How to cut a corner on a plinth ceiling plinth

How to cut corners on skirting boards? Step-by-step instructions, practical tips and advice

Repair is a responsible and costly undertaking. Although you can save a lot if you carry out the work yourself. Cosmetic finishing of the premises is carried out according to certain technologies. You can decorate the interior using a variety of materials.

Today, a very popular technique is the use of skirting boards to hide irregularities between the walls and the ceiling. In order for the contour to be aesthetic, it is necessary to do the work carefully. How to cut corners on skirting boards will help you understand the advice of experienced construction and repair masters. They will tell you how, using various tools, to perform the necessary manipulations with decorative finishes of various types.

Outside corner

Quite often, the contour of the walls in a room has a complex shape. In this case, you will need to figure out how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth. To do this, it is laid on the bottom of the miter box in the same way as in the previous version, with the side that adjoins the ceiling.

Other slots are used for these corners. They also have a slope of 45 degrees, but are on the other side. Further, after marking and trimming, 2 plinths are applied to the corresponding place on the ceiling. Adjustment in progress.

Difficulties can arise when it is necessary to cut the same skirting board on one side for the outer corner, and on the other for the inner one. Many people make a mistake here. First you need to cut the inner corner. Otherwise, a skirting board that is too shortened will not dock in any place.

General characteristics of finishing

Studying the question of how to properly cut a corner on the ceiling plinth, you should familiarize yourself with the features of such a finish. The stucco molding between the ceiling and walls is now made of artificial materials. It can be polyvinyl chloride, expanded polystyrene or polyurethane. Wood can be used from natural materials.

In the construction business, the ceiling plinth is called (scientifically) a fillet. Of all the materials from which such finishing elements are made, polyurethane is considered the highest quality. Therefore it is better to choose it. Next, let’s try to figure out how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth. Expert advice will help you do this job well.

Form, fittings

When studying the question of how to properly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should pay attention to its shape and related products. There are embossed and smooth fillets. Their width and length can vary significantly.

When choosing the size of the skirting boards, take into account the type of interior, as well as the height of the ceilings. For a small room, where the distance from floor to ceiling is no more than 2.75 m, wide skirting boards will not work. They will look out of place. For the same reason, a narrow fillet should not be used for high ceilings. In such rooms, a 45 mm plinth looks good.

For installation, you can purchase curly corners from the same material as the fillet. They are external and internal. But quite often the skirting boards are joined without them, directly. In this case, you need to perform an even, beautiful trimming of the corners.

Homemade tool

Don’t you have a miter box? No problem! You can do it yourself. When pruning for the first time, it is best to apply it in your work. This will require a plywood board, paper or cardboard.

Interested in how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth, as well as its internal varieties, you need to take this approach into service. Draw two parallel mowing lines on the selected material. Next, using a protractor, angles of 45 degrees are made around the edges.

A homemade tool is applied to the plinth, making the appropriate notes. The pruning technique is the same. The miter box is not used if the walls in the room are very uneven. When creating an angle of 45 degrees, gaps between the joints are obtained due to such inconsistencies. Therefore, pruning is done in the previous way. Before editing, the edges must be corrected.

Preparatory work

To make the process quick and easy, use a tool such as a miter box. This is a U-shaped template. There are slot patterns in its side walls. They have a different angle of inclination.

There is another technique that allows you to evenly glue the ceiling plinth. Cutting corners without a miter box is possible. But still, the use of such a tool greatly facilitates the work.

First you need to mark the skirting board. If you want to create an outer corner, the length is measured along the ceiling, and the inner one along the wall. For the fillet, a slope of the mowing line of 45 and 90 degrees is used. Since this is a fairly small number of slot options, it is quite possible to make a template yourself. All you need is a sheet of paper or cardboard.

If the repairer has considerable experience in carrying out such operations, he can cut corners without additional tools. The craftsman applies the fillet to the wall, and then makes notes on the product right here. After that, he cuts off the excess. An inexperienced craftsman, most likely, will not be able to cut even corners the first time. Therefore, it is better to use a miter box or close irregularities with decorative corners.

Skirting board material

Experts agree that polyurethane is the best material for the presented finishing products. But even he has a number of disadvantages. These should be taken into account before cutting corners on the skirting boards. Polyurethane is susceptible to temperature extremes. Therefore, it is not used for decoration in the kitchen or bath. Otherwise, the skirting boards will quickly crack and lose their aesthetics.

