Saw Than Chop Than Dig Than Befriend

They say we need to do services.

Hmm, sbs. What? Another freelance exchange? Or a narrowish analogue of Avito? All this requires an audience and an unlimited stream of freebies for the first couple of years of work. There is an idea to make an urban mobile application (as far as I know, only MSC has such a thing). Something like “stump housing and communal services”. We found a joint, took a picture, sent it, the UZhK corrects it. But this is so.

It’s much closer to build your own door grabber. We load 5-10 identical articles (links), one is generated with full coverage, headings, descriptions and photos (diluted copy-paste). But the experiments of the people show that not everything is so bad in this topic. A little cleverness, a squeeze from rss immediately after publication, a run with social signals and we are already the primary source. Doing?

The site-catalog of companies with a map is still in operation. like a section for the site was planned, although the people in the dung bearer of such a TK threw in that no less than a second double-gis is planned. The format will also work fine, but it’s all on the old rails. And I want something new.

In general, it is not clear what is there and how. Are there any courses that are adequate on this topic? An analogue of a marathon from F-Seo or just case studies with examples? The niche or service is important.

What to cut the loot on except for articles?

All good! A week later, 33 and as scheduled, each DR is covered with moments about the hopelessness of being and the temptation to get drunk. In fact, for a month now, I’ve been thinking about diversifying sources of income in my head. Not investing in any muddy bullshit like a crypt or Gazprom shares, but specifically classes for years.

There is also Yandex incredibly happy with such news: But this is to be expected. They are just sawing their own MFA for Yandex.Market and Yandex.Purchase (into which Sberbank and VTB are already pouring investments). And then we will write articles specifically for this magazine and be content with Partner spears (as in Zen). There is no question of any quality and professional content. Outright nonsense, of course, will not pass through the editors, but the second FB will easily work.

From the point of view of the visitor, everything is fine. What the hell do I need these sites with scammers, forms, clogged with ads. When there is a Russian hippopotamus about everything and everyone. With the answer to any question and even guaranteeing the delivery of any shit, like aliexpress. Well, Yasha certainly won’t offend himself in the issue.

Predicting fucked up? Not! Ready teams are doing well. There is income from the sites. over, all incomes stand still, or are slowly stagnating. And you have to run very, very fast to stay in place. But try to muddy up some bunch of people for 10 people with an emphasis on information sites. The payback will be 3-4 years and that’s not for sure.

What else?

Money there PPC of course All the same, the main share with YAN will turn out to be.

Who lifts anything on anything, tell me where to dig?

Inflection of nouns, verbs, adjective. “Playing with Dunno”
outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

Inflection of nouns

“Playing with Dunno”

Objectives: To teach children to change words.
To form the ability to use prepositional. case constructions of the singular.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory.
Equipment: doll or Dunno picture, subject pictures, handouts (outline images)

Inflection of verbs


Purpose: To teach children to change words. “actions”.
Develop coherent speech.
Develop fine motor skills of hands.
Equipment: phonogram of bird voices, tape recorder, clothespins, pictures of birds, plot picture for the story “Starling”

Inflection of adjectives

“Underwater kingdom”

Purpose: To teach children to change adjective words.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, orientation in space
Equipment: pictures of fish, sea animals, cut pencils, pictures of corals


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Playing with Dunno

Objectives: To teach children to change words.
To form the ability to use prepositional. case constructions of the singular.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory.
Equipment: doll or Dunno picture, subject pictures, handouts (outline images)
Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment
Development of motor skills. Shading contour images in different directions. Guys Dunno came to our lesson. (doll demonstration)
He brought gifts for you,
Whoever wants will take.
Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,
Here is the top and the plane.
– Show Dunno how to do hatching correctly.

Topic message
Today we will learn to change words and teach Dunno

Differentiation of singular and plural nouns
– Dunno drew many pictures with different objects
He has drawn an apple, and you have apples.
He has a cherry, and you have.
Pear …… Melon …… House …… Flower …… Cucumber …… Tomato …… Table… Bucket …… Fish…. Horse ……. Boy….

