What can be cut with a reciprocating saw

Rating of reciprocating saws for home and garden

What is a reciprocating saw for?


How to Use a Reciprocating Saw to Cut Metal, Wood, PVC, etc for Beginners

A distinctive feature of the equipment is that for its operation it is not required to fix the material. The tool can be operated unsupported and in any position. It is worth noting that few professional tools have this functionality. True, cutting the material without fixing it is much harder, due to strong vibrations.

The considered equipment helps not only accurately, but also in a short time to cut a large amount of materials. If you compare the tool with a hand hacksaw, the latter loses in many ways. This concerns the fact that a reciprocating saw can cut in a straight and curved path, which significantly expands its scope of use, answering the question. what is a reciprocating saw for. Naturally, making curved cuts requires experience, however, this can be quickly learned.

Makita JR3050T

Quick release mount: yes
Speed ​​control: yes
Pendulum stroke: no
Soft start: no
Backlight: no


Quick release mount: yes
Speed ​​control: yes
Pendulum stroke: no
Soft start: no
Backlight: no


Quick release mount: yes
Speed ​​control: yes
Pendulum stroke: no
Soft start: no
Backlight: yes

How To Use A Reciprocating Saw. Ace Hardware

Hitachi CR13V2

Quick release mount: yes
Speed ​​control: yes
Pendulum stroke: no
Soft start: no
Backlight: no

Einhell TE-AP 1050 E

Quick release mount: yes
Speed ​​control: yes
Pendulum stroke: yes
Soft start: yes
Backlight: no

What can a reciprocating saw?

Everything is the same as a hacksaw and even more:

  • cut boards, beams, sheet material (plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB)
  • cut branches of trees and bushes
  • cut old boards even with nails
  • cut out curly parts from plywood and thin boards
  • cut steel pipes and corners without sparking
  • saw off protruding excess boards, bricks, steel reinforcement
  • make openings in wooden walls
  • butcher frozen meat with bones

over, for all this, it is not at all necessary to fix the material on a workbench. The reciprocating saw is perfectly suited to work “on the fly” and the material can be cut directly on site in almost any position. A rare professional tool will allow this.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to name a professional field in which a reciprocating saw will prove to be a really necessary tool. Perhaps, only in dismantling works it will be difficult to replace it with something else. But in everyday life, it can turn out to be such a valuable assistant that soon after acquiring it, you will be surprised how you did without it before. Even professionals who have their own workshop filled with all sorts of tools should not pass by a reciprocating saw: in the end, everyday problems also arise for professionals. And, using a safe and convenient reciprocating saw in such cases, you can save a lot of time and effort.

Assortment of reciprocating saws. How to choose?

In order to make the right choice in favor of a particular model, you need to clearly define the tasks where and in what conditions it will be used. If the tool is purchased for the home and will be used irregularly, then a more budgetary option can be purchased. But it is worth considering the aspect that such a reciprocating saw will need to rest every 20 minutes of continuous work. If the choice is made towards a professional model, then the advantages of such a saw are much higher, however, like the price.
First of all, you should pay attention to the power declared by the manufacturer. For domestic use, a reciprocating saw with a power of 600 W will be sufficient. When choosing a more powerful tool, its weight also increases, this nuance is justified only in the case of professional use. If the work will be carried out not only on metal, but also on wood, then you need to give preference to a reciprocating saw with adjustable blade travel. In order to keep your hands from getting tired, you should choose a tool with rubber pads. You also need to pay attention to safety when using a saw, it is determined by such criteria as:

  • Availability of a soft start mechanism.
  • Electrodynamic brake (instant stop).
  • Blocking accidental start.
  • Vibration isolation.
  • Double electrical insulation.

Using guides

In the process of work, it is not always possible to maintain ideal accuracy when carrying out a cut. There are times when the edges of the cut turn out to be split due to a sharp approach to the workpiece of the cutting blade. Going beyond the line of the marking, non-observance of the angle also happen quite often.

To avoid this kind of defects, you can use the guides. These devices, as a rule, are not included in the equipment delivery set, as they are professional.

The simplest answer that can be given to this question is “this is an electric hacksaw.” It solves the same tasks as a conventional hand hacksaw, and its principle of operation is based on the same reciprocating movements of the toothed working blade.

