Than To Cut A Stone From Plaster

How to saw gypsum tile?

In the process of decorating the wall surface with gypsum tiles, many are wondering how to properly saw it. This is due to the fact that the material has a plastic structure, in contrast to artificial stone and the like. But such a feature of gypsum polymer tiles can even be called a virtue, because it is allowed to use a tool of significantly lower hardness.

You can saw plaster-based finishing materials:

  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Hand saw on wood;
  • Angle grinder with a diamond disc.

Advantages and disadvantages of each method

Each of the tools has its own characteristics. So, tckb sawing gypsum tiles with a hand saw on a tree its ends will have a low class of surface cleanliness (roughness), and sometimes roughness. The reason for this is the large teeth of the blade.

In terms of cut quality, it is better to use a hacksaw for metal. The edges will be smoother, so the need for subsequent processing is minimal. But this process takes a lot more time.

How to saw gypsum tiles if speed is important? For cutting it is more expedient to use an angle grinder with a diamond disk. But it also has its drawback. Increased dustiness due to processing tiles from gypsum polymer with a high-speed power tool.

When using manual cutting methods, it is recommended to additionally use a miter box. A rectangular, usually a wooden tray with special cuts (straight and at an angle of 45 °) on the sides for a more even cut.

Cutting of complex elements and subsequent processing of edges

If it is necessary to bypass the socket, switch or other protruding elements on the tile, an extra section is marked, which is easily chipped with an ordinary chisel, and the edges are smoothed with sandpaper with fine grain. Figured cutting of the ends is performed along the contour of the texture.

Gypsum tile is also well drilled with standard drills for metal or wood. But for better work it is better to use a carbide tipped tool. And you can change the size or shape of the hole using a hand milling cutter.

Gypsum tile does not always have perfectly even edges, which affects the quality of installation and significantly complicates it. To quickly fit one element to another, you will need to remove a certain thickness of the layer. This is done with the help of a chisel, and the place from which it was removed is carefully cleaned with an emery cloth.


Gypsum-based tiles are used for interior decoration and wall cladding. This material has several advantages over analogues:

  • Ease;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Quality of decorative properties;
  • Thermal insulation and noise insulation qualities;
  • Environmental friendliness.

This material has additives based on modern technology. It is a tool for the embodiment of decorating solutions, as it repeats the texture of natural stone. Laying gypsum tiles does not require special skills, even a novice can do it. The main thing is to get acquainted with the basic principles of installation of this material.

Directions for use

Before laying gypsum, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of important material features.

It is good in that it is applicable to almost any surface. You can glue it on any surface that is not amenable to deformation under the influence of external temperatures and humidity levels: tiles, concrete and others.

Than To Cut A Stone From Plaster

  1. The material is not suitable for installation on materials that are deformed under the influence of the external environment: wood, chipboard, plywood, fiberboard and so on;
  2. The gypsum-based tile is not moisture resistant, and therefore its use is not permissible in rooms with a high level of humidity (above 75%);
  3. Do not allow glue to get on the front side. Over, it should not be allowed to dry, because it will harm the look;
  4. Separate attention requires joint seam. The solution should not fall on the front side;
  5. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime during installation. The air of the room and the base for installation should have a temperature in the range from 10 to 40 degrees;
  6. Seam expansion cannot be carried out earlier than a day after laying.

For the installation of gypsum tiles, you can use:

  • Silicone based sealant;
  • Cement adhesive for tiles;
  • Laying of tiles on gypsum plaster is also possible.

Preparation of materials

Installation of gypsum tiles does not require special preparation of the base. It is enough to observe the basic principles:

  • The surface should be smooth, without bumps and wave-like bends;
  • The base for the tile must be cleaned and degreased;
  • If the surface has pronounced absorbent properties or is porous, it must first be primed.
Than To Cut A Stone From Plaster

Glue for laying must be prepared according to the instructions for use indicated on its packaging by the manufacturer. It is important that the adhesive solution, when applied to a wall or other surface of the adhesive solution, must be monitored so that it fills all microcracks. However, a large amount of adhesive can create a “cement joint”. It is best to use a notched trowel for applying the solution.

Pay attention to the amount of glue prepared. Do not knead it too much, as you may not have time to spend it before the end of its suitability. It is worth considering that facing corners takes a little longer than when working on the wall.

Installation of gypsum tile

Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to remove the tiles from the packaging and lay them on the floor in order to choose the elements that are suitable in color and size. It is also advisable to pre-mark the surface for laying. For convenience, it is worth dividing the wall into work areas with an area of ​​five rows of tiles each. For the best result, it is not out of place to use the level during the installation process.

Gypsum tile is an easy-to-apply material for mechanical impact. If necessary, the elements can be given the desired shape and size. You can cope with this using an ordinary drill or hacksaw for metal. If you pay due attention to how the stacked row will be located on the wall, you can avoid a large number of cuts.

You can lay gypsum tiles with or without seams. If the seams are supposed, then it is first necessary to calculate the distance under them. At the same time, if laying implies the presence of seams, then it is worth starting it from the top edge of the wall. If not, on the contrary. From the bottom. If the tile seam is not supposed, then it is not necessary to place vertical joints between the elements on top of each other. This will violate the decorative task of imitating natural stone. It will be optimal to observe a displacement of the seams by 5 cm from each other. How to glue gypsum tiles. With or without seams, depends on the general appearance of the interior and the general decoration decisions.

Laying decorative gypsum tiles is a creative process. Reminds a process of facing with a stone. General view should be harmonious and aesthetic. Avoid a large concentration of identical patches in the same zone.


The presence of seams helps to avoid the ingress of dust and dirt into the gaps between the elements, to ensure sealing. The expansion is carried out using a special bag or a syringe gun. A special cement-based mortar is used as a grouting material. This allows you to simulate the laying of natural stone.

When stitching, it is necessary to fill the syringe with a solution and slowly squeeze it in the direction of the seam. After the solution has set a little, press it with a spatula.

It is recommended to fill the seams completely 5 mm from the back of the tile.

You can remove excess solution after 40–45 minutes, when the grout is slightly hardened. You can use a wooden or special metal trowel for this.

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