Where you can sharpen a knife -free saw. Kryatovka mixed type

How to work with a two.handed saw and making a comfortable hacksaw with your own hands

If the chainsaw has broken, the gasoline ended or the manual hacksaw is not suitable for the cut of a thick log, then for this there is such a tool as a two-handed saw, better known among the people, like friendship-2. Previously, such a device performed work on sawing thick logs and large trees. Today, friendship-2, although it has reduced the position of popularity, it continues to be used in the household. To simplify the use of a two.handed saw on wood, consider the process how to make the tool even more convenient and practical, and find out the effectiveness of the use of the cutting device.

Surely everyone knows this type of chainsaw, which is called “friendship”. The next model of the chainsaw was supposed to receive the appropriate name with the prefix “Two”, but the name “Friendship-2” went to such a cutting device as a two-handed saw. It got its name due to design features. The two.handed transverse saw is designed to work in pairs, and not just together. In pairs. this means well.coordinated friendly work by the device, from where such a name actually originated under the USSR.

The Soviet two.handed saw was popular, since its main advantage is in a low cost. In the days of the USSR, few could afford the purchase of a specialized tool. a chainsaw, which cost cosmic money. Drinking thick logs and large trees with a hand hacksaw is not only hard, but this also needs a lot of time. That is why such a type of cutting unit appeared as friendship-2.

Even if now in your garage or in the attic is a two.handed saw of the time of the USSR, then do not rush to get rid of it. You can not only saw trees and logs, but also make different tools, for example, a knife or a hand saw. If you remembered that in the garage a hacksaw for two handles is dusting somewhere, then it’s time to find out all its advantages and opportunities.

Design features of the file

This tool for two is also called a transverse saw, which belongs to the category of manual devices, and is used mainly for sawing wood materials of different sizes and thicknesses. For this, the saw has different lengths of paintings. from one meter to two. It is inconvenient to hold such a long canvas, so there are two handles in the design of the device. Not only in Soviet times, but today the release of two.handed hacksaws in compliance with standard sizes continues:

The canvas does not have a straight shape, but rounded, which is done specifically to increase the efficiency of sawing, as well as reduce the load. The teeth on the canvases are large compared to manual hacksaws, and their size is 20 mm. Even if you use a meter saw, then working with it is inconveniently inconvenient. There are several reasons for this:

  • Long length does not allow a strong scope to the sawer
  • Large teeth of the saw hardly bite into a tree, and therefore the sawer alone will not cope with the incitement of the cutting device
  • Strong vibration helps to increase the load, as well as a decrease in the effectiveness of the actions performed

Saws with a canvas 1000 and 1250 mm are popular due to the fact that they have a simplified design. Scabings with canvases of 1500 and 1750 mm were used mainly in industry for sawing building and wood materials. In the household, if they meet, then exclusively saws with a canvas 1 m and 1.25 m. They have classic triangular links, the sharpening angle of which varies from 35 to 70 degrees.

  • For sawing dry and frozen logs, it is recommended to use a transverse saw with an angle of sharpening of teeth at 50-70 degrees
  • For sawing soft wood, a tool with prisoning of links at an angle of 35-40 degrees is used

Two.handed saws with canvases from 1.5 meters have a complex design, which simplifies the use of a large aggregate. Special sharpening and shape of teeth on large files is needed to perform high.quality and fast sawing material. The principle of sawing with a hacksaw with a long canvas (1.5-1.75m) differs from the operation of the saw by 1m and 1.25m in that half of the teeth is responsible for cutting the fibers, and the second part contributes to the rapid and efficient removal of the chips from under the place of cutting.

It is interesting! If ordinary hacksaws on wood and two.handed saws up to 1.25 meters can be sharpened independently, then a hacksaw with a canvas is more than 1.5 meters, which has a complex shape of the teeth, can be hidden exclusively by specialists with extensive experience and experience.

If I fell into the hands of a saw with a complex shape of the teeth, then do not rush to sharpen it at home. If you do not take into account the difference between the shares of millimeters in the complex design of the teeth, then the attempt to restore integrity will lead to the complete damage of the two.handed saw. The consequences will be approximately as follows:

  • If the difference in the ratio of angles between cutting and cleansing teeth is reduced to one value, then instead of sawing, the canvas will tear the wood and only complicate the physical labor of sawmills
  • If the difference in the ratio of the teeth is large, then the chips from the site of the cut will not be effectively displayed, which will also complicate the work

That is why the sharpening of the transverse saw requires an appropriate and competent approach. The principle of sharpening a two.handed saw from 1 m to 1.25 m is similar to the process of pulling the teeth of manual hacksaws.

