Lawn mowed change of fishing line to disk. Plastic circles for a trimmer for grass – when used

Rules for replacing knives on a trimmer for grass

If the disk on the trimmer is used regularly, it needs to be removed from time to time to remove and sharpen or change it to a new. This part can be made of metal or plastic, have a different number of blades, but the replacement process remains the same. over, this procedure is similar to the equipment of different manufacturers, whether Carver or Huter, but minor differences are possible. Changing the knife on the trimmer is quite simple if you observe safety precautions and know the correct procedure for which you can find a description of which you can in the user’s instructions. The whole process of replacing step by step, as well as the way of independent sharpening of knives, will be described in this material.

When using motorcycles in summer cottages, the most popular nozzle is a fishing line for a trimmer. It has a small price, suitable for different trimmer heads, is safe when working. The minus of the application of the fishing line is that it is convenient only for the bevel of low shoots. In other situations, the string is immediately clogged, regardless of whether the gasoline or electric model of the trimmer for grass is used. In addition, vegetation is wound on a spindle, which creates significant resistance on the shaft and leads to its breakdown. It can also provoke a failure of the piston system in benzocos or burning out the motor in electrimmers.

Therefore, for mowing high or hard vegetation, various nozzles are used. So, for harvesting tall and rough grass, thin shoots of trees and shrubs to install and use it better. This nozzle clogs much less often, which contributes to the greater wear resistance of technology.

On a note! Due to the fact that the engine of electrical and battery models is less powerful than on benzocos, so the use of discs is more relevant for gasoline braids.

Lawn Edging ▶8

Features of disks for motorcycle

Disks-ceremonies are produced by plastic and metal, as well as various shapes to perform diverse tasks.

  • Two-, three- and four-lobed knives with pronounced blades are used for mowing grass and overgrown trees. However, they are not suitable for harvesting hay, as the shoots are crushed, cutting them several times.
  • Massive four.lobed discs are intended not only for clearing the earth from grass, but also for hay mowing. They prevent multiple cutting of shoots, thereby making them suitable for harvesting for the winter.
  • Disks with cutting faces around the perimeter are relevant for the bevel of reed and reeds. Such knives are very heavy. this is the necessary quality to cut thick stems.
  • Professional discs with a saw tooth for artisans and motorcycles allow you to cut down small trees and bushes.

Plastic knives are used as an alternative to metal disks. They do not need to be tightly attached in the head, and they revolve as a result of exposure to centrifugal force. The strength of the plastic knives is high, so the service life is quite long.

On a note! The advantage of plastic disks lies in the fact that, having hit an irresistible obstacle, they bounce, and there is no

How to insert a fishing line for a trimmer into a trimmer for grass?

There are 2 common ways to wind the cutting cord on the coil of a trimmer for grass, which depend on the type of mowing head. To choose a suitable method, you need to study the design features of the spool. this will help to understand how faster and easier to insert the cutting cord into a trimmer coil.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil of a trimmer for grass is the first way

In heads of the first type, the dividing line between the upper and lower compartment has a deepening and does not close in the ring.

A fishing line for a trimmer for such coils is wound in the following order:

  • First you need to cut off a 6-meter piece of cord from a common round. The resulting segment must be bent twice. As a result, one side of the fishing line should be 15 cm longer than the second;
  • Further, the cord, in the place of its bend, will need to be inserted into the recess provided on the verge between the upper and lower compartment of the coil. As a result, one part of the cord should be in the upper, and the second. in the lower compartment of the head;
  • Then you need to start the winding of the cord on the trimmer for the grass. This must be done exclusively in the direction shows the arrow on the coil. In this case, the cutting cord should not intertwine, and its lower and upper parts should be wrapped in the corresponding compartments. After that, 15 cm of a free cord should remain in each compartment;
  • In the upper compartment of the coil, there are recesses that are designed to fix the fishing line. The ends of the cord must be inserted into these recesses. as a result, they must be located opposite each other;
  • After that, the operator must assemble the spitter head and install it on a trimmer for the grass.

Before starting operation, the operator must stretch the free ends of the cutting cord so that they stretch. Thanks to this, when mowing grass, the fishing line for the trimmer will be evenly supplied from the spool without detaining the operator.

How to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer in a coil of a trimmer for grass. the second method

The coils of the second type are dividing line. solid. On both sides are through the endless recesses, which are designed to wind a new fishing line.