Inflection of nouns
Consolidation of the instrumental case forms
– Our Dunno decided to build a house for his friends.
Help him find out what he will do the job. (Demonstration of subject pictures)
Saw (with a saw);
Knocking., planing., drilling. cut…. dig., sweep.,
– And when the house for friends was built, Dunno decided to relax, and came up with riddles for you.
– Complete the sentence and repeat it in full.
-Znayka draws (what? What?)
– Donut spreads (what? What?)
– The screw threatens (who with what?)
– Doctor Pilyulkin puts (to whom? What? What?)
– The poet Tsvetik writes (to whom? What? With what?)
– Sineglazka erases (to whom? What? With what?)
– We selected words and supplemented them with sentences.
– Now let’s rest.

Hands to the sides. we send the plane in flight:
Right wing forward.
Left wing forward Our plane flew!

Inflection of nouns
Consolidation of the genitive case
– Help Dunno fix broken toys. name without which the subject cannot be? What are we going to fix? ” (pictures of objects without one part: without wheel, ear, foot, wing, saddle)

(demonstration of the same pictures with augmented parts)
– And when all the toys were repaired, Dunno decided to play hide and seek with them

The game “Who is hiding? Who is gone? ”
Children close their eyes, at this time the speech therapist removes one picture. The speech therapist asks:
– Who is hiding? Who is gone?
Opening their eyes, children must say which picture is gone.
Change words by calling them affectionately
A car. a typewriter, a bear., a chicken., an airplane., a horse.

Inflection of nouns
Fixing the dative case forms
– Dunno invites us for a walk to the zoo. The zoo keeper allowed us to feed the animals. Who do you think who needs what food?
(Demonstration of two types of pictures: 1 row. animals, 2 row. food for animals.
Children make up phrases by choosing suitable pictures.

The speech therapist draws the attention of children to changes in the endings of words)
Zebra is grass. Or: Zebra Grass. Etc.

B) In the zoo, we met a foreigner who wanted to talk to Dunno, but Dunno does not understand him. Guys, help a foreigner correctly form sentences, changing words in meaning.
Give. (carrot, rabbit)
Take. (grass, zebra)
Bring. (bear, honey)
Do. (cage, rabbits)
Give it back. (dog, bone)
Tell me. (friend, story)
Draw…. (picture guys)

– Guys, it’s time for us to return from a walk. Our lesson has come to an end.
– What did you learn in class?
(We learned to change words, to use them correctly in speech.)

Purpose: To teach children to change words. “actions”.
Develop coherent speech.
Develop fine motor skills of hands.
Equipment: phonogram of bird voices, tape recorder, clothespins, pictures of birds, plot picture for the story “Starling”

Organizing time
(soundtrack of bird voices sounds)
– Today we will go for a walk in the forest. Hear how the birds sing, but the sound of a woodpecker is heard.
Development of hand motor skills. Playing with clothespins (pinch each finger on a word)
They put the woodpecker to sleep
Into a wooden bed.
He’s in bed to spite everyone
Got a hollow in myself.

2.Message topic
We will learn to change words. “actions” and use them correctly in speech.

Differentiation of 3rd person singular and plural verbs
AND). The birds spend the whole day in trouble. So what are they doing? (demonstration of pictures of swallows and starlings)
– I will talk about the swallow, and you, change the word and say about the starlings.

B). Let’s build a birdhouse for the starlings. What tools do we need? (children’s answers, demonstration of pictures: ruler, saw, hammer, rope).
– What are we going to do with the ruler? (to measure)
– What does the boy do (measure)
– What do boys do (measure)
– What are we going to do with the saw? (to saw)
– What does the boy do (saws)
– What do the boys do (saw), etc.

Present and past verbs nouns
Come up with phrases, sentences about how children take care of birds in winter.
Feed; Build; Hang up feeders; Pour feed.
How children cared for birds in winter?

Swans flew,
They sat on the water.
Shake their head,
Fly home.
(imitation of movements)

Differentiation of masculine, feminine and neuter verbs
– There are many different birds in the forest clearing. They spend the whole day in cares. (Demonstration of pictures: woodpecker, cuckoo, flock of birds)
– I will name the word-action, and you tell me which bird, a woodpecker, a cuckoo, or a bird, could do it. Name phrases, come up with sentences.

The development of coherent speech. Retelling of the story “Starling”
– Listen to the story. Name the sequence of actions taking place in them. Retell the story using the words on the board.

A cat ran into the room. The cat had a starling in its teeth. Starling plaintively
squeaked and wanted to escape from the cat’s teeth. Kolya took the bird away from him,
healed the wounded wing. Then the boy released the starling into the wild.