Quick way to sharpen manual saw with a corner grinder

A very quick way to sharpen an old or new manual saw with such a tool as an angular grinder (angular grinder). You will need only 5-10 minutes so that all the teeth of your hacksaw purchase pristine sharpness. This sharpening technique is designed exclusively for experienced users, those who work with a corner grinder work not the first day.

Sharpening of a saw with corner grinders

The first thing you need is to squeeze the saw well. It is better to use two clamps along the edges. With any manipulation, the canvas should not “play”, and even more so shift to the side.It is desirable to clamp the canvas horizontally, parallel to the plane of the workbench.

On the corner grinder, we set the circle if possible with fine granularity. Run the tool and hardly drag each tooth at an angle of one side. First we sharpen one side of the tooth, then we go in the opposite direction and already pull the other side of the tooth.

If the saw clamps with a file, then you should check the wiring of the teeth. The thickness of the wiring should be at least two thicknesses of the canvas of the hacksaw.In general, it took about 5 minutes to sharpen the saw. With preparation no more than 10.Do not forget about safety precautions when working with a manual electric tool. Corner grinder is a particularly dangerous tool with which you need to be particularly careful.If you do not have sufficient experience when working with a corner grinder, then I recommend that you abandon this methodology.

How to wrap a saw and what it is

Sharpening of a hacksaw is not a complicated procedure that begins with a process such as wiring teeth. This procedure is carried out with one simple purpose. it is to provide a free move of the canvas when working as a tool. The lack of wiring leads to the fact that the tool will get stuck in the thickness of the sawing workpiece, which will cause inconvenience in work.

Strength wiring is a procedure that provides for extension of the teeth in different directions. At the same time, the main thing is that each tooth is bent on the same value with the previous. The larger the value of the tooth deviation from the plane of the canvas, the greater the width of the cut. The larger the width of the drink, the higher the process of breeding chips from the cut, which means that useful work is performed faster.

The possibility of jamming of the canvas depends on the width of the wiring. The larger the width of the wiring, the less chance that the canvas will jam inside the sawing blank. What should be the size of the teeth divorce, far from many people know. However, this parameter must be taken into account, since the quality of the tool depends on it. The size of the teeth wiring, first of all, depends on the thickness of the steel canvas. This parameter is usually from 0.5 to 2 mm. It also depends on the type of wood (dry or raw) with which it is planned to work:

  • For raw wood, the magnitude of the extension should be in the range from 0.5 to 1 mm. The thicker the canvas, the more there should be a breakdown
  • For dry wood, the magnitude of the extension is from 0.3 to 0.5 mm

To identify the wiring, a special device is used. a template that can be made independently from a piece of timber. Photos of such a device on the image below.

Number 1 shows a template, and 2 is the size of the teeth divorce, and 3 is a knife canvas.

When the magnitude for which the teeth needs to be divided, you can start the case. To implement the action, special devices are used. It is not necessary to use these devices, as a regular screwdriver with a wide sting is suitable. The disadvantage of a special device for wiring the hacksaw teeth is that the price of such a device in the form of ticks is quite high.

Instead of special ticks, you can use the divorce plates. The design of this tool has manual setting and emphasis. The extension process begins with the fact that the canvas needs to be fixed in the sponges of the vice, and then begin to work. First you need to go one side, and then repeat the procedure with the other. over, you need to bend the teeth not for the cutter itself (base or acute part), but from the middle.

It is interesting! As soon as the teeth are straightened at the same distance, you will also need to carry out the procedure for aligning the height of the cutting parts. To identify which teeth have a greater height in relation to others, you should press the canvas with a cutting part to a piece of paper. A fingerprint will be displayed on a piece of paper, which is not difficult to identify which teeth need to shorten. To shorten them, you can use a flat file.

How to sharpen the teeth of a hacksaw on wood yourself instructions

Wiring and alignment of the height of cutting teeth is a preparatory stage for sharpening a hacksaw. Now, in order to sharpen a hacksaw on a tree, you will need to fix the canvas in the sponges of the vice again. How to properly sharpen a hacksaw on wood, not many know, so you can often meet masters who buy new tools instead of restoring the performance of old.

