Proportions Of Oil And Gasoline For The Partner Chainsaw

Recommended brands of fuels and lubricants for powering chainsaws

The specific brand of gasoline for the saw is always given in the manufacturer’s instructions. It is recommended to strictly follow it.

There are 2 types of oil:

  • For engine,
  • For lubricating the chain and bar.

Do not confuse or misuse them. This is guaranteed to damage the tool. Repairing it can cost almost as much as a new saw.

The most popular chainsaw lubricating oils are:

  • Husqvarna
  • Kreissman
  • Sadko
  • Stihl

Each container with branded oil always indicates the proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw (Stihl, Husqvarna, Partner, Ural), which must be adhered to when making a mixture.

The proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw: how to dilute

All modern chainsaws are equipped with a two-stroke engine. Its long and trouble-free operation directly depends on whether the proportion of oil and gasoline is correct for the chainsaw. The variety of brands of tools and the features of each of them are the reason that this procedure is not easy for most novice users of chainsaws.

Why you need to mix oil and gasoline

When using the saw, gasoline should always be mixed with oil. The reason for this is the design features of the two-stroke internal combustion engine. It does not have a dedicated lubrication system for parts (as in other internal combustion engines) and, accordingly, its cylinders with O-rings, crankshaft, bearings and connecting rods must be lubricated directly in the process of obtaining fuel.

The ratio of the amount of oil and gasoline for the fuel mixture

The proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw is usually made up according to two recipes:

  • 50 servings of gasoline per serving of engine oil
  • 40 servings of gasoline per serving of engine oil

If the chainsaw was recently purchased and has not yet been operated, then the proportion of lubricant is increased by a quarter. The same amount is poured into fuel when cutting at temperatures below 2 degrees.

It is not difficult to get such a mixture. Almost every modern saw is equipped with a special two-section container. Oil is poured into a smaller part of it, and gasoline is poured into a larger part. The lids of both parts are tightly twisted and the container is turned over, shaken thoroughly. This achieves a complete and homogeneous mixing of both components.

If there is no such special container, you can use any gasoline-resistant plastic container with a one-liter lid and a disposable syringe for 5-10 cubes. The gasoline tank must first be cleaned of various kinds of pollutants and water. After that, one liter of 92-95 gasoline is poured into it.

In parallel, 20 ml of oil is drawn into the syringe. If refueling is done in cold weather, then you need to take 24-30 ml. Gently pour it into a container with gasoline. It is tightly closed with a lid and shaken thoroughly until the components are completely mixed.

What will happen if you pour working off into a chainsaw

When the owner of the chainsaw has been using it for a while, they may want to do some modification to the tool. And it’s good if his desires are limited to the purchase of various attachments that expand the functionality of the chainsaw. But some go further. they start experimenting with the gasoline and oil that their saw runs on.

If we have already spoken about gasoline earlier (most modern saws require it with a high octane number. at least 92-95), then it is worth mentioning the oil separately. Many car enthusiasts accumulate a significant amount of used engine oil during vehicle operation. And therefore, some have a desire to use this material for refueling a chainsaw.

If you do this, then engine failure is guaranteed. This is primarily due to the low lubricity of the recycled oil. It will burn with a lot of black soot. The metal particles contained in the oil will first clog the fuel filter (these are the larger particles), and then the cylinder O-rings will fail. Metal suspension in the oil will damage both the surface of the cylinders themselves and the bearings.

Some “innovators” try to use the working off to lubricate the chain itself and the block on which it is located. It will also not lead to anything good. What exactly will happen can be seen on the attached.

Finished fuel cannot be stored for more than 25-30 days, because The oxidation process changes its composition. Engine breakdown caused by overexposed fuel is considered non-warranty. The amount of repairs reaches 80% of the cost of a new chainsaw. After the end of the working season, use up the remaining fuel, turn off the engine, remove the remaining fuel mixture.

Remember, your goal is to create a mixture that will ensure smooth engine operation, complete combustion of fuel without the formation of carbon deposits, smoke or scuffing.

Correct proportions

So, I will not beat around the bush for a long time, but I will go straight to the numbers. The most common dilution ratios are 1:50 and 1:40. That is, one part of oil is poured into 50 or 40 parts of gasoline. For those who did not understand, I will explain in more detail. We take one liter of gasoline and divide it by 50 or 40, respectively. As a result, we get the right amount of oil for one liter of gasoline. That is, one liter is 1000 ml. Divide 1000 ml by 50, we get 20 ml of oil. Divide by 40, we get 25 ml. This is exactly how much oil you need to add to one liter of gasoline.