Action words: ran in, squeaked, wanted to break free, took away, healed, release

– Our lesson has come to an end.
– The guys we talked about in class?
– What did you learn in class?
(We learned to change action words, to use them correctly in speech)

Purpose: To teach children to change adjective words.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, orientation in space
Equipment: pictures of fish, marine animals, cut pencils, pictures of corals

Organizing time
-Show the fish swimming to the left, name what color they are, how many of them Show the fish in the aquarium swimming to the right, name what color they are, how many of them. (Picture: swimming fish in different directions)

Motor skills
-The fish have very mobile fins, and we will train our fingers.

Fish cancer is neither friend nor foe. Squeezing and unclenching fingers
Fish is unlikely to be afraid of cancer.
A small fish is afraid of a worm, Rolling a pencil in the palms.
What’s on the hook.

Topic message
-Today we will change the words. “signs” and use new words.
-Learn about the life of marine life.

Inflection of adjectives
A). In the underwater kingdom lived King Octopus with Queen Cuttlefish. They loved to be praised. I’ll talk about the octopus, and you, change the word and talk about the cuttlefish. Repeat the sentence using the union and.

IN). There are many different treasures on the seabed. Find items of the same color; by form; to size. Answer the question:
– Which subjects? (picture demonstration)

– Sea fish love to play and frolic among sea plants. We will also play and rest. (imitation of movements)
The fish splashed merrily.
In clear warm water.
They will shrink, unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Selection of adjectives in sentences
– Suddenly sharks decided to attack the underwater kingdom. You can escape from toothy predators by hiding behind corals. Anyone who picks up the word. “sign” and correctly repeats the sentence, he will be able to hide behind corals. (when answering, the child receives a picture of a coral)
– Saw (what?) With a saw. sharp.
– Wash your face with (what?) Water
– Wipe (with what?) Towel
– To paint (with what?) Paints
– Write (what?) Pen
– Wipe (what?) With a rag
– Eat (what?) Spoon
– Dig (what?) With a shovel
– Chop (with what?) Ax
– Comb (what?) Comb
– Pack (with what?) Paper
– Play (with what?) Dice

Drafting proposals

– Today we learned to change words. “signs”.
– What tasks did you like the most?

methodological developments, presentations and notes

Currently, practical speech therapists are faced with a lack of evidence-based and easy-to-use diagnostic tasks for examining such a complex section of speech as inflection.

Introductory lesson “City. Transport” in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment (first year of study). The purpose of the lesson. the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children by expanding.

Didactic games and tasks for older preschoolers on the development of inflection of nouns.

This technique allows you to study in more detail such a section of grammar as inflection. The results obtained are used to build a work plan for the prevention of dysgraphia in senior preschool.

The proposed tasks and games help children with OHP in consolidating the skill of inflection.

Speech and visual material is selected in accordance with the topic “Clothes, hats, shoes”. Age of children: the presentation is intended for preschoolers 5. 7 years (senior and preparatory.

Exercise in the spelling of the case endings of nouns in the instrumental case

To improve the ability to write correctly unstressed endings of nouns in the instrumental case, the vowels “o” and “e” in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after hissing and “ts”; create conditions for the formation of the skill of determining the case endings of nouns; promote the development of spelling vigilance; to promote the development of interest in the Russian language, the culture of educational work in the classroom

Learn to correctly write the vowels “o” and “e” in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after the hissing and “ts”; determine the declension of nouns; highlight the case endings of nouns; make up phrases with given nouns in the instrumental case; perform sound-letter analysis of a word, parsing a word by composition

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“Exercise in spelling the case endings of nouns in the instrumental case”

Exercise in the spelling of the case endings of nouns in the instrumental case

Solving particular problems

Pedagogical tasks

To improve the ability to write correctly unstressed endings of nouns in the instrumental case, the vowels “o” and “e” in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after hissing and “ts”; create conditions for the formation of the skill of determining the case endings of nouns; promote the development of spelling vigilance; to promote the development of interest in the Russian language, the culture of educational work in the classroom

Planned subject

Will learn correctly write the vowels “o” and “e” in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after the hissing and “ts”; determine the declension of nouns; highlight the case endings of nouns; make up phrases with given nouns in the instrumental case; perform sound-letter analysis of a word, parsing a word by composition