Work is done at home, and the whole process takes no more than half an hour of time. First you need to take the files or triangular shape files that have a small notch. When choosing a trihedral file, you need to take into account its size. It should be small so that its edges are taken to the deepening between the teeth. It is necessary to use a file with a fine notch, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the necessary sharpening sharpening.

Having found out all the nuances, we will deal with the sequence of actions. how to properly natures wood:

  • The tool canvas is fixed in a vice. So that it does not vibrate in the process, it should be clamped as close to the teeth as possible, but at the same time, without touching them, otherwise the wiring will be broken
  • A file is taken into the hands. with one hand you need to take it by the handle, and the second by the tip
  • The angle of sharpening is usually from 15 to 30 degrees, which is detected exclusively by eye. If the tool has not a strong erasing of the teeth, then this angle can be traced
  • We take the appropriate pose when performing work. To do this, the file must be placed in relation to the canvas at an angle of 30-45 degrees (at the lower point of contact)
  • The movements of the file should be uniform, clear and fast. Move the file only in one direction. from the bottom up. The number of passages by the file is 3-5 times for each inter-jub. The number of movements can be more, which depends on the degree of bluntness of the tool
  • First you need to go through the tool on one side of the canvas, and then on the other

When sharpening, it is also necessary to consider the pressure with a file on the hidden teeth. It should be medium so that each subsequent passage removes metal, and not fidgets on the teeth. This process is not difficult, however, for the passage between each beveter, time and patience are required.

How to understand that the teeth are sharpened enough? To do this, look at the teeth of the tool through sunlight. A glue between each tooth suggests that the procedure is completed successfully, and the tool is ready for use.

The process under consideration is not difficult, and if you deal with its principle, then the sharpening of the hacksaw will turn into pleasure. Many do not want to waste time on manual work with a file, so they use corner grinding for sharpening for sharpening. We’ll figure out how to sharpen a hand hacksaw with a corner grinder, and is it really possible to do it.

Wrestling of teeth

It all starts with checking the distance between the teeth. It is intended so that the saw does not clin in the puncture. It should be adjusted to the type of wood with which you most often have to work. If you have to work with solid wood, the teeth are divorced 1.5-2 times larger than the thickness of the canvas. For soft wood, the teeth at the hacksaw should be diluted at a distance of 2-3 times more.

One of the key points when performing the wiring is the preservation of uniformity. If the teeth of the saw are bent to a different distance from the center, this will lead to constant wedges and deterioration of the cut quality and the speed of sawing wood. Therefore, it is recommended to use a device for divorce of teeth, which is called. “wiring”. Thanks to the stop, with its help it is impossible to bend the tooth over a greater distance than provided by the standard.

The teeth are divided into two groups through one and bent sequentially along the entire length of the cutting side of the canvas. First, this procedure is carried out for one group, in which diluted teeth should be bent in a certain direction, then it is repeated for the opposite direction.

Alignment of height

After the wiring was performed, the hacksaw must be checked for the same height of the teeth. Since the effort could be used unevenly, there is a chance of the appearance of teeth with less wear that will protrude over the rest.

To identify such teeth on a hacksaw, you can use the simple method. It will need thick paper or cardboard along the length of the cutting canvas. The sheet must be put on a flat surface, for example, the table, well aligned, and then press the cutting part of the canvas with force. Teeth that are knocked out of the general row will make deeper dents on the surface.

Thanks to this, they can be easily detected and adjusted before sharpening starts. To remove excess heights, various subfilles are used. During the performance of this work, one should strive to maintain the shape of each tooth of a hacksaw as much as possible.

Why and when to sharpen?

Qualified experts know the following signs indicating the imminent failure of the saw:

  • When cutting wood, the hacksaw begins to sound differently;
  • It is visually noticeable that the ends of the teeth twisted, lost their severity;
  • The color of the teeth changes;
  • the force increases during sawing;
  • The direction of the saw is poorly aged;
  • frequent jamming jamming in the wood occur.

Breeding of teeth must be preceded by the process of teeth tightening. During breeding, the teeth should be reached from the plane of the hacksaw left and right at a certain angle. Too small angle of teeth deviation will lead to the fact that the teeth will be “planted” in a tree. And, on the contrary, too much the angle of deviation of the teeth makes the cut too wide, increases the amount of waste (sawdust) and requires too much muscle energy costs for the extension of the hacksaw. The purpose of the teeth is restored is to restore the next geometry of the teeth:

Important! Sharpet hardened to be sharpened. They have black with a bluish tint.