But you will say that you do not know what proportion should be on your chainsaw. Well, if you have lost the instruction or for some reason there is no information about the proportion in it, then you can use the following rules:

  • If the chainsaw and oil are from the same brand (for example, Stihl chainsaw and Stihl oil), then dilute gasoline with oil in the proportion indicated on the oil (usually 1:50);
  • If the chainsaw and oil are of different brands, then keep the ratio 1:40;
  • If the brand is the same, but there is no information on the oil, then dilute in a ratio of 1:40;
  • If nothing is known at all. you do not know either the brand of the chainsaw or the oil., Then you still dilute in a ratio of 1:40. The main thing is to know that the oil is exactly suitable for two-stroke engines of chainsaws.

If the saw is new and is being run-in, it is recommended to increase the amount of oil for the first three fuel tank fillings by about 20%. That is, the proportion of 1:50 turns into 1:42, and 1:40 into 1:33. Or 24 or 30 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline, respectively. Well, I note here that in addition to increasing the amount of oil in the fuel mixture, no more running-in measures with a chainsaw are needed, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. That is, it is not necessary, for example, to leave it idling for a long time or to cut it not at full speed, as this will lead to its overheating and faster failure. Always cut only at maximum speed. And after running out of three tanks of fuel (meaning the tank of the chainsaw), go to the usual proportions of 1:50 or 1:40.

But sometimes it happens that the manufacturer indicates a different proportion, compared to those that I gave above. For example, 1:25 or 1:32. In this case, these proportions must be observed. Although if you know about them, then what did you forget in this article?

The ratio of gasoline to chainsaw oil

The proportions of oil and gasoline for refueling two-stroke engines of chainsaws of different brands is 40 to 1 or 50 to 1. This ratio is standard, which is used not only by beginners, but also by experienced sawers. It is this ratio for preparing the fuel mixture that is close to ideal, and provides lubrication of the rubbing parts of the crank mechanism and the piston.

How much oil should be poured into gasoline in milliliters? Calculated per ml, the proportion of oil and gasoline 1 to 50 is 20 ml per 1 liter. To prepare the correct mixture, you should put 1 liter of gasoline in a plastic bottle and dilute it with 20 ml of oil. To correctly measure how much oil to pour, you should take a special measuring container and fill it up to the appropriate mark. If you plan to immediately prepare 2 liters of fuel, then 40 ml of lubricant must be added to this amount of gasoline.

There are other ratios that different manufacturers offer. These values ​​of the ratios differ insignificantly, but if you have subtracted other values ​​in the instrument’s passport, then you need to adhere to them. A value of 1 in 50 or 40 is standardized. Pour 15 ml of oil into 1 liter of fuel in the summer, and add at least 20-25 ml in winter. Knowing the recipe for preparing the mixture, you should also figure out what kind of gasoline to pour into the chainsaw?

Instructions for refueling a chainsaw

Knowing the ratio of the preparation of the petrol-oil mixture, you can start refueling it. The refueling instruction is as follows:

  • First you need to prepare the mixture. Having combined the two main components, you should mix them thoroughly
  • Place the tool on a clean and level surface. Before unscrewing the gas cap, it is necessary to clean or blow off sawdust, dust and dirt
  • Tank neck must point up
  • Install a small watering can in the neck, then pour fuel
  • Control the refueling process, as the volume of the tank is small, so it fills up quickly
  • Do not fill up to the full maximum, as when the tank cap is closed, the remaining fuel will splash out
  • After the fuel is poured into the tank, immediately add chain lubricant.
  • Fuel consumption and chain lubrication are approximately the same, therefore both tanks must be filled at the same time
  • After refueling, you can start starting the engine

It is better to start the engine not in the place where the refueling was carried out, but to move to a distance of 2-3 m. The tool is ready for work, and you can start starting it. You can read how the chainsaw engine starts in this material (link).

What gasoline to use?

It is better to use AI-92 gasoline for modern chainsaws. It is better not to use the 95th. Firstly, because the saws are tuned to work with 92 gasoline. And, secondly, 95th gasoline is obtained by adding special additives to gasoline with a lower octane number. And as experts say, this is not good.

