How to cut a concrete column with a reinforcement corner grinder. It’s important to know!

How to cut a concrete slab with reinforcement

It happens that reinforced concrete structures must be cut:

  • To create and expand window and doorways;
  • To change the layout, dismantling;
  • For installation of sockets and switches;
  • For laying wires and cables;
  • In construction during the repair of bridges, overpasses and other complex structures.

How and how to cut reinforced concrete? Today there are different methods and tools for processing durable stone with a metal frame, which we will talk about later.

Cutting concrete to a small depth

In this case, you can use an angular grinding machine (angular grinding or in the “Corner Grindmaker”) and 105-125 mm Drunk diamond disk, for example, a segmented diamond disk, a turbo-almas disk or a turbo-almas disk with a wave of a wave. installed on corner grind. Segment diamond cutting discs can cause more troubles during cutting, due to their segmented edges, but their price is significantly lower than the price of other types of discs. Turbo. diamond discs with a wave case can be used to perform tasks with the highest load, for example: cutting concrete and reinforced reinforced concrete, but their cost is the highest.

You can first cut concrete to a depth of 1 cm, and look at how the angular grinder and diamond disk behave. If in the work of the corner grinder does not appear troubles, and the disk cuts and does not “stand” in place, you can continue cutting concrete and reinforcement to achieve the cutting depth for you. Each subsequent cut should not be deeper than 1.5 cm.

To reduce the formation of dust, you can ask someone to spray water into a diamond disk and cut during cutting. It is also necessary to cool down the diamond blade and the growth of the disk service life. If the use of water is not non.hazardous for the power source of your corner grinder, you must create a cutting concrete “on dry”. With dry cutting of concrete, air is used as a coolant (cooling), therefore, after a certain period of time, you must extract a diamond disk from the cut zone and give it the opportunity to spin freely to cool the segments. The period can be from several minutes to several seconds depending on the hardness of the cut concrete (the harder than concrete, the shorter the cutting period should be).

Throughout the cutting process, you should use a profile respirator for dust, in an unpleasant case you can cause severe harm to your own health.

In addition to the angular grinding machine, you can use the profiles of diamond saws. With a circular diamond saw, you can also use a more diamond diamond disk, improving the efficiency of cutting.

Select the necessary diamond cutting discs

There are two types of fastening parts to the disc sheet. Discs with attacked sectors using silver.containing solder are extensive used for moisturized cutting of concrete. Laser welding of diamond parts is more often used for dry cutting and is characterized by the highest performance.

You must check that the diamond disk diameter and the hole for its fastening correspond to the technical features of your saw. Apart from that, you should know the power of the diamond saw you used. The saw capacity affects the choice of tools. Diamond discs used on massive saws are required to have a stronger bunch of parts or have the highest concentration of diamonds, another blade (segments) can be worn very rapidly.

Now, when you have determined the diamond disk diamond, the size of the hole for attaching the disk, the power of your saw, information about the structure of concrete. You can just choose the diamond disk you need for you.

concrete, column, reinforcement, corner, grinder

How to correctly concrete pillars for the fence with your own hands | “Mz

When planning the installation of the fence, the question of the method of fixing supports always arises. But for each site, the solution is selected individually, since it is necessary to take into account the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, the type of fence structure and not only.

For massive fences on stable soils, it is recommended to choose pole concreting. this is a guarantee that the fence will stand for a long time. Concrete with several methods. Following the recommendations, you can do this yourself.

Why is concreting

The main goal of this method of fasteners is to extend the service life and increase the stability of the design.

  • Prevents the structure of the structure, makes the fence shelter more stable to wind loads.
  • Increases the supporting abilities of the structure.
  • Protects metal pillars from corrosion.

But it is important to understand that the supports can only be concreted on stable soils.

If you do this on the fluffy soil, then with frost they will simply begin to push them out and the surface will take cracks.

Do not use the solution and with a high level of groundwater, in a marshy area it is better to choose other options.

It is important to observe the proportions of the ingredients when the solution is kneaded so that it does not turn out to be too liquid or thick.

Types of pillars for fencing

They are selected based on whether the fence will be temporary or constant, which canvas for filling the sections will be applied.

