Tips to Help Your Lawn Recover from Flooding. Flooding a lawn mower

Why is My Lawn Mower Spark Plug Covered in Oil?

Spark plugs in lawn mowers can occasionally get wet with oil or other fluids, and if you have never dealt with this before, it can be unnerving. This article will outline potential underlying causes of this to help you get your mower up and running again. There are a few potential reasons for a wet spark plug in your lawn mower, but it’s most likely because the plug has overheated due to ethanol in the gas, and the combustion chamber is flooding with oil, or there is water flooding the engine or the fuel and oil tanks. There are a few other potential reasons for spark plug flooding, and it may require servicing to thoroughly clean it. There are a few remedies that you can do yourself, as well as important precautions to take to prevent this from happening again in the future.

What Causes a Spark Plug To Get Wet With Oil in the First Place?

Regardless of the chain of events that led to your mower not igniting, be sure to take note of these reasons for future reference. Always try to be up to date with servicing your mower and changing out old parts, and be sure to not flood the engine by priming it too many times when trying to start the mower.

Lawn Mower Repair for Beginners Essential Tips and Techniques

Should I Fix it Myself, or Take it to a Technician?

You can certainly try to fix your mower by yourself if you feel comfortable with a repair. There are several steps to determine the specific problem with your mower, as well as ways to fix it.

You may have to make a few extra trips to your local lawn and garden store in the process, but the result will mean saving a considerable amount of money.

This being said, taking your mower to a technician is always a good step as they have the parts and fluids on hand. It will also mean just one trip to the specialist and it usually doesn’t take long.

You won’t have to deal with the potential cleanup of draining oil and gasoline from your mower or bother with tools required to disassemble your mower.

As with all appliances and machines, if you have something that costs more money, it is worth investing the capital to have a technician fix it such that you don’t create a more serious problem.

But if you feel comfortable taking a few things apart and trying some of these quick fixes, you can save a lot of money in the long run.

How Do I Fix it?

There are multiple steps you can take to fix your mower. You’ll need to purchase starter fluid at your local home and garden store and possibly a new spark plug as well as fresh gasoline and oil.

Here are four steps you can take to fix the problem yourself that will save you money at a technician:

Starter Fluid

Take out the air filter and spray starter fluid down the carburetor. Be sure to turn off the choke before you do this.

Start the mower if you can. If it does start, turn it off again and clean out the air filter before putting it back together. If it doesn’t start, move on to the next step.

Replace the Oil and Gas

Drain the gas and oil. As always, be careful about open flame near the mower or your person when doing this!

The easiest was to do this is by disconnecting the fuel/oil line and draining it into a bucket. If you don’t know where these are, or just aren’t comfortable doing this, you can also use a fuel transfer pump such as the Koehler Enterprises RA990 (buy on Amazon).

It’s also a good idea to remove the spark plug to prevent accidental ignition. Replace the oil and gasoline with fresh fluids and try starting it again.

If it doesn’t start, you may want to try replacing the spark plug.

Replace the Spark Plug

You may have to go back to the store for this since you likely wouldn’t have purchased one on your first trip, but you’re still saving a good deal of money. If the mower doesn’t start, move on to the next step.

Clean the Coil and Magnets

Turn the fuel valve to the “off” position and check the coil for rust. If it’s dirty, use sandpaper or a rough brush to clean it, and clean the magnets on the flywheel.

Replace the coil and make sure to tighten it to its original position.

tips, help, your, lawn

How Much Does a Repair Cost?

Starter fluid is about 10 and usually the first item you will buy when first addressing the problem. A new air filter ranges from 10-15 in case you decide to replace that as well, but usually starter fluid or draining the gas and oil will fix your problem.

If you have to replace a spark plug, they are not expensive, ranging from 5-10 and sold in various lawn and garden stores.

Make sure that you bring the old spark plug with you to the store to talk to an associate to determine the exact right one for your mower.

If you take your mower to someone to do the repairs for you, the cost will be much more expensive than doing it yourself, but possibly a worthwhile price if you’re nervous about doing something like this at home. The parts will usually range from 20-25, and the labor will range from 60-80, depending on where you live.

How Can I Stop This From Reoccurring?

A first and important step is to never leave your mower out in the rain. Rain can get into compartments and even the fuel or oil and cause the mower not to start.

Mowing wet grass after rain or early in the morning with dew can also lead to flooding the engine and should be avoided. Try to avoid over-priming the mower when starting it.

