Which Side Angle Grinder is Unscrewed

How to remove a disk from an angle grinder. Angle grinder (hereinafter referred to as angle grinder), popularly referred to as angle grinder, is probably the most demanded inventory, which is present in the arsenal of almost every master, regardless of his qualifications.

Which Side Angle Grinder is Unscrewed

This tool is actively used in abrasive processing: cutting, grinding, cleaning of workpieces made of stone, metal and many others. It is widely used in areas such as: construction, woodworking and other similar types of work. Like any other tool, an angle grinder is also not divided into several classes.

The following are meant: household, semi-professional and professional class tools. This classification is determined by the power resource of the tool, its productivity, the presence of certain additional options, material and build quality, etc.

In addition to various types of cleaning brushes, consumables for angle grinders are cutting wheels and a variety of grinding discs. Types of accessories for angle grinder: how to make the right choice?

Disks for an angle grinder differ among themselves according to the following main signs:

  1. Outside diameter;
  2. Disc thickness;
  3. The material of which the disc itself is made;
  4. The characteristic of maximum rotation speed;
  5. And, of course, the area of ​​proposed work.

For the best understanding, let’s look at the main types of disks for an angle grinder and give a definition of their application:

  1. Cutting wheels. These are the most widely used consumables for angle grinder. Their main purpose is to work with metal, stone and wood. A variety of cutting wheels for an angle grinder are diamond blades. This is a heavy-duty tool for processing materials of increased strength, such as reinforced concrete, tile, porcelain tile, marble.
  2. Grinding and grinding wheels. As the name implies, this type of disc is used for grinding various materials, for example, polishing products made of stone, or for removing (peeling) the top layer, for example, eliminating a layer of rust or old paint coating.

Cutting wheels for an angle grinder, in turn, have their subspecies, such as:

  • Cutting wheels for metal work;
  • Abrasive wheels for working with stone;
  • Circles for woodwork;
  • Diamond blades (mentioned above).

The purpose of each type of drive usually corresponds to its name.

Among the grinding disks, there are four main subtypes. Lobed, wire, diamond and grinding disks on a bakelite basis (straight lines, T41 profile and disk-shaped, T27 profile).

  1. The petal disc is made of sandpaper. Its main purpose. It is the elimination of an existing coating, such as old paint, a primer or a coat of paint. Also, disks of this type are polished wooden products.
  2. Wire discs are used by craftsmen to remove rust. They can also remove other types of persistent pollution.
  3. Diamond blades are used for stone polishing.
  4. Plate discs are made of plastic or rubber and used to polish metal surfaces.

Please note: in the process of work with most discs, a special paste or grease is used, which contains finely ground abrasives. They are mainly used when grinding surfaces, such as, for example, car body parts.

The main question: How to choose the right disk for an angle grinder?

When choosing equipment for angle grinders, first of all, you should decide on the type of proposed work. The choice of the type of disk will depend on this. We also want to mention that when choosing a consumable, be sure to consider the power characteristics of each specific model. Read the labeling. Often, it is applied to the disc itself and includes a set of characters by which you can determine the relevance of this consumable for performing the proposed work.

Also, focus your attention on such a parameter as the diameter of the disk. In no case should it exceed the size of the protective cover on a specific model of the tool. The size range of discs is usually represented by the following diameters: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. The most common diameters are 125 mm. And 230 mm. They are optimal for most types of work and the capabilities of the tool itself.

Among the Bakelite-based grinding discs, the most popular are 6.00 mm thick discs. This parameter depends on the total disk diameter. The dependence is as follows: the larger the diameter of the disk, the greater its thickness and vice versa.

How to put the disc on the angle grinder?

To correctly place the disk on the angle grinder, it is first worth noting that the disk is mounted on the spindle of the angle grinder using a special clamping flange with M14 thread. Let’s take a closer look at how to remove a disc from an angle grinder. In order to unscrew the disk from the angle grinder, you first need to dismantle the flange. Especially for such purposes, manufacturers complete the angle grinder with a special open-end wrench. It has a specific shape. The pins located on the horns of this key are inserted into specially provided holes on the flange.