Expanded polystyrene has almost all the positive characteristics inherent in polyurethane. But it is still more fragile material. It’s easy to break.

PVC skirting boards are relatively cheap. But it is very easy to leave dents or gouges on them. Therefore, work with such products should be very careful.

Wood looks very nice, but not in all interiors. In addition, it is rather difficult for a non-professional craftsman to work with such material. Do you want to make repairs with your own hands? Then you’d better still choose polyurethane or expanded polystyrene.

Cutting skirting boards for ceiling decoration

Another type of ceiling plinth is made of extruded polystyrene foam. They are much denser than ordinary foam products (therefore they do not crumble), they are a little more expensive, but they are also somewhat more difficult to cut. For work, you can use the same knife or hacksaw for metal.

The most expensive skirting boards are made of polyurethane. These are elastic, strong and moisture resistant products that are very easy to cut with a construction knife. True, they cannot be used in all rooms, since polyurethane is sensitive to high temperatures. it deforms, begins to crack or cracks.

For working with wooden skirting boards, only a hacksaw with fine teeth is suitable, you can use a metal tool.

Marking on the ceiling for making a corner on the skirting board

There are different ways of how to correctly make a corner on a skirting board. Some are easier to do, others are more difficult. One of these methods is to mark the plinth on the ceiling. True, it is not very convenient to cut the plinth by weight, but this method is not inferior in accuracy to all others. Before cutting the plinth to the ceiling, it is applied to the surface, while all the imperfections and irregularities of the walls, as well as the size of the corners, are immediately taken into account.

Let’s consider in detail how to correctly make the corners on the ceiling plinths using this technique:

  • First, two mating plinths must be cut off at an angle of 90º;
  • One of the blanks is pressed against the wall, and its end is abutted against the opposite wall. Then the outline of the workpiece is drawn on the ceiling.
  • At the next stage, they take the second plank and press it with its butt against the wall in the same way. Outline the line.
  • At the intersection of the lines obtained, a point is set at which further trimming of the baseboards will be carried out.
  • Then each of the strips is alternately applied to the ceiling again and the cutting point is transferred to the blanks.
  • From this point, a diagonal cutting line is drawn into the corner of the plinth.

Along the lines obtained, unnecessary sections of the baseboards are cut off, then the conjugated segments are joined, checking the correctness and completeness of the fit. “How to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth. simple and correct ways”.

It should be noted that this method is more often used for internal corners.

Applying a miter box template

To cut the baseboard in the corner to the ceiling as evenly as possible, you can use a paper, cardboard or wooden template instead of a regular miter box. Two parallel mowing lines are applied to it, then a central point is found and any necessary angle is laid from it with the help of a protractor. Before you cut the corner of the ceiling plinth without a miter box, you should double-check the size of the inner or outer corners between the walls of the room, using the same protractor.

The principle of cutting corners using a template is similar to using a standard miter box. In this case, the workpiece must be pressed against a parallel mowing line and, setting the hacksaw at the desired angle, saw off the workpiece.

Using a miter box to cut skirting boards

In carpentry, a special device made of wood, metal or plastic is often used. a miter box. Special cuts are made in it, which allow you to make an even cut at 90º, 45º, and in more complex devices. even at 60º. There are also professional miter boxes equipped with a swivel mechanism. In them, the cutting tool can be installed and fixed at any angle to the workpiece. Before making a ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to understand the details.

To cut the inner corner of the ceiling plinth using a miter box, you must:

  • First, the skirting board must be attached to the ceiling surface and mark the length.
  • Now a piece of plinth is placed in the miter box in the same position as it should be placed on the ceiling.
  • The plinth is tightly pressed against the back wall of the miter box.
  • Hold the work piece with one hand to keep it from shifting while cutting.
  • The hacksaw is set at an angle of 45º to the workpiece.
  • Cut the plinth, controlling the degree of pressure of the hacksaw, so as not to damage the product.
  • Then proceed to cutting the counter piece of the skirting board. It is also applied to the far wall of the miter box.
  • The workpiece is pressed and held by hand so that it does not move.
  • The hacksaw is installed at an angle of 45º to the workpiece so that the direction of the cut is opposite to the first element of the plinth.
  • Cut off the corner of the plinth.

