How to cut a card in Surfer. Training video course that allows the most quickly…

Study / Textbooks and programs_surfer / Textbook on Surfer 8

The profile lines are obtained by crossing the surface with a vertical section drawn along a given line.

The Grid/Slice team builds profile points that can be displayed on the schedule using the MS Excel program. The cutting line for the cutting trimmer is taken from a given file type “Golden Software Blanking [.Bln] File “.

The resulting values ​​of the profile points are written to a text file like “Golden Software Data [.DAT] “or in a form of type

Each line of the output text data file contains information about one profile point. The profile point is the intersection point of the cut line with a grid line.

Tector’s output DAT.The file consists of five columns. The columns are placed in the file as follows:

1) column a: X-coordinate of the intersection point of the cut line with a net line;

2) column B: y-coordinate of the intersection point of the cut line with a net line;

3) column C: Z-value at the intersection point;

4) the column D: the total distance along the line line (horizontally);

5) Eltor E: cut line number (used when the file contains more than one cut line).

Housing text BLN.The file contains only the first 3 of these columns.

When constructing a graph based on the Grid/Slice command, the values ​​from the column C are used as Y.Coordinates of points. As x.coordinate can be used-

If as x.Coordinates of points select values ​​from column a. then the two-dimensional schedule will be a projection of the three-dimensional line of the profile on the XZ-coordinate plane of Surfer.

If the values ​​of the column b are selected as X-coordinates. then a two-dimensional schedule will be a projection of the three-dimensional line of the profile on YZ- Coordinate Surfer plane.

If as x.Coordinates of points select values ​​from column D. then the abscissa of the point of the two.dimensional schedule will be equal to the total distance to this point along the line line.

In order to create a data file containing a cross section, you must perform the following actions.

Select the Slice command from Grid menu. The Open Grid dialog panel opens on the screen (open the network). Ask the name of the grid file that you want to use to build a profile line and click on the OK key.

In the Open File dialog panel (open the file), set the Blanking [.BLN] File defining a fishing line for a cutting trimmer. Click the key ok. and the dialog panel Grid Slice will open (C-

If you want to record the profile points calculated when executing the Slice command. To the format file [.BLN], then click on the CHANGE key (change) in the Output Bln File window (output BLN file) and enter the name of the output [.BLN] file. This name will appear in the window

If you want to record the profile points calculated when executing the Slice command. in the ASCII data file, then click on the Change key (change) in the Output Dat File window (output DAT file) and enter the name of the output ascii data file. This name will appear in the Output Dat File window.

The Clip Outside Grid switch (cut outside the network) sets the truncation of the built profile to the limits of the original net file. If your [.BLN] A file that determines the fishing line for the cutting trimmer goes beyond the network, then in the case when the Clip Outside Grid switch is turned on, the points outside.

Clip Blanked Areas switch (excluding form areas) cuts out points from the constructed profile that fall into the form of the grid file used in the Slice operation. If some sections of your grid file are formed (that is, the nodes included in them have a space code 1.70141E038), then in the case when the Clip Blanked Areas switch is included, the profile points that fall into these sections are not included in the output file.

Click the key ok. and a data file will be created (or [.BLN] File, if set) containing the points of the profile line. You can use the Grapher or Grapher For Windows programs from the Golden Software package to build a two.dimensional schedule of the obtained transverse section.

1) Create a blank file “Profile.BLN “containing the coordinates of the southwestern and northeastern corners of the map.

2) Calculate the profile line according to the mesh file “Coa-

Determining the expression of the function when working with teams

Grid/Function. Grid/Math. Grid/Data. Grid/Variogram and Data/Transform,

you can use arithmetic and (or) logical operations. The procedure for fulfilling the expression depends on the priority of operations included in the expression, and can be changed using round brackets (“and”).

Created two training video courses: “Study the Surfer Golden Software program and Surfer for geologists and geophysicists”.

This new video course allows you to master the Surfer 14, 15 and 16 program as quickly and easily as possible and easily

If you own Surfer 11, or 12, or 13 versions, then with the help of this video course, spending a little effort, easily learn to work with the latest versions of Surfer, which are distinguished by many useful and interesting innovations.

The purpose of the course?

  • Mastering the Surfer 14, 15 and 16 programs with maximum saving time and effort, since it is not required to independently study these versions of Surfer using the available volumetric documentation, which is also in English.

