What disk to saw slate flat.

how to saw slate flat

You will not surprise anyone with roofing slate. this is the most familiar roofing material throughout the vast territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, than and how to cut a flat or wave slate. fairly fragile products. for the young generation often remains a mystery. We will try to make clarity to this question.

Today, in the wake of insanity on everything environmentally friendly, the slate is considered perhaps the most dangerous roofing material. How. in its composition is asbestos, a dangerous mineral! True, the majority absolutely does not imagine how exactly this substance affects, and in what quantity it contain different objects and things surrounding us. Keep in mind if you decide to get rid of everything that the asbestos contains, immediately throw the money! In their manufacture, asbestos are used to increase the life and strength of the bills.

disk, slate, flat

However, seriously, asbestos for a person in the related state in which he is in the products is completely harmless. Slate on the roof of the house or barn does not create any dust, and if you are so worried about it, just paint it. Fortunately, today for these purposes, shifer paints have been developed, which have high adhesion to such surfaces.

The danger is asbestos dust, which occurs in the process of active actions. sawing products, dismantling structures, grinding.

That is, the asbestos.containing slate itself is no more dangerous than the same plastic roof, since asbestos is connected by cement, but if you start to saw or grind it, then the dust that appeared, penetrating our lungs, can indeed cause chronic bronchitis and other troubles that are treated with a large labor. Having shutting the repair with the aim of getting rid of all asbestos.cement structures, you just provoke the spread of such dust. It was not for nothing that in the USA at the peak of the campaign to combat asbestos at the state level it was made quite a sound decision. it is much safer to get along with asbestos than to fight it.

Therefore, do not rush to get rid of everything asbestos.containing. use, as you used before. However, when performing any tasks, try to protect yourself. The easiest way to avoid dust falling into the lungs and eyes is to wear a respirator and protective glasses, as well as become from the leeward side before cutting the slate. If you have to work in a closed room, before cutting the slate, so wet it. From wet products during cutting, much less dust is released. In addition, it is much easier to cut products precisely after soaking. therefore, experienced craftsmen in the place of cutting before cutting flat slate, damp rags are applied for several hours.

During cutting, send those present in the room to breathe air. even the street could not be as harmful as asbestos.cement dust. First of all, children should come out of the room-due to short stature, they inhale the air just at the level where the dust is most of all. And another important security measure, as they say, in the future. never throw away the remains of building materials or construction garbage onto the road. Over time, cars will spread pieces of the same slate, and the air in hot weather will be filled with dust from msbestos.

Shifer pruning. how to cut flat slate?

Cutting flat slate is the fastest through the angular grinding and disk for stone. If you need to cut on a solid surface, which is extremely undesirable to damage, put a wooden rail under a sheet of slate, not far from the place where the cut. However, this option will help you out when you need to cut it near the edge. If you need to cut the sheet in the middle, then it is best to put the slate on a flat surface, which will not be scary to damage, for example, to the ground.

It is best to work with an assistant. while one person will cut, the second will constantly moisten the cut place with a thin stream of water from a hose or a bottle. If there is no assistant, then try to bring the hose to the place of the cut, so that the water spreads along the slate plane in the place where you will cut. In this case, you can avoid spraying asbestos dust, which will drain to the ground in the form of dirt. Its residues need to be washed off the tools and surface, since the dirt hardens when dried. With the help of the same corner grinder and diamond circle, you can not only cut, but also grinding the edges of the slate. Cutting a corner grinder is a very noisy event, so protective headphones will not hurt you at all.

disk, slate, flat

What else can be cut by slate from power tools? Indeed, the corner grinder is not the only solution to the problem, an electrician or even a hacksaw with a small tooth is suitable. However, in this case, get ready for a long marathon. these tools are suitable only for small volumes of work. To facilitate the cut with an electrician, and even more a hacksaw, throw a wet rag in place and let it stand at least a couple of hours. Just do not get carried away. remember that the sheets of moisture will become not only elastic, but also more fragile, so you should not press much. When working with an electrician, set the reduced spindle revolutions.

