Why The Trimmer Rotates In The Opposite Direction

When physicists talk about time, their ideas are usually consistent with one way of perceiving. According to the first, time is a subjective experience and how we feel it is determined by the characteristics of a particular person. From this point of view, all times, past, present and future, exist constantly. At every moment they exist in the form of a stream of energy and events that we feel at the moment.

Perhaps such an understanding of time was best described by Einstein himself in his letter in 1931: “For those of us who believe in physics, the separation between the past, present and future is just an illusion, albeit a stable illusion” 28. At that time as physicists believe that the “illusion” of time can actually be the basis for the existence of the universe, when it comes to mathematicians who describe time, a mystery arises that is as stable as the illusion itself. It is called the “arrow of time” or simply “the problem of time.”

Simply put, the problem is this: time moves in only one direction: from the present to the future. Despite the fact that in physics there is no evidence that time should move in one direction, we all know that it is. Or, at least, we think so. Any doubts about this quickly disappear as soon as we look at how events happen in our lives.

For example, if an egg slips out of our hands and falls onto the kitchen floor, when we cook breakfast in a hurry in the morning, it is absolutely clear that the egg broke irretrievably. And we can say with confidence that it will forever remain in this form. The likelihood that the eggshells will turn back into a whole egg, and the yolk on the floor suddenly turns back into a circle inside the shell, is extremely small.

However, interestingly, in our understanding there is nothing that prevents these things from happening. That is, in the laws of physics (at least for today) there is no such statement according to which the egg must remain broken forever. In fact, physics says the opposite: the principles that determine the movement of time in the Universe are considered symmetrical, which means that they can occur in any direction.

But we know that this is not happening. All we have to do is watch the broken egg on the kitchen floor; how money disappears from our checkbook, and how we change with age as evidence of the arrow of time. The question is, why? What makes time move in one direction and why is this direction always forward?

The answer to this question is the second key to understanding the riddle of 2012 and goes back to Einstein’s magnificent perception of time and space as indivisible concepts.

For most, the dominant theory of the creation of the universe is part of the so-called big bang theory. In simple words, the big bang theory claims that the first release of energy set the universe in motion. While there is disagreement about when exactly this event began and what existed before it, there is evidence that confirms that the big bang really took place. The latest information from NASA’s satellites Chandra Observatory and the Cosmic Background Explorer (SSECE) show the remnants of the massive energy output that created our Universe about 14 billion years ago 29. What is important, the energy moves from the center of the Universe, and therefore, as the data show, The universe is expanding and cooling.

It is in the expansion of the Universe from the center that we can find the key to the mysterious movement of time in one direction. Just as an egg on the kitchen floor does not change the order of events that led to it breaking, the Universe does not change its expansion from the center, which began with the big bang. Or at least in the present cycle of the Universe, as we know it. Since time is the space in which it exists, it expands in the same direction with space: outward and from the center.

Thus, although the laws of physics can allow time to move forward and backward, into the future or the past, the very movement of the Universe from the center makes time move in one direction. Given this statement, what can happen with time if the universe ceases to expand and begins to narrow? Will it begin to move in the opposite direction and become “smaller”? This is what is described in traditional Hindu texts as our last share.

In the history of the creation of the Puranas, the existence of the universe is explained by the inhalation and exhalation of Brahma. Just as scientists describe the big bang as an outlet of energy from which the Universe began, an ancient myth relates the beginning of the Universe to the exit of energy from the exhalation of God. As Brahma continues to exhale, the universe continues to grow and expand.

Over, just as scientific theories describe the time when the forces of gravity and electromagnetism reach equilibrium, stop expanding and begin to narrow, Hindu texts describe the moment when Brahma finishes exhaling, stops and begins to take a breath. If space-time really exists as it is described in the theory of relativity today, then in the period described above we will experience time differently than now, which is of great interest.

According to existing theories, the narrowing of the universe will cause space to move in the opposite direction compared to real motion. In other words, all particles that left the place where the big explosion occurred will begin to move back to their place of origin. Since space is time, time will also reverse.

Thus, we can discover the reason why time moves only forward into the future, and it consists in the following: time repeats the movement of space. If we ever find ourselves in a place where space narrows (for example, in the space-time tunnels of the Universe or in hidden dimensions), the mathematics that we know now will be used the other way around.

