Winding of a corner grinder stator at home. Structural solution of the electric motor…

Calculation of the cross.section of the wire for winding the stator of the corner grinder. “Rewind email.engines in domestic conditions “. If a smooth start does not work

There is no doubt that every electric tool will stop working sooner or later later. Most often this is due to the fact that operating conditions were not met. Not included in the list of exceptions and angular grinding. If you suddenly have such a nuisance, you can not immediately contact the workshop, but try to figure it out yourself, especially since most of the problems are easily solved.

Problems with an engine of any type can have a mechanical or electrical nature. In the first case, strong vibration and characteristic noise may indicate a malfunction, as a rule, this indicates problems with the bearing (usually in the end cover). If the malfunction is not eliminated in time, the shaft can jam, which will inevitably lead to the failure of the stator windings. In this case, the thermal protection of the circuit breaker may not have time to work.

Based on the practice, in 90%, the failure of asynchronous machines arise problems with the stator winding (cliff, inter.flip circuit, short circuit on the case). In this case, a short.closed anchor, as a rule, remains in working condition. Therefore, even with the mechanical nature of damage, it is necessary to check the electrical part.

Care and proper operation

To maintain the tools of tools and your own health, an angular grinder should be used only for the work for which it is intended. It is worth paying attention to the following rules:

  • You can not use any lubricant, any spare parts, except for those recommended by the manufacturer;
  • All firms warn in their instructions that it is possible to work with a corner grinder only with good well.being; Even ordinary fatigue, not to mention alcohol or drug intoxication, is a serious danger;
  • It is impossible to carry out any work if the protective casing is removed;
  • All the time you should control the location of the wire. it should not fall under the cutting or grinding disk;
  • Checking the technical condition of the tool should be carried out both before the start of work, and after its completion; It is advisable to inspect the corner grinder also after long (from 1 hour or more) breaks;
  • Regardless of the brand and model, it is necessary to disassemble the tool from time to time, cleaning all the pollution from it, updating the grease of the running parts;
  • It must be remembered that the corner grinder is not intended for work and even for storage in high humidity conditions;
  • It is always necessary to put it so that the tool does not fall by accident, is not subjected to the pressure of heavy objects; It is worth remembering that the cord should not hang;
  • It is required to minimize the folding and twisting of the cable;
  • It is strictly unacceptable to transfer the corner grinder behind the network wire or pull it up for it;
  • the disk and other nozzle are selected strictly for the work that they are going to do;
  • when a crack appears, or even single potholes. the circle is subject to immediate replacement; The same should be done with disks that have the wrong shape;
  • When the circle is replaced, the launch of 30 seconds in trial mode is carried out; If during this time there are no unusual noise, vibrations or beats, everything is in order;
  • You can not leave anything in the working area that can easily light up, talk strongly or explode;
  • It should only work in good light on a stable platform (support);
  • You can not hold the workpieces in your hands-they are either clamped in a vice or instructed someone to keep with divorce keys.

Important! Compliance with these simple rules avoids injuries and extend the time of use of corner grinding, removing the repair.

Bosch Grinder Machine Field Coil Winding/ग्राइंडर मशीन का फील कोयल वाइंडिंग कैसे करें /Tiles Cutter

About how to repair a corner grinder with your own hands, watch in the next video.

Causes and signs of stator breakdown

Manual grinding machines, popularly called “grips” can fail for various reasons. The most common problem is to break off the stator turns that occur due to the overly strong load on the device. Now such a malfunction can be corrected independently. correctly rewind the stator.

There are frequent cases when the cause of the breakdown becomes an failure of the electrical part of the device. Various factors lead to this:

  • water gets to the surface along which the current passes;
  • voltage surges;
  • sharp pulling out a fork from a socket;
  • high overload and, as a result, overheating.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to rewind the stator yourself. In fact, just understand the design of the device. If there is experience of such work and the necessary knowledge, the repair of a three.phase launch device can be carried out at home. Given the preparatory work, the process can take several hours.

Often the engine fails due to a breakthrough of the magnetic circuit, winding or anchor collector disturbances. With an increase in voltage, an abrupt increase in the force of sparks is noted. This is usually observed only on one brush. This phenomenon leads to the destruction of the insulation of wires on a stator coil. If when turning on, the disk accelerates very quickly and is gaining momentum, this indicates a vitkov short circuit of the stator.

Sparks arising during the work of the collector signal the occurrence of violations in the balancing of the anchor. Checking the work of the collector can be carried out in this way: when turned on, the sound should be intensified gradually with an increase in voltage. There should not be vibrations. If a resonance is observed, the electric motor of the corner grinder requires repair.