The need to cut the roofing slate

The dimensions of roofing slopes are different, so when installing piece elements of the roof, they must be cut into the desired size. You can cut the slate with different methods, the choice of tools depends on the physical properties of a certain model of sheets.

  • Asbestos or mineral fibers in the composition are easily cut even with a knife, they are supple;
  • frozen binding cement gives strength to the material comparable to the indicators of dense oak wood, tick.

Slate slabs cut along the fibers if they do not fit along the width of the cornice overhang. On the longitudinal lines, you can also cut the slate if the distance from the skate to the overhang is not multiple of the sheet size in length.

Basic cutting rules and method of work without dust

Regardless of the choice of the method of cutting panels, you need to follow the recommendations for the use of tools. This is especially true for electrical species, t. to. In this case, a lot of dust is distinguished. Slate based on asbestos fibers is harmful to health, t. to. The smallest particles do not act well on the condition of the respiratory system.

In most cases, such fibers are fastened with cement grains that reliably hold the threads and do not allow harmful emissions to spread. There is little harmful effect from the roof coating, t. to. The material is in a constrained state of rest. To enhance harmlessness, the slate profile is recommended to paint. But in case of violation of the integrity of the canvas (cutting), the particles of the fibers are released into the air and have a harmful effect on health when inhaled.

The conditions that need to be created to cut off the slate:

  • work is performed outdoors, t. to. dust in a closed hangar, the shed is not permissible;
  • It is advisable to place the workplace so that the wind takes the dust flow away from the master and nearby rooms;
  • Wet material distinguishes much less dust, so the cutting place is necessarily moistened with water, using rags, brushes, waterings for this.

A raw profile is less dust when processing, cut the slate moistened with water, much easier. Wet sheets get additional elasticity, soften.

The panels are located so that the two parts that turn out after cutting have a reliable support. Otherwise, when separating, one half with a sharp edge can injure the operator.

How can slate from power tools be cut

In addition to corner grinder, a cutting machine equipped with a stones cutting disk can be used to cut the slate. The preparatory procedure here is the same as in the case of a corner grinder: the sheet is first marked, and then moistened. Working as a detachment machine, it is important not to allow any shifts, conducting the disk exactly by marking. The slate is usually cut for one approach, so after wetting the cut with water, the procedure is repeated again, so the incision deepens. As a rule, in order to comfortably break the slate, 3-4 such approaches will be required.

For sawing the soaked slate, you can apply a regular electrician, equipping it with canvases with a small teeth. At the same time, the spindle is installed in a reduced transmission mode. When using this tool, it is important to observe increased accuracy, avoiding any pressure on the slate, otherwise it will crumble. The use of an electrician is justified only in the case of small volumes of such work.

Mechanical tools

If the cutter cuts are carried out indoors, or the power tool suitable for work is not available, classic techniques come to the rescue than cut the slate.

In this case, the wet sheet can be cut in the following ways:

  • Manual hacksaw. For this, a tool with interchangeable canvases and small teeth is suitable. You should stock up in advance with a few such canvases, since in the course of work they are quickly blurred and clogged with asbestos dust. During the saw, it is recommended to avoid pressure, otherwise fragile material may break.
  • Manual cut. In this case, it will take several times to deepen the incision on the marking. Between the approaches it is necessary to moisten the fishing line for the trimmer of the incision. When the cutter deepens at 2/3 of the thickness of the sheet, it can be broken. To do this, a wooden bar is placed under the slate, just along the cut line: after pressing the edges of the sheet, it can easily decay into two parts.
  • Hammer and roofing nail. To do this, a fishing line for a trimmer of marking in many places carefully breaks through with a nail. It is advisable to make as many such holes as possible. this will only contribute to the quality of the fault. When applying holes in the longitudinal direction of the slate, the slate is unfolded so that this wave passes below. After applying a series of holes under them, a wooden block or rail is placed: by clicking on the edges of the sheet, it is broken. To facilitate this procedure, it is allowed to tap a fishing line for a trimmer for a hammer with a hammer.