To install the cord on such a head, the operator must act in the following order;

  • A previously prepared 6-meter piece of the cord must be bent exactly in half and cut. After that, the operator should get 2 identical pieces of fishing line;
  • Then at the end of each of the pieces you will need to make a small hook;
  • Next, the hook of one of the line for the trimmer for the grass will need to be inserted into the hole located in the upper head;
  • After that, you can start the winding of the cord. This is done strictly in the order indicates the arrow on the spray. The cord used should be evenly wrapped in the upper part of the coil. As a result, approximately 15 cm cord should remain free;
  • The remaining end of the fishing line will need to be fixed in the seizure of the upper part of the spool;
  • In the same way, you need to wind the second piece of the cord on the lower part of the mowing head of the trimmer for the grass.

This method is suitable for all types of cords, including a home.made fishing line from a plastic bottle.

What knives to put on an electric and a lawn mower

Before buying and putting a knife on a motorcycle, find out what they are and in what cases are used. Today, manufacturers offer the consumer a large number of types of these supplies. In general, the entire cutting tool designed for mowing grass can be classified:

The main material for the manufacture of trimmer knives can be plastic or metal. The use of such consumables largely depends on two parameters:

For safety reasons, manufacturers do not recommend putting steel knives on electric trimmers for grass. Almost all motokos operating from the electric network and battery are equipped with plastic blades. Depending on the manufacturer, they can be a solid disk design, with several blades or in the form of a special mowing head, which provides for the installation of removable plastic blades.

Direct rod in a gasoline trimmer for grass and curved in electric

Putting a metal knife on an electric trimmer for grass does not allow its design features.

  • The curved rod of the unit reduces the distance from its working part to the legs of the Kosar. In the case of a collision of blades with a stone or other hard object of a braid for grass, it is discarded to the legs.
  • The high torque, which we mentioned above, in the event of a collision of a metal knife with a solid object, transfers a large load to the flexible shaft of a trimmer for grass and its engine. What causes their premature failure.
  • Handle Electric Knules most often does not have a restrictive bar playing the role of the stop. Which does not exclude leg injury.

It is these features that allow the use of exclusively plastic knives on trimmers with electric engines. In a collision with an obstacle, the blades are destroyed, thereby protecting the legs of the mower from obtaining possible injuries.

The use of metal knives only on gasoline trimmers is also due to constructive features.

  • The direct design of the rod increases the distance to the legs, which provides the Cossacks with complete safety.
  • Comfortable U-shaped and J-shaped handles allow you to keep the tool firmly. D-shaped handles Motokos are equipped with a limiter resting in the leg of the Costsa, which does not allow to let the head to the legs when meeting a cutting disk with a solid obstacle.
  • The clutch of the gasoline engine allows you to smoothly gain speed to the optimal level. And when the blade collides against a hard surface, it can extinguish part of the blow.

Thus, gasoline trimmers for grass with an installed metal knife are best used in large areas. They will successfully cope not only with high coarse grass, weeds, burdocks and nettles, but also with shrubs, as well as young trees.

The shape of the blades of the disk set to the trimmer for the grass does not affect the quality of the work performed. The speed does not depend on them. Triangular, trapezoid, rectangular forms are all marketing course of manufacturers.

Replacing the fishing line with a disk or knife

When ennobleing a personal plot, park zones and other places where various plants are required, it is often necessary to change the cutting tool in the trimmer. This is dictated by the fact that the standard cord installed in a mowing head can only cope with herbs. But when a shrub or young growth of trees appears on the path of an employee, a fishing line for a trimmer cannot cope with such a task, and it requires a change to a more effective cutting tool.

Manufacturers of trimmers provided such situations, and complemented their products with a mass of nozzles in the form of knives with several “petals” or in the form of disks similar to circular saws.

If you replace a fishing line for a trimmer with a knife with several “petals”, then such a tool can be mowed by both high grass and plants with thick and dry stems. And changing the fishing line for the trimmer to the disk, the user of motorcycles has the opportunity to cut shrubs or small trees.

Knives and discs are installed according to the following algorithm.

    The first thing you need to remove, stagnating the shaft, a mowing head (twist clockwise) or a nut with anthers if the unit has not yet been used.

For a better understanding of the process of changing the tool, you can watch this video.

Method 1. how to correct the fishing line for a trimmer or put it on a coil and choose the required length

To implement this method, you will need to pre.prepare a fishing line for a trimmer of the required length (usually up to 4 meters). It all depends on the thickness of the equipment used, as well as the design of the coil. There is a simple way to find out the required amount of fishing line, the refueling of which will be needed to charge the coil. To do this, the equipment should be wound inside the coil until it is equal to lateral protrusions. At the same time, the equipment should not go out for these extreme ledges.

The thicker the equipment used, the less its length will need and vice versa, the thinner, the longer the segment will need.