If you flood the engine with oil, then the spark may not reach the ignition, and you will not be able to start the engine. If you do this repeatedly, it will damage the engine or spark plug over time.

Be sure to replace your oil annually. If you consistently change the oil every 50 hours that you use it, you will keep it running smoothly and avoid fluid build-up that causes malfunction.

As with all expensive pieces of machinery, keep track of how often you use it each year and be sure to follow best practice guidelines for replacing parts and fluids.

Hi! I’m Peter, the owner of BackyardGadget. Working around the house has always been a big part of my life. I’ve created this site to share my experience, and to help people choose the right tools for the job. Thank you for stopping by!

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Tips to Help Your Lawn Recover from Flooding

Water damage is no joke. Help your lawn recover from flooding before the damage gets out of hand, costing you even more precious time and money.

You can do everything right for a healthy green lawn, just for a heavy rainstorm to wash away your hard work. Don’t let the elements get you down: Follow our tips to help your lawn recover quickly from a flood.

What does flood damage look like?

Flooding will impact your property differently, depending on the power of the storm, your property’s slope, your landscape and hardscapes, and the grass type you have. Some flood-resistant grasses can survive several days or weeks of flooding, while others will suffer significant damage from lingering puddles.

  • Primary flooding damage: caused by the depth and temperature of the floodwaters.
  • Secondary flooding damage: caused by moss, disease, sediment buildup, and weed encroachment after the flood has passed.

Floodwaters also can kill grass by suffocating it; the lack of oxygen can harm your grass, depending on the length of the flood. Just a couple of days with your lawn submerged in floodwaters can be enough to kill it, especially if the water temperatures are high.

Lawns experiencing flood damage might have:

How to tell if your grass is dead:

After a flood, you might be left wondering if your grass survived the storm. You’ll need to be patient and wait several days to see if your lawn will recover. No new grass growth can be a sure sign your lawn has died.

You also can determine if the turfgrass has died by looking closely at individual grass blades. Healthy grass blades should have a white crown, which is the area where the turfgrass shoots and the roots meet. If the crown is brown, that grass is dead. If you see new, green shoots popping up from the ground, your grass is making a triumphant comeback.

Heavy rain can lead to lingering puddles and patches of disease-ridden or dead grass. But with proper lawn care, you can help heal your flooded lawn.

How to help your lawn recover from flooding

Pick up debris

Once the storm has passed, grab your gloves and rain boots, it’s time to risk getting a little muddy now for a healthy green lawn later.

Depending on the ferocity of the storm, you might be dealing with large debris. Grab what you can, being careful to spot small debris like nails, glass, metal, and other sharp objects.

These objects can damage and smother your lawn if left for too long. They are also hazardous to you, your pets, and your children, especially if you neglect to pick them up before your next mow.

Clean up silt deposits

After a flood, a layer of soil, sand, or silt can be left on top of your lawn. It might seem harmless because you think it will wash away after the next rainstorm. However, a layer of sediment left on your grass blades can be quite damaging.

If the layer of soil or silt is thick, it could cover, suffocate, and kill your grass.

How to remove sediment from grass:

  • Step one: Wait a couple of days for the ground to dry slightly
  • Step two: Grab a shovel and/or a powerful hose
  • Step three: Use the shovel to scoop and scrape away excess soil, silt, sand, and muck
  • Step four: Use a hose to rinse the remaining sediment from the turf

Soak up puddles

Get rid of standing water on your lawn before it has the chance to damage your lawn.

How to soak up puddles after a storm:

Sprinkle organic matter, like compost, on top of the puddles to soak up the water. Once each spot has dried, rake the compost into your lawn to make your lawn look nice and even while giving it a boost of nutrients.

In addition to compost, you also can use:

Aerate your lawn

Flooding can lead to compacted soil, but that’s not the only reason you should aerate your lawn after a flood.

Lawn aeration helps oxygen and nutrients flow through the soil, and can help break up layers of soil deposits left from the flood. If you live in an area with high flood risk, aim to aerate and dethatch your lawn every year or so. Aerating ahead of the storm can help the water seep into the ground faster, preventing the damage that can be caused by standing water.

Core aeration is the best method for flood-prone lawns because larger plugs of soil are removed compared to spike aeration.

When to aerate your lawn:

Wait until your lawn is still moist, but not so wet that it will cause a mess. To tell if your soil is ready to be aerated, try the “squeeze test.”

Dig out a handful of soil and squeeze it. If it is dripping wet soil, it should be left to dry for a couple of days. If the soil is moist and crumbly, you can aerate your lawn.