  • Wooden. Recommended for lightweight fences from the picket fence, uneducated or trimmed boards, timber. Suitable for rabid fences, PVC grids. But even with proper processing of wood from decay, insects its service life is limited. Follow the link to get acquainted with detailed recommendations for the choice and correct installation of wooden pillars for the fence.
  • Asbestos.cement pipes. Less popular because they require neat installation. The pipe cavity is filled with concrete or left empty. The plugs are attached from above, otherwise the water that has fallen inside will freeze and lead to the formation of cracks. Asbestos-cement pipes are used for fences made of concrete, welded or net grid.
  • Brick. For this type of supports, a competent compilation of the masonry scheme, the estimate of the consumption of materials will be required. For reliability inside the trench, it is necessary to install a metal pipe or a bunch of rods of wire, which will perform reinforcement and enhance the support. After cover them with brick. Concreting such pillars for the fence should not be carried out pointwise, but it is better to fill with the strip foundation. They are used for sectional fences of brick, stone, corrugated board, metallore, forged structures. Instructions for choosing material, different masonry technologies, phased installation of brick pillars.
  • Concrete. Can be delivered to the construction site in finished form or create at home. They look good in combination with spans made of concrete, stone, corrugated board, forging. In the last two cases, for the fastening of sectional material, during the construction of supports, it is necessary to fix special embedded parts. The installation of concrete pillars must be carried out on stable soils in warm weather so that they can shrink.
  • Metal. Profile pipes of round or rectangular section are taken as a basis. Medium section. 6060 mm with wall thickness 2-3 mm. These are optimal supports for both lightweight and massive fences. In the absence of anti.corrosion coating, they need preliminary treatment with protective solutions. Councils for choosing metal pillars.

When installing temporary fences in the country, pillars of wood or metal can be scored into the ground. Clogging is suitable as the main method of fixing the supports of small diameter for a rabid fence, PVC grid.

But so that the massive decorative design lasts longer, the pillars are still better to concrete.

Choose concrete correctly

The desired brand of cement is M400 or M500, but not lower.

Buy products of famous manufacturers. Check if the storage conditions of the goods are met. Remember that bags with the composition should not be solid.

A suitable proportion of a solution of one where 3 parts of sand and 5 parts of crushed stone and water are per 1 part of the cement. The consistency should be like a thick sour cream.

We perform calculations

For sectional fences from a profiled sheet, siding, a metallic stake, it is worth choosing a distance between spans no more than 2.5 m, and better even less to reduce the sailing of the structure. A large distance between the pillars will gradually lead to a skew of the fence.

The number of transverse or longitudinal lag is determined by the height of the structure. For a fence of 1.5–2 m, two pieces are enough located 25 cm from the top and the bottom of the canvas.

The flow rate of the solution depends on the depth of the pillars.

Hirepool. Cutting & Grinding Concrete

Determine the depth of concreting support

It is considered the level of the soil below the freezing point. For example, if the soil freezes by 1 m, then the depth should be taken with a margin of 1.1 m.

For most regions, an indicator of 1.5 m is considered optimal depth.

This value is important to consider when selecting the height of the pillars. So, for a two.meter fence, it is necessary to take supports of 3.5 m high.

For the work to be done well, you can order masters’ services. They will not only install the pillars, but the entire turnkey fence.

Preparation of the site, materials and tools

The territory for construction is cleaned of garbage, vegetation. With the help of a rope and wooden pegs, markings are carried out.

Since metal supports are most convenient to install, consider the concreting process on their example.

  • Crushed stone of small or medium fraction. Used as a filler of concrete solution.
  • Pure sand.
  • Cement of the brand M300 or M400.
  • A drill with a diameter of 160–180 mm, up to 2 m long.
  • Corner grinder and several metal disks.
  • Kryazuvka for metal.
  • Building level from 60 to 120 cm long.
  • Marker and roulette 5 m.
  • Rabocation wire rods.
  • Waterproofing material.
  • Plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. For one pillar, a piece of 75 cm will be required. instructions for concreting pillars for fencing. Finnish technology

To protect the site, you will need to install a fence, this will determine the size of the territory, and hide the yard from prying eyes. Whatever material for installing a fence is chosen for all types to concrete poles, how to do this and what will be needed for this in the article. To carry out installation work with your own hands and install a fence, special skills of the builder will not be required, but you will have to follow the instructions and follow the rules.