The course includes 12 lessons with a total duration of about 3 hours, which are considered:

Ribbon BAR Ribbon Main window Surfer 14, 15, 16 and the purpose of the options.

The new strip menu (Ribbon bar) is considered Surfer 14.15 and 16 versions and the purpose of its sections. tabs that include options with icons instead of text points of the drop.down menu, as it was before.

MAP Wizard (MAP Wizard)

The work of the MAP Wizard (Map Wizard) is shocked, which allows you to select various types and view the data contained in them in the Data Preview window (preliminary viewing data) and set the desired type of card in the Select Your Map Type window (select your type of card), which then visualized in the graphics window.

Fallance of landfills and calculation of volumes within them

The procedure for forming the grid inside the landfills specified in the files of any vector format is demonstrated, and the calculation of the volume inside the selected landfill or set of landfills.

The basics of working with Surfer

After the first launch of Surfer, make sure that the usual centimeters are installed as units of the distances and sizes inside the Surfer, and not the inch defaults by default. To do this, you need to execute the File/Preferences command. In this case, the dialog box will appear Preferences (Preferences). This window has 4 tabs. Should go to the tab Drawing (Drawing) (rice 1). In a group Page Units (Units Measurements on the page) you need to mark the item Centimeters (Centimeters). To use the selected parameter, click on the button

The main Surfer window is shown in rice. 2. At the first launch of the Surfer, a new empty carrier window window is automatically created Plot1. The window of the plate document is the working space inside which you can create net files and cards, accompany them with signatures and simple graphic objects (polygons, rectangles, ellipses, symbols, etc. P.).

Рис.1. Диалоговое окно Preferences (Рисование). Вкладка Drawing (Рисование)

The main menu of this window contains the following points:

File (file). commands for opening and saving files, printing cards, changing print parameters and creating new documents;

Edit (editing). teams for working with an exchange buffer and auxiliary commands of editing objects;

View (view). commands that control the appearance of the current window of the document;

DRAW (drawing). teams for creating text blocks, polygons, polylines of characters and figures;

Arrange (alignment)- commands that control the order and orientation of objects;

Grid (grid). commands for creating and modifying grid files;

Map (map). commands for creating and modifying cards;

Window (window). commands for managing subsidiary windows;

Help (certificate). provides access to the reference service.

Рис.2. Вид окна Surfer при первом запуске в режиме плот-документа: 1. заголовок с именем плот-документа; 2. главное меню; панели инструментов: 3. «главная» (Main), 4-«рисование» (Drawing), 5. «карта» (Map); управляющие линейки (Rulers): 6.горизонтальная, 7. вертикальная; 8. печатная страница; 9. непечатаемое рабочее пространство; полоски прокрутки: 10. вертикальная, 11. горизонтальная; 12. строка состояния (Status Bar); 13. менеджер объектов (Object Manager)

When the window of the carpet, the main Surfer window, has three toolbars home (Main). Drawing (Drawing) and Map (Map) (rice 5).

Рис.3. Панель инструментов Main (Главная)

Рис. 4. Панель инструментов Drawing (Рисование)

Рис. 5. Панель инструментов Map (Карта)

The bulk part of the federal documentation window is occupied by the printed page when sending images created in Surfer to the printer, only what is placed inside this page is usually printed. To the left of the print page is the manager of objects If at the first launch of the Surfer the manager of the objects is missing, then you should execute the View/Object Manager command or click on the button on the toolbar Main. Object manager. This is an important control tool for the images created in the plate document window. It is impossible to do without it when the overlays are created (t. e. Opening one on the other) several cards.

Building structural maps

Building structural cards is possible using various application programs. Among the latter, the Surfer program, developed by Golden Software Inc, is most popular.”.

The principle of construction. To build a structural map using a computer, you must have a table that reflects the following data:

  • a) the coordinates of the position of the wells used (in a rectangular or relative coordinate system);
  • b) the name or well numbers;
  • c) the deep absolute marks of the stratum of an interest;

All these data are entered in the spreadsheet of the program “Surfer” (GRID), which may have the following view (table 1):

Further, this table is subjected to special processing in the Grid section, which consists in creating a uniform network of points, their binding on absolute depths, choosing a method of equipping the given, search radius, etc.P. As a result of processing, we get a file prepared for structural constructions with an extension [.GRD].