To implement this method, special slate nails will be required. They are distinguished by the presence of a special shape of the rod and a soft head, which avoids splitting sheets during clogging. To speed up the process of equipping the slate with a series of holes, roofing nails are stuffed into the bar. Such a kind of comb is usually used in constant work with slate sheets.

How to cut slate with manual mechanical tools

A hand tool is used for small volumes of the processed material or directly on the roof, when there is no way to use the power tool.

Can be used both a hacksaw for wood and a hacksaw for metal, but in both cases the canvas should be made of highly alloyed steel. The main drawback of the usual hacksaw is that the cutting part is quickly stupid, and it must be sharpened.

Therefore, tools are more often used, which have a change in the canvas, and they are mostly designed to cut metal.

It is recommended to use the saw if there is skills in working with it. otherwise, with excessive pressure and skewing of the tool, cracks are formed on the slate.

They can also use a boot knife, an ax with a well.sharpened blade, a disk knife:

  • Mark the fishing line for the trimmer breakdown.
  • According to the marking several times, they are carried out with a sharp edge of the tool, deepening by approximately 2/3 of the thickness of the sheet.
  • A long wooden block is placed under the panel at the cutting site.
  • Press their hands on both parts of the sheet, and break it along the line.
  • Sharped blade cuts burrs on the edge.

If there are no such simple tools at hand, the old method of separation along the line is used using only slate nails:

  • Mark the fishing line for a fault trimmer. If the sheet is broken along the wave, this fishing line for a trimmer is drawn along the hollow.
  • Along the line, as close to each other as possible, holes are pierced with nails.
  • A wooden block or pipe is substituted under the line.
  • Pressing at the same time (better with an assistant) on both edges of the sheet, break it into two parts.

The evenness of the fault depends on the number of holes. To help the separation of both parts, you can first knock with a hammer along the opening line.

Despite the “ancient” technology and fairly large time expenses, this method has an advantage in comparison with the use of a modern electric tool.

With such a fault, very little asbestos dust stands out, although the edges do not look very neat. Therefore, they are “hidden” under the overlap of another sheet so that they stay from the attic. And when arranging the beds, this edge is immersed in the ground.

The same methods are suitable for cutting sheet material. You can even use a well.sharpened ordinary nail, which first cut out a sheet for 2/3 of the thickness, and then broken through the emphasis on the line of separation.

What is good beds from the slate?

Based on the slate, fences are created for long beds. Mount the side parts at one height is simple, because the slate is easily adjusted by level. We note other advantages of slate beds:

  • Due to the rapid heating in the sun, the slate heats the soil faster in the garden, due to which the plants in accelerated mode are supplied with the required amount of nutrients;
  • asbestos.cement material has high reliability and strength;
  • affordable cost;
  • Shifer sheets will last more than one decade;
  • beds equipped with slate, look more attractive.

If desired, slate sheets are painted with paint, giving the site a large decorativeness.

Shifer pruning. how to cut flat slate?

Cutting flat slate is the fastest through the angular grinding and disk for stone. If you need to cut on a solid surface, which is extremely undesirable to damage, put a wooden rail under a sheet of slate, not far from the place where the cut. However, this option will help you out when you need to cut it near the edge. If you need to cut the sheet in the middle, then it is best to put the slate on a flat surface, which will not be scary to damage, for example, to the ground.

It is best to work with an assistant. while one person will cut, the second will constantly moisten the cut place with a thin stream of water from a hose or a bottle. If there is no assistant, then try to bring the hose to the place of the cut, so that the water spreads along the slate plane in the place where you will cut. In this case, you can avoid spraying asbestos dust, which will drain to the ground in the form of dirt. Its residues need to be washed off the tools and surface, since the dirt hardens when dried. With the help of the same corner grinder and diamond circle, you can not only cut, but also grinding the edges of the slate. Cutting a corner grinder is a very noisy event, so protective headphones will not hurt you at all.