After trimming the ceiling plinths in the corners, they proceed to the joining of the resulting elements. If the cutting has been carried out accurately, they will fit snugly together.

Please note that it is recommended to start cutting the inner corner of the skirting board from the front side. Then the cut line will be more accurate and even. As for the wooden elements, then all the flaws on them will need to be cleaned up with a file. “How to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. options and methods for plinths from different materials”.

Let’s take a look at how to cut the outer corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box:

  • It is best to start marking and measuring the ceiling plinth from the inner corner, and only after completing it, start cutting the outer corner. Otherwise, the plank may be short, not enough to fill the entire length of the ceiling.
  • The plinth is applied to the ceiling and its length is marked.
  • Then the workpiece is placed in a miter box and pressed against the front wall.
  • Place the hacksaw at an angle of 45º and, holding the workpiece with your hand, saw off the corner.
  • Similarly, you must cut off the opposite part of the outer corner.
  • The workpiece is pressed against the front of the miter box.
  • The hacksaw is placed at an angle of 45º to the plinth and the workpiece is sawn off.

At the end of the work, the pieces of the skirting board are joined together, checking if everything is done correctly and evenly.

It is worth noting that the miter box can help to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth as evenly as possible only if the walls are strictly perpendicular. If they are uneven and the angles are not precise, this device is unlikely to be useful. “How to properly cut the corner of the ceiling plinth. rules and methods”.

How to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth. proven methods and techniques

Ceiling skirting boards are very often used for decorating rooms. They give the ceiling a complete look, allow you to convey a particular style in the interior. In addition, they serve to mask the joints between walls and ceilings, where two different materials are mated. Although such elements are not always present in the premises, they make the interior more complete. In the material below, we will tell you in detail how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, since in such places the joining of individual elements is often a problem for inexperienced builders.

If the room has a simple shape, then only the inner corners will need to be cut. But in rooms of a more complex configuration, with columns, partitions and niches, there will also be external corners. To make decorative elements look beautiful, trimming must be done correctly and accurately, otherwise the appearance of the ceiling will be spoiled.

To trim the ceiling plinth in the corners as best as possible, you can use quality and sharp tools or other means. The type of tool that will be used to cut skirting boards depends on the type of material used to make them. So, ceiling plinths are made of PVC, foam, polyurethane and wood.

The cheapest option is PVC skirting boards. They are soft, so it is easy to leave dents and creases on them, which cannot be fixed in any way. In addition, this material has the ability to attract dust. A hacksaw or a sharp knife is suitable for cutting such skirting boards.

Another fairly cheap type of material is polystyrene foam skirting boards. They crumble easily, so only a sharp knife or a metal hacksaw should be used to trim the corners of the ceiling plinth. Movements should be soft, without pressure.

How to make a miter box yourself

Often the only way to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth evenly is to use special tools so that the tool does not move to the side during the cutting process. In this case, you can make a miter box yourself.

Option 1. A box in the shape of the letter P is made of three boards. The required corners are marked on the walls of the box and the slots are cut out in the appropriate places. The result is a complete adaptation.

Option 2. Sometimes it is quite difficult to make the corners of the skirting boards on the ceiling as even as possible, especially if you have to keep the workpiece by weight. In this case, you can use a homemade device. Take two boards and knock them down in the shape of a corner. Then, on a sheet of paper or cardboard, they draw a mowing line with the desired angles, apply a template to the corner. Then the plinth is pressed, a template is placed under the cutting site and the corner is sawn off along the lines.

Option 3. If you are still in doubt about how to properly cut the corner of the skirting board, almost any household item, the shape of which allows you to form a corner, can help with this. It can be a chair or a table just against the wall.

To understand how to properly cut the ceiling plinth, you should also familiarize yourself with the rule for measuring blanks. So, to complete the inner corner, the length begins to be measured directly from the beginning of the corner. But to determine the outer corner, it should be borne in mind that it will be issued into the space of the room by the amount of the width of the product.

There is no need to rush and fix the workpieces before the mating skirting boards have been made in the corner. In order not to redo the work, you must first make sure that the mating surfaces are snug against each other and against the ceiling. Small flaws can be corrected with a file, a fine nail file or a knife, depending on the material of the products.