Types of concreting

Before the start of work, you need to take steps and make calculations so that the fence is durable. For wooden pillars, the concreting method is not suitable, it is likely to rot quickly. For strength, it is required to select pillars with a steel base.

Methods differ in cost, labor costs and necessary materials. The suitable option is selected with the calculation of the alleged loads from the weight of the fence, operating conditions, soil composition and the depth of the course of groundwater. For windy and frosty regions, a design of increased strength will be required so that the fence does not lead.


For heavy brick structures and the installation of fences on unstable soil, the strip method is used. To do this, the trench is born around the perimeter. The width is selected from the material of the fence, for thin. 15 cm, for brick. 40 cm. The valves of the reinforcement are driven into the bottom after 50 cm. A pillow of dry components is made, a grate of reinforcement is placed on top and grabbed with welding to the supported pillars, after the design is concreted.

Such a fence will be strong thanks to the technique of execution, therefore it is not necessary to set the supports deeper than the foundation. This method turns out expensive, but the design will spin the centuries.

Materials and tools

Before starting work, it is required to prepare the inventory and the site itself. From the territory you need to remove excess garbage, rhizomes of trees, bushes, grass and other obstacles that may interfere with work.

  • Call for garbage collection;
  • bags;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • extension;
  • scrap;
  • Boer;
  • shovel;
  • drill;
  • concrete mixer;
  • Corner grinder.

And it is required to purchase such materials: water, cement, sand, gravel. Good cement has a marking M 500 or m 400, it is better not to take below. The sand should be clean and do not contain parts of clay and chernozem. Crushed stone is suitable for small and medium fraction.

How to concrete pillars correctly

When the site for work is clear, you can start preparing the installation of columns for the fence. It is important to purchase good and high.quality supports, you cannot save on them. A profile pipe is suitable with a thickness of 3 mm.

Preparation of columns. Pillars are cut into the same segments, in size, calculate the length is simple: you need to add 150 cm to the height of the fence, this is the depth of the well. Below the pipe, for reliable fixation, you need to make a hook.

For convenience, it is better to mark the part of the pipe that goes underground. At an altitude of 80 cm leave a bright mark of adhesive tape or white marker.

Broke the well. The diameter of the pit should exceed the volume of the pipe, mainly 250 mm is made. If water began to gather at the bottom, it needs to be removed with a scoop or make a pillow of sand.

The solution must be poured in small parts and constantly rammed with a stick or in another way. To fill in a watering can or a tin groove, which is easily made on its own. Concrete is needed from 1 to 4 hours for full shrinkage, therefore, final work with the solution, namely the last pouring to the desired volume, carried out after this time.


For proper markup, you need to install the corner poles and pull the string between them. Often builders make markings on the bottom. this is not entirely right, it is better to pull the guide string on top. With this location, you only need to mark the distance between the pillars and make the pendulums. Thus, the marking is flat, and correctly and evenly install the supporting pillars of the fence simply.

Drilling holes

The well is made wider than the supporting pillar. If a profile pipe is taken size 50 by 50, then the pit is made in 250 mm. The holes are made by drill. It is better to immediately take out the well from the well from the site so that it does not interfere.

The choice of the right depth

Recommended depth. 150 cm. Depending on the soil, it is possible less, but this will need to know the composition of the soil, the depth of underground currents, etc. D. The regions are characterized by severe frosts and winds, it is recommended to make a depth more.

Installation of supports

If water is collected in the well, it will need to be made a drainage pillow. It is made simply from sand, which is poured to the bottom, the thickness of the layer not exceeding 10 cm. And carefully compacted.


To increase the strength of the structure and increase the duration of the fence, it will be necessary to manufacture the strengthening. The easiest way to do this is to use reinforcement, around the perimeter, before concreting, a strengthening structure of rods is installed.

