How to align the plow on the power tiller.

Adjusting and tuning the plow for power tillers. video, photo

After the previous steps have been done, it’s time for one last adjustment so that the subsequent furrowing will go easily. To do this, park the single-axle tractor at the edge of the field, drive the plough into the ground and make the first furrow

At this stage, it is important to keep a straight line for the trimmer, so that the subsequent passes were also straight. A peg line or other reference point can be helpful here

Then one wheel of the single axle tractor is placed in the furrow and the plow is oriented so that it is perpendicular to the ground, to do this accurately, use an angle piece. If you are uncomfortable doing it in the ground, set the single-axle tractor on a flat surface, putting under one wheel a stand corresponding to the depth of the furrow. The plough adjustment is now complete and you can start the second, third furrow.

Setting the plunging depth

Crop yields depend on plowing depth. When it is too high, the weed roots will stay intact and choke the seedlings at the start. If you lower the implement too far, the fertile soil will be lost and the seedlings will not receive the nutrition they need.

plow, power, tiller

The ploughing depth should be adjusted on level ground. This should preferably be done on asphalt. During ploughing the implement moves at an angle. its right wheel is in the track and the opposite is on an uncultivated area. This means placing an object under the left wheel. Its height is the diving depth.

Setting is done with a special wheel. The more it is lowered, the higher the working body is. The wheel should be shifted by as much as the left side of the equipment is raised.

How to plow with a power tiller?

A single-axle tractor. a universal unit for agricultural work on the homestead or dacha plot. It can be used to plow land, plant and harvest. The purchase of such equipment will greatly facilitate agricultural work.

With the help of power tillers can perform various types of agricultural work. Depending on the size of the cultivated area and demand for equipment in different areas, equipment is purchased in light, medium and heavy class.


Such mini-machinery is often called a power tiller. Its power does not exceed 4 and a half horsepower, so it is cheaper than medium and large machines. The pluses include the light weight of the monoblock and the accessibility of handling awkward areas due to the small grip of the cutter.

The disadvantage is the rapid overheating of low-power motor, and therefore, to work such technique will have a short time. In addition, the depth of dug-up ground is less than that of a heavy power tiller. In addition, lightweight equipment has no mounts for additional equipment.


This equipment has rear wheel drive. Engine power. 5-12 horsepower. The device is able to process an area of half an hectare. A single-axle tractor weighs from 50 to 70 kg; most tractors in this category can be fitted with a plow and other equipment.

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Such machinery has two gears, a headlamp. Compared to a heavy power tiller a medium-sized one is more maneuverable, but its plowing depth does not exceed 12 cm. And this is unacceptable for planting some plants


This equipment can plow large areas well in excess of half a hectare. Engine power 12-30 horsepower. A heavy power tiller can be attached to a plough, a trailer, an arrow, a potato weeder and other equipment. Such equipment is easier and several times faster to work with than light and medium equipment. It has adjustable steering wheel and wheels.

The disadvantages include the heavy weight of the model, lack of access to non-standard areas of the surface. Besides, it takes a lot of effort to turn such machines. As for the types of plows to the motor-block, they can be reversible with two bodies, which plow the soil with the help of the moldboard, or rotary, plowing the ground thanks to the rotating discs.

Varieties and features of plows on the Neva single axle tractor

Autumn and spring plowing of the soil is unthinkable without a power tiller and a mounted plow for it, which cuts and overturns the top layer of soil. Gardeners often want to replace the plow with a cheaper alternative, such as a tiller.

Power tillers are perfect for tilling light, pre-splowed ground. for example, in springtime for seedbed preparation. For a wider range of tasks, we recommend opting for a universal plough on a Neva single axle tractor.

1 Types of ploughs

The plow for the Neva power tiller has a standard design and, thanks to universal mountings, can be aggregated with most models of popular among dacha farmers power tillers. In fact, it is a trailed cart to the tiller, the working surface of which is equipped with plunging teeth and an adjusting lever that determines the depth of tillage. For light soil treatment as an alternative to the plow, snow plows for the Neva MB2 power tiller are also used.