If cutting off the skirting boards in the corners did not work out perfectly, small gaps can be simply putty. In general, the process of trimming skirting boards in the corners is not at all difficult. However, for training, you can take a few small pieces of the baseboard and practice on them.

How to cut a ceiling plinth correctly. Important little things

The measurements required for trimming the skirting board to the ceiling should be done in a special way. To determine and mark the inner corner, the length must be measured from the corner itself. To mark the outer corner, it must be taken into account that the plinth will protrude deeper into the room by a distance that is equal to its width.

It is not advisable to fix the plinths of the plinths until their exact location is tried on and the counter plinth is cut. Only after perfect convergence in the corner of both strikers can you begin to mount and fasten them. If work is carried out with polyurethane or wooden skirting boards, defects and flaws can be corrected with a nail file or file. To fit a foam product, you should arm yourself with a sharp knife.

If even after finishing the skirting boards there is even a small gap, do not rush to get upset. it is easy to close it up with ordinary putty. Cutting the ceiling plinth accurately and neatly is not that difficult. But in order to acquire at least a small skill, first try to practice on small blanks.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

When pruning, sometimes you can do without a miter box. In some cases, this method is even more effective, since the miter box is designed for high evenness of the walls and ceiling. In fact, this is not always true.

  • The element is placed so that its edge abuts against the joint of two walls. Mark the position with a pencil. The same is done with the skirting board on the opposite side.
  • At the junction of the wall and ceiling, the intersection points are connected and a diagonal is laid. Then it is marked on the product itself. This is the cut mark.
  • Cut with a blade along the marked mowing line. When docking, they are ideally combined. Using the same technology, you can cut the material for the outer corners.

Trim skirting in miter box

The miter box is one of the most important tools when processing a baguette, allowing you to make cuts on the skirting board with the desired slope for an even joint. Consider the features of working with fillets using this device.

To correctly and evenly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box in the corners, you must follow certain rules.

  • Cutting workpieces with a miter box is only suitable for 90 ° right angles.
  • When cutting a baguette intended for the ceiling, it is applied and sawn on the inner side of the miter box closest to you.
  • The workpiece is installed in such a position as it will be mounted later on the ceiling.
  • Cutting is carried out on the front side of the baguette.
  • The side that is subsequently glued to the ceiling must press firmly against the bottom of the tray when cutting.
  • It is recommended to use a specific cutting tool for each type of material: a hacksaw or knives are good for cutting soft materials such as foam, a saw is preferable for wood.

Ceiling corners can be internal and external, or external, therefore there are differences in the preparation of the baguette, which consist in the methods of joining the planks and different inclination of the cuts. To make it easier to work with the miter box, it is useful to make visual prompts on it in the form of small stickers with inscriptions, as shown below.

Miter box with tips for easier work Angle types

The main attention should be paid to the accuracy of cutting workpieces at the desired angle. It is recommended to start working from the inner corner and then work to the outer corner. Otherwise, it is possible that the length of the baguette will not be enough. Schematically, the cutting steps look like the figures below.

Trimming scheme for adjacent skirting boards for inner corners Trimming scheme for adjacent skirting boards for outer corners

Как самому поклеить багет (потолочный декоплинтус)

How to cut a ceiling plinth using a miter box template

Something resembling a miter box can be done by applying the required cut angles to paper, cardboard or wood. Draw two parallel mowing lines, locate the center, and then set the required angles with a protractor. The advantage of this method is that you can postpone any angle, including more than 90 degrees. Of course, before cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth, you must first check the angle between the walls using a corner and measure with a protractor.

The technique for cutting a ceiling plinth using a painted miter box is exactly the same as using the miter box itself. We press the plinth plinth to one of the parallel lines, then set the hacksaw at the desired angle, which is already outlined, and cut off.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth for internal and external corners using a miter box, photo and video examples

When planning the installation of ceiling plinths in the premises of their apartment, many people think about how difficult the work can be. However, everything is not so scary: the ceiling plinth can be installed with your own hands. the main thing is to know about some of the features of the materials from which this finishing element is made.

Decorative corners for ceiling plinths

Cropping wide varieties is much more inconvenient. The product is difficult to fit into such a compact tool as a miter box, and complex relief can be spoiled.

