How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a machine video

How to sharpen with an angle grinder

When sharpening a chainsaw with an angle grinder, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of chain sharpness, treat the drive sprocket with machine oil. At the same time, this method has one significant advantage. it is not necessary to remove the chain set from the saw, you can visually select the sharpening angle.

Although many owners of chainsaws and chainsaws believe that this tool can damage the cutting teeth of the chain, if the work is done by an experienced specialist, then the risk is minimal.

Only a special disc is suitable for working with metal. Its diameter must be at least 2.5 mm. It is recommended to select an already used disc with rounded edges.

Before you start sharpening, you need to insert a wedge of wood between the chain and the bottom of the bar to prevent the headset from moving.

Chain Teeth Parameters

To achieve good cutting parameters, certain angles are given to the tooth blades. The back of the tooth, which falls at an angle, forms the posterior angle of the upper blade. This angle is needed to cut the upper blade into the woody species.

The backward tapering tooth blade forms the back angle of the end blade. This angle is needed for side cutting of the chips.

The edge of the end blade forms a front angle with the sliding surface of the cutting link. Frontal angles for different types of chains range from 60 to 85 °.

The back angle of the upper blade characterizes the reversal of the upper blade.

How to understand that the chain is dull

The long service life of any chainsaw depends on proper care and use, including the chain headset. The good performance of the latter affects the performance of the device and performance parameters. Failure to sharpen in time can cause some problems in the operation of the saw itself. Most often these are:

  • curves cuts;
  • heavy loads on the saw, as a result of which the wear of the device parts increases, and hence a decrease in the service life of the entire device;
  • increased fuel consumption.

If, as a result of sawing, small dust-like shavings are formed, and the saw itself sinks into the saw with great effort, then the target is dull.

There are other signs of chain bluntness:

Chainsaw sharpening school.Your saw will cut faster after this video

  • the speed of the tool has decreased;
  • rough and sharp sawdust is formed;
  • it is necessary to make great efforts to cut wood;
  • the chain has stretched or began to sag.

This angle is measured relative to the sliding plane of the cutting link and, depending on the type of saw chain, ranges from 50 ° to 60 °. The top blade is the main blade, and the back angle of the top blade is the more principled angle. The clearance angle of the upper blade is difficult to measure, the correct value is obtained by observing other prescribed values.

The grinding angle or the entering angle is measured from the upper cutting edge at right angles to the guide rail.

The sharpening angle can be changed, depending on the implementation option. The basic rule: the larger the sharpening angle, the higher the cutting performance when cutting non-frozen soft wood species. Reducing the sharpening angle when cutting frozen and / or hard wood will help the saw run smoother and reduce vibration. But, a sharpening angle of more than 35 ° and less than 25 ° should be avoided (except for chains for ripping, in which this angle is 10 °).

The frontal angle, the sharpening angle and the upper blade angle change when sharpening. These angles have a decisive effect on the cutting performance of the chain. in the video, the principle of sharpening a chainsaw chain for sharpening a chain. It is absolutely essential to observe the prescribed values.

A depth stop is placed on each cutting link in front of the tooth blade. The difference in height between the top edge of the depth gauge and the front edge of the back of the tooth is defined as the distance of the depth gauge.

The depth of penetration of the upper blade into the tree species (chip thickness) and, therefore, productivity depends on the distance of the depth gauge. The distance of the depth gauge is set depending on the chain pitch and the type of execution. Normally, it should be 0.5-0.8 mm, more often 0.6 mm. Higher values ​​will result in an increased kickback tendency of the saw, a very large grip and chain vibration. Low values ​​lead to a drop in performance. Because the distance of the depth gauge is miniaturized with each sharpening of the saw due to a decrease in the upper edge of the tooth, the depth gauge also needs to be cut repeatedly. after 5-10 sharpenings of the chain.

Chain sharpeners

The holder with a round ratfil has stripes that allow it to be correctly positioned relative to the chain. The holder is positioned on the tooth to be sharpened in accordance with the orientation lines. With all this, the plate itself rests on the upper edge of the tooth and the depth gauge, and the ratfil is placed under the cutting edge.

The insertion of the holder ensures that the ratfil fits to the tooth at the correct height. There are different holders for different pitches of the saw chain. The correct choice of the holder, coupled with the correct ratfill diameter, ensures that the ratfill protrudes above the back of the tooth by 1/5 of its own diameter. Use only special ratfiles for sharpening saw chains.

