Rotary mower blade sharpener. How to sharpen a lawnmower blade with a Dremel, step by step

How to sharpen a lawnmower blade with a Dremel, step by step

If you notice that your lawnmower is leaving uncut grass areas, you intuitively know that the problem lies with the blades. They might have gotten dull over time and need sharpening to regain their optimal performance. Sharpening mower blades is not tricky and can comfortably be done with a tool such as a dremel with a sharpening stone. If you have not done this before, we have created a step-by-step guideline to help you.

How to sharpen lawnmower blades with a Dremel, step by step:

  • Step 1. Get the needed tools
  • Step 2. Disconnect the spark plug and inspect the existing set of blades
  • Step 3. Remove the center nut of the blade carefully and clamp it
  • Step 4. Sharpen the Blade with a Dremel
  • Step 5. Smoothen the edges and finish the blade
  • Step 6. Balance the blade and fix it back

Lawnmower blades are located at the bottom of your machine. Most machines come with a single set of blades. Some bigger riding lawnmowers may have a second set working in parallel. The blades wear out after consistent working as they get used up or damaged by stones, junk, or other debris. If you see that the cutting patterns aren’t uniform, a blade sharpening is imminent. Sharpening a rotary mower blade requires removing the mower’s blade. Using a Dremel, you can even out the rough edges, develop the profile, and sharpen the metal surface. Dremel makes a rotary tool attachment that simplifies the sharpening task.

Step 1. Get the needed tools

Using the right tools will help you finish the sharpening much quicker. To do the job, you need the following tools:

  • A pair of safety goggles and gloves.
  • Wrench set
  • Dremel
  • Clamps
  • Piece of wood
  • A bench vise to clamp the blades
  • Sandpaper
  • A sharpening or polishing stone

Step 2. Inspection of existing lawnmower blades

Before removing and inspecting the blade, you should disconnect the spark plug cables. This will ensure that the engine can not start unintentionally. You do not want to work on the blades without this safety measure. Also, turn the ignition off. If you have an electric lawnmower, remove the batteries or disconnect the mains cable. Apply the parking brakes so that lawnmower stays stationary. If you have a platform, use it to raise the machine or incline it at an angle when removing the blades.

Lawnmower blades usually will become dull after around 30-40 hours of usage, depending upon the location where they are used. When you hit solid objects like rocks or metal, the blades can get damaged way sooner. So, sharpening becomes necessary. Before sharpening, the condition of the blades should be checked. Incline the lawnmower and touch the surface of the blades with your gloves on. Check for any cracks, irregular surfaces, and bends there. Also, look for the blade edge. Normally, it has a smooth profile with a sharp edge, but it gets damp as the blade gets worn out. As a final check, check if there is any hindrance as the blade moves and identify the part, if any. Mark one side of the blade before removing it to identify the correct orientation when you reinstall it.

Step 3. Remove the center nut of the lawnmower blade carefully and clamp the blade

After you have turned the mower on its side (or upside down), loosen the nut at the middle of the blade with an adjustable or socket wrench. If it is difficult to loosen, spray the nut with some cleaner spray like WD-40 and wait few minutes. If the blade rotates while removing the nut, clamp a piece of wood to the lawnmower’s underside with C-clamps. This will keep the blade in place. After removing the nut, take off the blade from the lawnmower body.

Place the blade in a bench vise and tighten up as much as possible to hold it firmly in place. The blade comprises two cutting edges on opposite sides of one long piece of metal. You will have to work on each turn by turn.

Step 4. Sharpen the blade with a Dremel tool

Sharpening the blade comes next. The very first step is to open the nose cap of your Dremel tool. Here you can see the threaded fitting where you have to insert your desired sharpening attachment, i.e., sharpening cylinder or rod, and then tighten it up with your hand easily. You can also use a key to tighten the tool.

Please turn on the tool, and set its rotation speed to about 2,500 rpm, a medium setting on most machines. Run the tool along the blade’s cutting edge with the extended, plastic support against the back. The attachment automatically grips the Dremel at a 30-degree angle. Suppose you are not using such an attachment. In that case, it is not a big deal because you can easily set your hand angle to about 20-25 degrees and easily sharpen your blade’s ends.

Follow the blade’s profile and develop the cutting edge by chipping off the metal from the rough surface. You have cut by going from the center to the periphery of the blade. Make sure that the cutting angle is not straight or sharp. It can damage the blade. Develop a sharp edge of the blade surface. A shiny surface will be an indication. Usually, 5-10 thrusts will do the job.

Safety remark: Always wear eye protection and gloves while working on the blades.