For such models, special corners are produced. You can find such an option only for products made of PVC, foam or polyurethane. The elements have the same design, their sizes can be easily adjusted, since a material as light as foam is easy to cut.

The technology is very simple: the corner is fixed in the joint, and fragments of the ceiling plinth are attached to it.

How to properly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth

Most often, in dwellings, you have to deal with cutting at 45 degrees. You can cut corners on ceiling plinths in several different ways.

How to make an inner corner of a ceiling plinth

Most often in the home they deal with the inner corners. Cutting is pretty easy.

corner, plinth, ceiling
  • To begin with, the material is placed at the junction of the wall and ceiling in the position in which they are going to be fixed in the future. Mark the desired length on the product.
  • The ceiling plinth is placed in the miter box in the same position, that is, that part of the fillet that is mounted on the ceiling should be facing upwards, and facing the wall should be adjacent to the wall of the device. The edges of the products are aligned with the extreme angle mark of 45 degrees.
  • The blade is turned at an angle of 45 degrees and the excess fragment is removed. The knife should be sharp, and ideally it should be cut in one motion. The second part is prepared in the same way, but on the other side.

Important! The plastic should be cut from the front side to get a smooth, beautiful cut.

How and how to cut

Working with skirting boards made from different materials means using different cutting tools. When working with a wooden skirting board, it is more convenient to work with a saw on wood. All others, including plastic ones, made of foam and other polymers, are better cut with a blade for metal. The result is a smoother cut, less burr. Saws are usually used when working with a miter box.

Corner design looks attractive

When working with polystyrene skirting boards without special devices, they are cut with a good office knife. Its blade is quite thin and even, the cut is smooth, not wrinkled. If you use a saw with polyurethane or polystyrene, do not press hard: you can wrinkle.

In general, in order to get used to the tool and material a little, take a piece and practice on it: cut, saw, trim. So there will be fewer problems when working.

How easy it is to cut off the CORRECT EXTERNAL ANGLE at the plinth or baguette without the can

What is it made of and what is it called

The very first skirting boards on the ceiling were made of plaster. They were cast in special molds and then installed on the ceiling with mortar. Such figured ornaments were called fillets. Today, you can rarely see them: they are expensive, and outwardly they are almost indistinguishable from the cheaper options. And the name is almost lost.

The most popular ceiling skirting boards are made of polyurethane or polystyrene. They are inexpensive, look great, are easy to install, have a wide range of profiles and patterns. The width can be from 5 mm to 250 mm. They are used in almost any room, decorated in any style. An exception is wooden houses with a corresponding interior. Wooden products are most often used here. the style dictates its conditions.

There is also a similar plastic finish. It is mainly installed in bathrooms. But even in damp rooms, you can safely mount polyurethane strips. they are not afraid of damp.

You need to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of any material in one of the ways described below. The only exception is plastic skirting boards: you can arrange such a corner only using ready-made corners.

Using a miter box

If the corners and walls in the room are even, you can use a special carpentry tool. a miter box. This is an inverted U-shaped chute in which the mowing line is marked for cutting at 90 ° and 45 °. The part in which you need to make a gash is laid inside, a saw is inserted into the guides. The part is held in place, cut at the desired angle.

This is what the miter box looks like. Can be plastic, wood or metal

In the case of skirting boards, not everything is so simple: they must simultaneously adhere to two surfaces, therefore they must be pressed against one or the other wall of the miter box. When working with ceilings, they are pressed in the side closest to you.

The sequence of actions when finishing the outer corner, you need to make a gash at an angle of 45 degrees. Place the miter box in front of you. Trying on how the plinth will be located, determining which part of it will be attached to the ceiling. In order not to get confused and cut off the ceiling plinth correctly, place the strip that will be located on the right on the right, the one on the left on the left.

How to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth: install it correctly in a miter box

Press the part that is on the ceiling to the bottom of the miter box. The other side is closer to you and raised. Lean it on the wall of the device so that it does not stagger when cutting. That is, the front part of the skirting board turns out to be turned away from you. Do the cutting direction as shown in the photo below. By folding the two cut pieces together, you get a protruding outer or outer corner.

First put the sawn-off parts in place “dry”, without applying glue. If the geometry of the corner is not so perfect, you can tweak it a little with a knife. It is easier to cover small errors with a special putty.