Manual grinding machine device

The grinding tool consists of three important components:

The anchor is a rotating element with the winding and creates the torque of the electric motor. There is the same winding at the stature, divided into sectors. The current through the coal brush passes through the winding, goes to the anchor. Then the current passes to other brushes until all parts of the stator are involved. When an electric current passes through the winding, a magnetic field constantly interacting with the stator arises. Thus, the electric motor is driven. There are several characteristic breakdowns of the starting device for the “corner grinding”::

Circuit of eccentric orbital grinding machine.

You can rewind the winding with your own hands, without contacting a specialist. You just need to first disassemble the device. But if there is no complete self.confidence, then contacting a specialized workshop will be the most reasonable step. First of all, the casing is shifted. To do this, the screw is unscrewed. After that, it will be possible to see all the parts of the corner grinder, with the exception of the gearbox hidden under the metal cap. Screws are unscrewed, with which a metal plate is fixed. Now all mechanical details are clearly visible. Only after that you can proceed to rewind the stator.

It can only be the correct operation in which there will not be a breakdown of a better repair of a well.performed repair. In order for the “corner grinder” to work longer, the following simple rules must be observed:

  • In no case do not need to exceed the amount of lubrication and the terms for its addition or replacement.
  • After the tool worked at low speeds, it is strictly forbidden to immediately turn it off. If you leave it to work at least 1 minute, you can avoid overheating.
  • Do not allow long.term operation of the tool at low speeds under load.

A repaired stator will allow a grinding machine to work normally for a long time.

Repair, preparation for work, necessary tools

Before performing repair work, diagnostics are performed in order to determine parts and nodes, due to which the angular grinder cannot function normally. The electric part of the corner grinder is examined visually for the subject of the traces of burning the surface in places of short circuit. In the absence of obvious signs of malfunctions, the electric part is checked by nickname using special devices (multimeter, short circuit indicator and others). After finding and analyzing the damage, the method of eliminating it is accepted.

There are two main ways to repair the stator with your own hands:

  • A burned stator is removed from the corner grinder body. In a specialized store, the device is identical to the failed device and is used in the corner grinder instead.
  • The burned winding is removed from the core body and a new one, corresponding to the old turns of the turns and the diameter of the wire, is wound.

Call and rewinding

If the burned stator is the cause of the corner grinding of the corner grinding, it turns out in more detail what part of it is involved in this. In the presence of defects in the coil windings, some users independently rewind new. A detailed description of the production of such works on the links “How to call the stator of the corner grinder” and “rewinding the stator of the corner grinder with your own hands”.


For the corner grinder of the DWT model in the next video, a new stator was purchased in return for the burned out. The new stator was positioned as a knot precisely from the corner grinder of this model. The process of disassembling the angular grinder is described in detail before extracting a faulty stator from the body. When examining the appearance of the new and old stators bought, some difference was observed. However, after the assembly and verification of performance, it turned out that they practically did not affect the operation of the corner grinder.

Burned, rewinding

It is important to pay attention to the experience that the author received in the process of rewinding the wire. You can not weaken its stretch, otherwise the coil will not be able to fit in the depression of the stator. The second time the winding was successful

The second time the winding was successful

The second time the winding was successful.

The impregnation with varnish described during the repair should not be copied one to one. Because ordinary carpentry varnish does not have the necessary electrical insulation properties. With difficulties in choosing a prophet substance, it is better to use an epoxy resin basis, which is easy to find. The quality of the impregnation will improve if the stator is heated, and not wait until the varnish stops penetrating the winding.

Bosch, replacement

In the next video, the author repairs the angular grinder of the Bosch model. Work in a very dusty atmosphere, of course, can cause a strong wear of the collector lamella, but for the unambiguous reason for the failure of the stator windings, it should not be taken in any way. Here you should also consider other operating conditions (overload, duration of work and others).

Diagnostics by the author is in the nature of fortune telling on coffee grounds. A sharp change from a burned rotor, which was still quite efficient, to a burned isolation at a stature that really failed, speaks of the absence of a systematic approach in repair work.

During disassembly of the corner grinder, the stator is freed from the body under the influence of strong beats of the hammer. Although it is wooden, it can cause damage to the protruding parts of the body.

Why not immediately make the output ends of the stator of normal length, remains a mystery. The author twice does the same, very laborious work without explaining the reasons.

The causes of breakdowns

408-105 Stator for angular grinder Hitachi G18SE3 and Hammer. Photo 220 volts

The most common reason for the failure of the stator of the corner grinder is a violation of operating conditions. Asynchronous engines have the ability to maintain speed, regardless of the value of the active load. This is both a dignity and a disadvantage.