Abroad, this tool is very popular and has practically supplanted the usual hacksaw, but here a rare master has this tool in his arsenal. The reason is that a power tool. and especially a power sawing tool. is a priori considered to be something extremely dangerous, which can only be handled by professionals. Our housewives and owners of summer cottages have no idea that behind the belligerent name in the saber saw is a simple, convenient and safe tool.

But professionals do not like this tool very much. Of course, if you have a circular saw, chain saw, angle grinder, renovator and jigsaw in your workshop. you don’t need a reciprocating saw. It is unlikely that it will seriously compete with any of the listed tools in their narrow professional specialization. But if you do not use the tools from this list in your professional activity, it is worth considering that if you had a reciprocating saw, those tools might not be required at all! As well as the workshop itself. a carnation in the hallway is enough. Or in the kitchen, given that a reciprocating saw can be used for cutting bones and frozen meat (you just need to remember to wash it thoroughly).

Do not confuse a reciprocating saw and an alligator saw. Although they are often classified under one section, they are completely different tools with different purposes. An alligator saw looks most like a chain saw and has two blades fixed on a stationary tire and moving towards each other. An alligator saw is a professional construction tool capable of making cuts not only in wood, but also in brick walls and walls made of porous concrete (aerated concrete, cinder blocks) up to 80 cm thick. It is impossible to saw metal with an alligator saw. Also, despite the high power and huge (in comparison with saber saws) length of the blades, there are practically no vibrations in it: moving in the opposite direction, one blade dampens the inertia of the other. The advantages of alligator saws are the same as with saber saws: safety and ease of use. Due to the mutually compensated moments, it is much easier and safer to handle it than with a chain. The disadvantages include the impossibility of “bumping” into the wall (the stationary tire interferes) and the high price.

The principle of operation of reciprocating saws

The main design feature of the saw is the pendulum trajectory of the cutting blade. In short, this mechanism involves raising the cutting edge during the return movement, due to which friction and heating of the blade is significantly reduced. Thanks to this approach, the designers of the device have achieved an increase in the service life of replaceable saws, as well as an increase in its productivity in comparison with analogues, since the pendulum mechanism contributes to the automatic removal of the sawdust accumulated during operation. Thus, there is no need to use excessive force during work, it becomes less tiring.

The devices are supplied complete with a special table, according to which you can change the speed of the cutting blade depending on the characteristics of the material being processed. A set of interchangeable saws, sharpened for specific properties of wood, also helps to expand the scope of the tool. It is safe to say that the reciprocating saw is superior to manual counterparts in productivity, accuracy and ease of use.

Here’s everything about saber saw blades.http: //proinstrumentinfo.ru/polotno-dlya-sabelnoj-pily-osobennosti-vybora/

Choice options

To solve everyday problems arising in an apartment or a small household farm, the capabilities of basic models are quite enough.

If you intend to serve a country house, and garden trees and shrubs are growing on the site with might and main, it will be appropriate to choose a saw of medium power.

If you intend to use a reciprocating saw in construction and dismantling. pay attention to a powerful professional tool.

A lightweight cordless saw is ideal for large gardens with shrubs and small trees.

If you are using a reciprocating saw for straight cuts in wood, pay attention to the pendulum function.

And finally, if you need a professional tool that can cut a brick into neat cubes or cut a doorway in almost any wall (except for solid concrete), you need an alligator saw.

Buy quality tools and use them with pleasure!

Published: 8.12.2012 Heading: Tools and devices Hits: 615

The electric reciprocating saw is a versatile tool for producing long cut lines in a variety of materials. It is preferable to use them for rough dismantling work during repairs. How profitable is the purchase of a tool such as an electric reciprocating saw?

Reciprocating saw: what is it?

Caution! Electric current | 04/26/2015

A tool such as a reciprocating saw can make life easier not only for an ordinary user, but also for a professional. The reciprocating saw is a convenient body made in the shape of a pistol, under the index finger there is a working trigger and a power adjustment mechanism that allows you to make the appropriate settings depending on the specifics of the work. To ensure an adequate level of safety, most reciprocating saws are equipped with a safety lock that prevents accidental clicks. details on how to choose a suitable reciprocating saw model will be discussed below.