Before sharpening the chainsaw chain, it is best to secure the bar. how to sharpen a chain sharpening a saw chain from a chainsaw on a machine bought in. When sharpening, it is necessary, while maintaining the position of the holder and pressing the ratfil to the sharpened edge, make several (2-3) turning movements away from you. Do not try to press the ratfil very much, the movements should be smooth and stable. Chainsaw chain sharpening is a video of the simplest chainsaw sharpening machines. Rotate the ratfil frequently to avoid one-sided wear. Video with how sharpening the chainsaw chain is carried out, the angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain. All other teeth are sharpened in the same way. It is more convenient to first sharpen the teeth of the 1st direction, then change the position and do the same with the teeth of the other direction.

The tooth of the chain planes the wood like a plane, and the thickness of the shavings is adjusted by the height of the stopper.

How to sharpen your own chainsaw teeth for less than 40

The heavy work of the saw leads to a playful dullness of the chain. Sharpening angle for the link which you can also watch the video of the sharpening of the chainsaw chain. Several sharpenings may be required within 1 day. The problem is also aggravated by the fact that the tooth rapidly becomes blunt when it meets the ground. It is enough to hook the soil with the tire once or twice, and the work can be stopped. the shavings become small, and the saw stops going deep into the tree.

The earlier the blunt teeth are sharpened, the less material needs to be removed when sharpening, as a result, the service life of the saw chain is longer. How to sharpen a chainsaw chain sharpen a chainsaw chain sharpen a chain to. Chainsaw Chain Sharpening | video in Zaporozhye. Finding the moment when sharpening is already required is quite easy. The main feature is the feed force. A properly sharpened chain is pulled into the cut with just a little pressure. If, on the contrary, the chainsaw is forced to cut by an increased feed force, then the teeth are dull. A dull chain can also be recognized if, instead of large, thick chips, only small chips fly out of the cut.

In this situation, the chainsaw must be sharpened urgently. Do not cut with a dull or defective saw chain. this results in strong tension in the body, high repetitive stress, poor cutting results. In addition, this means a decrease in productivity, high fuel consumption and overestimated wear of all chainsaw units.

How to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain on a machine?

Chainsaws are tools that are portable and mechanical, allowing the operator to work thanks to a set of teeth. The teeth are attached to chains that rotate along the guide rods. They are used in a variety of activities. There are chainsaws that specialize in cutting special materials (concrete, ice), as well as standard models for working with wood. Most of the time, chainsaws are used for felling trees, pruning, harvesting wood, for stoves and fireplaces and similar work.

Anyone can use a chainsaw. A person does not need to be a professional to successfully manipulate a tool. People who recently purchased a chainsaw should know how to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain on a machine.

Like all other electric tools, a chainsaw needs to be sharpened. After prolonged use, the chainsaw can be sharpened with a tool specially designed for the job. Due to the existence of several types of sharpening machines, each owner of a chainsaw can sharpen its chain on its own without the need to contact a professional.

Machine types

Manual. The most commonly used chainsaw machine is the manual one. This is a grinding wheel, the diameter of which varies depending on the size of the chainsaw. While the process of using the machine seems straightforward, it needs precision. Given that sharpening is done by hand, the user needs a high degree of control to maintain the correct sharpening angle of the chain.

Mechanical. Another popular chainsaw sharpener is the automatic option. When using a rod-mounted rail, the first step is to place the saw on a flat, stable platform such as a table. The operator then needs to attach the guide to the chainsaw, place it on the bar and secure it in place. Thereafter, various adjusters on the machine must be set in accordance with the sharpening requirements. This includes depth of field and feed angle. When using the guide, it is important to be careful with the chips that come off the blade. It can harm you and therefore it is best to work with protective equipment.

Electric models. A fairly popular option is an electric machine. Today it is one of the common tools used by professionals. An electric chainsaw chain sharpener differs from others primarily in terms of the time spent on the task. In fact, using an electric version of the saw is a quick way to sharpen a saw. In addition, there are a large number of electric sharpeners on the market. They come in a variety of sizes and fit every budget. As with mechanical models, protective equipment must be worn when using an electric machine. Gloves, goggles and overalls.

Using saw chain sharpeners can be beneficial as it will speed up the process. People choosing this method should be aware of the rules for using the machine and setting it up. Using the correct settings is of paramount importance as chains break easily when sharpened by a tank that is incorrectly set. In addition, operators must pay close attention to the amount of time the grinding wheel or stone is in contact with the teeth. Proper chain sharpening should be a part of every tool owner’s maintenance. This is necessary to improve the safety and efficiency of using the chainsaw.

Also check out our article on how to file a chainsaw chain. Simple, cheap and effective.