Metasubject UUD

Cognitive: purposefully listen to the teacher (classmates), solving a cognitive task; understand the question asked, in accordance with it, build an oral answer; to draw analogies between the studied subject and their own experience (under the guidance of a teacher); regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and educational task corresponding to the stage of learning (a certain stage of the lesson), with the help of the teacher; to pronounce aloud the sequence of actions performed that form the basis of the activity being mastered (based on the memo or the proposed algorithm); communicative: formalize your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account educational and life speech situations from personal experience; performing different roles in the group, cooperate in jointly solving a problem (task)


Realize the personal meaning of learning, show a steady educational and cognitive interest in learning a language,

to language activity, reading and reading activity; understand that correct oral and written speech is an indicator of a person’s individual culture; show the ability to self-esteem based on the observation of their own speech; possess the skills of cooperation with a teacher, adults, peers in the process of performing joint activities in the lesson

Organizational structure of the lesson

teacher activities

student activities
(actions taken)

Formable ways

II. Updating the knowledge required

for studying

and understanding new material.

Homework check (workbook, exercise).

Checks homework. Conducts a conversation

about the work done.

and the end of sentences. Explain the spelling of missing letters, the placement of commas.

Answer the teacher’s questions. Talk about work done at home.

Name the endings of nouns in the instrumental case.

They read the text, indicating the boundaries of the sentences. Name the endings of nouns in the instrumental case.

Real winter has come. The ground was covered in snow white (2nd floor, T. p.). Birches, ol-

hee, willows and rowan trees are gone (2nd floor, T. p.),

exactly silvery (2nd floor, T. p.). Ate

HOW TO COOKING WITH CHEF SHAMI | #howto #learntocook #letscook

have become even more important. They stood covered

(2nd floor, T. p.), As if they put on an expensive warm fur coat.

Highlight material information
from the text of the riddle. Put forward a hypothesis and justify it. Realize

actualization of personal life experience. To be able to listen in accordance with the target. Accept and maintain educational

purpose and objective. Supplement, clarify high-

About whom? About what?

stated opinions on the merits of the assignment

Spends a minute of calligraphy.

chop, befriend

Carry out calligraphy. Write letters

A, F, I, P, E, D.


Working on words with unverifiable spellings

Organizes work on words with unverifiable spellings.

This bird is familiar to everyone.

It is important to walk near the house.

“Kar-kar-kar”. suddenly screams

And calmly fly away.

A very cunning person,

And her name is. (crow).

CROW. 1. A bird with black-gray plumage, akin to a crow. 2. Transferred. About an absent-minded, inattentive person. RAVEN and RAVEN are related to the word RAVEN. “black”. The birds were named so for their black plumage. RAVEN, RAVEN. RAVEN = “black”.

Single-root words: raven, raven, raven, raven, raven, raven.

WHITE CROW. about someone who is sharply different from others, does not look like others.

RAVEN COUNT (CATCH). root, yawn.

A CROW IN PEACOCK FEATHERS. about someone who wants to seem more important and more significant than he really is.

Write a dictionary word into an individual dictionary.

They select the same root words, synonyms for the dictionary word. They remember proverbs, sayings, catchphrases with a dictionary word, make up sentences

III. Lesson topic message. Defining Lesson Objectives

Behind the grove (oh, e) there was a wide pond with clear water-

(At the end.)

in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after sibilants and “ts”

Explain the spelling in the sentence.

“For”. a preposition, written separately.

“Wide”. we write the combination of “shi” with the letter “and”. “Pond”. a paired consonant at the root of the word (ponds).

“With pure”. we write the preposition “with” separately.

In the words “grove”, “water”. the spelling is unknown

and keep the learning goal
and the task. Analyze, find commonalities and differences, draw conclusions. Consciously and arbitrarily build a speech utterance

IV. Explanation of the new material.

The words are written on the cards:

Task, walrus, lily of the valley, bream, bird, roll, fighter, watchman.

The language patterns underlying the studied concept or rule are deduced. Analyze the formulation of the rule (concept) given in the textbook. Observations are made on the material of coherent texts.

Analyze objects based on visualization. Formulate

They draw a conclusion: in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case, after the hissing and “ts” in the stressed position, they write “o”, unstressed. “e”.

Explain the spelling of the words “behind the grove” “with water”.

in the instrumental case, endings in an unstressed position, we write in the ending “e”.

your opinion
and position.

Plan your action

in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Build monologic statements

and when. the letter “e”?

Writing a spelling algorithm

Read word.

Put stress.