The actual structural constructions in the “Surfer” program are performed in a section called Topo. In this section, only files with the extension are used [.GRD]. The construction of a structural map begins with its initial viewing using a specially function. View is carried out after downloading the file by pressing the F-2 key. A card frame with isolinies applied inside the monitor will appear on the computer screen. By pressing the ESC key, you can return to the editing mode of your structural card. And subsequently, with any change in your card (replacing the color of isoline, signatures, etc.P.) At any stage of editing, you can view your card using the F-2 key.

When editing, the following options are most often used:

  • a) a change in the cross section and signature of the isoline of the structural map;
  • b) the choice of the required scale and applying it to the map;
  • c) signature of the name of the card;
  • d) applying wells to a structural map;

Changing the section and signature of isoline. Changing the isoline section is carried out in the LEVEL subsection. Here we set the maximum and minimum isohypsum on the map and set the necessary section for the card. In a well.fed example (table 1) minimum value. 730 m, and maximum. 380 m. The section can be taken 50 m. The signature of isoline is carried out in the Conline subsection. Here in the Labeled submenu, you can set the frequency of signed isohypsum, their color and size.

The choice of the required scale. All scaling operations are performed in the SCALE subsection. When choosing a scale, it is necessary to establish the correct (initial) ratio of axes X and Y in order not to distort the true position of the wells. As a rule, the ratio of axes X and Y is installed 1: 1. Depending on the size of the paper and necessity, the scale is determined by the size of the long side of the card. The large.scale line is called in the LEGEND submenu.

Signature of the name of the card. All signatures to the card are made in the Text section. The location of the header to the map, the size of the letters and numbers, their color and inclination are determined in the subsection of Maptitle. The necessary editorial or other explanatory text can be scored in the division of Edittext.

Broadcasting on a structural map. This operation is carried out in the Postblock POST section. To do this, set in the data column the name of the file of the initial electric table. Then, in the column coordinates (x, y), columns and marking set the numbers of the corresponding speakers. In the described example, it is necessary to arrange the numbers as follows: for x. 1, for Y. 2, for the name of the wells. 3 (see. Table 1).

In the final form, the card can be prepared and saved for printing in the Output subsection. This subsection is assigned a new extension to your file. The file ready for printing has an extension [.PLT]. This is where the work in the Topo section ends.

The final version of the card can be viewed in the View section or printed in the PLOT section. For work, both in the other section, the file must have an extension [.PLT].System Far Document Team

Section View program “Surfer” is designed to view ready.made cards. For viewing, you need to download a file with the extension into the program [.PLT], and then an image of a card will appear on the monitor screen. In the View section, it is possible to move the card on the screen, change its scale, move individual parts, determine the screen coordinates of the position of objects.

In the PLOT section “Surfer”, the printing of images created in the sections of TOPO and SURF is carried out. A file with the extension is entered into the command line of the PLOT section [.PLT]. In this case, two functions are provided here: a) print without changes; b) printing drawing with amendments. The first function will be performed by double pressing the Enter key. First, an additional work file with the extension will be created [.OPT] and then the image will be printed. When printing with changes, you can make an editorship of the scale of the drawing and the value of the image shift on the sheet (to the right, left, and up, down). After making changes, an additional file with the extension will also be created [.OPT], which will further be printed. An example of a structural map is shown in Figure 21.

We will create an overly-card of the annual amount of precipitation in the Omsk region in the Surfer. Overlay. Operation Presentation

1 Create in Surfer, an overly-card of the distribution of an annual amount of precipitation in the Omsk region, performed in the way of isolin. Overlay. Operation on each other two or more layers, as a result of which one derivative layer is formed containing the composition of the spatial objects of the original layers. Building a card in serfer

2 for building a card required: 1. The base card-foundation received through the digitization of rastra in EasyTrace and preservation in the exchange format of Mapinfo.MIF (created by you when working at EasyTrace Card-Baset) 2. The data on the geographical coordinates of the Omsk Region (created by you when working in EasyTrace Coordinates of the weather stations) digitized in Easy Trace and stored in the CSV format)

3 1) To create a raster base, perform the MAP menu (card). Base MAP (base card) (or the corresponding icon on the right vertical panel. on the figure is highlighted). In the catalog, find a personal folder in which the card file was saved. Mif. (This is a completely digitized and edited in Mapinfo raster, with which you worked at Easy Trace). The opening button creates in the current project a map-Osnov card on axes x and y.