To reduce the effect of groundwater on a column for a fence, it is recommended to make a layer from roofing material between concrete and soil. Such a simple way will protect cement from cracking.


You will need to make a solution. For this you need:

You can knead in several ways, and the density of the solution is adjusted independently. On the bottom of the structure it is better to make the mixture thoroughly, pour the top with a more liquid solution. The components should be of high quality and correspond to the time, this applies to cement. You can knead manually or in a concrete mixer.

When pouring, it is required to observe the instructions and pour the solution in small portions, each layer ramming. It is important to knead the correct amount and use the solution at a time. It is better to immediately throw away the excess.

Calculation of the composition of concrete

Universal composition of the solution: three parts of the sand and one part of the cement. Water is added to the desired consistency. Volumes depend on the capacity of the concrete mixer and the amount of the necessary solution. In order to correctly calculate the right amount of materials for the proposed work, it is recommended to use the calculator on the Internet. This calculation will be accurate and will allow you to purchase the right number of components for installing the fence.

The procedure for cutting concrete

Determination of the type of concrete

Before sawing the corner grinding of concrete, it is necessary to determine what type of it you are dealing with. This is due to the fact that for each type of material different types of diamond discs are used. For example, it can be reinforced with metal rods (reinforced concrete).

If the cut depth is about 10 centimeters and deeper, then on the “Your Way” you can stumble upon a metal lattice (reinforcing cage). As mentioned above, there are special discs for these purposes.

max angle grinder its very good

In addition, it should be borne in mind that over time the structure of the material is changing. Fresh concrete is more abrasive, while the old one is more solid. For this reason, diamond discs for old and fresh material should be different.

If you have time, you can study the structure of the material in more detail, which will allow you to choose the most suitable tool for it. For example, if the composition contains basalt or quartz, then it will quickly dull the circle. Therefore, diamond segments should be connected by soft material so that the new diamonds are “opened” fasterly.

It should also be borne in mind that the size of the filler affects the speed of cutting. the larger it is, the more slowly the procedure.

Advice! Diamond tool is used not only for cutting, but also other concrete processing. In particular, diamond drilling of holes in concrete or grinding with diamond shutters is often used.

In the photo. a diamond circle with laser ration

Choice of a disk

When choosing a disk, it should be borne in mind that segments can be attached to the canvas in two ways:

  • Solder with m silver. Such discs are widely used for wet cutting.
  • Laser welding. Such nozzles are characterized by high performance, and, as a rule, are used for dry cutting.

In addition, when choosing a disk, it is necessary to make sure that its diameter and hole for fastening corresponds to the technical characteristics of the corner grinder. The maximum speed of rotation is also an important point. It is desirable that this disk indicator is higher, the maximum rotation frequency, which the angular grinder can provide.

After all the above parameters are determined, you can choose the most optimal type of tool, which will ensure maximum work efficiency.

Corner grinder on concrete with a segmented disk

Choosing the type of cutting

As a rule, cutting is performed with water, in which case the procedure occurs without dust. In addition, water is able to increase the efficiency of work, as well as increase the resource of the tool. Due to the fact that the process can be continuous, the speed of work will increase. (Cm. also an article of a gearbox for aerated concrete: Features.)

However, there is not always source of water near the working area. In this case, cutting is carried out dry.Dry cutting process should be intermittent, t.e. consisting of several cuts.


After the corner grinder for cutting concrete will be prepared, you can start work:

  • First of all, you need to outline a fishing line for a trimmer along which an incision will be made. It is advisable to fix the wooden bars along the line, which will make the cut lines of even.
  • Then you need to turn it on with your own hands a corner grinder and cut a cut with a depth of about 0.5. 1 cm.
  • Next, remove the bars and make a cut to the desired depth. In the process, it is necessary to spray water onto the blade. If the cutting is carried out dry, then the procedure, as mentioned above, must be periodically stopped so that the tool cools down.

note! Before starting work, you need to protect the respiratory system with a respirator. In addition, other personal protective equipment should be used. glasses and gloves.

concrete, column, reinforcement, corner, grinder

Here, perhaps, is the whole instructions for performing this work.