  • Step one: Locate and mark utility lines or sprinkler heads that might get hit while aerating
  • Step two: Use a manual core aerator to “mow” over your lawn twice, removing plugs of soil
  • Step three: Rake soil plugs into your lawn or allow them to decompose
  • Step four: Add soil amendments like compost and fertilizer
  • Step five: Overseed up to a month after aerating for best results

Encourage grass growth

Wait a couple of weeks after aerating to see what shape your lawn is in. If there are bare patches, go ahead and overseed the thinning areas with grass seed.

If the damage is extensive, meaning less than 40% of your lawn recovers from the flood, consider starting over from scratch with a new lawn.

You can resod your lawn any time of year, but if you have cool-season grass, you’ll need to wait until mid to late August to reseed. Cool-season grasses don’t establish well in the heat of summer.

Watering your lawn might seem simple enough, but improper technique can lead to a pest and disease-ridden yard.

  • Water in the early morning hours between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m.
  • Water when your grass is showing signs of stress (dull color, curling blades, slow recovery from foot traffic)
  • Soak the soil 6 to 8 inches deep while watering to encourage deep root growth

Make sure you wait until the ground is dry before mowing. Mowing on wet grass can lead to compacted soil and a muddy mess.

Mow regularly to stimulate grass growth, but let the grass grow long. Set your mower to the highest setting for a high cut to encourage your grass to grow strong, dense, and deep-rooted. Mow weekly or every other week, depending on your grass type and the time of year.

Be sure to avoid mowing more than one third of the grass blade when you mow, and check that your mower has sharp blades. Scalping or cutting with jagged blades can further weaken an already damaged lawn.


Floods can wash away nutrients, especially nitrogen, from the soil. Silt deposits and excessive moisture can encourage weed growth. After the storm has passed and new grass shoots have started popping through the ground, fertilize your lawn to give it a nutrient boost and keep pests, weeds, and disease at bay.

  • Get a soil test after a storm to see how it affected your lawn’s nutrient levels and pH. You can conduct a DIY soil test at home, but the best option is to send a soil sample to your local Cooperative Extension Office. They can determine more precise information about your soil’s health.
  • Apply nitrogen-based fertilizer to your yard. Slow-release granular fertilizer is the ideal choice for your lawn’s long-term health, but liquid fertilizer can work for an immediate boost of nutrients.
  • You also can use homemade fertilizers and organic fertilizers like compost, blood meal, and corn gluten meal.

Look out for weeds

Some lawn weeds might still pop through even after you nurse your lawn back to health. Weeds thrive in wet, compact soil, which is why your lawn is so susceptible to them after a storm.

How you control weeds depends on the time of year and the type of weeds you’re dealing with.

  • Apply a pre-emergent herbicide in mid-March to get ahead of weeds that pop up in the spring and summer, or apply pre-emergent in early- to mid-fall to prevent fall and winter weeds. Pre-emergent herbicide targets crabgrass, clover, dandelions, ragweed, bluegrass, prickly lettuce, foxtail, and chickweed.
  • Post-emergent herbicides are best applied between early spring and late summer but work most effectively when air temperatures are below 85 degrees. Post-emergent herbicide works on weeds such as clover, crabgrass, bramble, thistle, nutsedge, dandelion, and chickweed.

Don’t apply herbicides if there’s another storm on the horizon or your efforts will be washed away.

Here are some other ways to prevent and eliminate common weeds:

  • Apply broadleaf weed herbicides
  • Weed by hand
  • Apply organic herbicides
  • Pour boiling water over the weeds
  • Spray weeds with a mixture combining cheap vodka and dish soap

FAQ about helping your lawn recover from flooding

Extended periods of flooding can be expensive and exhausting to deal with. Get ahead of flooding by adjusting your lawn and landscape.

Reduce shade Add more vegetation Design a rain garden Improve drainage by installing french drains, dry wells, and channel drains Build a dry creek bed Add a swale Use a rain barrel to collect stormwater Add mulch around your landscape Place sandbags around your landscape ahead of a storm

Grass types that can stand up to rainstorms and floods should have deep root systems and be hardy against excessive moisture. Flooded lawns are also prone to secondary damage, like fungal diseases and pest infestation, so the ideal grass should be durable against those, too.

For these reasons, two of the best choices for homeowners who deal with flooding regularly are: Tall fescue Bahiagrass

Avoid perennial ryegrass if your yard is prone to flooding. It is very susceptible to weather-related damage and fungal diseases.