What else can be cut by slate from power tools? Indeed, the corner grinder is not the only solution to the problem, an electrician or even a hacksaw with a small tooth is suitable. However, in this case, get ready for a long marathon. these tools are suitable only for small volumes of work. To facilitate the cut with an electrician, and even more a hacksaw, throw a wet rag in place and let it stand at least a couple of hours. Just do not get carried away. remember that the sheets of moisture will become not only elastic, but also more fragile, so you should not press much. When working with an electrician, set the reduced spindle revolutions.

Without dust and noise. how to cut the wave slate quietly?

If the pruning of the slate has to be performed indoors, where it is important not only to avoid the appearance of dust, but also to do the work as quieter as possible, then in the case of smooth sheets of slate, a cutter made of good steel will be useful to you. A slate of slate is laid in a flat place and a fishing line for a trimmer is carried out under the ruler with a cutter. Then, removing the ruler, the fishing line for the trimmer is deepened and expanded, pressing more hard on the cutter.

It remains small. under the sheet, put a rail or a pipe, placing them parallel to the cut line, and slightly press. If you tried at the previous stage, then there should be no problems here. The wavy slate with a cut can be cut only along the wave. after stuffing your hand, you can cut off even very narrow strips about 10 cm, and notice, completely without dust and with a minimum noise.

How to cut off slate, if only a hammer from the tools? Then you will be useful to a method related to the category of “grandfathers”. Indeed, when there were no Bulgarians and electrician, and for the use of a good hacksaw, the grandfather could have slaughtered his grandson a delicious slap, only so slate and cut. Although the word “cut” this method somehow is wrong. Rather, it is broken. However, they break without dust and excess noise, so the method will always be relevant.

So, you will need not some, but a slate nail. Pre.mixed a fishing line for a cutting trimmer, it is important that it passes along the bottom of the wave. That is, if the fishing line for a trimmer passes along the top, just turn the sheet turn over. The holes break along the line. the more often they will be located, the better. Then a pipe or wooden block is placed under the sheet and gently pressed on the edge of the sheet to break the slate along the line with holes. The evenness of the line depends on the number of holes and accuracy. Sometimes in order for the desired piece to separate, it is enough to tap along the cutting line by the side of the hammer.

How to cut slate with special tools

So, how to cut a flat slate, if you still have to cut it?

Cut the corner grinder: select the disk

So, to cut a large amount of flat slate, take an angular grinder with a diamond disk. Cut the slate will be quickly, neatly, evenly and safe. The only negative when working with this tool is a lot of dust. But a relatively cheap angular grinder easily copes with such a task.

When working with a corner grinder, take it by one handle and drag it on yourself. under your own weight of the instrument, everything will be good:

Diamond circle cuts flat slate easily and quickly. As for the speed of the disc, 2000-3000 allow you to work easily and the tool does not heat up. By the way, with the help of a corner grinder and a diamond disk, you can grind the edges of the slate right away. Tip: When working with a corner grinding, we also put on protective headphones. the sound will not be pleasant.

One of the most affordable and practical options is a cutting circle on stone, which can be inserted into the cheapest simple corner grinder.

Another good way that is often practiced today is to make only an incision on the cipher with a corner grinder, and then break the sheet.

Polishing Pads for Tile and Stone!

Cut with a saw: select the coating and teeth

Perfectly cuts slate saw with a special Teflon coating, which on the one hand protects the saw blade, and on the other, significantly reduces friction with the material. And less friction. less dust and easier work. Such a saw is not much more expensive than usual.

Secondly, you should pay attention to the teeth of the saw: the larger they are, the faster the slate will saw. And already definitely faster than a simple hacksaw

Cut with an electric saw and chisel

This slate is cut traditionally with a bite and a disk electric saw:

We take a ruler, a sharp chisel and on both sides of the future section we make notches. We place the slate on a flat base with a sharp bar or a line so that the lines coincide. Carefully break the slate. If the slate could not break, we cut with a disk electric saw, from time to time cooling it with water.