In general, fill in 92nd gasoline and you will be happy. Just do not stock up on it, as its octane number drops during long-term storage.

In general, they say (they say!) That our refineries can produce only 80th gasoline in pure form. But already it is brought to the 92nd and 95th due to additives. In 95, there are naturally more additives. So, during long-term storage, these additives “evaporate” and gasoline again becomes 80th. True or not. I don’t know, but I learned this information back in 2009 at one of the seminars on servicing gasoline equipment from the head of the service department in Russia of one of the manufacturers of gasoline equipment. If this was true, then maybe today (2018) the situation has improved.

In any case, it is better to buy gasoline at proven gas stations, where you have already refueled and everything was fine.

What will happen if you pour working off into a chainsaw

If you do not want your chainsaw to fail at the wrong time, use only high-quality fuels and lubricants. It is forbidden to mix working off with gasoline. The reasons for this are the following factors:

  • Other viscosity of the material, therefore, mining is not able to provide effective lubrication of rubbing parts and mechanisms
  • The mining contains small particles of metal and shavings, which, getting into the tank, will cause clogging of the fuel filter and channel. If the grease enters the cylinder along with small particles, they will leave their mark in the form of accelerated wear of the piston rings.
  • Emitting a lot of black smoke, indicating oil burning

It is impossible to pour surrogate materials not only into the gasoline tank, but also into the chain lubrication tank. What happens if you use the working out in the chain lubrication tank can be seen on.

Using the instructions, you can independently prepare the correct fuel mixture on which the chainsaw will work. If the fuel mixture is diluted incorrectly, not only will the tool life be reduced, but also its performance will decrease.

How to dilute gasoline with chainsaw oil

Dilute the gasoline for the chainsaw

Thirty g of special engine oil should be added to one liter of gasoline. The resulting mixture is poured into a special compartment for fuel.

To dilute the gasoline for the chainsaw. Before that, you need to consult with specialists. It is best to ask those who work in the service center to repair them.

They ate their teeth on it.

And the sellers who advertise them in the supermarket and hang all sorts of noodles on our ears will not tell us anything about it.

It was so with me, but not with a saw, but with a scythe. It worked poorly, did not start very well, detonated strongly and did everything to mix gasoline and oil, as the sellers said.

Proportions Of Oil And Gasoline For The Partner Chainsaw

But when I turned to the service center. Said a completely different ratio of fuel parts.

Oil producers

One of the best oils, admittedly by most experts, is produced by Stihl, the same one that also makes chainsaws very well. Therefore, if you have an expensive chainsaw, then it is better not to save by buying cheaper oils.

Another major global chainsaw manufacturer, Husqvarna, also produces a two-stroke oil of the same name. But many users noted that when it is used on equipment of other brands, it leads to excessive smoke, and in general chainsaws do not work at full capacity. At the same time, Husqvarna equipment itself works perfectly with such oil. Therefore, if you have a Husqvarna chainsaw, then buy the same oil for it. For other equipment it is better not to take.

There are also well-known world brands producing various malas, including two-stroke ones. For example, Ravenol. Oil from such manufacturers can also be bought without fear.

There are oils being produced. In principle, they are not bad if the saw is used for domestic use. That is, it will certainly reduce the resource of the chainsaw somewhat, but in everyday life you will not notice this, since the engine of the chainsaw, in any case, in such gentle operating conditions, serves for many years. For professional activities, I do not recommend taking such oil.

Recommended brands of fuels and lubricants for powering chainsaws

The specific brand of gasoline for the saw is always given in the manufacturer’s instructions. It is recommended to strictly follow it.

There are 2 types of oil:

  • For engine,
  • For lubricating the chain and bar.

Do not confuse or misuse them. This is guaranteed to damage the tool. Repairing it can cost almost as much as a new saw.

The most popular chainsaw lubricating oils are:

Each container with branded oil always indicates the proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw (Stihl, Husqvarna, Partner, Ural), which must be adhered to when making a mixture.

Why you need to mix oil and gasoline

When using the saw, gasoline should always be mixed with oil. The reason for this is the design features of the two-stroke internal combustion engine. It does not have a dedicated lubrication system for parts (as in other internal combustion engines) and, accordingly, its cylinders with O-rings, crankshaft, bearings and connecting rods must be lubricated directly in the process of obtaining fuel.