Determine the ending:

V. Primary consolidation of knowledge.

Doctor (2 folds), with luggage (2 folds), over a section (1 fold), in front of tits (1 fold), under roofs (1 fold), for a baby (2 folds), palace (2 fold), under the skin (1 fold), ring (2 fold), shoulders (2 fold), with skis (1 fold), food (1 fold), dach (1 fold), for the hut (2 places), with a walrus (2 places).

Consciously and voluntarily build a speech utterance in oral form, substantiate your opinion. To coordinate efforts to solve a learning problem. Agree

to the general opinion when working in pairs. Consider me-

The world is illuminated by suns (2 slots), and a man of knowledge (2 slots). Language (2 words) do not rush, but do not be lazy about things (2 words). The truth is not friendly with lies (3 sc.). Do not chase after beauty (1 sc.), Reach for reason (2 sc.). It is easier to work with the song (1 sc.). The frost dies in the face, it will not circle the eyes (2 sc.). Grudge called (2 slots). climb into the back.

Explain the meaning of the proverb “He called himself a load (mushroom), climb into the back“: If you took up something, bring it to the end, bear all the burdens. It is said when someone wants to, tries to evade the fulfillment of their obligations, promises.

Compose a text on this topic. Prepare to tell it.

Parse the word by composition:

Argument your position

Organizes independent work.

Watching m, admiring the key, chasing

hare m, called brave m, use the shower m.

Vi. Further work
to consolidate and generalize the acquired knowledge and skills.

To saw (with what?) Saw (1 sc.), Hack (with what?) An ax (2 sc.), Dig (with what?) Shovels (1 sc.), Be friends (with whom?) With a classmate (2 sc.), I found (under what?) under the sofa (2 slots), was proud (by whom?) grandfather (1 slope), admired (what?) the landscape (2 slots), apologized (to whom?) to my brother (2 slots.) ), hid (for what?) outside the door (3 slots), flew (over what?) over the city (2 slots), boasted (what?) the score (1 slots), dumplings (with what?) with cherries (1 sc.), Pies (with what?) With cabbage (1 sc.), Dumplings (with what?) With meat (2 sc.), Tea (with what?) With jam (2 sc.).

students’ answers by ear.

Listen to the interlocutor. Build statements that are understandable for the interlocutor. Argue your point of view. Analyze to find a match

Generalize knowledge about the instrumental case of a noun.

Came (with what?) from (blizzard, wind, blizzard).

Skidded (what?) (snow).

Decorated (what?) (silver, pattern).

Covered (what?) (carpet).

Flew (above what?) over (forest, field, city).

Admired (what?) (snowflake, spruce).

Play (with whom?) from (friend, Tanya, Sasha).

by whom? than? Where? where?

with, behind, under, over, between

Write off. Find nouns in the instrumental case. Highlight endings.

Wide fields stretched along the sides of the road.

They were covered in snow (3rd floor.,

Etc.). The snow lay light (1st floor, T. p.),

like swan fluff. Behind the narrow (1st floor, T. p.)

dark (1st floor, etc.) a forest rose.

a given standard. Adequately use speech means for solving various communication tasks. Draw conclusions, extract information
from various sources

in groups.

Organizes work in groups.

Horizontal questions:

A whirlwind that lifts a column of water, sand.

Lingerie in the form of a piece of cloth for wiping.

House for temporary residence of visitors with service.

Vertical questions:

A device for pouring small streams of water.

Wax stick with wick inside for lighting.

Medical facility for long-term treatment.

Organizes work in a workbook.

Complete an assignment in a workbook.

Stripes light on the river lie,

In gold clouds behind the forest burn.

They lie (on what?) On the river, burn (in what?) In gold.

Lived in the city (P. p.), went to the village (V. p.), worked in the library (P. p.).

I played the flute (P. p.), Saw on a birch (P. p.), looked at the sun (V. p.), drawing on the tablecloth (P. p.).

Vii. Lesson summary. Reflection

Answers questions. Determine their emotional state in the lesson. Self-assessment, reflection. They say the purpose of the lesson, determine whether the result has been achieved or not, speak out about the difficulties encountered in the lesson.

I felt that.

With my work in the lesson, I.

Exercise self-control of learning activities

Speaks and explains homework. Formulates the tasks of the exercise, gives accompanying comments.

Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions

Be aware, accept, save learning tasks


For preschoolers and pupils of grades 1-11

Record low registration fee 25 R.