Chainsaw sharpening angles and tooth configuration

The cutting edge of a tooth is characterized by the following parameters:

In addition, each tool model has its own tooth pitch, the value of which for household and semi-professional models is associated with the power of the chainsaw and the torque that the drive develops. For example, for rip sawing, the pitch is taken less (for example, 0.325 inches). In this case, the productivity of work will decrease, but the required effort will be significantly lower. The upper values ​​of the steps for household chainsaws are extremely rare, mainly when felling trees with a large trunk diameter. In this case, the motor power should not exceed 2500 W.

The thickness of the cutting edge for most manufacturers of chainsaws is set the same, and equal to 1.3 mm (there are also edges with a thickness of 1.1 mm, but, firstly, they are extremely difficult to sharpen at home, and, secondly, such links are extremely not very functional: they can only be used for cutting thin branches).

The height of the chain profile can be either 0.625 mm or 0.762 mm, and in most cases it is a low profile that is used for household gasoline-powered tools. When sharpening the limiters, this parameter is very important, because with a decrease in the height of the above-permissible values, the vibration of the tool during operation increases, although the quality of the cut remains satisfactory. Therefore, you should not get carried away with lowering the height of the limiter when sharpening a tooth.

The sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain depends on the main purpose of the tool. for transverse or rip sawing. Since the resistance of the wood is always noticeably higher when ripping, the edge of the tooth must also be very sharp. It is recommended to do it in the range of 6 12 ° (for comparison. with the prevalence of cross-cut. up to 25 30 °). Naturally, in the first case, sharpening should be done more often, and especially carefully, since an unacceptably small angle of inclination of the tooth contributes to its rapid chipping during the operation of the chainsaw. This is especially important for links that are made of structural alloy steels containing silicon and manganese, for example, 40KhGS or 35KhGSA.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Everyone knows that the saw chain, which is used in chainsaws, needs to be sharpened periodically, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Determining that the saw requires sharpening the chain is very simple, for this you need to inspect the sawdust, and if they consist of fine dust, then the tool needs to be sharpened. If it is impossible to sharpen, it is worth replacing it with a new one.

The use of a chain that is not sharpened can lead to overheating of the engine and the formation of scoring on the cylinder.

We will analyze the main ways with which you can, without problems, sharpen the chain on a chainsaw.

Correct sharpening of a chain for a chainsaw with your own hands. methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Any instrument needs timely care. A chainsaw is one of the types of equipment that you need to pay special attention to. The device poses a certain danger, but if the chain is dull, then the risks increase significantly.

Sharpening is often necessary during intensive work. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to restore its performance, since sharpening a chain for a chainsaw with your own hands is not a difficult operation, but having mastered it, labor productivity will increase, as well as work safety.

External signs of a blunt cutting edge of a chainsaw tooth

Recall that the chainsaw tooth has a complex configuration (see Fig. 1), which also depends on the direction of chain movement. It has two working edges: the side one, which is located perpendicular to the axis of movement of the links, and the upper one, located at a certain angle to the direction of movement of the chain. In addition, a limiter is provided on each tooth, the parameters of which determine the height of the removed chips. Since the main cutting force falls precisely on the working angle, then all subsequent work with the tool will depend on which angle to sharpen the tooth.

Figure 1. Functional parts of a chainsaw tooth and their appearance

Before starting long-term work with a chainsaw, she needs to inspect and perform test cutting, as a result of which:

  • Visually establish the presence (or absence) of a tapered section adjacent to the corner of the tooth, as well as radius curvature on it. the main signs of bluntness (see Fig. 2).
  • Check the feed force at which the tool runs stably, with a fast cut. For sharp teeth, the initial moment of penetration of the tooth into the wood occurs quickly, and without significant material resistance.
  • Find out the presence of chain vibrations during a steady cut. if they are noticeable, then the teeth must be sharpened.
  • Inspect the appearance of the just cut end (especially if the tool is used for ripping). In the presence of rough chips and dents, the chainsaw chain must be sharpened.

Electric grinding machines

For straightening a large number of chains, as a rule, in service centers or in manufacturing plants, electric sharpening machines are used. Depending on the manufacturer, the design of the machines may differ, but they have the same principle of operation.

The saw chain is installed in a special guide, which is mounted on the basis of the turntable and has a special retainer to hold the sharpened tooth. The latch is able to move horizontally. An electric emery is installed at an adjustable angle to the sharpened tooth, which is turned on by the operator by pressing the start button. The immersion depth of the emery, as well as the angle at which the sharpening is performed, can be adjusted. The dive itself is performed by the operator. The chain is straightened with a special grinding wheel, which can be changed if necessary.