Instructions on how to properly tie the equipment into a tip of a trimmer for grass or motorcycles is the following look:

  • To begin with, a segment of the fishing line, which was prepared to install in a coil, must be folded in half. In this case, one edge should be more than the second by 10-15 cm
  • After that, the second end is taken from the other side, and doubles. Move to it so that the measured ledge 15 cm is preserved
  • There is a slot in the internal partition of the coil, into which the resulting loop should be brought. The slot in the wall is shown in the photo below
  • Next, find out the direction of the winding of the fishing line. If you wrap the equipment in the wrong way, then it will not function correctly, and you will need to redo the work. To insert a fishing line for a trimmer, and wind it in the right direction, you should examine the surface of the coil. It should indicate the direction of winding (in 99% of cases this direction is indicated). What does the direction indicator look like on the coil shown in the photo below
  • This indicator in the form of an arrow can also have a designation, as an example above “Wind Line”, which means the direction of winding. If the arrow indicator is absent on the coil, then you need to look at the head. There is a direction of its rotation on the head, and in order to correctly wind the fishing line for the trimmer, you should wind it on the drum in the opposite direction of the indicator of the arrow pointer. So, if the shooter is on the tip, then you need to wind in the indicated direction, and if it is not there, then you should wind against the direction of the arrow on the surface of the head
  • Having decided on the direction of rotation, you should proceed to the winding. Each end should be carried out in its groove. If there is no separator, then the equipment is necessary in the corresponding distribution order
  • When almost the entire fishing line for the trimmer is wound on the coil, you will need to perform the following-place a short part in the hole of the side wall of the tip, which should be up to 10-15 cm, and then similarly to do the procedure with another end, placing it in the holes from the parallel side
  • We insert the coil into the head, pre.letting the ends of the fishing line into the holes of the drum
  • We install the drum in place and, pulling the ends of the fishing line, remove them from the engagement with temporary clamps in the coil wall. After that, you can put on the lid until the latch is triggered
  • On this, the process, how to replace a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer, is completed, and if necessary, only the ends can be cut (if their length does not suit), and install the drum in the assembled form on the tool

With how to put the drum in place, no difficulties arise. There is a second way to charge mowing equipment into a motorcycle. How is it different, and how the second method of refueling the fishing line to the coil of motorcycles is carried out, we will find out in detail.

Recommendations related to repair

Mechanical problems are associated with damage to the trimmer head. This component is most often exposed to wear, and this element often contacts the environment. There are several options for a breakdown that is mechanical.

FSA 65

The length of the device is 154 cm. Current 5.5 a. The lightest of the rest of the mowers. This tool can be used in large spaces.

FSE 31

Light and cheap unit. Ideal for processing a small territory. It is better for them to collect, mow grass after a lawn mower.

Choosing the best option for a cutting knife for a lawn mower

Some manufacturers of trimmers with a rigid structure of the gear rampart equip their tools additionally not only fishing lines, but also with steel disks. This does not always happen, and if such a situation is appropriate, then if necessary, instead of a mowing head with a fishing line, a metal disk is installed. However, this does not always happen. First you need to make sure that a steel disk can be used on a trimmer. Consider all types, and designs manufactured for trimmers of cutting knives.

Metal toothed discs have the shape of a circle, on the basis of which the corresponding number of teeth are located. These teeth are of different types, shapes and sizes. The more teeth, the more effective the tool copes with thick grass and even small trees. Milling circles for trimmers are gaining momentum faster, which is their advantage. They also have a high moment of inertia, which is their disadvantage. This negatively affects the drive device of the tool, as the starting power increases, and as a result, the motor overheats with frequent stops. In addition, the equipment differs in the presence and absence of penetration.

If the operator is faced with the task of pricing thick grass and dryness, then it is recommended to choose disks with penetration and a large number of teeth. Continuous discs are suitable for dying green grass of different densities, but they are used exclusively on powerful benzocoses with a motor volume of more than 40 cm3.

Choosing the best option for a cutting knife for a lawn mower

Some manufacturers of trimmers with a rigid structure of the gear rampart equip their tools additionally not only fishing lines, but also with steel disks. This does not always happen, and if such a situation is appropriate, then if necessary, instead of a mowing head with a fishing line, a metal disk is installed. However, this does not always happen. First you need to make sure that a steel disk can be used on a trimmer. Consider all types, and designs manufactured for trimmers of cutting knives.