The situation is very similar with the inner corner of the skirting board. First you try on which side will be on the ceiling, press this part to the bottom of the miter box, lean the second part on the wall closest to you and make cuts as shown in the photo below.

How to make an inner corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box

And again, first try on without applying glue, if necessary, slightly adjust. Then apply a thin bead of glue to both surfaces that will adhere to the wall or ceiling.

Your own version of how to use the miter box correctly is shown in the video.

With decorative corners

There is one more, the easiest way. For skirting boards made of polyurethane or polystyrene, use ready-made, factory decorative corners. They are installed in a corner, strips are glued to them closely. It is very easy to cut them if necessary: ​​by a few millimeters with an ordinary clerical knife.

Examples of finished corners for fillets

How to cut ceiling plinth in corners

The quality of the ceiling finish greatly affects the appearance of the room. Therefore, they try to do everything perfectly, or very close to it. The finishing touch to the design is the ceiling plinth. They give the finish a complete and holistic look. The strips themselves are mounted on flat surfaces simply: on a special white glue, but problems arise with the design of the corners. Without knowing how to make the corner of the skirting board correctly, a lot of material deteriorates. How and what to cut it in the corners and tell you.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

Few people in apartments or houses have angles of exactly 90 °. Small deviations are easily corrected after fitting. But not always. Then you have to mark everything “in place”. under the ceiling.

corner, plinth, ceiling

You will need a finely contoured pencil (hard. it is not so visible on the ceiling, but leaves quite clear marks near), a small piece of plinth, a ruler and a good stationery knife if you work with polyurethane (polystyrene) baguettes or a metal saw to work with other materials.

Apply the plinth to the corner, draw along the outer edge with a pencil. Apply to the other side of the corner, also mark. You have a cross on the ceiling, the center of which marks the place where the plinths of the ceiling plinth should converge (look at the photo). Having installed a piece of plinth in the corner, which will be glued there and resting it with its end on the wall, transfer the mark to it.

How to make corners on skirting boards without using special tools

Now take a ruler and connect the edge of the skirting board with the marked mark. If you just put the plinth on the table and cut along the mowing line, the two parts in the corner will still not fold: the inner part will interfere. It can be trimmed later by trying on the ceiling. The second way is to set the piece to be cut on the table with the piece that will be on the ceiling. And cut along the mowing line, but holding the knife at an angle of about 45 °. It will still be necessary to correct, but much less (and less chance of error).

Repeat the same operation with the second bar. Put it against the desired wall, rest the butt against the adjoining wall, mark the place where the cross is drawn, draw the line and then cut it off. Correction Carried out “dry” without applying glue.

You repeat exactly the same steps for the outer (protruding) corner. Now you know another way to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, and without a scissor or other special devices.

How to get the correct angle

Most of the problems when working with skirting boards arise in the design of corners. Since the surface of the products is complex, it will not be possible to simply cut off at the desired angle: it is also necessary to cut so that they dock and, preferably, without large gaps. In reality, there are several ways to make the corner of a ceiling plinth perfect (or almost).

Outside corner

  • Measure the length of the plinth from the nearest wall to the outer corner, leave the fishing line on the wrong side with a pencil, indicating the desired length. It should be noted that the edge (its upper part) should protrude slightly outward.
  • The plinth is moved to the miter box and cut off.
  • The adjacent bar also needs to be measured with a margin and cut off in a mirror image to the first part.

Trying on the ceiling plinth: the joining of the parts should be perfectly even. If the result is not achieved and there are irregularities at the joints, you can trim the edges with an ordinary knife to a perfect fit.

How to cut the corner of a skirting board evenly

A beautiful and neat edging of the ceiling hides the joints between the coverings and is an additional element of the room’s decor. But in order for the ceiling plinth to look really beautiful, you need to be able to qualitatively join its corner joints. How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth evenly can be found in our article. Related article: how to properly glue the ceiling plinth with glue and putty.

Inner corner

  • Making the right measurements.
  • We install the plinth strip in the miter box so that this position exactly coincides with the placement on the ceiling.
  • The plinth should be firmly pressed against the opposite wall of the miter box. Hold and press with your free hand.
  • We put a hacksaw at an angle of 45 ° in a special hole and cut off the part.
  • The adjacent part must be cut in the same way, only in a mirror image, as shown in the photo.