To unscrew the flange, we fix the spindle. To do this, we clamp the latch, which is usually a button on the top of the case. When pressed, the cotter pin is placed in the hole of the driven disk of the gearbox, and this, in turn, prevents its rotation. Next, insert the key pins into the specially provided holes on the flange, pressing the latch must be simultaneously turned counterclockwise and move the flange in place. If the manipulations were successful and the flange succumbed, you can unscrew it by hand and put it aside.

Now dismantle the disk. Often, in the process of intensive work with the tool on the inner side of the protective casing, a certain coating forms from small particles of metal and abrasive material. For optimal, stable and durable operation, an angle grinder, remove the bottom of the flange and clean the casing with a steel brush.

To install a new disk, after cleaning the casing, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Install the lower flange in its place;
  2. We put a special gasket on top of it (in case the gaskets are not provided, they can be cut independently. Cardboard or tin will be the optimal material).
  3. Install the disk;
  4. We put the second gasket;
  5. We install the upper flange from above;
  6. We wrap the upper flange by hand in the opposite direction from the rotation of the circle, an angle grinder, while holding the disc itself;
  7. Next, again press the lock button and scroll the flange by hand until you feel resistance;
  8. At the final stage, we finish fixing using the same open-end wrench. To do this, insert the key into the holes and scroll a little more. Remember that you need to tighten it by no more than a quarter of a turn, since in case of excessive fixation of the flange, the disk will become unusable.
  9. Before starting work, be sure to spin the disk idle for at least 30 seconds.

After all the actions performed, you can safely continue to do the work.

One of the most frequently asked questions about mounting / dismounting the angle grinder equipment is: “Which side should the disc be placed on the angle grinder?”.

Usually, inexperienced masters ask this question. Is it possible to set the circle to the wrong side. Yes. Firstly, if the disk is not flat, but, for example, petal, then you will not be able to install it incorrectly, if the petals are not located correctly, simply twist the casing and handle onto the angle grinder. That is, the question disappears by itself.

If the circle is still flat, then you should focus on its label, the so-called “shirt”.

If the angle grinder rotates on itself, the disk should be installed with a “jacket” outward, if the disk is spinning away from itself, then, accordingly, it must be installed with a “shirt” inward.

If you do not adhere to this algorithm, there is a high probability that the disk will very quickly fail or immediately become deformed.

What to do if the angle grinder has jammed (bitten) a disk?

Everyone who has experience working intensively with an angle grinder must have experienced such a situation at least once.

Usually, this happens if the disk clamps between the parts, it stops or breaks, and the engine, the angle grinder continues to rotate and thus tightens the nut irrevocably.

So what can you do if you bit a disk onto an angle grinder?

Each master has his own secrets. Especially for you, we learned a few of them and now we will share the most common ways to get out of the situation.

Method number 1 to remove the disk from the angle grinder

First, figure out which direction to unscrew the nut.

The flange must always be folded in the direction in which the disk rotates.

For this kind of work, you will need either two gas keys or two clamps.

Here’s what you need to do: we destroy the remnants of the disk, with one key we fix the washer located behind the disk, with the second we unscrew the flange.

Method number 2 to remove the disk from the angle grinder

This method involves the use of the famous lubricant VD-40.

It is probably like electrical tape, applicable in all cases of life.

You need to sprinkle the flange, wait about 5 minutes and try to unscrew it with a wrench.

Method number 3 to remove the disk from the angle grinder

This method is used in extreme cases.

Method number 4 to remove the disk from the angle grinder

How to exchange a disk for an angle grinder to avoid disassembling the tool and intensive impact on it? To do this, cut the disk as far as possible, dismantle the protective casing of the angle grinder and remove the rest of the circle with a hacksaw.

When carrying out all the above manipulations, do not forget about safety measures.

Take care of yourself and the safety of your instrument.

Make it a rule that the replacement of cutting and grinding wheels with an angle grinder is carried out in working gloves, and the work itself must be carried out with special safety glasses.