Step 5. Smoothen the edges and finish the blade

To finish the blades and give them a longer life, you have to dampen the sharp corner minutely. It will help reduce the brittle nature, and the blade can last longer. You can perform this task by rubbing a sharpening stone along the blade edge. As a finishing step, you can also polish the blade edges with a buffer. Also, run the Dremel along the blade edge from tip to center. This helps to even the cut geometry of the blade.

Step 6. Balance the blade and fix it back

For the machine and user’s safety, the rotating blade must be perfectly balanced. You can check the balance by hanging the blade on a nail on the wall horizontally. Let the blade hang on the support and notice that both sides should be hanging equally. If a side is heavier, it will hang lower. You can balance it by chipping off the rougher side by a Dremel. Give 2-3 rubs, and it will do the job. This step prevents any vibration and noise from the machine.

Fix the blade back by applying some grease to the central nut too. Check if the blades are rotating freely with no obstructions. Reconnect the spark plug and start the mower. Let it run for few seconds and check if you notice any strange sounds. If such is the case, take it to an expert. Otherwise, you are ready to go.

Frequently asked questions:

Can you sharpen mower blades with any other tool?

You can sharpen your mower blade with an angle or bench grinder or by a file as well. These tools can be used reliable, and each has its advantages and disadvantages:

– Using an Angle grinder:

Adjust the angle grinder with a grinding stone disk, if not previously in place. Angle grinders can be fitted with disks using sandpaper, wire brushes, and polishers. It will help if you put on heavy safety gloves to protect your hands against the blade. Against one of the thin edges of the blade, hold the grinding disk. Run the grinder side by side along the edge of the blade to level out any nicks, i.e., rough edges that commonly develop from hitting stones during mowing. The grinder will chip off the metal quickly.

– Using a File:

Using a file, you can easily do the job with your hands. Similarly, remove the blade and, using a file, give regular forward strokes to chip off the rough metal. Using a file, you have to be more careful as you are developing the profile. Carefully even it out. Use a sharpening stone to give a final touch.

Are lawn mower blades supposed to be sharp?

Mower blades should be aggressively sharp but not as sharp as a razor’s edge. You should be able to touch the blade with your hand without getting cut. Additionally, lawnmower blades that are too sharp get duller faster, resulting in sharpening more frequently and shorter blade life. A lawnmower blade with a bit damper edge will last longer.

Does wet grass dulls mower blades?

Mowing wet grass will not dull your mower’s blade any faster than dry grass, but it is not good for the lawn and makes the mower work harder. The wet grass clumps together due to the moisture, and removing it gets difficult. It does not directly affect the mower blade, but the moisture may create other issues like rusting.

Final remarks:

The suitable condition of blades is crucial for the optimum working of the lawnmower. With time, the lawnmower blades become dull and give uneven or rough cutting of grass. Worn-out blades require sharpening. You can use a simple rotating tool like a Dremel to polish the blade edge and surface. The Dremel is a handy tool and easily available. In this article, we have explained all the steps to use it. Generally, lawnmower blades require sharpening after 30-40 hours or 1 season. If they are taken care of properly and regularly, they will help keep the mowing experience attractive and fun.

How to Sharpen a Reel Mower (Step-by-Step Guide)

Mowing the lawn is a chore that most homeowners would love to avoid, but it’s one that needs to be done on a regular basis to keep the lawn looking healthy. One of the tools that you can use to mow your lawn is a reel mower. However, if your reel mower is not properly sharpened, it can become difficult to operate and cause damage to your lawn. In this article, we will show you how to sharpen a reel mower and keep it in good condition.

  • Reel mowers use a belt instead of blades to cut the grass, and they are often easier to operate than other types of mowers.
  • Keep the mower deck clean by scraping off any grass after using it.
  • The cost of sharpening the reel mower is around 30.
  • The direction of sharpening the reel mower is holding it at a 45-degree angle and using the honing rod to sharpen the blade

Does a reel mower need to be sharpened?

A reel mower typically does not require sharpening, but there are a few things that you can do to keep it running smoothly. Check the blades for any chips or cracks, and if they’re noticeable, have them repaired or replaced. Keep the mower deck clean by scraping off any grass and leaves that accumulate over time. Finally, sharpen the blade if it starts to become blunt.

How do you sharpen a reel mower blade by hand?

Reel mowers can be a hassle to sharpen by hand, but it can be done. It is important to use a sharp blade to avoid damaging the machine or yourself. Here are the steps for sharpening a reel mower blade by hand:

Use a honing rod to keep the blade sharp.2. Hold the blade at a 45-degree angle and use the honing rod to sharpen the blade on one side only. Be careful not to sharpen too much off of the edge of the blade or you will risk cutting yourself.3. Repeat on the other side of the blade.