The ability to perform work at high loads is accompanied by overheating of the tool, which contributes to prolonged operation to the occurrence of malfunctions in the winding and stator windings. Under the influence of high temperature, the protective layer of the insulating coating is burned out, which leads to the failure of electric nodes. rewinding of an electric motor: instructions

Many household devices and homemade structures use small power electric machines as a drive as a drive.

Despite the high reliability of electric motors, their failure for a number of reasons is not uncommon. Given the relatively high cost of these devices, it is more practical to repair them, and not replacement.

We offer to consider the possibility of rewinding electric motors at home.

Types of electric motors and features of their repair

As a rule, in everyday life, direct current collector engines and blessed asynchronous motors of alternating current are used in everyday life. It is the repair of these drives that we will consider. Information on the principle of action and design features of asynchronous and collector machines can be found on our website.

As for synchronous drives, they are practically not used in everyday life, so this topic is not affected in this publication.

Features of the repair of asynchronous machine

Problems with an engine of any type can have a mechanical or electrical nature.

In the first case, strong vibration and characteristic noise may indicate a malfunction, as a rule, this indicates problems with the bearing (usually in the end cover).

If the malfunction is not eliminated in time, the shaft can jam, which will inevitably lead to the failure of the stator windings. In this case, the thermal protection of the circuit breaker may not have time to work.”Burned” wires of the stator winding

Based on the practice, in 90%, the failure of asynchronous machines arise problems with the stator winding (cliff, inter.flip circuit, short circuit on the case). In this case, a short.closed anchor, as a rule, remains in working condition. Therefore, even with the mechanical nature of damage, it is necessary to check the electrical part.

Checking the winding

In most cases, the problem can be found in appearance and characteristic smell (see. rice. one).

If the malfunction cannot be established with an empirically way, we proceed to the diagnosis, which begins with the call to the cliff.

If one is detected, the engine is disassembled (this process will be described separately) and a thorough inspection of the connections. When the defect is not detected, you can state a break in one of the coils, which requires rewinding.

If the call has not shown the cliff, you should proceed to measure the resistance of the windings, while taking into account the following nuances:

  • The insulation resistance of the coils on the case should strive for infinity;
  • At a three.phase drive, the windings should show the same resistance;
  • In single.phase machines, the resistance of the starting coils exceeds these readings of the working windings.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the resistance of stator coils is quite low, so it is pointless to use its low.class accuracy devices for its measurement, most multimeters include these. You can fix the situation by collecting a simple circuit on a potentiometer with the addition of an additional power source, such as a car battery.

Scheme for measuring the resistance of windings

The measurement methodology is as follows:

  • The drive coil is connected to the scheme presented above.
  • A potentiometer is set to current 1 A.
  • The resistance of the coil is calculated according to the following formula:. where Rk and Upit were described in Figure 2. R is the resistance of the potentiometer. the drop in the voltage on the measured coil (shows a voltmeter in the circuit).

It is also worth telling about the technique that allows you to determine the place. This is done as follows:

The stator released from the rotor is connected through the transformer to a reduced diet, having previously placed a steel ball to it (for example, from the bearing). If the coils are workers, the ball will cyclically move on the inner surface non.stop. In the presence of an interval short circuit, he will “stick” to this place.

Features of the repair of collector drives

In this type of electromas, mechanical malfunctions more often occur. For example, erasing brushes or clogging of collector contacts. In such situations, the repair is reduced to cleaning the contact mechanism or replacing graphite brushes.

winding, corner, grinder, stator, home

Testing the electric part is reduced to checking the resistance of the anchor winding. In this case, the probes of the device to two neighboring contacts (lamella) of the collector, after the readings, is measured further in a circle.

Checking the anchor of the collector electric motor

The displayed resistance should be approximately the same (taking into account the error of the device). If a serious deviation is observed, then this says that there is an interval short circuit or cliff, therefore, rewinding is necessary.

Winding data from electric motors

This is reference data, so the most reliable way to get such information is to refer to the corresponding sources. These data can also be given in the passport to the product.

On the network you can find tips in which it is recommended to manually count the turns during rewinding and measure the diameter of the wire. This is a waste of time. It is much easier and more reliable for the marking of the engine to find all the necessary information in which the following parameters will be indicated:

  • nominal working characteristics (voltage, power, current consumed, number of revolutions, etc.D.);
  • the number of wires for one groove;
  • Ø wires (as a rule, in this indicator isolation is not taken into account);
  • information about the external and internal diameter of the stator;
  • number of grooves;
  • with what step the winding is performed;
  • The dimensions of the rotor and t.D.