Exercise in the spelling of the case endings of nouns in the instrumental case

purposefully listen to the teacher (classmates), solving a cognitive task; understand the question asked, in accordance with it, build an oral answer; to draw analogies between the studied subject and their own experience (under the guidance of a teacher); regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and educational task corresponding to the stage of learning (a certain stage of the lesson), with the help of the teacher; to pronounce aloud the sequence of actions performed that form the basis of the activity being mastered (based on the memo or the proposed algorithm); communicative: formalize your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account educational and life speech situations from personal experience; performing different roles in the group, cooperate in jointly solving a problem (task)


Realize the personal meaning of learning, show a steady educational and cognitive interest in learning a language,

to language activity, reading and reading activity; understand that correct oral and written speech is an indicator of a person’s individual culture; show the ability to self-esteem based on the observation of their own speech; possess the skills of cooperation with a teacher, adults, peers in the process of performing joint activities in the lesson

Organizational structure of the lesson

Formable ways

II. Updating the knowledge required

for studying

and understanding new material.

Homework check (workbook, exercise).

Checks homework. Conducts a conversation

about the work done.

and the end of sentences. Explain the spelling of missing letters, the placement of commas.

Answer the teacher’s questions. Talk about work done at home.

Name the endings of nouns in the instrumental case.

They read the text, indicating the boundaries of the sentences. Name the endings of nouns in the instrumental case.

Real winter has come. The ground was covered in snow white (2nd floor, T. p.). Birches, ol-

hee, willows and rowan trees are gone (2nd floor, T. p.),

exactly silvery (2nd floor, T. p.). Ate

have become even more important. They stood covered

(2nd floor, T. p.), As if they put on an expensive warm fur coat.

Highlight material information
from the text of the riddle. Put forward a hypothesis and justify it. Realize

actualization of personal life experience. To be able to listen in accordance with the target. Accept and maintain educational

purpose and objective. Supplement, clarify high-

stated opinions on the merits of the assignment

Spends a minute of calligraphy.

Carry out calligraphy. Write letters

A, F, I, P, E, D.


Working on words with unverifiable spellings

Organizes work on words with unverifiable spellings.

This bird is familiar to everyone.

It is important to walk near the house.

“Kar-kar-kar”. suddenly screams

And calmly fly away.

A very cunning person,

And her name is. (crow).

A young boy is bitten by a deadly snake. Then his friends consider the unthinkable. | Snake Bite

CROW. 1. A bird with black-gray plumage, akin to a crow. 2. Transferred. About an absent-minded, inattentive person. RAVEN and RAVEN are related to the word RAVEN. “black”. The birds were named so for their black plumage. RAVEN, RAVEN. RAVEN = “black”.

Single-root words: raven, raven, raven, raven, raven, raven.

WHITE CROW. about someone who is sharply different from others, does not look like others.

RAVEN COUNT (CATCH). root, yawn.

A CROW IN PEACOCK FEATHERS. about someone who wants to seem more important and more significant than he really is.

Write a dictionary word into an individual dictionary.

They select the same root words, synonyms for the dictionary word. They remember proverbs, sayings, catchphrases with a dictionary word, make up sentences

III. Lesson topic message. Defining Lesson Objectives

Behind the grove (oh, e) there was a wide pond with clear water-

(At the end.)

in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after sibilants and “ts”

Explain the spelling in the sentence.

“For”. a preposition, written separately.

“Wide”. we write the combination of “shi” with the letter “and”. “Pond”. a paired consonant at the root of the word (ponds).

“With pure”. we write the preposition “with” separately.

In the words “grove”, “water”. the spelling is unknown

and keep the learning goal
and the task. Analyze, find commonalities and differences, draw conclusions. Consciously and arbitrarily build a speech utterance

IV. Explanation of the new material.

The words are written on the cards:

Task, walrus, lily of the valley, bream, bird, roll, fighter, watchman.

The language patterns underlying the studied concept or rule are deduced. Analyze the formulation of the rule (concept) given in the textbook. Observations are made on the material of coherent texts.

Analyze objects based on visualization. Formulate

They conclude: in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case, after the sibilants and “ts” in the stressed position, they write “o”, unstressed. “e”.

Explain the spelling of the words “behind the grove” “with water”.

in the instrumental case, endings in an unstressed position, we write in the ending “e”.

your opinion
and position.

Plan your action

in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Build monologic statements

and when. the letter “e”?