4 2) In order for the map to acquire a view convenient for reading and printing, increase the thickness of linear signs (border and hydrography), change the view of the punchs to traditional points and remove the coordinate axes.

5 Double click on the map with the left button, opens the window of the map properties, which indicates its position in the distribution catalog (Input File), the position on the coordinate axes (dimensions of X and Y in conditional units). In addition, the window has two active Line Isymbol buttons that allow editing linear and symbolic graphics.

6 Line button opens the Line Properties Properties dialog box. Here, from the drop.down menu, you can choose the style, color and thickness of the line. We will leave the style by default. Set the thickness of the line = cm. This is the best option for displaying a map for printing.

7 Symbol button opens the “Symbol Properties Properties” dialog box. Here, from the drop.down menu, you can choose a catalog of characters, style, color and size of the icon. In the installed catalog of characters, choose the Punchon style (a shaded circle). We will leave the color by default. The size of the symbol is selected individually depending on the size of the card, and the initial size of the characters in the library. Set the size = 0.15 cm. OK button confirms the choice.

8 To make the axes and values ​​invisible, in the edit menu (edit), make an active (set the checkbox) window Object Manager (object manager). A window will appear to the left of the current window, in which all layer objects will be shown. Remove the flags from objects Right Axis, Left Axis, Top Axis, Bottom Axis. This action will make them invisible. The card will acquire a traditional view.

9 3) To always have access to the base with a given parameters, execute File (file). Save as (save as). In the catalog will find a personal folder and save the card under the name “Card-Once”. Now always use this file as the source for building thematic cards (save all new cards under a unique name so that the base is available in the original version).

10 To build a thematic card by the isoline method, we need to create Worksheet (database). Information about the coordinates of points-weather stations is in a personal folder in the case of the coordinates of the weather stations.CSV. We received it by digitizing a raster in Easytrace. Individual values ​​of points. the value of general hydration per year. are stored in the file of precipitation in electronic set.

11 4) Perform File (file). New (new document). Worksheet (database). In the catalog, find a personal folder and open the file coordinates of the weather stations.CSV. This action will lead to the opening of a table similar to the Excel table. The coordinates of the weather stations of the Omsk region appeared in the column “A” in the column “B”, respectively. Coordinates y. Fill the column “C” values ​​of the annual quantity for each station. Open the file of precipitation from the Electronic set folder. Copy a column with data (highlighted by green) and go to Surfer. In Worksheet, install the cursor in the column “C” opposite the coordinates of the first weather station and perform Edit (edit). Paste Special (special insert). CSV. The need for the need for the column will appear.

12 5) In order to build a card on the basis of a database, it is necessary to save it in format.Dat. To do this, File (file). Save as (Save as) and set the name of the precipitation file type Golden Software Data (.DAT). The Save button will lead to the opening of a window in which you need to specify a comma of the commercial commercials as a separator. We confirm the choice. “OK”. Closing the database with a standard button in the upper menu Windows (highlighted in the figure), you will go to the project of the Card Card project.

13 6) All Surfer cards are based on a cartographic grid (Grid). It is created according to the specific database (Worksheet) and subsequently acts as a basis, for example, to build isolinies. Grid menu (grid). Data (data) opens a window in which you need to select a database (Worksheet). For our project. impose.DAT in a personal folder. Open it.

14 opening window opening during data interpolation (Grid Data). In the General section, the default program determines the geometry of the mesh lines (maximum and minimum coordinates on the axes, the number of mesh lines) and the method of dissipation of data. We leave all the indicators. by default. Confirm OK. A Grid Precipitation file has been created in a personal folder.

15 7) To create a card by the isoline method, perform MAP (card). Contour MAP (isoline card), or click on the corresponding icon on the right vertical toolbar (highlighted in the figure). In the window of the personal folder, select the grid-file precipitation.Grid and open it. After that, a window of the isoline card properties will appear.

16 8) As for the light cards, we will remove the coordinate axis from the new layer (in the right window of the object manager, remove the flags from Right Axis, Left Axis, Top Axis, Bottom Axis). To edit the remaining properties of the card. a step between isolinies, the thickness of the isoline, the signatures of isoline. Twice click on the icon of the isoline card in the object manager (highlighted in the figure). At the same time, the already familiar window will open. Contour Map Properties Card Properties).