Below is a fragment of the table with winding data for electric machines type 5A. instructions for rewinding the electric motor with your own hands

It must be immediately warned that without special equipment and work skills, rewinding of coils will most likely be a useless occupation. On the other hand, negative experience is also experience. Understanding the complexity of the process is the best explanation of its value.

The first stage is dismantling

We give an algorithm for asynchronous machines, it is as follows:

  • Disconnect the drive from the network (380 or 220 V).
  • We dismantle the electric motor from the design where it was installed.
  • Remove the rear protective casing of the cooling fan.
  • We dismantle the impeller.
  • Unscrew the fastening of the end covers, after which we remove them. It is desirable to start with the front, after it is dismantling, the rotor will easily “come out” from the rear cover.
  • We pull out the rotor.

Winding scheme, how to choose the thickness of the wire

Bulgarian stators have a very similar design and differ in the size of the details in which the magnetic flux is formed, the number of turns into the windings and the diameter of the wire. The standard connection diagram of the Bulgarians is shown in the following figure.

Here L1 and L2 indicate the coils of the stator.

The burned winding is removed, while it is necessary to collect information about the old coils: determine the number of turns, the diameter of the wire, the beginning, end of the winding and the required direction during diverse work. The number of turns is determined by the direct account of the delays after cutting out the coils of the coils.

Electric component of the structure of the corner grinder

For the entire period of its existence, the appearance of the tool has practically remained unchanged. The corner grinder has an oblong case in which the electric drive and gearbox are mounted. On the side surface of the tool, a handle is fixed to keep the tool in the working position, in addition to protect the wizard on the tool body, a protective casing is fixed covering the working element.

Corner grinder, like any tool, can fail during operation. In most cases, to eliminate breakdowns, the simplest repair of working equipment, its electrical component is required.

In order to repair, you need to know the device not only of the mechanical part, but also the tool. To carry out high.quality repair, you should study the principle of operation of the corner grinder. The composition of the electrical circuit of the corner grinder includes the following structural elements:

  • anchor;
  • collector;
  • electric shows;
  • gearbox;
  • stator;
  • launch and lock button;
  • power cable with a fork for connecting to a household network.

Each of the components is designed to perform certain functions in an electrocope, and the malfunction of any of them leads to a stop of the functioning of the device. For example, an anchor is a rotating element of an electrocope. It provides the transfer of rotational movement to a grinding disk. In order for the tool to function qualitatively, the anchor must rotate at high speed. The higher the rotation speed of this structural element, the higher the power of the device.

Winding scheme, how to choose the thickness of the wire

Bulgarian stators have a very similar design and differ in the size of the details in which the magnetic flux is formed, the number of turns into the windings and the diameter of the wire. The standard connection diagram of the Bulgarians is shown in the following figure.

Here L1 and L2 indicate the coils of the stator.

Important: the coils after rewind should be installed according to the above scheme, where the beginning and ends of the windings are diagonally, as shown in the figure:

The burned winding is removed, while it is necessary to collect information about the old coils: determine the number of turns, the diameter of the wire, the beginning, end of the winding and the required direction during diverse work. The number of turns is determined by the direct account of the delays after cutting out the coils of the coils.

The diameter of the wire should correspond to the replaced windings as close as possible. Therefore, as a measuring tool, the most suitable is a micrometer with an accuracy of measurement up to 0.01 mm. The measurement is carried out on the surface of the wire of the burned coil on the surface of the surface of the wire. rewinding of an electric motor at home

If you had an electric saw or other similar tool at least once, then you must probably know how it is sometimes difficult to find and eliminate the malfunction. And the trouble here is not only that breakdowns are difficult to diagnose, but in the impossibility of buying the necessary part. That is why many home craftsmen often take risks, independently eliminating them. In this article, we will tell you how the rewinding of the electric motor is performed (with your own hands).

The direction of laying

The direction of laying is easy to determine by just looking at it. By the way, do not look at the marginal simplicity of this advice: if you first do your own rewinds with your own hands, then you can forget about this little thing well. Imagine your feelings if it turns out at the end of the work that it will have to be completely redoed!

Displacement of the first lamella

Having finished with this case, we will find out how shifted the first lamella relative to the first groove. Put the engine directly, having drawn along it a mental fishing line for a trimmer. Denote it with the letter Z. It is advisable not to rely on your memory, but carefully write down and draw everything, so that in the future there are no curious situations. Immediately warn that rewinding electric motors at home is not easy, be extremely careful!

We determine the first groove

With left.sided styling, it will be located a little to the right, in the groove where the last coil lies. Crown it somehow. We apply our home.made device to the place you put, applying voltage to two neighboring lamellas. The marker immediately mark those on which the value of a milliammeter somehow deviates.