How much does it cost to sharpen a reel mower?

There is no one definitive answer to this question since the price of sharpening services will vary depending on where you live, the type of reel mower being sharpened, and the skill level of the sharpeners. However, assuming that you can find a reliable sharpener who does a good job and charges an average price, here are some ballpark figures to give you an idea:

-A professional sharpener who does a basic sharpen on a reel mower will charge around 30.-If the reel mower has more complicated blades (like a riding lawnmower), the cost will probably increase since the sharpeners will need to use more time and energy to get it looking good. A basic sharpen on a riding lawnmower can cost upwards of 60.-If you have an electric reel mower, there is not really any need to get it professionally sharpened unless there is something wrong with the blade (like it’s rusty or damaged). In that case, a professional could charge around 50-100 for a basic sharpen on an electric reel mower.

How much does it cost to sharpen a reel mower?

Typically, it costs around 10 to sharpen a reel mower. However, this price may vary depending on the brand and model of the reel mower. In general, most brands and models of reel mowers require around two hours to be properly sharpened.

How often should a reel mower be sharpened?

Reel mowers can be sharpened using a whetstone or a sharpening stone. A reel mower should be sharpened every 2 to 3 weeks if it is used regularly.

Sharpen reel mower with sandpaper

If your reel mower is not cutting the grass as smoothly as it used to, you may need to sharpen the blades. To sharpen the blades, use sandpaper to smooth out the blade. Follow these steps:

Remove the blade from the reel mower.2. Place the sandpaper on a flat surface and place the blade on top of it.3. Turn the blade around so that you have a good view of both sides of it.4. Start sanding off any rougher spots on one side of the blade.5. Hold the blade stationary and keep sanding until the blade is completely smooth.6. Repeat on the other side of the blade.

how to sharpen a reel mower bedknife

If you need to sharpen your reel mower bedknife, here are a few tips to follow. Firstly, make sure that the blade is properly lubricated before beginning. Secondly, use a sharpening stone that is at least 800 grit. Thirdly, hold the blade at a 45-degree angle and sharpen along the grain of the blade. Finally, use a polishing cloth to polish the blade’s surface.

rotary, mower, blade, sharpener, sharpen

cost to sharpen reel mower blades

The cost to sharpen reel mower blades varies depending on the type of blade, the blade sharpener, and the location. However, in general, sharpenings typically cost between 10 and 30.

If you have an electric sharpener, expect to pay less than if you sharpen the blades using a manual sharpener. Manual sharpeners are generally cheaper than electric sharpeners but require more personal attention because they use a stone instead of an electronic motor.

The location also affects the price of a blade sharpening. In most cases, blade sharpenings cost more in metropolitan areas than in rural areas.

Sharpen a Push Reel Mower

Easier than it looks.- basically reverse the rotation and lap with a grinding compound

Here is a video of the mower cutting grass once it is all sharp.

I recently bought a Fiskar push reel mower and it is great:

Step 1: Basics

A push reel mower is like scissors, except one blade is fixed and the other blade is on a reel.

The blades make a spiral so they are only cutting in one small spot at a time.

  • Make it so the blades rotate the wrong way
  • Put grinding compound on the blades, this makes the blades into there own sharpening stones
  • Push the mower around until it is easy, this is called lapping (maybe reverse lapping. )
  • Wash off the grinding compound
  • Make the blades so they go the right way again
  • Mow the lawn

Step 4: Swap the Gears

Put the left gear on the right side and the right gear on the left side.

Now it will run backwards.

Step 6: Adjust the Fixed Blade

The blade that is fixed (not on the reel) can be positioned by adjusting two screws.

You want to make it so the fixed blade is touching the reel blades, so that it is hard to rotate the blades (but not impossible).

Step 7: Apply Grinding Compound

Putting valve grinding compound on the blades makes them into their own sharpening stones. The blades will sharpen each other, eventually they will both be sharp and fit together perfectly.

They have this at auto parts stores and on amazon: Valve Grinding Compound

Step 8: Push the Mower Backwards

Pushing the mower backwards will now sharpen the blades. Push the mower until it the reel is moving easily, then adjust the screws on the fixed blade so that it is is hard to push the mower. Now push the mower until it is easy, again. You want to repeat this until the blades are shiny all the way across.

Step 10: Wash Off the Grit With Water

As the blade gets sharper you can start to wash off the grit with water. This makes the blade easier to turn. You also want all the grinding compound to be gone by the time you are done.