When cutting soft materials (PVC, expanded polystyrene), use a metal hacksaw or an ordinary construction knife. Then the work will be neat and with smooth edges.

The first way is with a miter box

Professional miter box with rotary hacksaw

The miter box usually looks like a tray with vertical holes for a hacksaw. It can be made of wood, metal or plastic. This tool is the oldest and simplest carpenter’s tool for cutting wood pieces at 90 ° and 45 ° angles. There are types of such a device for professional work, with a rotary mechanism, in which the cutting tool can be rotated and fixed in any position.

How to cut a ceiling plinth correctly

Ceiling corners are divided into internal and external, the method of joining on them is slightly different.

If necessary, you can make a miter box with your own hands. To do this, you need three trims from plywood or boards of the same size. First, they are applied in the form of an inverted letter “P” and the corners are marked. Then, according to the marking, slots are cut out for a hacksaw almost to the very bottom, and the boards are twisted.

Method two. no additional tools

For the inner corner, you can use the simplest way of perfect joining. by marking on the ceiling. Another example of how to cut a corner nice and even.

  • Apply a fillet to the ceiling, firmly pressing its even edge into a corner.
  • Draw a line along the long side of the plinth on the ceiling.
  • The same action is done with the adjacent part on the other side.
  • Mark the point of intersection of lines.
corner, plinth, ceiling

The end result is an even 45 ° angle when you draw the line from the point of intersection to the edge of the part. Note that the above marking method works only for perfectly flat corners.

other methods

With a good eye and accuracy of hand action, you can use a homemade template that resembles an imitation of a miter box. To do this, take a thin board or thick plywood and draw a layout in the form of a horizontal rectangle. Using a protractor, mark 45 ° on the right and left sides of the rectangle. Draw mowing lines connecting opposite edges. You can now cut off the ceiling plinth using this layout. The actions are simple and similar to the description above in the first option. Only the ceiling parts should not be inserted, but placed on the drawing and the hacksaw should be combined with the layout of the layout.

Special accessories for docking


How to join the corners of the ceiling plinth when forming curved shapes? To design rounded corners, you need to split the arc into several sections. Their number depends on the bend radius and arc length. Cut the required number of short fillet pieces and combine them into one structure using the connecting elements supplied in the kit. Or just cut them at the required angle if you have a foam or gypsum profile rather than a plastic one.

It is quite possible that the plastic just doesn’t want to connect with each other. We’ll have to cut the stiffeners a little behind.

How to dock?

Methods for joining moldings depend on the material, as well as on its decorative features. For example, it is desirable to mount an array on hardware. The large weight of the profile with an impressive width of the product will require the use of appropriate self-tapping screws. Adhesive solutions in this case will be unreliable. It is a completely different matter when it comes to foam or gypsum profiles. These are fairly lightweight and easily workable planks that adhere perfectly to glue and putty.

When combining two or more planks, the mating angle must be taken into account. On flat areas, docking at 90 and 45 degrees is used. In the first case, the molding is simply butted, and in the second, it is trimmed according to a template or using a miter box.

Internal corners

How to join the ceiling plinth in the inner corners with a simple relief? To do this, prepare a suitable tool.

To cut the foam profile, you can use a metal hacksaw or hot nichrome wire. The good thing about hot fitting is that the wire thread makes a cut quickly, almost instantly, without leaving any burrs or roughness.

For laminate, plastic, as well as gypsum, a sheet for metal is suitable. Fine teeth to avoid unnecessary chipping on skirting boards.

How to properly saw down a profile for an inner corner? These angles have one peculiarity. They are formed by elements in which the bottom edge is longer than the top. That is, when you attach them to the ceiling, the lower one will press against the walls, and the upper one will recede inward. It turns out that the upper perimeter of the plinth will be less than the lower.

Based on this, when cutting down, it is necessary to shorten the ceiling part of the fillet.

The corners for the skirting board make the task much easier. They already have the necessary shape, so it is enough to dock them in a straight section with fillets. For plastic models of corners, an overlap joint is used, while for other materials, the technology allows you to make a joint with latches.

Non-standard situations

Bay windows are often difficult to install. In them, the walls are joined at obtuse or sharp angles, for which suitable ready-made elements may not be found. Such, from the point of view of renovators, the wrong site can cause a lot of trouble and ruin the whole work. So, how to make the outer corners on the skirting board in this case?