Study / Textbooks and programs_surfer / Textbook on Surfer 8

1) build a point card with parameters from the table. II.6.

2) create overlays of contour and point maps.

3) to analyze the features of the distribution of data points in the area occupied by them. Identify sections unsecured.

II.7.FROM. Adding labels on a point card in overlay

After creating the overly cards, it remains to be possible to edit each card separately. To do this, use the object manager:

Click twice on the POST line in the facilities manager.

Map: Post Properties will appear.

Go to the Labels tab (rice. II.29). In the group Worksheet Column for Labels-

why sheet with marks) click on the list. A list of columns of the file “Personal-

Click on the button and the Label Format dialog box appears (rice. II.twenty).

Set the Fixed type. The number of signs after a decimalum is 0.

Label Format dialog box closes.

Map: Post Properties Dialogue Close.

Task 16. Editing individual cards inside overlay

Add marks on a point card. The color of the marks make the corresponding color of the points.

Surfer provides for the ability to remove the values ​​of X and Y Coordinates in arbitrary points of both built net cards and from the outside of raster images. This process is called digitizing. Most often, it is used to translate into electronic form of old scanned raster cards. Import of such cards for subsequent digitization is carried out by creating a karse.

The base card allows you to depict an information in the plate document that cannot be presented in the form of a net card. Most often, a base card is a raster pattern imported from an external graphic file. In this case, the coordinates of this map are the pixel number, counting the image from the left lower corner of the image. The base card can be combined with any other type of card.

Create a new plate document. Save it under the name “Black Sea.SRF “.

Execute the MAP/BASE MAP command or click on the button on the MAP toolbar. Will appear dialog box Open (rice. I.ten). Select graphic file “Blacksea.JPG “.

If you click on the button. then in the middle of the page depicted in the window of the plot-document will arise a newly created base map depicting a fragment of a map of the gravitational field over the Black Sea and the surrounding territories (rice.

Karterace: Gravitational Field over the Black Sea and the surrounding territories

Give the name “engravik” for a present card.

Absolute BEGINNER Guide to the Mac OS Terminal

Operations digitalization allows you to translate it into electronic form. This will need:

Highlight the “Gravik” card using a single click by a mouse.

The right way to kill a fish

Make MAP/Digitize command. In this case, the mouse pointer will change the view of the thin cross. When moving the pointer above the map in the status line, the current coordinates X and Y the cards will be shown.

Click the left mouse button on the map. Digitaiser window will appear (rice. III.2). In this window, a line with coordinates X and Y will automatically be added. In addition, on the map in the place where the click was made, there will be a small (unfortunately, temporary) red cross.

Thus it is necessary to track all digitized isoline.

Maintain the digit results of each isoline individually. In the Digitaiser window, execute the File/Save AS command. Save as dialog box appears (Save as) (rice. I.eight). In the falling list Save as Type (type of file) select Data Files.DAT). Enter the file name in accordance with the value (given the sign) of the digitized isolin.

Close the digitizer window and start digitizing the next isolin.

To end the digitization process, press the ESC key.

Task 17. Docifting of the raster image

1) Create a new plate document “Black Sea”. Create a cardiosnov from the graphic file “Blacksea.JPG “. Digest all the isolines of the gravity field.

2) after passing the next isoline, to build a point card based on the just created file with the digit results. In the manager of objects, give the name of each point card in accordance with the value of the digitized isoline. Point cards to include in overly with a map-one.

3) to assemble in the operating sheet mode all digitization results in a single file with the addition of the third column. the values ​​of the gravity field for each isolin. Save in the “assembly file.DAT “.

4) Create the grid file “Assembly.GRD “According to the file” Assembly.DAT “.

5) build a contour map based on the net file “Assembly.GRD “. Make the color of the contours of all isolines with white.

6) check the compliance of the digitized image and contour map. Fix errors when detecting them and repeat PP. 4 and 5.

Building a network is the creation of a regular array of zy values.coordinates of nodal points according to an irregular array (x, y, z). The coordinates of the starting points.

The term “irregular coordinate array” means that x, y- coordinates of the data points are distributed unevenly by the map.