Step 12: Swap the Gears, Again

Put the gears back on the correct sides. So that the mower will go forwards.

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Thank you so much! Revitalized a free-bee mower. 🙂

Couldn’t be bothered changing the gears so reverse rotated it by hand. Did end up with a lot of grinding compound on my hands as I spun it. Worked brilliantly. Now I have sharp blades and got such smooth exfoliated hands too. Double win.

Thanks Marc, great instructable. I wasn’t able to get the wheels off to change the gears around, but even rotating the reel backwards by hand was enough to sharpen things up nicely. Makes mowing the lawn a pleasure again. And the grinding paste worked great on my grass shears as well. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Just wonder should the pin be swaped too. How are the pins to be positioned? Can you illustrate further with photos or scatches. Thanks.

I just swapped the gears and didnt touch the pins. I had no problems.

Maybe different models require the pins to be turned. it didn’t work for me until I turned the pins over so the squared edges and curved edges went in the opposite direction from usual. Then I switched them back when I put the gears back in the correct wheels.

I used this method today on my 5 yard sale reel mower and it worked! The only thing I found in the instructions that was not clear was that the pins have to be turned over so that the straight edges catch the gears correctly when you switch them back and forth between sides. The ends of the pins are curved on one side and squared on the other and this does matter. In my first attempt, I didn’t notice this detail (and although there is a picture in Step 4, it is not explained) and the blades would not turn at all. Then I disassembled the wheels again and noticed that the pins were not squared on all edges. that was my aha moment. I went on to complete the project and then mowed my lawn with great satisfaction.

Very useful instructable, Marc. Thank you!

Reviving this, because it certainly was helpful to me and only for the price of valve grinding compound!

Step 6:I would simply add: The screws that adjust the fixed blade towards the curved ones work in concert; you loosen one while tightening the other other.

Try to keep the same adjustments for both sides so that you keep your fixed blade parallel and grinding the curved blades evenly.

Fantastic instructions, thank you!

When you say make it so the blades are going in the wrong way, do you just flip the lawn mower over a push it?? Not sure.

You have to flip the gears to the opposit side so you can push it backwards.

My reel mower is older and the blade wheel can move forward of backward. So in theory do you agree I can just spin the pup backwards? I am not worried but for the life of me I see no difference. Thanks.

Hey this can be much easier I think. My 1940’s reel mower spins forward and spins backwards so QUESTION: Can I apply the compound and let her spin backwards? How many minutes is normal? Thanks.

rotary, mower, blade, sharpener, sharpen

I sharpened my recently restored Craftsman with the blade and gears swapped and tan it bacwards. You can actually feel tge blade moving more and mo r e freely. I purchased a reel mower sharpening kit with the grit in a jar. That old mower cuts grass like scissors now. Once it got sharpened i tightened it a bit more and added more grit to take off more uneven wear due to heavy rust for so many years. So I did this process twice. Switched tge gears and flipped the blade back around and replaced the tires and tried it out on Newspaper. It sliced the paper without ripping on evety area I tried. The mower cuts even thick patches of grass with ease.

Suzie, where did you purchase your sharpening grit in a jar.

Going to try this this evening as the closest reel mower sharpening place is 35 minutes away charges per blade. :(. Will let you know the results. 😉

Why would you want the lawn mower run back wards. I need to get my blades sharpen and I can’t do it. Also how can I cut the tall grass after you mow the grass.

Worked like a charm! The compound only cost 4 at the auto store and I can probably sharpen the blades 8 to 10 times with one tube of it.

Excellent instructable! Thank you

The Best Mower Blade Sharpener To Buy in 2022 For A Great Lawn

This is our review of the best lawn mower blade sharpeners in 2023.

  • The Top Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener Comparison
  • The Best Lawn Mower Blade Sharpeners for Homeowners – Reviewed
  • Best Overall Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener: All American Sharpener Model 5005
  • Best Budget Lawnmower Blade Sharpener: AccuSharp Garden Tool Sharpener
  • Best Sharpener For Manual Lawn Mower Blades: Smith’s 50603 Lawn Mower Blade Shop Essentials Sharpener
  • Most Versatile Mower Blade Sharpener: SHARPAL 103N All-in-1 Knife Garden Tool Multi-Sharpener
  • Best Electric Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener: Grizzly Lawn Gear Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener
  • Best Professional Solution: Oregon 88-023 Professional 1/2 HP Lawnmower Blade Grinder
  • Best Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener for Drills: Bosmere R305 Multi-Sharp Mower Sharpener
  • Best Lawn Mower Sharpener Attachment Kit: Dremel A679-02 Sharpening Attachment Kit
  • What to Look for in a Lawnmower Blade Sharpener
  • Speed
  • Power Type
  • Usage
  • Guide Material and Durability
  • Compatibility
  • Ease of Use
  • Versatility
  • Safety
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • What are lawn mower blade sharpeners and what do they do?
  • How do you use a blade sharpener?
  • When should I sharpen my blades?
  • How often should I sharpen my lawnmower blades?