Date of publication: 2014-11-18; Read: 11466 | Page Copyright Infringement

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Opposition PROBLEMS



Deciding opposite movement tasks students become familiar with the concept of removal speed. This is the speed at which two objects move away from each other when moving in opposite directions. The removal rate is the sum of the speeds of these objects. Otherwise, the solution of problems for the opposite movement is based on the same principles as the solution of all problems for movement, where the basic formula is the formula for the dependence of distance on speed and time:

S = v

In problems of moving in the opposite direction, the object first moves along a certain route with a certain speed and time in the way. Then it moves along the same route, but speed and time can be completely different. To solve such problems, the same formula is used.

Examples of tasks for the opposite movement and movement in the opposite direction:

1) Two electric trains simultaneously departed from one station in opposite directions. The speed of the first train. 130 km / h, the speed of the second. 30 km / h less. What will be the distance between trains in 4 hours?

2) At the same time, trucks and cars departed from the station in opposite directions. When the truck passed 70 km, the passenger car passed 140 km. Truck speed. 35 km / h. Find the speed of a car.

3) A bus and a taxi departed simultaneously from the bus station in opposite directions. Taxi speed. 60 km / h, and the speed of the bus. 2 times less. After how many hours will the distance between them be 360 ​​km?

4) Two cars simultaneously left the garage in opposite directions. One went at a speed of 50 km / h, and the other. At a speed of 70 km / h. At what distance from each other will these cars be in 4 hours?

5) Two people left the camp site and went in opposite directions. One walked at a speed of 5 km / h, and the other. At a speed of 4 km / h. At what distance from each other will these people be 5 hours after the exit?

6) 2 aircraft flew from the airfield at the same time in opposite directions. After 3 hours, the distance between them was 3630 km. One of them flew at a speed of 640 km / h. How fast was another plane flying?

7) Two pedestrians left the same village at the same time in opposite directions. The speed of one. 5 km / h, and the speed of another. 6 km / h. After how many hours will the distance between them be 33 km?

8) Two peasants emerged from the same village at the same time in opposite directions. The speed of one of them. 6 km / h, and the second. 3 km / h. At what distance will pedestrians be in 5 hours from each other?

9) A bus and a car left the station simultaneously in opposite directions. The speed of the car is 60 km / h, and the speed of the bus is 2 times less. After how many hours will the distance between them be 450 km?

10) The cyclist rode 6 hours from the city to the country at a speed of 12 km / h, and he spent 4 hours on the return trip. How many km / h did the cyclist change his speed?

11) The ship traveled between the marinas in 8 hours at a speed of 30 km / h. On the way back he traveled the same distance in 6 hours. At what speed did the ship go on the way back?

12) Two motorcyclists left two points at the same time in opposite directions. The speed of the first motorcyclist. 60 km / h, the speed of the second. 15 km / hour more. Find the distance between points if it is known that they traveled for 6 hours.

13) The train traveled 400 km at a speed of 50 km / h, and on the way back it traveled this distance 2 times faster. How many hours has the train traveled on the way back?

14) The barge sailed against the current a distance of 100 km in 10 hours, and vice versa its speed increased by 10 km / h. How many hours did the barge sail the return trip?

15) The car traveled the distance between cities in 5 hours, walking at a speed of 48 km / h. She went back in 6 hours. How much km / h was the vehicle speed on the way back less?

16) Two motor ships simultaneously departed from the pier in opposite directions. After 6 hours, the distance between them was 360 km. One of them was traveling at a speed of 28 km / h. At what speed did the other ship go?

17) Two trains left the station at the same time in opposite directions. The speed of one of them. 74 km / h and the other. 61 km / h. After how many hours will the trains be at a distance of 540 km from each other?

Why The Trimmer Rotates In The Opposite Direction

18) The distance between the two marinas is 864 km. The steamboat traveled this distance downstream at a speed of 27 km / h, and the return journey against the current at a speed of 24 km / h. How many hours did the ship go all the way there and back?

19) Distance between the cities 432 km. How long does it take for a car to travel there and back if the speed of the car is in one direction. 54 km / h, and in another. 6 km / h less?

20) The boys traveled 20 km to the village, moving at a speed of 5 km / h, and back they rode a bicycle 2 times faster. How many hours did they make the return trip?

21) At the same time, a boat at a speed of 60 km / h and a kayak, the speed of which is 4 times less, set off in opposite directions. After how many hours will the distance between them be 375 km?

22) Two skiers left the village at the same time in opposite directions. One went at a speed of 14 km / h, and the other. 10 km / h. After how many hours will the distance between them be 96 km?