Attachments for the Neva power tiller

Snowplow unit of this brand has a similar design, each cutter in its configuration is larger in width than that of a classic tiller, and the cost of components for the MB power tiller is affordable. The snow plow is designed to work with large masses of snow. weighting the system enough to work with the top layer of soil as well.

  • Single. simple single-hulled models with simple plowshares, used for processing light, unclogged soil;
  • Reversible. a tiller in these products is curved and helps to turn the topsoil at the same time;
  • rotary. such ploughs are equipped with several blades, their productivity and efficiency is much higher.

1.1 Reversible plow

A reversible power tiller plough is mostly collapsible. Components of this type of plough are made of solid structural steel and are multidirectional. So there is no need to return to the beginning of the row like with a simple monohull plough. The shape of the share and its component heel are universally applicable. this type of equipment is suitable for any kind of soil cultivation.

1.2 Rotary models

The rotary plough includes several curved ploughshares placed along one axis. Motor cultivator pulls the plough behind itself in the process of work, each cutter grips and overturns the top layer of soil during ploughing, providing treatment to a depth of up to 300 mm. The rotary model is also versatile in that it allows you to work on irregularly shaped areas. it’s easier to operate and requires minimal effort.

In addition to plows, the following types of attachments for power tillers Neva are also popular among farmers and dacha owners, which can be bought inexpensively today:

  • Snow plow for the Neva power tiller;
  • Trailers to Neva power tillers (a cart for a Neva power tiller can also be constructed from improvised means);
  • Weights and pulleys for Neva power tillers.

2 Plough adjustment

The advantages of attachments for the Neva. complete with additional weights that allow you to adjust the weighting, and extensions of the semi-axles.

Installing and adjusting the plow on your power tiller is easy because of its versatile design. Coupling with the main equipment, as well as coupling with other aggregated elements, is carried out with the help of a bracket. Before setting the plough on the power tiller, it is necessary to change the wheels for the Neva power tiller. the replacement process is easier when the tiller is mounted on the stand. Set the tines so that the narrowed side faces in the direction of travel.

Setting up a plow before use is done in two steps:

After the coupling has been fitted and secured with the adjustment screw, the equipment can be adjusted. To do this, keep the heel of the plough parallel to the furrow line and secure it with the adjustment screw. The handlebar of the power tiller is positioned centrally in relation to the adjustment screw.

Correct adjustment if the plough blades are perpendicular to the furrow when travelling the first row. It is easier to assess the position of the tines at a low plowing speed.

The plow on the power tiller: adjustment parameters and step-by-step instructions

In this article we will cover such topics as how to prepare a power tiller for work, how to properly install a mounted plow on it. Also, how to properly adjust it, and in

Plowing the plot

Adjustment of the plow on the power tiller is very important, so before the work it is necessary to make a test plowing, which will give an opportunity to assess the adjustment. This process involves these steps:

Assessment of furrow depth and blade quality; Assessment of plow stroke in furrow; Assessment of motorized load; Assessment of hand load.

Only after a complete check can you start the main work. If at least one factor does not meet the requirements, you will need to re-adjust the mechanism. The plowing process itself consists of the following processes:

For final plowing, position the mini-tractor at the edge of the field where you plan to make the furrow.

Keep the steering wheel parallel to the ground. You don’t have to push hard on the steering wheel and the single axle tractor while working. it does the job all by itself. The main thing is not to stop holding the rudder parallel to the ground, so that the mechanism does not sink into the soil or rise up;

Having finished making the initial furrow, check its depth from the bottom of the furrow to the ridge. If the plowing depth is 15 to 18 cm, you can start the basic process.

How to make a disc plow on a single axle tractor?