Pilary wiring

During the breeding of the saw, one should not forget about the uniformity of bending all the teeth at the same angle so that there is no increase in the resistance of the broke and high wear of the metal. Start to bend the teeth from the middle. If you try to bend them at the very base, you can damage the blade. The teeth are deviated from the canvas through one, that is, every one teeth to the left, every odd to the right. Visually and without the use of tools, only an experimental carpenter can determine wiring. Such skills come only after breeding of teeth in many dozens of hacksaws.

In the absence of such experience, a special tool comes to the rescue. The most affordable option is the usual flat plate of steel. It makes a gap, into which the habits should be included in virtually no gap. The wiring process is performed as follows:

  • The hacksaw is clamped so that the teeth are a little visible above the clamp;
  • Each tooth is clamped by the wiring groove and bend to the middle;
  • The angle of dilution should be under constant control;
  • Each even tooth is bent to the left in a row, then every odd one. to the right or in the reverse order.

At different heights of the teeth, sawing wood will not be effective, since the teeth of a larger height will wear out more due to a greater load, and teeth of a lower height will not take part in work at all. The links of the canvas will be uneven, twitching. There will also be claims to the accuracy of sawing and the quality of the surfaces of the sections. To align the teeth in height is necessary before sharpening. The height is checked as follows:

  • The teeth are pressed against the paper that lies on a flat surface;
  • The canvas is printed on it;
  • The height of the teeth is determined by the profile of the print.

To align teeth with a difference in height, the canvas must be clamped in a locksmith and an excess metal. If the teeth have a greater difference in height, you need to choose the average value and try to adjust the maximum possible number of them to it.

General sharpening requirements

You can sharpen a hacksaw on wood in the usual vice, but it is inconvenient and takes a lot of time. It is better to use the so.called multi.horde vice, the bed of which is rotated and fixed at a certain angle so that the work of the file is horizontal.There is also a specialized device that clamps the blade at angles of 90 ° and 45 ° to the plane of the desktop. It is attached to the layout of the clamp. The working area must be well lit by the lamp on a flexible neck. Such equipment for sharpening hacksaws on wood can be purchased in an instrumental store, or you can make it yourself.

Based on wood 2 × 5 cm in size from a bar with a thickness of 2 cm, two rectangular isosceles triangles and a steel plate of 20 × 3 mm are attached. The supporting plane-spaces of plywood or OSB with a thickness of one and a half centimeters with dates of 15 × 40 cm are attached to the triangles and the same plate, the same plate, is fixed to it from below on hinges. The plates are tightened with screws or studs with nuts. lambs. If installation is required at an angle of 45 °, the plates are fixed to the hypotenes of the support triangles, and if 90 °, then to the legs.

To sharpen the saw, you will also need several files that differ in the cross.section and step of the notch. All of them should be serviceable, without beaten or dusty lines of notches. To sharpen the saw on wood, the file must be moved smoothly, with constant pressure and at a constant angle. The working movement of the file is carried out “from yourself”. It should easily stretch on itself, practically without touching the surface of the metal.

How to sharpen a knife on a wood with a file

To sharpen the blade of a hand saw, you need to clamp between the equipment of the equipment so that the teeth towers one and a half to two centimeters above them. For various types of canvases, the sharpening of a hacksaw on wood is carried out in its own way.

To properly sharpen the transverse hacksaw, the blade should be set under 45 °, the file should be selected with a triangular transverse profile.To ensure the proper quality of sharpening, the following sequence of actions must be observed:

  • sharpen the left edges of even (distant from the master) teeth;
  • turn the canvas;
  • sharpen the left edges of even teeth;
  • Form sharp cutting faces and pointed peaks

To sharpen a longitudinal or universal hacksaw, it should be fixed at an angle of 90 °. Here you need a file with a diamond transverse section. The file moves in the plane of the desktop. The sequence of sharpening the teeth is the same as for transverse hacksaws.In the course of work on non.sharpened faces, there are usually burrs, large or smaller, depending on the thickness of the canvas of the hacksaw. They should be smoothed out by a “velvet” file or abrasive bar minimum granularity. The quality of sharpening can be checked in two ways:

  • To the touch. Sharpness should be felt, burrs should not be felt.
  • By color. On properly sharpened faces during lighting, there are no x glare.