How to make a casing with your own hands for a vacuum cleaner

A grinder with an integrated vacuum cleaner allows you to get rid of small particles of the material formed during the cutting process using a “grinding machine”. But what to do if there is a need to cut concrete in ordinary equipment without additional options? The most ordinary solution would be to purchase a casing for a vacuum cleaner separately or without the help of others to make a device. You can attract an assistant who will collect particles formed during sawing a vacuum cleaner.

Make a comfortable mount from an ordinary plastic canister, which is often used to implement the car “against freezing”, simply. For work, a construction cutter and a container of the corresponding size, the neck of which is suitable for a diane of a vacuum cleaner, will come in handy for you.

  • Holes are cut from 2 sides so that you can simply change the direction of rotation of the disk.
  • Under the circles, the lumen of the corresponding size is made.
  • To attach the cutter with a “grinding machine”, cut the next hole.
  • The hose is attached to the neck of the canister and fixed with the adapter with a clamp ring.
  • “Grinding machine” is a casing and all elements are connected.
  • Cover the unused hole with a lid.

A good dust dust can be obtained from a regular five.liter plastic bottle. It is attached with a standard protective cover, and a vacuum cleaner nozzle to the neck. This design is suitable for all work, not counting the chase.

Last final advice: to make the cut straight, at first they are marking. Then wood blocks are fixed along the spitting line of mowing. Then a shallow incision is made to one cm, stops are removed and the work lasts. Throughout the process, the coolant is supplied to the disk blade. All manipulations need to be created with glasses, respirator and gloves.

Cutting concrete with anxure machines

Wall saws are used to cut concrete in large.scale and complex work. This gives less dust than a grinding machine, performance and effectiveness are much higher.

Features of cutting concrete monolithic with a wall saw:

  • Diamond cutting of this type is characterized by a high depth of cutting, therefore it is used for industrial cutting hatches / holes, other parts with languid reinforcement in partitions, walls, floor slabs. Work is carried out as soon as possible.
  • To complete the task, it is necessary to provide free one-sided access by 30-35 cm.
  • A lot of water is required to cool (up to fifteen liters. a minute), because it should be able to restore.
  • Waste water can be collected using an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
  • Equipment requires a 32A AC network and a voltage of 380V is required.

Types of discs, their features

Industry produces several varieties of diamond circles that can be installed on a corner machine:

The diamond circles of these species are able to withstand a very large technological load designed to cut reinforced concrete, but the cost of such nozzles is the highest. They are divided into professional and domestic, which is characteristic of most building tools. For various working conditions, they are produced by industry in different performance.

Household diamond circles

For home purposes, a disc is also often used for a corner grinder on concrete, which can cut very hard materials, starting from ordinary brick, and ending with ceramics, concrete tiles. But for cutting granite, marble or performing threads on the reinforced concrete base, they are not suitable. In addition, the wear of tools for household purposes is so fast that for professional purposes they are not used.

The optimal ratios in the price-quality segment are domestic diamond discs as Zubble, Sparta, Central Instrumentation. External spraying on them meets high requirements, with irregular use, they serve for a long time.

It is very important to use diamond circles in accordance with their purpose, you can not cut metal or concrete without proper cooling. So that the cut.out circles do not overheat and serve reliably, it is necessary to limit the duration of the cycles of their inclusion.

It’s important to know

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of equipment models, so finding a certain model of equipment will not be difficult (as well as companies or specialists who will quickly and effectively perform work). But you need to remember some nuances.

  • Stenore machines are not used in panel-type multi-storey buildings due to the risk of flooding the lower floors with water. Also, a machine for working in a limited space is not suitable, if necessary, perform small cutting volumes.
  • To reduce noise, you can cut the openings in parts (at least 6 parts). The price of work in this case increases and depends on the number of cut pieces.
  • All holes/openings in the supporting structures make only certified companies and in clear accordance with the rules.
  • The legalization of hatches/openings in the bearing walls requires contacting state bodies with the provision of a full package of documents.

Cutting concrete without dust is a difficult task, which can only be realized in a partial volume. It is very difficult to completely get rid of dust, but its number can be significantly reduced due to the correct choice of equipment and nozzles, the method of cutting, as well as the use of a construction vacuum cleaner and the creation of special devices for collecting dust.

