Wood Saw Which to Choose

Wood Saw Which to Choose

It is very difficult to do on a private plot or cottage without a hand saw in wood. This tool also has the name “hacksaw”. With this simple device, you can cut trees or branches in the garden, shorten fences and do many more types of work where you need to change the length of a wooden product: boards, laminate, and so on.

It is unlikely that anyone would seriously think about this, but if you make the right choice of a saw, then the period of its operation, as well as the convenience of work and the quality of the cut, will depend on it. That is why it is necessary to know all the basic parameters for the correct choice of such a carpentry tool.

Choose a saw

  • The shape and size of the teeth;
  • Canvas size;
  • Steel grade of which the cloth is made;
  • Handle shape.

If one of the indicated parameters changes, then the saw-hacksaw will radically change its initial characteristics. All these factors must be taken into account when buying a tool for different tasks. And you should always make sure that saw very well sat in the master’s hand, it will greatly facilitate the work. You should not buy a tool with a small pen to a person who has big hands. Such a hacksaw will be very inconvenient to use, and therefore the cut quality will suffer.

Tooth size

This option will greatly affect the speed of work, as well as quality. To conveniently determine the size and number of teeth, a TPI designation has been specifically introduced, which should indicate the number of teeth in one inch. Such a parameter can always be found in the tool description, and also this value is very often drawn directly on the canvas.

  1. Large tooth hacksaw will provide a rough cut, as well as high speed. This parameter will be needed for cutting large boards, firewood and branches. Tpi of such an instrument is 3. 6.
  2. If there is a need to make a neat and even cut, then you need to buy a saw with small teeth. T PI 7. 9. This hacksaw is ideal for sawing chipboard, fiberboard, laminate. But it is worth noting that productivity will be much less than that of a large-toothed hacksaw.

The teeth can also vary in shape, and this will affect the purpose of the tool:

  1. For longitudinal sawing the cloves are made triangular in shape with oblique corners. Their appearance will resemble hooks that are sharpened from 2 sides. Such a saw will slide along the wood fibers and produce a cut very smoothly, without leaving a notch.
  2. For cross cutting teeth are made in the shape of an isosceles triangle. This type of hacksaw is sawed when passing back and forth, but it is advisable to use it only on dry wood.
  3. Mixed sawing is sometimes necessary., and for this option, two types of teeth are ideal, which are alternately arranged one after another. Long curved ones will cut the materials in the forward direction, and triangles during the reverse movement will expand the channel and hook the sawdust and shavings.


Nobody needs a saw to break down after several uses, and therefore it is advisable to choose the highest grades of steel. The teeth can be plain or red-hot. Ordinary are sharpened at home.

Saws with red-hot teeth are disposable, because when they wear out, you can’t do anything on their own. This kind is very easy to detect by dark color. It is advisable to choose a saw that is made of stainless steel, because often in garages it can be very damp, and therefore the saw will be covered with unnecessary corrosion. And often there are situations when work is carried out on the street, but after using the saw, it is forgotten on the site, then it rains, after which the tool also becomes rusty.

Blade length

This parameter will be determined by the pitch of the teeth and the size of the saw.

  1. Small hacksaws are equipped with small and frequent teeth, the length of the blade will not exceed 350 mm.
  2. Universal hacksaws are available with an average tooth size, and the length of the entire tool is no more than 550 mm.
  3. On a wide hacksaw there are large teeth and an increased pitch, the length of the blade is usually not more than 600 mm.

The canvas can vary not only in length, but also in shape. A traditional saw is usually narrowed on one side of a rectangle. This suggests that you have acquired a universal tool with which you can cut various objects. A rounded sheet is usually used to cut branches or other objects from a distance. Such a hacksaw is very light and glides on wood with high quality, without causing much trouble to the owner.


Thanks to the handle, the convenience of any work is carried out. The tool should ideally sit in the hand, and also be very convenient. To make a pen use different plastics that will be pleasant to the touch. When choosing, make sure that the material will not slip, if the hand sweats during operation. It is for this purpose that special grooves and indentations are made in the handle, as well as rubberized pads. It is these parameters that all manufacturers take into account, and therefore produce products that differ in a wide variety of pens.


  1. Classic. This is the main type of hacksaw, which is available in the garage of almost every man. Even the one who has the farthest relation to construction, still acquires such a device. This type of saw can have any length, as well as a different number of teeth. The tool is often equipped with a removable blade, which comes with the kit.
  2. Narrow. Another such hacksaw is called circular. The name appeared because of its use. You can create lines of various shapes with a saw, and everything is done very clearly and accurately. Another such device can be used for sawing various holes. The blade is very narrow, and the teeth are frequent, they are located both on one working plane, and on both. It must be remembered that during operation it is necessary to act very carefully, because if uncertain movements are made, the blade can easily be turned in the opposite direction. That is why it is advisable to buy a canvas made of high-quality and good steel, which will not bend during operation.
  3. With a snap. This type of hacksaw for wood is equipped with a stiffener, which will not allow the blade to bend during cutting the material. That is why the tool can not do low cuts, as the pick will interfere with this process. It is worth noting that this type of saw has a very convenient handle at an angle of 45 degrees. That is why the canvas is very easy to operate.
  4. Luchkovaya. This type of saw is often used in locksmith work. Using a hacksaw, you can cut rough parts of the trunk, cut various figures out of plywood, and also eliminate knots on a tree. Sawing wood can be done both across and along. The use of a beam saw is very wide, and therefore it can often replace a small woodworking machine. But this tool has its drawbacks. The saw is rather bulky. It has a complex structure, and all the bearing parts are made in the form of a curved arc to which a very narrow web will be attached. And you need to work with the tool very carefully, since the canvas is fragile and can very easily break during operation.
  5. Reward. It takes a lot of effort to get comfortable with this type of device. This tool resembles a planer. There are several pens. With the help of such a saw, it is possible to cut out grooves and spikes, to make a deepening of different sizes, and on any wood species.
  6. Folding saw. This type of tool is very convenient, because you can take it with you on vacation or on a hike. It is very light, compact and when folded it will not harm a person. It is worth noting very small teeth, which are well sharpened.

Proper selection

As already found out, there is a wide variety of saws, but the choice of a hacksaw should also be carried out in accordance with certain types of work:

  1. For longitudinal sawing, you must use a swing saw.
  2. Lateral well copes with wood, where there is a transverse arrangement of fibers.
  3. Tenon can cut various grooves and spikes, as well as technological recesses in the tree.
  4. Circular saws holes of various shapes.
  5. A folding hacksaw is used on trees.

The choice should always be made for the main purpose for which a particular tool is purchased. For a household, a saw with interchangeable blades is suitable, and it is also desirable to have several types of cutting tools at home.

Selection tips

It is very difficult to master all the information and choose exactly the saw that is suitable for a particular situation. That is why it is advisable to study some more tips that will help you choose the right hacksaw.

Which wood hacksaw is better? You should not ask such a question, because each tool is useful for a specific situation. Therefore, you need to know how to choose a hacksaw for wood depending on the purpose. By following these simple rules, you can easily find the right tool that is right for you.