Dull lawn mower blades can rip the grass, leaving jagged edges that weaken the plant and encourage fungal growth. The grass may also appear brown, yellow, and rugged. A dull blade will hurt your lawn.

For this reason, sharpening your lawn mower blades is essential. Lawn Mower blade sharpeners are very useful for this task. As a gardening enthusiast, I researched and worked with different sharpeners to find their efficiency until I came to the best lawn mower blade sharpener.

My overall best choice is the All American Sharpener. This sharpener features a pivoting head so you can sharpen both sections of the mulching blade. You can also sharpen straight standard and high-lift lawn mower blades.

If you have both right and left-hand blades, you don’t need separate sharpeners as it can handle them both. Additionally, its sharpening angles are adjustable, allowing you to sharpen different lawn mower blades to crisp edges.

Our best professional mower sharpener delivers the right speed and force for sharpening 6″ blades for professional landscapers. The Oregon 88-023 also comes with a reverse switch and height adjustment features.

If you’re on a budget, don’t worry. Our best budget mower blade sharpener is made from hard, rust-resistant material for durability and is affordable.

While the All American Sharpener is the best overall lawn mower blade sharpener, it is a little pricey for some and might not be the best for people on a budget. Additionally, it isn’t ideal if you’re looking for a drill attachment or a versatile sharpener.

However, we’ve created a guide for best sharpeners in specific situations and discussed them in detail below.

The Best Lawn Mower Blade Sharpeners for Homeowners – Reviewed

Best Overall Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener: All American Sharpener Model 5005

The All American Sharpener is our best choice for lawn mower sharpeners. It has a unique design of a vice head to hold the mower blade and an articulating arm that attaches the grinder. The arm also ensures the sharpening angle is proper every time.

It can sharpen mulching, standard, and high-lift blades. It features a pivoting head for sharpening both mulching blade’s sections at a proper angle. With this sharpener, you’ll be able to sharpen straight standard blades to perfection in a matter of minutes.

You can also adjust sharpening angles between 15° and 45°. Additionally, the blade can sharpen both right and left-hand blades.

The All American Sharpener 5005 comes with four pins. They screw into the threaded port and allow you to connect a 4½” angle grinder.

With this sharpener, you can sharpen multiple blades efficiently. Previously ground and used blades can come back to an almost new condition after using this sharpener.

And when you want to use it, you can easily mount it on any worktop – bolted or clamped. If you’re going to use it while you are out and about, you only need to attach the mounting bracket to a trailer or truck. It is completely portable as it comes with a cordless grinder.

However, it is expensive compared to some other less-featured sharpeners. But, if you have left and right-hand blades or mulching, high-lift, and standard blades, and you love perfection, this lawn mower blade is the best option for sharpening lawn mower blades.

Best Budget Lawnmower Blade Sharpener: AccuSharp Garden Tool Sharpener

If you are on a budget but still looking for a quality blade sharpener, the AccuSharp Garden Tool Sharpener might be what you’re looking for.

It is designed to sharpen all single-edged garden tools such as lawnmower blades, pruning shears, shovels, hoes, and limb loppers.

Made from diamond-honed tungsten carbide, it is hard, durable, and can handle almost any gardening blade you throw at it.

Its long-lasting construction is rust-resistant, and you can clean it easily with soap and water or in the dishwasher.

The sharpener features an ergonomic handle that can fit in either hand for both right and left-handed users. Additionally, it has a full-length guard to protect your fingers when sharpening.

The AccuSharp Sharpener will sharpen and restore your blades at an affordable price. It is an ideal choice for people looking for a decent lawn mower blade sharpener with a limited budget.

Best Sharpener For Manual Lawn Mower Blades: Smith’s 50603 Lawn Mower Blade Shop Essentials Sharpener

If you’re looking for an excellent residential lawn mower blade sharpener — not professional — you will appreciate Smith’s 50603 Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener.

This easy-to-use sharpener has a hard and long-lasting carbide blade. It will put a sharp and smooth edge on your blade in a few minutes and last for a long time.

It features a durable plastic head and an oversized handle so you can fit your hands with gloves. The large finger guard makes the sharpening process safe and secure.