Recall that for example, we revealed the meaning: K = 2. Thus, the device should show the deviation on two pairs of lamellas, and the marks should be on three lamellas. Otherwise, it is necessary to change the groove. If the device deviates for a large number of steam, then this is a direct evidence of the presence of shorts between the turns in the coils of a particular group.

The direction of reset

And again our home.made device will come in handy. Without changing those lamellas to which we supplied the voltage, carefully shift the step to the right or to the left. Deviation in any of these directions indicates the corresponding discharge.

Direction of windings

Based on the direction of winding of the last coil, we determine its general value. For example, if the upper wire leaves the left groove, then the winding is left.handed.

The number of turns

The number of turns is easy to find by the formula: WK = Wn/K/2. Here WN is equal to the number of turns in one groove.

Description of a homemade device

The width of this core should not be more than 0.2 cm, and wall thickness-4-5 mm. You can take for this a couple of simple scraps of a 5×40 shin, the length of which is not more than 5 cm, and between them to screw a sleeve of 15 mm, squeezing the entire structure to the bolt. In this case, it is convenient to place the winding on the frame around the aforementioned sleeve. A milliammeter, the most important part of the device, you can take from any old Soviet tape recorder. After conducting all the above measures, let’s move on to the removal of the winding from the anchor. So, where does the rewinding of the electric motor begins? You have to remove the old winding with your own hands.

Removing the old winding

Most often you will not be able to do without anneal anchor to remove the old winding from it. Of course, before that you will need to remove the collector. The frontal part of the winding itself should be removed only after firing. This is done using a quality chisel. Thoroughly remove all its remains. Having removed the winding, lay the vacant grooves, using electrical cardboard for this purpose.

For its purpose, it can be placed under the cardboard of an electrical film. This is especially true of cases where the rewinding of asynchronous electric motors is performed: they account for a large load, so that the isolation should be as good as possible.

Installation of the collector

Part of the shaft, which is located between the collector and the core, must definitely isolate qualitatively. A small plastic tube with suitable sizes is perfect for this purpose. Such tubes should also be put from the opposite side of the fan. So, how is the rewinding of an electric motor with your own hands?

We proceed to rewind the anchor

How to suffer with all the above procedures, we finally proceed to the most important part of our work. The rewinding of the electric motor anchor begins!

After removing all the measures and removing the remains of the old winding, we wrap the wire on the coils. We take a wire for rewinding electric motors with a diameter of 0.2 mm (this is an arbitrary value, it all depends on the specific model), we solder it to the lamella, pass the wire into the first groove, pushing it around the shaft. From the first groove we bring the wire to the sixth (we repeat once again that everything needs to be done according to your seals), wound the number of turns we need. Saving the wire to the second lamella, we throw it into the first and sixth grooves. We throw the right number of turns, we solder it to the third lamella. Everything, the first group is made.

The second group begins to wind with the third lamella. Everything is done similarly to the above procedure. If everything is done properly, then the end of the first coil should be exactly on the first lamella. This is how the rewinding of the electric motor winding is done.

A malfunction of the anchor

There are criteria on the basis of which we can conclude that the anchor repair is required:

  • the number of sparks emanating from the brushes on the engine collector increases;
  • vibration appears at low speed;
  • The working shaft begins to move in different positions.

The presence of these signs indicates a breakdown of the anchor. Subsequent use can be dangerous.

  • cliff of electric current conductors;
  • close between turns;
  • disturbance of insulation, which leads to the closure of the winding onto the metal surface of the rotor;
  • steaming the endings of the collector;
  • The unequal abrasion of the collector.

As a result of these malfunctions, the engine gradually stops working. To find out the reason for the refusal of the angle grinding machine, diagnostics should be carried out. It can be carried out visually or using the appropriate devices.

Distribution factors of isolation

The causes of wear of the insulating shell include the conditions in which the electric motor is located. Intensive thermal exposure and strong vibrations cause changes in the structure of isolation and it gradually becomes thinner at the same time its electrical conductivity increases. Dust and other pollution falling on the conductors of both the outside and from the engine parts also reduces the resistance and contributes to the occurrence of breakdowns. In addition, the frequent ingress of moisture on isolation changes its properties and increases the likelihood of a short circuit. After prolonged exposure to these factors, the electrical insulation becomes extremely sensitive to mechanical influences. Such processes most intensively occur in electric motors working in difficult weather conditions and frequent changes in loads. Changes requiring rewinding of an electric motor are usually manifested during operation. there is increased vibration, unstable work, difficulty in starting. For a more accurate diagnosis, the resistance of the isolation and body of the electric motor is measured.