Lawn flooding is more common than you’d think because it’s not just caused by extreme weather events like hurricanes or tropical storms.

But where is the excess water coming from?

Are puddles appearing on your lawn despite a lack of rainfall? Check your lawn irrigation system settings to make sure you’re watering at the right time of day and not overwatering your lawn.

Poor soil drainage Uneven or poorly graded lawn Low elevation Clogged gutters Compacted soil

Prepare ahead of the flood

Thanks to climate change, we are dealing with more frequent flooding in the United States. Flooding has cost the nation more than 75 billion dollars in damages over the past three decades, and scientists are predicting that this is just the beginning.

There’s not much you can do in the wake of a natural disaster other than staying prepared. Be aware of your own risk: Check if you live in a flood zone, and stay tuned to your local weather channel to stay informed ahead of major weather events.

In addition to staying informed, keep your lawn in tip-top shape and:

  • Level your lawn to prevent ponding
  • Install drainage systems
  • Fill in bare areas with new turfgrass or deep-rooted plants
  • Strengthen new sod or new growth by practicing proper lawn care

Avoid extensive flooding damage by having a healthy lawn in the first place. Reach out to a local Lawn Love pro to help with all your lawn care and landscaping needs ahead of the storm.

What To Consider When Buying a Gas Lawn Mower in 2023

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Gas lawn mowers handle tough jobs, but they’re being phased out. Use this guide to pick the one you need and start shopping while you can.

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Although corded electric and battery-powered lawn mowers are flooding the market, the gas-powered lawn mower remains the gold standard for power and performance. A gas mower cuts easily through wet grass and tough strains like St. Augustine and Bermuda. Plus, it comes with features that make mowing easier and more efficient.

There’s a problem, though: Gas-powered lawn mowers may go off the market in the near future.

tips, help, your, lawn

California has already announced it will ban the sale of gas-powered mowers in 2025, and Honda, a major producer, stopped manufacturing them in October 2022. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, gas mowers consume 1.2 billion gallons of fuel annually. And the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates every gallon burned by a gas mower adds 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Throw in the engine noise that disturbs neighbors and disrupts wildlife, and it’s easy to envision the extinction of the gas-powered lawn mower.

For homeowners seeking the power and performance of the best gas lawn mowers, there’s no time like the present to start shopping. Even if your municipality ultimately bans gas mowers, it will probably involve new sales only, so you should be able to keep your mower for its expected life span. Here are some things to look for as you shop.

Walk-Behind vs. Riding

If you have a larger-than-average lawn, consider a riding mower — a major expenditure that’s much more costly than a walk-behind mower. Among the advantages: Faster cutting, a larger fuel capacity, and the convenience of sitting while you mow.

Walk-behind mowers, however, are easier to operate and store. If your lawn is less than an acre, they’re a more economical choice.

Wash-Out Fittings

Wash-out fittings let to attach a hose and clean the underside of the mower deck. Do this after every use and you’ll largely eliminate the grass buildup that eventually requires chipping away with a putty knife or screwdriver.

This cleanout makes the mower perform better and gives you a better-looking lawn. You can buy and install retrofit fittings yourself, but getting them pre-installed makes things that much easier.

Engine Size

Engine size for walk-behind mowers ranges from 125 to 190 cubic centimeters (cc). For riding mowers, it’s measured in horsepower (HP), with the typical range from 10 to 22.

A larger engine develops more torque. It usually has a large deck with a wide-cutting swath, letting you complete tough jobs faster. But larger engines also use more gas and are harder to handle.

Two-Stroke vs. Four-Stroke

Speaking of walk-behind mowers, you may find you have a choice between a two-stroke engine, which isn’t common anymore, and a four-stroke engine.

Two-stroke engines are lubricated by oil mixed in with the gas (you have to remember to premix it), and they’re less powerful, noisier and produce more emissions than four-stroke engines. They also use more gas. You’re better off with a four-stroke engine.

Electric Start

Pull cords aren’t that difficult if the lawn mower engine is in good condition and turns over immediately. But if the spark plugs are old or the carburetor needs cleaning, repeated pulling can be frustrating. Avoid an unwanted workout by purchasing a mower with an electric start feature.

Electric start does require a battery, but most recharge while the engine runs. Some manufacturers provide batteries similar to those for power tools that can be removed and charged remotely.