The quality is also checked by a trial cut. The hacksaw should not be taken to the side, the surface of the saw should be smooth, without soaked wood fibers.

How easy it is to sharpen a hacksaw and properly dilute the teeth

If the old hacksaw is swept away, you need to update the teeth wiring on it and sharpening. After that, she will saw as a new. Sharpen a hacksaw is much more profitable than changing it, so this skill will definitely come in handy.

What is required:

Before sharpening, you need to wrap the teeth. In the absence of a special tool for this, it can be made with a thin steel plate. When wiring with a large flight, a drink is done on it in height of the tooth.

How to Sharpen a Knife! #shorts #sharpie #diy

Then each tooth clings with a cut on the plate and bends one in one direction, then missed in the opposite. In general, each of them should bend in the same direction in which he was originally tilted, then only with a large flight.

Even easier wiring is made simply with a smooth plate. It is inserted between the teeth and is turned to become with the canvas in parallel. From this movement, the tooth is bent. Then it is turned in the other direction and the next tooth in the opposite direction. In this way, wiring is already obtained, but with the same flight on each tooth.

Then you need to sharpen each tooth bent from yourself. To do this, the triangular file is applied to the canvas at an angle of 35-40 °. Both ribs of tooth. The file is only under. There are enough 4-8 movements for each face, it all depends on the degree of wear of the file.

Then the hacksaw is turned in a vice, and the remaining teeth are sharpened. After that, she will saw a tree like butter. When the hacksaw is inexpressible, this procedure is repeated once every couple of years, or even less often.

How easy to sharpen a saw

Simple and accessible to every way to sharpen a saw or hacksaw on wood with your own hands. Do not explain how important a good tool is for a real master. And in order for the permanent saw to be in a worker, the master must not only be able to use it, but also be able to grind it, if it suddenly dulls.In some cases, the saw is supplied by the manufacturer without any sharpening:

We pull the saw with a file

To sharpen the saw, you need a triangular file.We clamp the canvas of the hacksaw in a vice and at an angle of about 45 degrees, begin the alternate sharpening of each tooth. First we sharpen through one side, then turn the canvas and sharpen the teeth on the other side.This is the most common and absolutely affordable way of sharpener of the teeth of the saw.

Work is painstaking and requires dexterity. But you will get used to it very quickly and will not notice how you will end the last tooth of the saw. Now the saw is sharpened:

Also, for sharpening, you can also apply files.I repeat, the work is very painstaking, for perseverance. I recommend getting rid of all distracting sources so that nothing distracts from work.Of course, when using a mechanized tool, the attached forces and time can be significantly reduced, but as already mentioned. This is the easiest and most affordable way to sharpen the canvas of the hacksaw.

And the casket just opened

When I was about to sharpen the saw for the first time, of course, first went in search of information. how to do it by all the rules. I spent a lot of time, but still the process was not clear to the end. Almost desperate, I took the saw and began to carefully examine the teeth at the handle (there they remained in its original form, not deformed by my hard work).

Sometimes close attention works miracles

Then she took a flat suprafil and put it to the cutting edges. And then an incomprehensible theory (degrees, angles of inclination, external and inner rows, edges and so on) somehow developed for a whole picture, I realized what and how I needed to do-as if someone clicked the switch. Without even clamping the saw in a vice, I immediately tried to turn out a few teeth, and the Seeker’s soul sang. it turned out!

Why do I talk about this episode in such detail? So after all, everyone has different saws, there are many types of teeth, and it is impossible to tell about the nuances of the sharpening of each in one material.

How to Keep Your Knife Sharp with a Ceramic Honing Rod.

Everyone has different saws, there are many types of teeth

But now you know the principle by which with almost any saw you can find a common language!

If sharpening is not your profile

There are exceptions to the rules, but how without them it will not work to sharpen saws with hot teeth. But do not rush to be upset: they remain sharp even more than usual even with constant intense loads. For example, I would not refuse the Khross Piranha hacksaw: this is just the rare case when a universal tool is not inferior in quality to a special. Teeth with trihedral laser sharpening equally easily and smoothly cut a tree, wood-cutting plate, wood-fiber slab and PVC. Of course, the ergonomic shape of the handle and the Teflon coating of the canvas are important: women are still less for women than in men, therefore, similar qualities of the tool are valuable for us.