When working, it is important to obtain a strictly defined number of turns. it should be identical to the number of turns of the old winding. The wire must be wound so that the seal is maximum

Coils are placed in the stator. From the same material from which the winding for the coils is made, conclusions are drawn. Their tips need to be isolated by cambric. tubes made of plastic.

Before installing the coils, it is necessary to check that the grooves are symmetrical. They must close the winding. If this does not happen, when laying the wires of the coils, temporary inserts are placed. This simple measure will avoid damage.

The coil is mounted above the groove, which is below the bore. The coil conductors are installed using a special plate. Wires located in the groove should in no case be crossed. They need to be laid in the same way as in the same sequence as the winding. Conductors must be installed strictly in parallel.

To perform the next operation, the stator needs to be turned a little. only one division. Coils from the same group are laid in the groove. After the end of the styling, you need to put the interlayer gaskets. Screw the conclusions to the outer contour so that they are located parallel to the outer contour. The lower side of the coils is mounted according to the same principle. The operation is repeated until the grooves of this step are filled.

When the winding is finished, the ends can be hypilized. The sizes of sleeves depend on the size of the stator. The thickness of the sleeve is usually 0.2 mm, but the length should be larger than the dimensions of the starting device. Most often this value is about 1.5 mm. A special cardboard is used for the manufacture of the sleeve. You need to wind the film (must be thermal.resistant) on it). The entire resulting design is wrapped in tape. Coils with sleeves need to be installed in the grooves of the stator. After that, you can check if the anchor is moving correctly. The coil is completely ready. It remains only to wrap it with a bin.ribbon, and cover with a layer of varnish on top. After the varnish dries, the device is completely ready for use.

When it comes to rewinding the stator, in the vast majority of cases, it implies the repair of the tool. As an example of the mentioned process, it is possible to cite the stator rewind on the corner grinder.

The indicated process for replacing windings in one of the parts of the electric motor can be carried out and domestic conditions. This can be explained by the complete repetition of the burned winding. That is, the exactly the same conductor is selected, with the exact same insulation.

With your own hands rewinds

Despite the fact that electric motors are very reliable equipment, their failure is not uncommon. Given their considerable cost, it is much more profitable to carry out repairs than to buy a new unit.

winding, corner, grinder, stator, home

Some craftsmen with the help of simple devices do this even at home. However, it is worth noting that rewinding electric motors

We offer to consider the main operations that must be done when performing these works.

ATTENTION!Electrical work should only be carried out with the full follow of the safety regulations. Repair of industrial electric motors is carried out in special workshops or workshops

As a rule, each enterprise has special services performing these works

Repair of industrial electric motors is carried out in special workshops or workshops. As a rule, each enterprise has special services performing these works.

Given that the weight of industrial e (engines often reaches hundreds and even thousands of kilograms, when they are repairing, you can not do without special equipment.

Therefore, it will not be about them, but about compact industrial and household models, the repair of which can be done with your own hands.

Winding data of the electric motor

These are very important parameters affecting the working characteristics of the unit. The easiest way to get them is to contact the corresponding sources, the most reliable of which is the product passport. You can find this information on the marking of the engine with open sources.

Паспортные данные электродвигателя должны включать следующее:

  • engine’s type
  • The number of phases
  • Frequency Hz)
  • Nominal power (W or KW)
  • Power voltage (c)
  • TOK consumed (A)
  • The number of revolutions (rpm)
  • Engine efficiency
  • Power coefficient Cosφ
  • Degree of protection
  • Isolation class

The number of coils can be determined visually, after disassembling the engine. The diameter of the necessary rewinds of the enamel is measured by a caliper. And the number of turns of the enameled wire can be determined while removing the old. For this, the windings of the wires of one of the coils are carefully cut and recount.

Ремонт и перемотка электродвигателей своими руками –последовательность действий

  • Disconnecting from the supply network
  • Dismantling from the installation site
  • Dismantling of a protective casing of a cooling fan
  • Dismantling the fan impeller
  • Dismantling the electric motor
  • Dismantling the rotor
  • Dismantling the winding
  • Cleaning the rotor and stator from dirt, soot and resting residues
  • Laying coils in grooves
  • Impregnation of the winding
  • Drying the electric motor
  • Checking the coils with an ohmmeter
  • Assembly of an electric motor
  • Trial launch

Stator rewinding

As an example. rewinding asynchronous engine. Before disassembling, the engine body is usually wiped with a damp rag and dry well. The winding of the reel groups is carried out either on a special machine, or manually using templates. After the coils are laid in special grooves, they must be tied and connected to a single chain.