It is important to have with you!

You should take your skirting board seriously. The correct model and size of the skirting board can visually increase the space. Now let’s consider how to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly.

What is the miter box used for??

The miter box is a special tool that is used to cut baguettes as accurately as possible. This is a special tray, which consists of 3 boards connected to each other. They have special slots. Each of them is located at a certain angle in relation to the axis (45, 60 and 90 degrees). They are designed to guide the saw blade correctly during trimming.

How to fit the ceiling plinth in the corners? How to cut a corner on a skirting board

There is no person who, at least once in his life, is not faced with the need for repair. Some people prefer to accumulate a certain amount of funds and entrust the work to specialists. Others, on the other hand, want to do all the work on their own. In this case, it will be useful to get acquainted with the technology of performing some work, in order to then apply the knowledge in practice.

Today we will talk about an important component of any repair. the installation of a ceiling plinth.

The most difficult thing in performing this type of work is the design of the corner. Here you need to carefully and accurately join the planks, because the appearance of the decor may suffer. Not sure how to fit the ceiling plinth in the corners? Not confident in your abilities? Then you can use ready-made blanks, which are installed in the corners.

But the ceiling elements connected together look more harmonious. And you can save additional money on special corner elements. So, how to dock the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly, how to properly process the seam?

Outside corner of ceiling plinth

Some rooms have outside corners. They are quite common, so you need to know how to make a corner. Styrofoam ceiling plinth is most often used for decoration of apartments. It’s easy to work with.

A Simple Trick to Install Baseboard Corners Perfectly

To correctly cut the baguette, you must correctly draw the marks on it. To do this, attach the element to the ceiling and mark the cut point on the baguette.

After that, we put the element in the wort and cut it off at an angle of 45 0. How to make a corner? The foam ceiling skirting board for the outer corner is made in the same way as for the inner corner. If most of the element is located on the left side, it must be cut off according to the left designation. The second element is made according to the same principle.

After trimming the elements, you should make sure that there are no errors. How to adjust the angle of the skirting board? You just need to attach both parts and determine if they fit together perfectly?

And if the angle is not even?

In Soviet houses, the walls are often uneven, respectively, and the corners. We will find out what to do in this case, because the miter box will not help here.

It is easy to install a PVC ceiling skirting board. You just need to correctly measure the angle. Often a special tool is used for this. a protractor. If it is not there, you can make a template out of paper, and then use a protractor. Using a self-made template, you can cut out the required future inner or outer corner.

Bonding prepared parts

Ready-made parts are installed on liquid nails or glue. It is necessary to apply the adhesive to the back of the material. Make sure that the glue is in those places that are in contact with the ceiling and wall.

How to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners? Yes, just like the rest. The glue-coated strip must be attached to a specific place between the wall and the ceiling. Then, not too hard, gently press the element against the wall surface. Experts recommend performing this procedure with the edge of the palm. This method is definitely recommended to use for skirting boards made of foam. After all, dents quickly form on the surface of this material.

Be aware that glue may come out at the edges as the skirting board is connected in the corners. It should be removed immediately with a tissue or clean cloth. All parts can be fixed with masking tape for a while until the glue dries.

After the glue has dried, the paper tape must be carefully removed. Fill the gaps at the joints between the planks with a sealant or putty. If necessary, the skirting board can be painted in any color.

Pruning in miter box

The miter box is needed in order to correctly and beautifully dock the ceiling plinth in the corners. Let’s see how to correctly perform this procedure.

Place the right strip of the ceiling plinth in the tray on the left side with the wrong side to the bottom. In the future, it is this part that will be in contact with the ceiling.

The bar must be pressed firmly against the tool and carefully cut through the slot.

After that, a second ceiling strip is inserted into the tray from right to left. Cut it neatly.

The finished strips are placed against each other and the joints are adjusted with a knife. Do you doubt how to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly? There is a sure way. When designing an internal corner, the edge adjacent to the wall should be longer than the edge adjacent to the ceiling. When finishing the outer corner. on the contrary.

How to fit the ceiling plinth in the corners? This procedure can be performed independently by climbing to the ceiling of the room on a stepladder. But this is inconvenient. Therefore, many experts recommend immediately gluing polyurethane and foam elements on the floor with a special glue. It’s simple and effective enough.