To create an isoline card (Contour) or surface graphics

(Surfac e) a regular array of nodal points is required. The procedure for building a network is an interpolation or extrapolation of the values ​​of the initial data points on evenly distributed nodes in the study area.

The Surfer program provides the user with several methods of building regular networks. Each of these methods uses its own data interpolation procedure, so the networks built according to your data using various methods may differ slightly from each other.

card, surfer, training, video

Kriging method is a geostatic method for building a network, which turned out to be very useful in other areas. This method is trying to express the trends that are assumed in your data. For example, high.level points are preferable to connect along the ridge, and not isolate with closed horizontals such as “bull eye”.

Study / Textbooks and programs_surfer / Textbook on Surfer 8

When the window of the carpet-document is actively, there are three toolbars in the main Surfer window: Home (Main) (rice. one.3), drawing (rice. one.4) and map (MAP) (Fig. 1.5).

Most of the window of the plate document is occupied by the printed page of the rice. I.2, 8). When sending an image created in Surfer, only what is placed inside this page is usually printed. To the left of the print page is the manager of objects. I.2, 13). If at the first start of the Surfer, the object manager is absent, then you should execute the View/Object Manager command or click on the Main toolbar button. Object manager is an important control tool for the images created in the plate document window. It is impossible to do without it when the overlays are created (t. e. Opening one on the other) several cards. Overwhelming will be discussed in the section of rice. II.7.B (s. 40).

Exercise 1. Study of the Surfer integral. Far-Document mode

Run the Surfer program. Study elements of the faddocation window. Set centimeters as units of measurement of sizes and distances.

Building any card in Surfer usually begins with the preparation of the phala containing XYZ-data. XYZ-data is, as a rule, numerical information consisting of at least three columns, the first two of which are most often considered as arguments X and Y. and the third (or others). as a function (function) Z of these arguments.

It is not allowed to make passes when entering such data, t. e. For each pair of values ​​X and Y, the values ​​of all functions Z must be present. In the first line for each column, you can set short text Комментарии и мнения владельцев.

mi; 2. the main menu; 3. toolbar “Home” (Main); 4. line of the address of the cell; 5. a line of editing the contents of the cell; 6. discharge button of the entire table; headlines: 7. columns, 8. lines; 9. active cell; 10. a table of a working sheet; strips of scrolling: 11. vertical, 12. horizontal; 13. Status bar (Status bar)

I.3.BUT. Opening an existing file with XYZ-Danish

To open the finished tutorws2 file.DAT (this is one of the examples in the Surfer set) with XYZ.Data in a separate window of the working sheet is necessary:

Execute the File/Open command or use the Main toolbar button. The standard Open dialog box will appear (open).

In the file list, select tutorws2.DAT and click on the button. The name of this file will appear in the title of the window of the working sheet (rice. I. 6).

It can be seen that the coordinate X (easting, eastern position) in the column a is in the column B. the values ​​of the coordinate y (northing, northern position), and the column C is the values ​​of Z (elevation, height). The text of the headings of columns (text in line 1) is not mandatory, but helps identify the type of data in column. In addition, this information is used by the distinguished dialogue.winging, where it is required to choose the column of the working sheet.

The main menu of the work sheet window contains the following points:

RISTIC and implementation of mathematical transformations;

Task 2. Study of the Surfer integral. Working sheet mode

Open the Tutorws2 file.Dat. Study the elements of the working sheet window.

I.3.AT. Creating a new file with xyz-data

Surfer also allows you to create new files with data. This will need:

Execute the File/New command or use the Main toolbar button. Will appear the New Dialog box (create) (rice. I.7). If you select a worksheet item (working sheet) and click on the button. then a new empty window of the working sheet will appear.

You can select an active cell by clicking on it with a mouse or using keys ←. → and the active cell is noted in the table with a thick frame (rice. I. 6, 9), in addition, the contents of the active cell are shown in the editing line (rice. I. 6, 5).

When the cell is active, you can enter a value or text. Then the information will be shown both in the active cell and in the editing line.

To edit the data you can use the keys ← Backspace and Delete.

After pressing the Enter key, the data will be entered into the cell.

To save the data scored in the active cell, you must move to the next cell. Moving to the next cell is carried out by clicking the mouse pointer, using keys ←. → and or Enter keys.

Task 3. Input of numerical information in the work sheet

Create a file containing data from the table. Supplement the data with columns “m” (introductory mixture), “d” (entrance center) and “h” (entatively).