The disc plow-tiller. this is a very useful device that allows you to prepare even furrows for planting potatoes and other tuber crops. Before you start making this plough, read the blueprints. By them you will be able to control the progress of the assembly and prevent errors. The procedure for making a disc plow on a single-axle tractor is as follows:

  • The base of the plough is the support angle. For its manufacture, use an equilateral angle, the shelves of which in the cold state should converge at an angle of 70 °;
  • Weld a sock to the angle. After that through the thrust strip weld the heel;
  • Fasten the jaws to the support bracket with hinges. The distance between the corner and the jaws should be such that when you open them, their ends do not touch each other;
  • Weld the swivel mechanism to the stop angle so that the support part of the mechanism is perpendicular to the angle.

Adjust the plough’s cheeks at the end. To do this, use a vice to fix each one in place and adjust it so that it is finally bent in the opposite direction to one another.

Rules for ploughing with a power tiller

Technologically, this process is not complicated, but it requires some compliance with generally accepted rules, which ensures maximum efficiency of the process and quality of the result.

  • To begin with the machine is set on the edge of the field, the gear is set to maximum, and thus, the single-axle tractor is moved forward from itself towards the opposite edge of the plot, holding it by the handles.
  • At the end make a U-turn at 1800 and make a similar pass. It is important to remember that each subsequent comb should be placed in maximum 10 cm from the previous one. This is easily achieved by guiding the right hand side of the plough body in the middle of the next furrow.
  • In the beginning it is recommended to go at low speed, controlling on the first section the evenness of the line, perpendicularity of the plow position to the ground and depth of the result. If any of these parameters does not meet expectations, the work is interrupted and the technique is readjusted accordingly. Ideally, it should not move jerkily, it is also not allowed to bury the nose of the ploughshare deep into the soil. The speed can then be increased.

It is recommended to plow hard soils and early fallow land at least twice: first at a shallower depth and then at a higher depth.

Peculiarities of shallow plowing

How to plough a fallow field correctly? For quality processing we will need:

  • A minimum of 100 kg with a power tiller. If it is lighter the plough just won’t budge.
  • A rotary plough that includes a tiller, gear unit for connection to a power tiller, and transport wheels.
  • The use of special weight in the form of ballast is not superfluous.

The work of plowing the virgin land should be done in stages, each time deepening more and more. In addition, the moisture of the soil will make it easier to work with.

Useful to know! The direction of ploughing needs to be changed every year, because the soil layer is constantly shifting.

Very popular with gardeners are such models of power tillers as Neva, MTZ, Khoper, Kentavr. In addition to plowing, they also provide for other agricultural work.

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Potatoes are often ploughed with power tillers, i.e. instead of a plough, a hoe is used. It penetrates the ground to a shallower depth, and thus differs from the first.

They also use it for harvesting. For this purpose, a special canopy is used, which raises the ground. It is then poured over the sieve like a sieve, and only the root crops remain on the surface.

Frequent problems and solutions

Remember that plows are structurally different. The general adjustment process is similar, but the elements by which the adjustment occurs may differ. Read the instructions that come with the device before you connect and set it up.

This also applies to the power tiller. Check with your operator’s manual if the wheels should be changed for trailing shoes and what size they should be. It is recommended to install weights on light- and medium-class power tillers, so that the machine is lowered under the weight of the machine. If a plow is properly adjusted but the machine is stuck, it means the machine is too big for your power tiller. This problem may be solved by mounting weights.

When selecting a machine, consider the power of your power tiller. The heavier the machine, the larger in diameter the plow can be installed. Heavy diesel power tillers are fitted with dual-hulled devices that increase tillage productivity.

The plough’s design is simple and clear. the main thing is to pay attention to the machine itself and to think sensibly when connecting it. Remember that you have to care for the unit just as you care for your power tiller. Clean your power tool after ploughing, avoid stony soils and maintain your helper in good time.

plow, power, tiller