the shelf life. And maybe somewhere else.

    Maurice Escher, inexhaustible for invention, depicted the luxurious Moebius strip in the picture.