Choice of oil for chain lubrication

In addition to the motor, for which all the proportions of oil and gasoline for the Stihl chainsaw have already been found out, there is another important part, consisting of many moving links. the chain. For its lubrication, not motor oil, but chain oil is used. It has completely different properties and is cheaper.

For a new tool, only oils from the manufacturer are used, which are recommended in the instructions. Otherwise, if the saw breaks down, it will be removed from warranty service due to non-compliance with the operating conditions. It should be noted that the oils from the manufacturer are of really high quality. After the end of the warranty period, you can use any engine oil, changing it twice a year.

Shelf life of the finished fuel mixture

Motorists know that it is not worth storing gasoline for a long time, and the finished fuel mixture deteriorates even faster. Mix the required proportions of oil and gasoline for the Stihl chainsaw before starting work. Manufacturers allow storage of finished fuel up to one month, and experts recommend reducing this period to 10 days. Immediately after mixing, the solution begins to lose its original properties and over time it becomes not at all of the same quality as it was prepared. Learn to prepare enough saw fuel to be consumed in one go. It comes with experience. The mixture should be stored in a gasoline-resistant, opaque, tightly closed container. For this, any canisters made of plastic metal for combustible materials are suitable. And also use a container of oil or glass containers made of dark glass.

How to increase the life of your chainsaw?

The chainsaw will be technically sound on one condition:

Strictly adhere to and comply with the prescriptions for the selection of components for the formation of a combustible mixture consisting of gasoline and the recommended oil.

It is impossible to use oils intended for motor vehicles to form a working product. This is strictly prohibited.

All modern chainsaws are equipped with a two-stroke engine. Its long and trouble-free operation directly depends on whether the proportion of oil and gasoline is correct for the chainsaw. The variety of brands of tools and the features of each of them are the reason that this procedure is not easy for most novice users of chainsaws.

How to prepare the mixture?

In order for the equipment to serve for a long time and properly cope with its functions, you need to know exactly how much oil you need to add to gasoline for the Stihl chainsaw. Previously, we found out that it is better to use a lubricant product from the manufacturer Stihl and unleaded AI92 or AI95 gasoline as components. Leaded fuel grades negatively affect the operation of the unit and disable it. With such components, 20 ml of oil is added to the mixture per liter of gasoline. Any violation of the proportions leads to the appearance of carbon deposits on the spark plugs and pistons, as well as the formation of scoring. The oils used can be green, blue or red.

Their presence is easily determined by the color of the mixture. To dilute fuel, often complete with equipment, a special canister is attached. These containers have graduated marks and two holes. The user only needs to fill the tank with the components of the mixture to the required marks, close the lids and mix. Some people use plastic bottles and syringes to measure oil for this purpose. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that foreign particles or water do not get into the container, all this will worsen the operation of the engine.

Step by step instructions for refueling

If you want to refuel your chainsaw, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

What happens if you do not take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations?

In case of violation of the rules for the preparation of fuel and lubricant mixtures and non-observance of the proportions when adding oil to gasoline at a chainsaw “Stihl 180”; the following problems arise:

  • With an increase in friction, the wear of the working surfaces of parts will increase.
  • Insufficient lubricant will cause bearings to fail.
  • The full functioning of mechanical assemblies is disrupted due to premature wear of parts, their service life is significantly reduced.
  • When using low-grade gasoline and oils, the performance of the unit decreases with the subsequent breakdown of important components and parts.

The fuel is prepared before refueling the saw, avoiding excessive contact with oxygen. After finishing work, the remaining mixture must be drained.

Which brand to use motor oil?

For each model, the manufacturer advises a list of materials to be used. It is better for the user to adhere to these recommendations, because the warranty does not cover tool breakage due to inappropriate fuel and lubricant. In this case, the owner pays for the repair of the chainsaw himself, which can be up to 80% of its cost. When you can’t follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, try to follow these rules:

  • Use oil only for 2-stroke engines.
  • Do not use after expiration date.
  • Do not add used oil with a large amount of impurity to gasoline, since the mechanisms of the tool may be damaged.
  • Chain lubricant cannot be used for fuel mixture.
  • It is preferable to use synthetic and semi-synthetic oils, which are more expensive than mineral oils, but do not form harmful deposits.