After rewinding, the electric motor must be impregnated with a special impregnation. To do this, the case is heated to a temperature of 40-50 ° C and lowered into a container with impregnation varnish. After completely drying, the stator coil resistance is measured (the valid values ​​should be the same), as well as the “phrase” of the coils and the body for breakdown.

Then the engine is assembled and a trial start is made.

Corner grinder today is used in production and in everyday life. This tool has now gained special popularity

The history of the origin of this unique device for cutting metal began in Soviet times. 50 years ago it was a dream of every citizen of our country to have a corner grinder at home.

The name comes from the factory of the manufacturer, who was the developer and manufacturer of the device-“Eltos-Uglovoy Glifmashinka”. The instrument was made in Bulgaria, therefore, gradually such a name “has grown” to it.

Despite the significant improvements of this technique, today the corner grinder has remained the same structural elements.

Electric part of the corner grinder

Recently, there have been no changes in the design of the tool. The case is oblong, inside is a gearbox with an engine, on the side a handle and a protective casing over an abrasive circle.

The tool does not always work uninterruptedly, and there are circumstances when there is a need to simply disassemble it and grease some elements as a prevention with oil.

To do this, you need to know the design and be able to use the drawings, including the electric circuit of the corner grinder.

The ability to correctly read technical documents and understand how the equipment works, will help to perform any kind of repair work.

The electrical circuit of the corner grinder contains the following elements that ensure its drive in motion:

  • collector;
  • gearbox;
  • holders-handles;
  • anchor;
  • electric shows;
  • stator;
  • Electricity supply cable.

Each of these elements has its own purpose, due to the breakdown of any of them, the tool will not work.

winding, corner, grinder, stator, home

The purpose of each element of the power supply of the corner grinder is corner grinder 125

The circuit of the corner grinder includes several elements that ensure its uninterrupted operation.

The purpose of the elements for energy supply:

  • Anchor. This part contributes to the movement of the abrasive circle for cutting metal products and blanks. It is necessary to create a higher speed in relation to discs to ensure their rotational movements. And, accordingly, at a higher velocity of the anchor, the indicators of the power of the tool are higher.
  • Collector. This is a platform placed on which all power lines are connected. Its main function is to transmit signals by windings to the engine and control unit so that the elements are correctly perceived by this information. The element immediately catches the eye when removing the cover from the body, as it has a polished surface, and its dimensions are quite large.
  • Electric power plants. The purpose of these elements for the supply of electric current to the cable. With a normal working placement through a hole intended for ventilation, a glow will be observed from them. If it is noted that this is absent, it passes weakly or almost imperceptibly, then this is an indicator that with the electrical engines of the problem.
  • Gearbox. The main constructive part for the electric circuit and for the entire technical device in general. Its function lies in the transmission of electricity from the anchor to the abrasive disk. Thus, a rotation is ensured that creates work. In fact, only the gearbox helps to increase the speed and power characteristics of angle grinding machines.
  • Stator. This is the most complex node that complements the device of the corner grinder. It is in it that there are windings of both the anchors and the rotor, which are primary mechanisms that provide movement. The stator coil windings are clearly designed to the last round. If this element is out of order, then it is unlikely that the experienced worker will be able to restore the winding. This happens, but in exceptional cases. It is best to contact a specialized workshop on the issue of rewalling the stator.

How to read an electric circuit

In order to properly repair the corner grinder or conduct maintenance, first of all, you need to learn how to read power tools, including electrical circuits. In general, it does not seem so complicated, but it happens that a simple worker is difficult to understand it, so you have to contact professionals. The connection diagram of the technical device is read as follows:

  • 2 Stator windings are sequentially connected through a power cable with a standard voltage of 220 V, while they are not interconnected. They turn on and are turned off using a switch, the work of which is ensured by pressing the start button. Each winding has protection through the contact with a brush made of graphite;
  • Two parallel to the brushes connected to the graphite windings are closed on the collector. Despite the fact that the anchor winding consists of several, only two have a connection to graphite brushes. The device of the corner grinder fails in 9 cases out of 10 when the electric circuit opens.

To correctly assess the operation of the power tool, a specialized device is used. electronic multimeter.

This is a unique tester that can be used not only to determine the malfunction in the corner grinder, but also in other energy tools.

To begin with, a malfunction is diagnosed at the input of the current, then a sequential nickname is performed for the entire technical device. To check the conductivity, it is necessary to set the position of the minimum level of resistance.

How to carry out repairs

If the corner grinder does not start when the start button is turned on, then there is reason to believe that the reason is not so serious, and it is easy to carry out repair work yourself. Only a few recommendations for the implementation of repair work in order to start with a simple one and end more difficult.