Automatic Drive

The operator usually supplies the force that drives a classic walk-behind gas mower. It can get tiring, especially on sloped or uneven ground. Enter the self-driving mower, which transfers power from the engine to the wheels via belts to drive it forward.

You can select front-, rear- or all-wheel drive. Rear-wheel drive is most popular because it keeps the mower moving forward when climbing a hill and pushing through heavy grass. If you choose a variable-speed drive, you can set it to one comfortable for you.

Blade Brake Clutch

The blade brake clutch (BBC) is a handy feature if you frequently stop to pick up debris. When you engage it, it uncouples the blade from the motor. It avoids the need to stop and restart the engine repeatedly, which is hard on the engine and generally a hassle.

Grass Management

Some gas mowers spit grass clippings out from the side of the mower deck. Some come with an attachable bag that lets you collect the clippings, and some return the clippings back to the grass as mulch. Some do all three! Find out why you need a lawn mower mulcher.

How to get an old lawn mower to start #shorts

If you choose a model with a bag, make sure it’s easy to remove and you can mow without it in case you’ve navigating tall, overgrown grass.

Wheel Size

The standard wheel diameter is eight inches, but some non-propelled walk-behind mowers offer nine- to 12-inch rear wheels. These make the mower easier to push over rough terrain and up a slope. Larger wheels also keep the carriage higher off the ground and prevent scalping the grass.


You can find a basic push mower in the 160 range, or spend 1,300 for a premium model with an extra-large deck and all the bells and whistles. Models costing between 400 and 600 likely have all the features you need for comfortable, efficient mowing.

Chris Deziel has been active in the building trades for more than 30 years. He helped build a small city in the Oregon desert from the ground up and helped establish two landscaping companies. He has worked as a carpenter, plumber and furniture refinisher. Deziel has been writing DIY articles since 2010 and has worked as an online consultant, most recently with Home Depot’s Pro Referral service. His work has been published on Landlordology, and Hunker. Deziel has also published science content and is an avid musician.

Why The Spark Plug of The Lawn Mower is Wet? How To Fix It?

Have you ever experienced a wet spark plug of your lawnmower? Sometimes, it occurs when the spark plug comes in contact with gas or oil. In this post, we are going to reveal the reason behind a wet spark plug of your lawnmower.

Why is lawn mower spark plug wet?

Wet spark plugs in lawnmowers can occur for several reasons. According to experts, the most common reason is that the spark becomes excessively hot due to the inclusion of ethanol in the gas.

And, there is a flood of oil in the combustion chamber or, the engine is flooded with water/fuel.

Why Is Lawn Mower Spark Plug Wet?

Spark plugs can become wet on a lawn mower for a variety of reasons. When the spark plug gets wet, you need to either clean it correctly or replace it with a new one.

But before cleaning or replacing it, first, you should know why your lawn mower spark plug is wet. Like other moving parts of lawn mower, spark plugs wear out eventually, leading to malfunction.

Engine Flooding

When you often had to try several times to start your lawn mower, it is an early indication of wet spark plugs. Trying this multiple times may lead to engine flooding, which ultimately drenches the spark plug. As a result, the engine is failing to generate any sparks and can’t start the engine.

So, why engine flooding occurs in lawn mower spark plug?

Your spark plug may encounter this issue during freezing weather conditions. In order to ignite the lawn mower engine with previously worn or fouled spark plugs, a higher voltage is required.

Under these circumstances, you should either let the plug becomes dry or take it off from the mower and clean it.

Injector Leaks

Though wet fouling is rare among the latest lawn mower engines, some mechanical problems can occur. Leaking cold start injector is one of the most common issues your engine may encounter.

When this happens, the engine compartment will likely be filled with a rich starting mixture, ultimately leading the spark plug to foul.

Worn Piston Rings

A study done by Mopar Magazine reported that fouling might occur when piston rings or cylinders are worn out in older lawn mower engines.

As a result, you may notice your lower mower engine is flooded with gasoline or too much oil. In addition, an ignition attempt may not be successful if a spark does not form.

In this condition, you can easily handle the spark plug by removing and cleaning it properly and then re-install it in the place where it should be.

Why My Lawn Mower Spark Plug Wet With Gas?

The main job of an electrical device like a spark plug is to source power to start your lawn mower. You always want to keep this electric device away from getting wet to perform consistently for generating sparks. However, it may often get soaked with gas or gasoline, leading to a flooded engine.

Why is my lawn mower spark plug wet with gas?

If a lawn mower spark plug becomes wet with gas, it can happen for multiple reasons such as lousy ignition cable, or engine flooding, or internal crack in the ceramic insulator, or dirt or moisture on the outside of the plug.