Weather data in g. Voronezh from 0 hours on October 25 to 21 hours November 23, 2003. with an interval of 3 hours

t. temperature in ° C, p. pressure in mm. RT. Art., N. relative humidity

After the input of all data is completed, the following must be made.

Execute the File/Save command or use the Main toolbar button. If the data with data has not yet been saved, then the Save AS dialog box will appear

In the drop.down Save File As Type list, select Golden Software Data.DAT).

Card filtering in the Surfer program

First, get acquainted with the dialogue window with which filtering is made, and deal with the types of filters available in the program and their purpose, and then we will see how different filters work with some examples.

To perform filtering, an option is designed, which is located in the GRID menu section and is called Filter (filter) (

It should be noted that for such a type of filtration as smoothing, there are other options in the Surfer program, in particular, in the same section of the Grid menu (Grid) there is a Spline Smooth option.

But back to the Filter option (filter). When it is activated, a standard dialog box appears, designed to select a grid file for filtering. After choosing a grid file, such a dialog box appears (rice.2).

The left side of the window shows all the filters that are grouped by different types.

On the right side of the window, filtering parameters are displayed and set. In addition, the name of the input net file selected for processing and the path to it is shown here, and the name of the output file obtained as a result of filtering is set, and the place where it will be saved is selected.

Before proceeding to the consideration of filtering parameters, it must be said that when filtration is made, the value of the output grid in each node is calculated as the function of the value in the corresponding node and the values ​​in the surrounding neighboring nodes in the inlet grid. over, the values ​​in neighboring nodes are taken into account with the weights assigned to them.

Neighboring nodes are nodes of a rectangular area of ​​the input grid, which is centered on the corresponding assembly unit of the input grid. Accordingly, the width and height of such a site is determined by the number of columns and lines.

The filter sequentially “moves” from node to the node, and the process continues until all nodes are processed.

Now, after this clarification, it will be easy to understand what kind of parameters these are, and what is their purpose.

it. Two parameters in the EDGE Effects section: Edge of Grid (the edge of the grid) and Blanked nodes (formed nodes) to eliminate the regional effects, with which the methods of calculating the edges of the nets and the form of the nodes are set.

This is Filter Size (filter dimensions), t.e. The number of lines (RESS) and columns (cols) of the input file file adjacent to the node in which the new function of the function will be determined.

And this. weights assigned by the values ​​in the nodes of these neighboring lines and columns (located below on the right side of the dialog box).

There is also a Number of Passes parameter (number of aisles) for repeated re.filtering of the dicks received at the output.

In addition to a set of smoothing (low.frequency) filters, there are also high.frequency filters (subtracting the regional background), increased contrast filters, determination and strengthening of the edges, and others.

When choosing a filter or group of filters, a brief explanation appears in the lower part of the dialog box.

There are 64 filters in total. All filters are divided into two main groups: Linear Convolution Filters and Nonlinear Filters).

Linearly packing filters, in turn, are divided into filters in which filtering parameters are set by the user (user defined Filters), and pre.installed filters (PredEfined Filters), in which filtering parameters are defined by default and cannot be changed by the user.

Prevented filters, in turn, are divided by their purpose to 7 types.

All linear packing filters calculate the weighted average values ​​according to the values ​​in the neighboring nodes of the input grid. The difference between different filters of linear package consists only in the size and shape of the array of neighboring nodes and the specifics of the weights used.

Filters in which filtering parameters are set by the user, include four low-frequency filters (Low-Pass Filters), allowing to set the filter dimensions, and one more (General User-Defined), which allows you to set both the dimensions of the filter and weight in any combinations. All of them are intended for smoothing. This is a sliding medium filter and filters, in which weights depend on removal and are determined by various dependencies. filters include the following types:

Nonlinear filters are divided by their purpose into 4 types.

In these filters, weights in the dialog box are not displayed. But weights are invisibly assigned, and they are determined using simple functions from values ​​in neighboring nodes.

In the filters of this group, you can change the size of the area of ​​neighboring nodes, with the exception of four filters related to the type of Compass Gradient Filters, in which they are predefined.

In the filter Threshold Averaging (threshold osvanding) an additional parameter is set. threshold value, when exceeding which the node is not taken into account when calculating.