  • When the electrical circuit of the device is broken, an angular grinder of 1100 E should remove the protective casing and check the tester for the presence of voltage in the starting mechanism. If there is no starting current, then the problem is the malfunction of the electrical wire. In this case, it is necessary to replace the wire with a new. So the simplest repairs will be made in the device 1100 e.
  • If there is a current when the “Start” button is turned on, and then the current does not enter the device, then the problem itself is the button, so you should replace it with a new. No need to rush in this matter, first you should disassemble the mechanism, alternately marking the details in order to prevent errors during assembly. To replace the rejected element, you can choose another, suitable in parameters. Particular attention must be paid to the contacts: if they are incorrectly connected, then perhaps the winding is burned out or the anchor jammed.
  • If, if the wire and launch button are completely serviceable, the current does not enter the brushes, then the plate of the plate of the brush holders should be cleaned. If the 1100E mechanism does not work further, then it is necessary to replace old brushes with new.

How to make a smooth launch of power tools from a conventional outlet

An ordinary outlet, if you finalize it a little, can extend your life to any instrument. corner grinder, circular saw, trimmer, etc.P.

All that is needed for this is a small box of smooth start, for example, a brand such as Krrqd12a.

It is well known that not every tool is equipped with similar schemes of smooth start. They mainly go in expensive models of famous brands Bosch, Hilti, Dewalt. over, both in the network line and in the battery.

The power tool without such a device has a bunch of disadvantages:

  • Speaking of the anchor on the collector with the burnout of the lamella of the anchor
  • burning of brushes and faster they grind them
  • more often output the winding of the rotor and stator
  • current throw into a common power grid
  • Sixpan strikes against each other and their faster operation
  • Dangerous jerk when starting, tearing the tool from hands and increasing injury hazard

When working with a end saw having a PP, the disk will not be lost from the prepared cutting point. What is important for unprofessional joiners.

How To Rewind The Field Coil And Armature Of Olympia Mini Angle Grinder 1150 Watt. Part #1

If you still do not have electricity at the cottage or house at the initial stage of construction and you use the generator, then sooner or later you will understand that without BPP (smooth starting block) with sharp initial currents, the generator will not last long. Therefore, such a thing is able to save not only the tool, but also emergency power sources.

You can certainly independently integrate the BPP into the inside of the same corner grinding or end, however, to disassemble the equipment and poke around in the insides, not everyone is hunting.

Plus everything else, opening a new building entails a loss of warranty. Therefore, the best use for the KRRQD12A unit is an external connection.

This box is designed for current 12 amperes.

What is characteristic, their dimensions are the same, and the difference in price is a couple of dozen.

It would seem better to take it, but for a standard outlet in 16a, the first option is more profitable. There will be no desire to connect a more powerful load and thereby plow all the contacts.

Masters of self-made, of course, collect such schemes with their own hands, based on Tiristors VTA 12-600 or others, capacitors, dinistor and a couple of small resistors. Examples of schemes on the Internet can be found many.

But the ordinary user of the tool is much easier to buy all this in a ready.made compact case. You can order a similar block by link from here.

By the way, be careful, there are similar devices, but with three wiring. For example XS-12/D3.

Or other models look like krrqd.

But they are collected on a slightly different principle and they need to be installed after the start button, in the tool itself. The voltage to them should be supplied only at the time of the trigger button of the corner grinder and immediately disappear after releasing it.

The phase is made to contact “A”, zero on “C”. Further, the phase goes to the engine with the output wire of control (this is just the third wiring).

This is not in the two.wire block, since it is connected to the rupture of the circuit, and the voltage (potential difference) is applied to it only at the time of start.up and operation of the tool.

Another moment is the so.called electric brake or brake winding on ends. He may not work with a 3 wired external SPP, but with a 2-wired model will be.

The most important requirement for such a socket is its mobility. Therefore, you will need a carrying.

With it, it will be possible to smoothly start the tool anywhere. in the garage, in the country, during the construction of your house in different areas of the construction site.

First of all, the carrier needs to be disassembled.

The main food wires in it can be either soldered or connected on screw clamps.

Depending on this, your additional outlet will also be connected. This should be an additional socket near the carrying, in order to be able to simultaneously connect the tool in different modes.

By the way, if you mistakenly turn on the corner grinder or circular, having a factory smooth start in a socket, also equipped with such UPP, then everything will work surprisingly. The only moment is that you get a delay in starting a saw or a disk revolution for a couple of seconds, which is not very convenient in work and can puzzle without a habit.