Cut with a gearbox

Another suitable instrument is a breeze. He has a built.in diamond disk that is able to reach a high speed speed. But, t.to. This “toy” costs is expensive (because professional), and therefore home craftsmen do something like it themselves: connect a parquet and small-toothed circle on wood. Cutting the slate with this tool is quite convenient.

Cut an electrician

But the worst of all, the usual cheap electric one copes with such a task. wears out too quickly. Most of all for such work is an electrician with a HCS saw of high.carbon steel, which is designed to work with soft materials.

Electrolobesik with a saw also copes with a sharp flat slate, for each tooth of which a winning tip is soldered. With such a tool, it is convenient not only to cut the sheets according to certain parameters, as well as make roundings and arcs.

Another good option, especially if you have to work often and professionally with slate, it is an electrician with a BIM saw. Such a tool when cutting sheets will never break even thin corners in a flat slate.

Of the incisors, it will be easiest for you to work with carbide, which can be found in any store. You can use an electrician for this purpose, if you purchase it with a special file with diamond spraying. True, but it will not work to cut it quickly.

Cut on a home circus

Cutting flat slate is also not difficult also on a conventional circular, 2 kW. Put a circle with carbide wood attacks so that there is more teeth. It turns out everything quickly and without any problems. Put on protective glasses, clothes without wide sleeves and durable gloves

It is only important that the sheet itself is fixed

If you use a manual circular, then set the speed within 3500-4000. So the slate will be spread evenly and much cleaner than with maximum turnover 5500.

Features of the slate and the scope of application

This material is in demand and popular, it is often used by home craftsmen in the construction of objects of various purposes: residential and industrial buildings; summer cottages; garages and other buildings. It is customary to call products with a wavy profile with slate, in the production of which asbestos cement is used. In recent years, you can find varieties of this material without asbestos on sale. for example, Euro.shifer.

Since today for buyers the issue of environmental friendliness of the material is of no small importance to prevent the allocation of dust containing asbestos particles, it is painted. Also covered with paint, the sheets have greater strength and a long period of operation.

Plantation from flat slate

When working with flat sheets, they do this:

They saw slatery or two identical parts, or for pieces of 1 m and 75 cm. The choice can be any, only the width of the beds depends on the cutting option. In order to avoid spreading, the material is fastened together by scraps of a metal corner

For this purpose, holes under the bolts are made in the cut corners and the parts are treated with an anti.corrosion coating. Mounting work is carried out carefully so as not to damage the slate and not injure their hands. Sticking angles of self.tapping screws for safety can be hidden under the lids from bottles.

The aisles are tightly tamped. Free areas are concreted and sprinkled with gravel. Chering beds, “diluted” lawn grass look beautiful. If the owner plans to plant grass on the voids, the zones between the rows should be wide enough (in narrow areas, vegetation is inconvenient to mow a trimmer).

Features of the slate and the area of ​​its application

One of the most common materials, due to its cheapness, strength and accessibility, is roofing slate. It is used in the construction of summer houses, and in the construction of high.rise urban buildings, and other buildings, such as composenia and greenhouses.

Hearing the word “slate”, everyone imagines material with a wavy profile, which is made on the basis of asbestos cement. Although today there are different options for this coating, which contains asbestos, for example, Euro.shifer.

Traditional slate is made of the following components:

There is an opinion that slate is a non.elected building material, since it allocates dust with particles of asbestos into the air. However, this problem can be easily solved by painting the coating. over, the painted slate is stronger than the non.painted and has a longer service life.

Asbestos.cement slate can be covered with a roof with an angle of inclination of more than 12 degrees. Distinguish the profiled wavy type of slate and flat. The latter is often used in the decoration of the walls of structures of various light structures.

Other slate cutting tools

You can apply an electric jigsaw with low speeds or the most ordinary hacksaw. In any case, the main criterion of the work is accuracy and the correct use of force in order to avoid breaks and splitting of the sheet.