Purpose of the reciprocating saw

Seeing such a tool, an inexperienced craftsman may not immediately think about what exactly a reciprocating saw is used for. In fact, it is a multifunctional device that can cut:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • shingles;
  • metal;
  • brick;
  • aerated concrete;
  • Chipboard;
  • MDF;
  • plywood;
  • composite materials.

A reciprocating saw is needed for straight and curved cutting of the base of the material. The tool will become relevant in the carpentry workshop, in the process of repairs and just for cleaning the suburban area.

The purpose of the reciprocating saw is varied, so the tool can easily replace other devices:

  • circular saw;
  • lopper;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • jigsaw;
  • chain saw;
  • file;
  • grinder.

This device is often used as an electric woodcutter. Thanks to the unique shape of the nozzle, you can cut branches from trees in inaccessible places, it is easy to cope with any type of wood in the manufacture of parts. Thanks to this, the cordless reciprocating saw belongs to the universal types of attachments that can perform any type of work of varying complexity and direction.

Choosing a reciprocating saw

To choose a reciprocating saw, it is worth considering the advice of professionals. Those who have worked with a saw for more than one year recommend making a choice based on the following conditions:

  • What the saw will be used for. It’s not worth buying a professional tool home. Its functionality will not manifest itself in domestic conditions, and the price will be high.
  • Depending on what the saw is for, the power and other technical parameters are selected. A very functional and powerful saw is not needed for woodworking.
  • It is necessary to roughly calculate how long it will take to work with the saw and where. The choice of battery or network model depends on this.

The tool is selected according to individual needs.

The simplest answer that can be given to this question is “this is an electric hacksaw.” It solves the same tasks as a conventional hand hacksaw, and its principle of operation is based on the same reciprocating movements of the toothed working blade.

Abroad, this tool is very popular and has practically supplanted the usual hacksaw, but here a rare master has this tool in his arsenal. The reason is that a power tool. and especially a power sawing tool. is a priori considered to be something extremely dangerous, which can only be handled by professionals. Our housewives and owners of summer cottages have no idea that behind the belligerent name in the saber saw is a simple, convenient and safe tool.

But professionals do not like this tool very much. Of course, if you have a circular saw, chain saw, angle grinder, renovator and jigsaw in your workshop. you don’t need a reciprocating saw. It is unlikely that it will seriously compete with any of the listed tools in their narrow professional specialization. But if you do not use the tools from this list in your professional activity, it is worth considering that if you had a reciprocating saw, those tools might not be required at all! As well as the workshop itself. a carnation in the hallway is enough. Or in the kitchen, given that a reciprocating saw can be used for cutting bones and frozen meat (you just need to remember to wash it thoroughly).

Do not confuse a reciprocating saw and an alligator saw. Although they are often classified under one section, they are completely different tools with different purposes. An alligator saw looks most like a chain saw and has two blades fixed on a stationary tire and moving towards each other. An alligator saw is a professional construction tool capable of making cuts not only in wood, but also in brick walls and walls made of porous concrete (aerated concrete, cinder blocks) up to 80 cm thick. It is impossible to saw metal with an alligator saw. Also, despite the high power and huge (in comparison with saber saws) length of the blades, there are practically no vibrations in it: moving in the opposite direction, one blade dampens the inertia of the other. The advantages of alligator saws are the same as with saber saws: safety and ease of use. Due to the mutually compensated moments, it is much easier and safer to handle it than with a chain. The disadvantages include the impossibility of “bumping” into the wall (the stationary tire interferes) and the high price.

What is a reciprocating saw?

Reciprocating saw characteristics

Power. The main parameter that determines the performance of the tool. The more powerful the saw, the faster it will cut and the longer and more “toothy” the blade can be installed in it. True, along with the power, the weight increases noticeably, and for a tool that is always on hand, this is a serious argument against excess power. Along with the power, the price rises noticeably, and this is a serious argument for any tool. In addition, models with high power and a long heavy blade vibrate noticeably during work, and for such saws it becomes appropriate to install anti-vibration systems, which further increases the cost of the tool. Therefore, before choosing the most powerful model, you should decide how thick the materials you plan to cut. The maximum cutting depth is directly related to the saw power, so often the choice begins with the cutting depths of wood and steel.