When spark plugs get wet with gas, it means the electrodes have not been ignited. If it happens due to a bad ignition cable, the components are unable to carry an appropriate amount of current under heavy load conditions. So, these are the reasons behind a lawn mower spark plug wet with gas.

Why My Lawn Mower Spark Plug Wet With Oil?

By looking at the spark plugs tips and other sports, you can have an idea about its health conditions and how well the engine can perform. You can also get an idea about other problems based on the appearance and color of the deposits.

Why is my lawn mower spark plug wet with oil?

If the spark plug is becoming excessively hot and the chamber is filled with oil, you may struggle to run the mower. There can be different reasons behind lawn mower spark plug wet with oil, such as using a spark plug for too long, excessive choke usage, or stucking issue with the float.

Using A Spark A Plug For Too Long

According to experts, a spark plug needs to be replaced or changed on average after two years. If you use your lawn mower heavily, you may need to replace it earlier.

Excessive Usage Of The Choke

There’s a possibility you have to exceed the choke usage, resulting in excessive fuel in the system. Also, make sure you don’t over-prime your mower as a primer is designed to improve combustion and freshen up gas.

Stucking Issue With The Float

An automatic liquid supply system runs efficiently with a float chamber, which controls the fuel delivered to the system. When the float fails to control the amount of fuel delivered, it may make the spark plug wet with oil.

What Causes A Spark Plug To Become Wet With Fuel On A Lawn Mower Engine?

It is called “fuel fouling” when the lawn mower’s spark plug becomes wet with fuel. A spark plug wet with fuel may prevent you from running the machine smoothly, and you may fail to cut the grass efficiently.

What causes a spark plug to become wet with fuel on a lawn mower engine?

One reason can be to adjust the throttle too aggressively or too tightly, which prevents the plug from having sufficient air. Or, you may have spilled fuel while the spark plug is seated beneath the fuel tank.

Until you repair the carburetor, turn off the fuel tap. You need to clean it to prevent fuel from leaking into the engine overnight. However, it is best to turn it off after you mow the lawn. Knowing what causes a spark plug to become wet with fuel on a lawn mower engine helps you treat the machine effectively.

What Happens If a Spark Plug Gets Wet?

Engine flooding is one of the most common issues you will notice for wet spark plugs. You flood your lawn mower engine when you try to start it more than once without getting a response.

What happens if a spark plug gets wet?

When the spark plug of your lawn mower gets wet, it is highly likely to misfire. As a result, the current typically flows over an insulator as the gas/oil/fuel conducts it instead of passing through the gap.

Knowing what happens if a spark plug gets wet helps you take preventive measures so that your lawn mower becomes excessively damage. You can improve the life of the lawn mower if you take precautions sooner.

What Happens If Water Gets In Spark Plug?

When your spark plug gets wet with water, it will hinder the engine’s ability to start. Though cleaning is the best solution to eliminate this problem, there is no guarantee the problem won’t come back.

What happens if water gets in spark plug?

When water gets in your lawn mower spark plug, it gets wet. Additionally, the spark plug has the probability of getting a cracked head or blown head in the future. Most importantly, it will make the machine suddenly stop or firing inappropriately while mowing.

However, it is essential to note if the spark plug has water only on the outside surface. You won’t notice many problems until there is a loose fit between the boots and the plug body.

Should I Fix it Myself, or Take it to a Technician?

If you are already familiar with machine repair work, you can do it on your own. However, first of all, you want to figure out the actual problem of your spark plug and the best way to fix it.

You can take suggestions from a nearby local store or get some instructions for fixing it online. This could save you few bucks than hiring a professional.

However, it is well appreciated to take the spark plug to the nearby local store as they have all the necessary equipment and are professional to fix it quickly.

Tips To Prevent Wet Spark Plugs

Serial No. Tips To Prevent Wet Spark Plugs


So have you found the answer to this golden question: why is lawn mower spark plug wet? Surely, you need it! So take care of your lawn mower properly to ensure the best possible lifespan.

Last update on 2023-01-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Lee Safin was born near Sacramento, California on a prune growing farm. His parents were immigrants from Russia who had fled the Bolshevik Revolution. They were determined to give their children a better life than they had known. Education was the key for Lee and his siblings, so they could make their own way in the world. Lee attended five universities, where he studied plant sciences and soil technologies. He also has many years of experience in the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a commercial fertilizer formulator.

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