You can very simply cut flat slate with an ordinary cutter. To do this, lay the sheet on a flat even surface and outline a fishing line for a cutting trimmer. Then, using a ruler, risk on the intended mowing fishing line. Having done two or three passes, deepen the risk. Then break the sheet on the intended mowing fishing line, after laying the rail under it. In the same way, you can cut the wavy slate when the fishing line for the cutting trimmer runs along the wave. Using a cutter, cut a slate of slate in two minutes. over, working as a cutter, you can significantly reduce the amount of asbestos dust compared to the use of corner grind.

Sleeper sawing off the angular grinder with a stone disk

In this way it is more convenient to cut the slate together. One person cuts a corner grinding sheet of the material, the second at this time pours a cut place with a thin stream of water. You need to pour water with a hose or just from a plastic bottle. Such a simple and at the same time cunning method will avoid plenty of dust ejection, which scatters through the air and stains the tool. Using water, asbestos dust simply flows to the ground.

Practical recommendations

In order to reduce the amount of dust, you need to moisten the surface of the sheet. You can do this with a garden hose or plastic bottle. But it should be remembered that wet asbestos is poorly removed from the surface of the diamond disk. Will have to periodically stop the work to clean it manually. The diameter of the disk should be at least 250 mm, this will cut the waves from one pass and one side.

Sometimes you can find a cutting option, when the crests on one side are cut first, then the sheet is turned over and the crests are cut and cut off on the other hand. Do not do this for several reasons. First, time is much increasing. Secondly, it is likely that during turning the cut sheet cracks. Thirdly, the cut is uneven.

How to cut slate at all without dust

If the wave slate is quite difficult to cut due to its shape, then the flat is so simple that it is easier to break. Why exactly? The fact is that when cutting the slate, a lot of dust stands out, which is harmful not only for the tool, as we just said, but also for your health. And therefore, those who protect both both, find many ways how to do without cutting at all. over, it is precisely because of the large amount of dust of the slate is not recommended to cut in the room-it remains only to break.

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Slate really easily breaks. everything is thanks to its fibrous structure

It is only important to do this evenly without damaging the corners. And for this there are as many as three ways:

We break the thin slate

So, the easiest way is to outline the desired fishing line for the trimmer of the cut, draw it with something sharp, put the bar and gently break the slate:

  • Mark the place of the future fracture with a pencil.
  • Put a rail on a cutting line for a cutting trimmer.
  • Put the slate on the table and press evenly on the area of ​​the broken part.

Or just cut a hole in 1 mm. the flat slate will easily break in this place.

We saw a dense slate

  • Put the slate on the flat table so that most of the material is on the countertop. Let the assistant hold the hanging part of the slate.
  • Take the saw and start cutting the sheet in the same way as a thin wooden board or plywood.

Suitable for cutting slate is also a hacksaw on foam concrete.

Cut the slate with a cutter

If you have to cut flat slate right in the room. forget about power tools, too much dust and noise. Take a cutter of good steel, and follow the following instructions:

  • Put the slate of slate on a flat place.
  • Attach the ruler, and under it draw a fishing line for a trimmer with a cutter.
  • Remove the ruler, and start to press the cutter more strongly, deepening and expanding the fishing line for the trimmer.
  • Now put the rail or pipe parallel to the cut line under the sheet, press. And it is not necessary to crush strongly. otherwise the slate will simply split.
  • If any piece is not separated, tap along the cut side sideways.

We break the slate with a nail

  • Make a marking with a simple pencil.
  • Signen this fishing line for a trimmer with a sharp nail.
  • Find this nail in a fishing line for a trimmer every 2 cm. The more you make holes, the easier it will be for you to break the sheet later.
  • Pressing on a fragment of slate, easily break it on a punctured line.