The mower blade sharpener comes with a wire-bristle cleaning brush and storage on the product handle. After using it, you can easily clean and store it.

You’ll also be glad to know that the coarse, premium carbide blade is replaceable. This makes it cost-effective. Instead of buying another mower sharpener, replace the blade, and you’ll be good to go.

Are you looking for a birthday or Father’s day gift? This sharpener will make an excellent gift for the gardener in your life. It’s an excellent choice for homeowners enthusiastic about keeping their lawn neat without much hassle.

Most Versatile Mower Blade Sharpener: SHARPAL 103N All-in-1 Knife Garden Tool Multi-Sharpener

The SHARPAL 103N All-in-1 is the most versatile sharpener on this list. Apart from lawn mower blades, you can sharpen single and double-beveled blades like scissors, pruners, hedge shears, machetes, loopers, hatchets, among others.

It has five sharpening parts to accommodate blades of different angles, single or double bevel, shape, etc.

They include a tungsten carbide bar with a unique design, one ceramic bar, and three different slots with preset sharpening angles. These sharpening parts give the best sharpening performance to all the different blade types.

The sharpener is made from a durable abrasive sharpening material. They pass a 10,000 times field test and never wear out.

It has an oversized handle, so you can use it with gloves. The rubber-coated handle and base provide a comfortable grip and prevent slipping. Additionally, the large guard protects your hand and fingers from the blades.

This tool comes with a 3-year warranty. It’s perfect for people with lots of yard tools and prefers one sharpener for most if not all of them.

Best Electric Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener: Grizzly Lawn Gear Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener

While manual blade sharpeners are affordable, they require a lot of effort to sharpen. Electric ones sharpen your mower blade quickly and easily without requiring a lot of labor.

The Grizzly Lawn Gear lawn Mower Blade Sharpening tool is an electric mower blade sharpener with a drill attachment kit. It includes a free blade balancer and natural latex garden gloves to protect your hands against bruises.

Each drill attachment has a durable corundum stone that can sharpen blades of any size. The stone is 0.70″ thick, making it long-lasting.

The attachment can fit any hand or power drill, ensuring a crisp, sharp blade edge. You can also use it on your power mower blade. It’s not as powerful as a bench grinder, but will still do a fine job.

Made from premium nylon material, the precision sharpening guide can withstand repetitive force against the blade, thus preventing shattering.

The blade balancer makes sure the blades are balanced for even sharpening. For mower and tractor blades, the balancer fits all styles of blade holes.

You also get a lifetime warranty and money-back guarantee so you can shop risk-free. This electric blade sharpener is for people looking to upgrade from manual to electric or who want to sharpen faster with less effort.

Best Professional Solution: Oregon 88-023 Professional 1/2 HP Lawnmower Blade Grinder

For homeowners looking for a professional mower blade sharpener, you’ll love the Oregon 88-023 ½ HP blade grinder. It’s a ½ HP, standard duty, 750 RPM spinning speed motor blade grinder that can sharpen up to 6″ cutting edge.

Apart from an ON/OFF safety switch, it comes with a reversing switch for grinding right and left-hand blades.

It also includes an adjustable light for sharpening when it’s dark. Additionally, you can adjust the height easily and fast using the easy-to-turn rotary adjusting knobs and handle.

The grinder also features a grit collector to prevent the mess from spreading all over the working area. However, the grit collector is sold separately.

This sharpener is one of the most powerful electric grinders. It can be a perfect choice if you’re looking for a powerful sharpener for your 6″ mowing blades.

Also, if your yard usually grows hard weeds and grass that easily blunt your blades, you might need a more powerful sharpener to give your blades a crisp cutting edge. This is the tool for you.

Best Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener for Drills: Bosmere R305 Multi-Sharp Mower Sharpener

The Bosmere R305 mower sharpener is a drill attachment that fits any power drill and will sharpen your mower blades in minutes.

It features a reversible aluminum grinding wheel that offers you about ten resharpenings for your mower blade. The sharpener will also reshape your rotary mower blades in minutes.

It will also re-edge and reshape hoes, spades, and lawn edgers for more versatility, thus making it easier to use.

This mower sharpener can fit any domestic power grill and sharpen your blades. Sharp blades are safer to use, give a clean-cut, and leave your grass healthy.

It is for people looking for a cheap, easy-to-use drill attachment for their power drill. However, if you’re looking for one with premium features and lasts a lifetime, this is not your ideal choice.

Best Lawn Mower Sharpener Attachment Kit: Dremel A679-02 Sharpening Attachment Kit

The Dremel A679-02 sharpening kit helps keep your favorite gardening tools like mower blades and chainsaws sharp and ready for the next DIY project.