Convenient handle and Teflon coating of the canvas will facilitate the work of Gross Piranha with a saw

It would be nice to take one more in the company to the first saw. The folding saw on the village of Gross Piranha will be indispensable in the garden: it will help get rid of dryness, come in handy for trimming large branches of trees (teeth with laser sharpening leave the smooth edge of the cut. If you start repairs, it will not let you down here: with the same ease, wood, plywood, wood.fiber slab, PVC will cut. It is also convenient to capture a folding saw on a picnic or vacation in nature. The folding saw on the tree Gross Piranha is ideal for work in the garden and picnics in nature if you harvest wood, you can’t do without a two.handed saw Matrix Master. Who had to saw the logs, they will confirm that the work is not easy, so a good tool is especially important. The length of the canvas of this model is 1000 mm

This saw was created specifically for working with a large massif: a long canvas, large hardened teeth with 2D sharpening and comfortable handles will facilitate hard physical work as much as possible. That is, even adolescents, people aged or fragile women will be able to turn a log into logs.

Large hardened teeth with 2D sharpening and comfortable handles will facilitate hard physical work as much as possible

Perhaps my way of sharpening and wiring a saw will seem rude to someone and I will never be able to sharpen a hacksaw of a carpenter, but I am not going to master this profession yet.

You can sharpen the saw with your own hands

And to work in a summer cottage, you can sharpen a saw with your own hands, tested in practice! Lovely ladies and dear gentlemen, and you someday have encountered the need to hide the saw? Share in the Комментарии и мнения владельцев with your way to keep a file))

Svetlana, thank you very much! Especially for mentioning the wiring of teeth. I completely released this moment. In the fall, when I sawed trees, the saw clinked all the time, and I was angry and tormented. As I remember now, the almost even row of teeth, and I, the nonsense, sinned for sharpening.

Diana, but nothing! We still learn something, sometimes at will, sometimes life makes life))) I (if there is an opportunity for me to do it) I always try to learn: to mow a trimmer, and put bricks, and plaster, and put the tiles, and put the tiles, and to charge the battery))) you never know what is useful in life. but I can already (albeit at the level of a terry newcomer, but still)))

In our country house, three hacksaws are lying dumb, preserved, and one new one, which we saw. So I thought, to sharpen them. and it would be happiness for us. The instrument is from the Soviet Union, there the metal is of high quality, only the teeth were dull). I also remember that dad from time to time sharpened hacksaws, and bred a file and teeth. But who then looked at the process? and not girlfriend it was the case. And now the husband says, it’s easier to buy new ones)))

You live far, otherwise if you decided to throw them away, I would buy them at the price of new ones))) Soviet hacksaws have a different quality, if they are correctly diluted and sharpened, they are extremely gorgeous and better than new ones that they have a better metal. and thicker, they go out for much longer and the teeth rarely break, even if they gleze and accidentally fly into a nail. As I figured out the example of the two randomly found (I sold a plot, and I threw everything out of a dilapidated barn, well, I got in, I have such a strange habit, to spin around the shed garbage). I began to chase such hacksaws. In addition to these scabbard, I got a door handle, I didn’t regret the metal either, I was on a goose greenhouse, where in the summer tomatoes, screwed up, slightly crushing, so that the bolts crawled (it was apparently designed for thin screws).

I also have an old armor.piercing saw in the country. Left from the old owners. We must try to sharpen.

Here, just in case, just in case (you never know anyone in the world), I’ll throw it, these little things, I even had two of them, one of mine, and I found the other in the trash, which the neighbor was going to take them to the landfill, it was slightly rusty, but also conveniently She to breed. And it is extremely uncomfortable and dangerous to breed pliers, you can easily break the teeth.

Wrestling for saws

This is “bred”, that is, the teeth of the saw bend a little to the side. There are other types of such a tool. I have such a “wiring”: very convenient. The angle of sawing is clearly set.

Andrey, why is it? And how to breed a saw such a thing? Although I noticed that the Direct’s saw in different directions. And why?

It is like forceps. Using a rotating wheel, set the bending angle. Put the tongs on the tooth of the saw. Click. The tooth is bent. Then rearrange the forceps through 1 tooth and press again. So to the end of the canvas. Then rearrange the saw with the other side to bend the teeth missed during the first passage and repeat the operation again throughout the saw canvas through the tooth. The teeth are bent in a checkerboard pattern. The main thing is not to confuse the initial tooth. Unfortunately, I failed to find a video instruction on the move. Only this: YouTu.Be/Hz0mzesxexy