Well, now you can go to consider the examples of the work of some filters.

In Fig.3 shows a map with small undesirable local effects that can be removed using smoothing filters.

In Fig.4 shows the above map after using the smoothing filter Gaussian User-Defined with 3 columns and 3 lines for neighboring nodes.

Card filtering in the Surfer program

First, get acquainted with the dialogue window with which filtering is made, and deal with the types of filters available in the program and their purpose, and then we will see how different filters work with some examples.

To perform filtering, an option is designed, which is located in the GRID menu section and is called Filter (filter) (

It should be noted that for such a type of filtration as smoothing, there are other options in the Surfer program, in particular, in the same section of the Grid menu (Grid) there is a Spline Smooth option.

But back to the Filter option (filter). When it is activated, a standard dialog box appears, designed to select a grid file for filtering. After choosing a grid file, such a dialog box appears (rice.2).

The left side of the window shows all the filters that are grouped by different types.

On the right side of the window, filtering parameters are displayed and set. In addition, the name of the input net file selected for processing and the path to it is shown here, and the name of the output file obtained as a result of filtering is set, and the place where it will be saved is selected.

Before proceeding to the consideration of filtering parameters, it must be said that when filtration is made, the value of the output grid in each node is calculated as the function of the value in the corresponding node and the values ​​in the surrounding neighboring nodes in the inlet grid. over, the values ​​in neighboring nodes are taken into account with the weights assigned to them.

Neighboring nodes are nodes of a rectangular area of ​​the input grid, which is centered on the corresponding assembly unit of the input grid. Accordingly, the width and height of such a site is determined by the number of columns and lines.

The filter sequentially “moves” from node to the node, and the process continues until all nodes are processed.

Now, after this clarification, it will be easy to understand what kind of parameters these are, and what is their purpose.

it. Two parameters in the EDGE Effects section: Edge of Grid (the edge of the grid) and Blanked nodes (formed nodes) to eliminate the regional effects, with which the methods of calculating the edges of the nets and the form of the nodes are set.

This is Filter Size (filter dimensions), t.e. The number of lines (RESS) and columns (cols) of the input file file adjacent to the node in which the new function of the function will be determined.

And this. weights assigned by the values ​​in the nodes of these neighboring lines and columns (located below on the right side of the dialog box).

There is also a Number of Passes parameter (number of aisles) for repeated re.filtering of the dicks received at the output.

In addition to a set of smoothing (low.frequency) filters, there are also high.frequency filters (subtracting the regional background), increased contrast filters, determination and strengthening of the edges, and others.

When choosing a filter or group of filters, a brief explanation appears in the lower part of the dialog box.

There are 64 filters in total. All filters are divided into two main groups: Linear Convolution Filters and Nonlinear Filters).

Linearly packing filters, in turn, are divided into filters in which filtering parameters are set by the user (user defined Filters), and pre.installed filters (PredEfined Filters), in which filtering parameters are defined by default and cannot be changed by the user.

Prevented filters, in turn, are divided by their purpose to 7 types.

All linear packing filters calculate the weighted average values ​​according to the values ​​in the neighboring nodes of the input grid. The difference between different filters of linear package consists only in the size and shape of the array of neighboring nodes and the specifics of the weights used.

Filters in which filtering parameters are set by the user, include four low-frequency filters (Low-Pass Filters), allowing to set the filter dimensions, and one more (General User-Defined), which allows you to set both the dimensions of the filter and weight in any combinations. All of them are intended for smoothing. This is a sliding medium filter and filters, in which weights depend on removal and are determined by various dependencies. filters include the following types:

Nonlinear filters are divided by their purpose into 4 types.

In these filters, weights in the dialog box are not displayed. But weights are invisibly assigned, and they are determined using simple functions from values ​​in neighboring nodes.

In the filters of this group, you can change the size of the area of ​​neighboring nodes, with the exception of four filters related to the type of Compass Gradient Filters, in which they are predefined.

In the filter Threshold Averaging (threshold osvanding) an additional parameter is set. threshold value, when exceeding which the node is not taken into account when calculating.

Well, now you can go to consider the examples of the work of some filters.

In Fig.3 shows a map with small undesirable local effects that can be removed using smoothing filters.

In Fig.4 shows the above map after using the smoothing filter Gaussian User-Defined with 3 columns and 3 lines for neighboring nodes.