The kit includes a lawn mower sharpening attachment, a gardening tool sharpening attachment, a chainsaw sharpening attachment, two spacers, sharpening and grinding stones (453,454, 455,932), wrench, and gauge.

rotary, mower, blade, sharpener, sharpen

The three main attachments help sharpen even the dullest of mower blades and chains and provide optimum sharpening angles.

This sharpener is compatible with Dremel Rotary tool models 8100, 4300, 7760, 8220 (for use with collet and collet nut), and the 100, 200, 3000, and 4000 series.

These attachments are easy to install. You only need to screw them on your Dremel rotary tool. The kit comes with a 1-year warranty, and in case of anything, the manufacturer offers customer support through email, chat, or phone.

This sharpening attachment kit is ideal for someone looking for a mower blade and chainsaw sharpener. It can also sharpen other garden tools.

Lawn Mower Blade Sharpener Buying Guide

What to Look for in a Lawnmower Blade Sharpener

When buying a lawnmower blade sharpening tool, you need to consider these factors:


How fast will the grinder you’re considering sharpen your mower blades? How much time are you willing to invest to sharpen mower blades?

If it’s a manual one, it’ll most likely take more time to achieve your desired edge — anywhere from around thirty minutes to several hours.

On the other hand, electric grinders take less time, with others as less than a few minutes. Some are quicker than others. The speed depends on the RPM speed and the horsepower of the grinder.

However, the fastest is not always the best. Go for a sharpener whose speed is relative to the blade. Excessive speed can damage the blade by overheating, and you also risk injuring yourself.

Power Type

Do you prefer a manual or an electric sharpener for your mower blade?

Manual sharpeners are affordable but require a lot of effort. Electric ones are fast and do not require much labor. However, they are more expensive than manual sharpeners.


Your choice of sharpener can depend on your usage. Sharpeners range from hand-held blade sharpeners to heavy-duty angle grinding wheels and powerful motor grinders.

If you only need to bring back one compact mower blade, you don’t need a professional, industrial-style grinder. Also, if you’re a professional landscaper sharpening blades for commercial use, a cheap hand-held sharpener won’t cut it. You might also want to look for a professional solution that will allow you to sharpen multiple lawn mower blades.

Before purchasing, ensure you know how you’ll be using the tool and how often.

Guide Material and Durability

Blade sharpeners feature a guide that controls the angle of sharpening. This guide ensures the blade remains at the correct angle and does not shift while you sharpen the blade.

Most guides are made from plastic. However, if low-quality plastic is used, it can overheat, melt, and even produce smoke. Using too much force when sharpening can also melt the plastic.

Ensure the guide plastic is durable and cannot break or melt easily. You can also check online reviews of the brand you intend to buy.

Mulching blades can be a problem for some guides – if you have a mulching blade, make sure to check if your dull lawnmower blade can work in the guide you are buying.


While some sharpeners are grindstones and traditional blade files that can sharpen any blade type, others have compatibility issues. Pick the wrong one for your needs and you won’t have a sharp blade.

Some require fitting to power drills that generate the force needed. However, some drills are not compatible with some attachments.

If you buy a drill attachment sharpener, make sure it’s compatible with the drill you already got. Otherwise, it won’t work, and you’ll have wasted your money.

Ease of Use

You don’t want a sharpener that’ll make you curse all day because using it is rocket science. Worse still, it might damage your blades and potentially injure you.

While some sharpeners may look simple, they might be hard to use and may cause damage. For this reason, go for a sharpener that you’re comfortable using. If you don’t, you’ll rarely sharpen lawn mower blades.

Most sharpeners that attach to drill are easy to use. But, if you’ve got a different type, ensure you’re physically capable of handling it.

Also, is the sharpener made for right-handed people, left-handed, or both? Ensure you confirm before purchasing.


While they are mostly labeled as lawn mower blade sharpeners, most are versatile and can sharpen different blades.

For gardening enthusiasts with a load of different blades, buying a sharpener for each blade type can be costly. It would be an excellent investment if you got one that can sharpen other blades.

However, you should be careful as the sharpener might be great at sharpening one blade but destroy the other.

For instance, a heavy-duty commercial sharpener might do an exceptional job with mower blades and other large ones, but it’ll destroy your thinner blades.

Also, some sharpeners can sharpen standard blades, mulched, high-lift, among others. Keep your sharpening needs in mind and decide whether the tool you’re considering is versatile enough and won’t damage your blades.


Blade sharpening can be a hobby for some people, but it’s also dangerous and prone to accidents if you’re not careful.