Cutting with a hacksaw

If you do not have an angular grinder or other electrical tool at your disposal, you can make an incision on the slate using a simple hacksaw for metal or a sharp carpentry knife. It is interesting that it takes no more than 2-3 mines to cut the sheet of slate with a hand tool. In order not to damage the sheet, perform actions in the following order:

  • Take the sheet and place it on two bars on the ground. No need to take too high supports, since after the cutting the sheet the sheet will fall and break.
  • Before cutting a flat slate, output a fishing line on it for a cutting trimmer with a construction pencil. Wet clean cotton rags in water and put along the drawn line. Three hours later, when the water is absorbed and the slate becomes more supple, proceed to work.
  • Take a hacksaw in your hands, bring it over the place of the cut, placing at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface. Holding the edge of the sheet with one hand, begin to move the tool back and forth, cutting the slate along the line. Do not make too much effort, act without pressure to avoid leaf breakdown.

Cutting the sheet of slate with a hacksaw for metal

Types, features, characteristics

The slate seemed to have lost its relevance in modern construction. Gray, dull appearance, dull associations with poverty of Soviet life. However, the technical and operational characteristics of the material do not allow him to go into the past irrevocably. In addition, modern manufacturers have learned to overcome its aesthetic shortcomings

Shifer painting in green, red, gray-blue colors allows manufacturers to skillfully use its operational virtues, attracting the attention of customers. Slavifa is in advance in demand because:

In addition, this material has high characteristics:

The material is easy to install, it is easy to process. The practicality of the slate is also well known to the people. Even the old, the sheets removed from the roof can be used to arrange a poultry pen, home.made, fence, vegetable beds, flower beds, some of the auxiliary structures.

This roofing material is distinguished in the shape of a sheet, it is flat and wavy. The wave view is available in three types:

The disadvantages include a composition that includes asbestos, fragility, and the complexity of transportation. Over time, mossy formations appear on the surface, reducing the aesthetics of its appearance. But this can be avoided by treating the surface with a primer.

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Cutting options without power tools

To the question of how to cut the slate, about 20-30 years ago they approached from the standpoint of the complete absence of power tools. Therefore, they used manual tools, given the variety of methods and methods. Here are just some of them that can be classified as “classic”.

Using a knife.off metal. To do this, it is better to use canvases with small teeth. Unfortunately, the hacksaw will quickly become dull and clog with asbestos dust. So for this process you will have to stock up on several canvases. The main task of the manufacturer of work is to cut slate without effort and pressure. Can be cut with a conventional saw. Here are the same requirements as in the previous case. But keep in mind that the saw is not designed to cut products of this type. Therefore, everything must be done carefully

Particular attention of the severity of the teeth of the instrument. Dumb cutter will only break the roofing panel even at the beginning of the operation

Experienced craftsmen make incomplete cut along the line both along the upper and lower waves with a leaf coup, as in the case of an abrasive detachment disc. Then, putting a straight flat profile under the incision, break the slate sheet. With the help of a roofing nail and a hammer. This is an old grandfather’s way to cut off the slate, which justified itself during the complete absence of any modern cutting tools. To do this, along the cutting line with a nail you need to make through holes with a pitch of 1-2 cm. After that, a flat wooden rail or metal profile is laid under the sheet along the cutting line. By clicking on the cut edge, we get a break directly along the openings made. The edges of the cut out of evenness leave much to be desired, but, as mentioned above, they will remain under the sheet laid on top. If there is a need to increase the cutting speed in this way, then from slate nails you can make a comb. That is, into a wooden rail, it is necessary to drive several fasteners, and already with a hammer to beat precisely on the bar on the reverse side. The main thing is to accurately set the nails along the cutting line. Experienced craftsmen used to make holes for the boy of a hammer. For this, an accurate eye was required to get along the laid line. Second. withstanding impact strength. Less power. they did not pierce the panel, you have to repeat the attempt again. And not the fact that after the second blow it will not split. Strongly hit the first time, you can get a large hole or roofing material that was not cracked along the line.

It is also important to know: than and how to paint the slate roof

The last two technologies cannot be called a sharp. They are not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But they have one great dignity. the complete absence of asbestos dust. And this option is low.haired.

disk, slate, flat