Sawing depth. This is, in fact, the same power, only expressed in more understandable values. Indicates how long the blade can be placed on this saw without the risk of getting stuck in the material and overheating the tool. In fact, you can put a long blade on a low-power tool, and even cut with it, but the productivity will be small, and the risk of damage to the tool will be quite high.

The maximum frequency of movement of the file. A high speed of the blade is necessary for cutting hard materials: metals, stone, ceramics. While when cutting soft wood, productivity is only related to power, when cutting steel, the cutting speed is also strongly dependent on the maximum frequency of the saw. If the saw is supposed to be used for cutting materials of different hardness, a stroke frequency regulator is also required.

Pendulum stroke. If you carefully examine the blade up close, you can see that only the front. cutting. edge of the teeth is sharpened. The trailing edge of the teeth is not sharpened and, with the reverse movement of the blade, creates resistance, increasing the load on the engine and practically not increasing the depth of the cut. The pendulum stroke reduces this resistance by raising the file slightly during the return stroke. As a result, the saw performance is noticeably increased. Obviously, this function will only work with straight cuts. when there is free space above the back of the blade. When cutting curly lines, it is better to disable this function.

Power supply type. Get rid of the long, persistent tangling tail. a dream come true for any gardener working with garden electrical equipment. If the reciprocating saw is supposed to be used not at home, but “on the street”, the choice of a cordless tool can quickly justify itself. There are only two drawbacks to cordless saws, but both are significant. low power and high price.

Quick-clamping file attachment. The ability to quickly change the blade without the use of additional keys or screwdrivers, of course, greatly increases the versatility and convenience of the tool. Unfortunately, it also increases the price. the simplest and cheapest models do not have this function.

The weight. An important parameter for a tool that is designed to work “by weight”. If the saw is supposed to be used in “uncomfortable” conditions, when it is not always possible to ensure a confident grip with both hands (for example, when pruning garden trees), it is better to choose a lighter model.

Some models are equipped with a soft start function. Without affecting the productivity of the work, this parameter, however, significantly increases the safety of the tool and its service life. The first is due to the absence of sharp jerks that could snatch the tool out of the hands at the start of work. Second. by eliminating loads dangerous for engines arising from such jerks.

After choosing a model, you can take a closer look at it. does it have a support shoe? The ability to push the tool against the material being cut is often very helpful. In addition, a support shoe is almost essential if the saw is to be used to cut shapes from sheet material. Sometimes the shoe is not fixed strictly at 90 degrees, but can be deflected, allowing you to cut at a given angle to the surface. This expands the capabilities of the tool, bringing it closer to jigsaws.

What can a reciprocating saw?

Everything is the same as a hacksaw and even more:

  • cut boards, beams, sheet material (plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB)
  • cut branches of trees and bushes
  • cut old boards even with nails
  • cut out curly parts from plywood and thin boards
  • cut steel pipes and corners without sparking
  • saw off protruding excess boards, bricks, steel reinforcement
  • make openings in wooden walls
  • butcher frozen meat with bones

over, for all this, it is not at all necessary to fix the material on a workbench. The reciprocating saw is perfectly suited to work “on the fly” and the material can be cut directly on site in almost any position. A rare professional tool will allow this.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to name a professional field in which a reciprocating saw will prove to be a really necessary tool. Perhaps, only in dismantling works it will be difficult to replace it with something else. But in everyday life, it can turn out to be such a valuable assistant that soon after acquiring it, you will be surprised how you did without it before. Even professionals who have their own workshop filled with all sorts of tools should not pass by a reciprocating saw: in the end, everyday problems also arise for professionals. And, using a safe and convenient reciprocating saw in such cases, you can save a lot of time and effort.

Choice options

To solve everyday problems arising in an apartment or a small household farm, the capabilities of basic models are quite enough.

If you intend to serve a country house, and garden trees and shrubs are growing on the site with might and main, it will be appropriate to choose a saw of medium power.

If you intend to use a reciprocating saw in construction and dismantling. pay attention to a powerful professional tool.

A lightweight cordless saw is ideal for large gardens with shrubs and small trees.

If you are using a reciprocating saw for straight cuts in wood, pay attention to the pendulum function.

And finally, if you need a professional tool that can cut a brick into neat cubes or cut a doorway in almost any wall (except for solid concrete), you need an alligator saw.

Buy quality tools and use them with pleasure!