Does the sharpener you’re interested in have safety features? It should protect you from cuts, friction, and even sparks.

At the very least, a handheld sharpener should have finger guards. Your fingers are the most exposed and could suffer cuts and bruises. The best finger guards should be oversized so you can use them while wearing gloves.

For motor grinders, there can be sparks and metal filings. You will need eye protection which you will probably buy separately.

It is also recommended to use safety gloves every time and non-flammable clothing or a protective apron.


Different sharpeners have different depending on the features they offer. A heavy-duty grinder will cost more than a handheld sharpener.

You should consider your budget and needs when buying a sharpener. If your budget is limited, you can opt to go for a cheaper sharpener then upgrade later.

Just ensure the sharpener you’re are buying is worth the price.


Most manufacturers offer a warranty on their sharpening tools. The warranties, however, differ from tool to tool, depending on the manufacturer.

The warranty will give you peace of mind in case anything goes wrong. Still, some brands may not offer any warranty.

Additionally, consider the return policy of the sharpener. If there’s any fault, can you return it, or you’ll be stuck with a non-functional tool and lose your money?

Go for a sharpener with a warranty you’re comfortable with as well as a favorable return policy. Other brands offer risk-free shopping where you can get a refund if the tool doesn’t function as stated.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What are lawn mower blade sharpeners and what do they do?

Lawn mower blade sharpeners are devices that are used to sharpen the blades of a lawn mower. The blades of a lawn mower can become dull over time, making it difficult for the mower to cut through grass. A sharpener will help to keep the blades in good condition and improve the performance of the mower. There are two types of sharpeners: manual and electronic. Manual sharpeners require the user to grind the blades against a grinding wheel or stone. Electronic sharpeners use a rotating abrasive wheel powered by a motor to sharpen the blades. Both types of sharpeners can be used to keep lawn mower blades in good condition.

How do you use a blade sharpener?

A mower blade sharpener is a tool that is used to sharpen the blades on a lawn mower. There are several different types of mower blade sharpeners available on the market, but they all work in essentially the same way. To use a mower blade sharpener, you will need to remove the mower blade from the lawn mower. Once the mower blade is removed, you will need to position the blade sharpener against the cutting edge of the blade. Next, you will need to apply pressure to the blade sharpener and move it across the cutting edge of the blade in a back-and-forth motion. Repeat this process until the entire cutting edge of the blade has been sharpened. Finally, reattach the mower blade to the lawn mower and test it out to make sure that it is properly sharpened.

When should I sharpen my blades?

Over time, mower blades will become dull and will need to be sharpened. There are a few things to look for to know when it is time to sharpen the blades. First, check the mower blade for nicks or chips. If there are any, then it is time to sharpen the blades. Second, if the mower is leaving grass clumps on the lawn, it is a potential sign that the blades need to be sharpened. It is possible you are cutting your grass at the wrong time as well. Lastly, if it takes longer than usual to mow the lawn, that may be an indication that the mower blades are dull and in need of sharpening.

There are a few different ways to sharpen lawn mower blades. One is to use a mower blade sharpener. This is a handheld tool that can be used to manually sharpen the mower blades. Another option is to take the mower blades to a professional who can use a power grinder to sharpen them. Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to keep the mower blades sharpened in order to have a healthy lawn.

How often should I sharpen my lawnmower blades?

lawn mower blade sharpeners are a great way to keep your lawn looking neat and tidy. But how often should you use them? The general rule of thumb is to sharpen your blades every six weeks or so. However, this will vary depending on how often you use your lawn mower and the type of grass you have. If you have a busy lawn with a lot of traffic, you may need to sharpen your blades more often. Conversely, if you have a lawn with slower-growing grass, you can probably get away with sharpening your blades less frequently. You should also keep an eye out for signs that your blades need to be sharpened, such as uneven cuts or damaged grass. By following these guidelines, you can keep your lawn looking its best all season long.

Our Verdict

A lawn mower sharpener should not only sharpen the blade but also make your work easier and efficient. Sharpeners come with different features to help you achieve your goal.

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While all sharpeners in this guide are the best in their respective categories, the All American Sharpener Model 5005 is the best overall. Apart from sharpening straight standard, high-lift, and mulching mower blades, it can sharpen both right and left-hand blades.

That, plus other features like adjustable blade angles, mounting bracket, and cordless grinder for portability, and how easy it is to use the sharpener, makes it an overall excellent sharpener.

While it’s pricey, I think it’s worth every dollar. Don’t let grass overgrow in your yard because of blunt mower blades.

Click on the affiliate links above to proceed with purchasing the overall best sharpener or any other that fits your preferences and budget.

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