How to make a casing with your own hands for a vacuum cleaner

To get rid of the “corner grinding” of small particles of the material formed during the cutting of the “corner grinding”, an angular grinder with a vacuum cleaner allow. But what if it is necessary to saw concrete with an ordinary tool without additional options? The easiest solution would be to purchase a casing for a vacuum cleaner separately or make a device with your own hands. You can attract an assistant who will collect the particle formed during the cutting with a vacuum cleaner.

It is easy to make a comfortable nozzle from a simple plastic canister, in which a car “non.freezing” is often sold. For work, a construction cut and a capacity of a suitable size will be required, the neck of which is suitable in diameter to the vacuum cleaner hose.

The manufacturing sequence looks as follows:

  • The landing holes are cut off on both sides so that you can easily change the direction of rotation of the disk.
  • A cut of a suitable size is performed under the circle.
  • Another hole is cut to fasten the cutter of the “corner grinder”.
  • The hose is combined with the neck of the canister and attached with a transition ring with a clamp.
  • “Corner grinder” is laid in the casing and all elements are connected.
  • The unused hole is covered with a lid.

A good vacuum cleaner will get from a simple polyethylene bottle of a five.liter volume. It is attached with a standard protective casing, and the vacuum cleaner pipe to the neck. This design is suitable for any type of work, with the exception of stroke.

Last advice: In order to perform a cut smoothly, the marking is first applied. Then wooden bar are fixed along the line. After that, a shallow section is performed up to 1 cm, the limiters are removed and they continue to work. Throughout the process, the cooling liquid is supplied to the disk blade. All manipulations need to be performed in protective glasses, respirator and gloves.

Concrete wet cutting technology

The use of water allows you to cut concrete “angular grinding” without dust and overheating of the tool. The technology allows you to solve several problems at once:

One way to ensure water supply continuously is to fix the hose so that the liquid gets to the disk. If there is no water supply in the working area, an assistant can be involved in the process. He will use a primitive device from a plastic bottle to wet a circle. At the same time, the cut site is moistened with liquid. This must be done carefully so that the water does not fill the tool.

The method is not very applicable in multi.storey buildings, since there is a risk of pouring neighbors from below.

Read how to remove a broken disk from a corner grinder

Features of cutting corner grinding

After choosing equipment and a circle for it, before cutting concrete with a corner grinder, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of work:

Clagblok cutting

  • The tool must be kept with two hands. In this case, in case of a reverse blow, it can be held, which will minimize the displacement of the cut line;
  • The work should be carried out only on a flat surface so that a person’s balance remains;
  • The power cord should be placed from the disk from the opposite side to exclude damage by negligence. A cut cord can cause the attack wave of the unit and short circuit in the mains;
  • The tool must be held tightly in your hands until it stops it completely;
  • When changing the place of sawing, the corner grinder needs to be turned off so as not to accidentally hurt the surrounding objects;
  • When turning off the electricity, be sure to turn off the equipment from the network. This will prevent its inclusion when feeding electricity without operator control.

Tip: In the process of work, the discs are heavily heated, therefore, turning off the corner grinder, it cannot be touched to cool completely.

Work with brickwork

Cutting concrete along the line

After a corner grinder for concrete was prepared, you can start work.

  • A fishing line for a cutting trimmer is planned. At the same time, it is advisable to fix the wood bars along the line, which will allow the fishing line for the trimmer of the cut to make more even;
  • The corner grinder will be turned on, and an incision is performed with a depth of approximately 5. 10 mm;
  • Bars are removed;
  • A cut is made to the required depth. If the cut is dried, the procedure should periodically stop to make it possible to cool down the tool.

Performance of preliminary marking

How to cut concrete with corner grinder correctly, the video shows with all the details. The process is best done with the cooling of the tool.

  • An ordinary spray gun spray water directly to the furrow to reduce the amount of dust;
  • Water is sprayed directly to the disk, in the absence of a current source. This will reduce the heating of the diamond discs, and will extend their service life;
  • If it is impossible to spray the liquid to the disk, cooling can be performed by air. Periodically, the circle should be removed from the cut and give it the opportunity to work in the air.