Writing a spelling algorithm

Read word.

Put stress.

Determine the ending:

V. Primary consolidation of knowledge.

Doctor (2 folds), with luggage (2 folds), over a section (1 fold), in front of tits (1 fold), under roofs (1 fold), for a baby (2 folds), palace (2 fold), under the skin (1 fold), ring (2 fold), shoulders (2 fold), with skis (1 fold), food (1 fold), dach (1 fold), for the hut (2 places), with a walrus (2 places).

Consciously and voluntarily build a speech utterance in oral form, substantiate your opinion. To coordinate efforts to solve a learning problem. Agree

to the general opinion when working in pairs. Consider me-

The world is illuminated by suns (2 slots), and a man of knowledge (2 slots). Language (2 words) do not rush, but do not be lazy about things (2 words). The truth is not friendly with lies (3 sc.). Do not chase after beauty (1 sc.), Reach for reason (2 sc.). It is easier to work with the song (1 sc.). The frost dies in the face, it will not circle the eyes (2 sc.). Grudge called (2 slots). climb into the back.

Explain the meaning of the proverb “ He called himself a load (mushroom), climb into the back “: If you took up something, bring it to the end, bear all the burdens. It is said when someone wants to, tries to evade the fulfillment of their obligations, promises.

Compose a text on this topic. Prepare to tell it.

Parse the word by composition:

Argument your position

Organizes independent work.

Watching m, admiring the key, chasing

hare m, called brave m, use the shower m.

Vi. Further work
to consolidate and generalize the acquired knowledge and skills.

To saw (with what?) Saw (1 sc.), Hack (with what?) An ax (2 sc.), Dig (with what?) Shovels (1 sc.), Be friends (with whom?) With a classmate (2 sc.), I found (under what?) under the sofa (2 slots), was proud (by whom?) grandfather (1 slope), admired (what?) the landscape (2 slots), apologized (to whom?) to my brother (2 slots.) ), hid (for what?) outside the door (3 slots), flew (over what?) over the city (2 slots), boasted (what?) the score (1 slots), dumplings (with what?) with cherries (1 sc.), Pies (with what?) With cabbage (1 sc.), Dumplings (with what?) With meat (2 sc.), Tea (with what?) With jam (2 sc.).

students’ answers by ear.

Listen to the interlocutor. Build statements that are understandable for the interlocutor. Argue your point of view. Analyze to find a match

Generalize knowledge about the instrumental case of a noun.

Came (with what?) from (blizzard, wind, blizzard).

Skidded (what?) (snow).

Decorated (what?) (silver, pattern).

Covered (what?) (carpet).

Flew (above what?) over (forest, field, city).

Admired (what?) (snowflake, spruce).

Play (with whom?) from (friend, Tanya, Sasha).

Write off. Find nouns in the instrumental case. Highlight endings.

Wide fields stretched along the sides of the road.

They were covered in snow (3rd floor.,

Etc.). The snow lay light (1st floor, T. p.),

like swan fluff. Behind the narrow (1st floor, T. p.)

dark (1st floor, etc.) a forest rose.

a given standard. Adequately use speech means for solving various communication tasks. Draw conclusions, extract information
from various sources

in groups.

Organizes work in groups.

Horizontal questions:

A whirlwind that lifts a column of water, sand.

Lingerie in the form of a piece of cloth for wiping.

House for temporary residence of visitors with service.

Vertical questions:

A device for pouring small streams of water.

Wax stick with wick inside for lighting.

Medical facility for long-term treatment.

Organizes work in a workbook.

Complete an assignment in a workbook.

Stripes light on the river lie ,

In gold clouds behind the forest burn .

They lie (on what?) On the river, burn (in what?) In gold.

Lived in the city (P. p.), went to the village (V. p.), worked in the library (P. p.).

I played the flute (P. p.), Saw on a birch (P. p.), looked at the sun (V. p.), drawing on the tablecloth (P. p.).

Vii. Lesson summary. Reflection

Answers questions. Determine their emotional state in the lesson. Self-assessment, reflection. They say the purpose of the lesson, determine whether the result has been achieved or not, speak out about the difficulties encountered in the lesson.

I felt that.

With my work in the lesson, I.

Exercise self-control of learning activities

Speaks and explains homework. Formulates the tasks of the exercise, gives accompanying comments.

Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions

Be aware, accept, save learning tasks