Working corner grinder with manual cooling of the tool

In case of questions about cutting concrete, if you want to find out how the concrete of concrete with a corner grinder is performed and other details on the use of similar equipment, introduces the video in this article.

When it may be required to cut or cut?

Concrete blocks are produced in standard sizes and the building materials market rarely concentrates attention on selling something not standard.

In the construction process, the master understands that it is required to find such a block that could finish the masonry in a certain place, while the standard material here will not work. In such a situation, you have to resort to a cut of block concrete material.

If concrete blocks of non.standard size are necessary in large quantities, then it is better to cast them yourself using homemade forms. You can also order non-standard blocks from the manufacturer, but it will cost more.

Often, the builder may need half or a quarter from a whole concrete unit. Then it is necessary to make a cut.

Similar situations often happen when pouring a strip foundation, when all blocks should be of the same size, and when it is completed, several elements are not enough for its arrangement. The same situation may arise during the construction of the building according to the established project, when the wall thickness is already clearly spelled out and it is impossible to retreat from the values.

concrete, column, reinforcement, corner, grinder

Often, when laying the corners, it is not possible to correctly enter the concrete block and the cracks between the stones remain. Many builders fill them with fragments of the material, which is also not completely true. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the tools and methods that can quickly and easily cut the concrete block material.

How to choose a disk for “corner grinding

Concrete. the material is durable, so working with it is quite difficult. To carry out cutting, most often used angular grinder (angular grinding machine). This instrument is better known in everyday life as “corner grinder”.

As a nozzle, a diamond circle is used. Depending on the design features, they are divided into several varieties:

The first option is a continuous base with a segmented edge. Such a circle differs in low cost, but not too suitable for working with strong materials. It is also necessary to take into account that it is used only for dry cutting. A continuous diamond edge has a continuous disk, so chips are not formed during operation. Such a nozzle heats up quickly, so it must be cooled with a continuous water stream.

Combined or turbo-almas disk universal. It withstands the maximum load and is suitable even for cutting reinforced concrete.

Before buying a nozzle of the right type, you need to figure out what material you will have to work. Reinforced concrete is reinforced with metal rods, on which in the process the cutter may stumble. Therefore, if it is supposed to deepen more than 10 cm, use the discs of increased strength, that is, turbocharged. Fresh concrete is more abrasive, over time the material hardens, its strength increases. This factor should also be taken into account when choosing a circle for cutting.

The disk segments are attached to the canvas with a silver solder or using laser welding. The first option is more suitable for wet, the second is used only with dry cutting. When choosing a suitable diamond circle, you should also pay attention to its diameter, which should approach the parameters angular grinder. An important criterion is also the frequency of rotation of the disk. It is better if it is higher than the maximum possible indicator declared in the technical characteristics of the “corner grinder”. This will provide the optimal mode of operation.

What is necessary for cutting concrete in domestic conditions?

Many might think that the penetrator and sledgehammer will be enough for cutting reinforced concrete. They are deeply mistaken. We advise you not to try to cut concrete with ordinary detachment circles.

It will be scattered into small parts with the first minor distortion. Experts strongly recommend using all possible protection measures:

Without a sledgehammer and chisel still can not do. Initially, concrete should be cut on both sides of the reinforcement. This is done using a specialized cutting diamond circle in concrete.

Further, concrete is knocked out with a bite and a sledgehammer. All that remains is to cut the reinforcement. However, do not forget that it is under mechanical stress.

Reinforcement cutting: use ordinary circles

After the reinforcement is freed from concrete, you can use ordinary cuts for corner grinders. This is done to maximize the maintenance of the cost of concrete disk.

If we are not talking about cutting concrete structures, but about creating a bar in the walls, then for these purposes there is a separate tool today. We are talking about a strobeza. Its advantage over the corner grinder is that it is equipped with a vacuum cleaner.

That is, when cutting a strobe, all concrete crumbs will immediately be removed. No dust and dirt! You can use a gap even in a room in an apartment building.

If we talk about industrial analogues, then whole installations are used there. The fact is that when cutting concrete, the disk is significant. It must be cooled with water.