Metal toothed discs have the shape of a circle, on the basis of which the corresponding number of teeth are located. These teeth are of different types, shapes and sizes. The more teeth, the more effective the tool copes with thick grass and even small trees. Milling circles for trimmers are gaining momentum faster, which is their advantage. They also have a high moment of inertia, which is their disadvantage. This negatively affects the drive device of the tool, as the starting power increases, and as a result, the motor overheats during frequent stops. In addition, the equipment differs in the presence and absence of penetration.

lawn, mowed, change, fishing, line, disk

If the operator is faced with the task of pricing thick grass and dryness, then it is recommended to choose disks with penetration and a large number of teeth. Continuous discs are suitable for dying green grass of different densities, but they are used exclusively on powerful benzocoses with a motor volume of more than 40 cm3.

For what cases are lobed knives for trimmers suitable

Compared to gear or milling disks, lobed have small weight, therefore, they are used on low.power trimmers. Bosch is equipping its electric travo.shirts with these types of cutting knives. Their advantage in the minimum moment of inertia, which eliminates the negative impact on the drive mechanism.

The number of blades affects the grinding of grass. The smaller the blades, the more mowing grass is crushed. Two.lobed discs are used to prick uniform and the same type of grass. Their advantage is that they discard cutting off the shoots to the side. For injection of grass in the field when harvesting hay, it is recommended to use 4 or more blade nozzles. They do not grind mowing grass, and at the same time do not load the drive mechanism of the tool.

lawn, mowed, change, fishing, line, disk

Solving possible problems with fishing line

Most of the problems associated with the fishing line are similar to different trimmers and are solved in a similar way.

Turning the string

  • the presence of solid objects in mowing grass: branches, stones, etc.D., contact with which the string breaks off;
  • Powder of grass is close to the fence, and if it is mesh, then the fishing line for the trimmer is torn even faster;
  • low.quality cord. it is necessary to replace with a new reliable consumable;
  • wear of the output holes in the mowing head, as a result of which the fishing line for a trimmer breaks off from friction on the sharp edges of the bushings. it is required to replace parts with a new.

Large fishing line

Typically, a fishing line for a trimmer ends very quickly if you constantly knock a semi.automatic coil on the ground or press it with an effort to the surface. In this case, the head is unlocked, the cord is lengthened, and the knife cuts it. The second version of the fast consumption of fishing line is a trimmer for grass with an automatic coil is incorrectly used. If the mower regularly lowers the engine speed, the string is constantly lengthened and cut and as a result is quickly consumed.

The string does not hold

If the spring weakens the semi.automatic type in the coil of the semi.automatic type, the fishing line for the trimmer does not stay and is unwinded during operation. The cord is extended, cut off with a knife, as a result, the owner of the equipment notes that the thread quickly ends.

Advice! To check the tool, you need to remove the protective casing and start the engine. if the fishing line for the trimmer is advanced, this means that the spring must be changed to a new one.

a fishing line for a trimmer flies out

If the string flies out with kosbe, this is another evidence that the spring in the bobbin is weakened or completely lost with an inaccurate analysis of the head. As a result, the cord does not hold and pops up when rotating.

The string is not advanced

In the coils of automatic and semi-automatic cords, the cord is served without stopping the trimmer for grass. If this does not happen, then:

  • The fishing line for a trimmer in the head is wound wrong, so the coil does not spin;
  • The winding of the fishing line is made unevenly, so the cord stuck between the turns and does not go out. so that this does not happen, you need to wrap the thread carefully, preventing distortions, a turn to the turns;
  • The ends of the cord emerging from the holes are very short, centrifugal force is not enough to extract them, so the fishing line is not served-before turning on the trimmer for the grass, it is important to control the length of the thread and slightly lengthen it, if necessary;
  • The cord is stuck.

The coil does not spin

The reasons why the coil does not spin are similar to the lack of fishing line. This is the wrong or uneven winding of the string, its sticking, as well as the short ends of the cord, emerging from the holes.

Trimmer fishing line sticks together

If when working a fishing line for a trimmer sticks together, the main reason is the installation of a low.quality cord. In the course of work, the coil is heated, and a poor.quality string melts and glued. The second reason is the clash of the cord with solid objects. In this case, its sharp braking occurs, the thread is drawn into the head and picks up.

Advice! To avoid problems, you can apply mineral oil to the surface of the fishing line or, after winding on the head, spray it with silicone. A more competent solution will be the acquisition of a good high.quality head, which will forget about such problems.

So, replacing a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer will not be difficult if you know how to disassemble the coil and wind the cord winding. This process is similar for technology of different brands. A detailed description can be found in the instrument operation instructions or watch on the video.

How to choose?

When choosing a knife for a mower, you should pay attention to many points. For example, discs with metal teeth are often made in the form of a circle

Teeth can differ in shape, appearance, size. For small trees, as well as for thick herbs, it is better to use discs with a large number of teeth.

It is worth noting the advantage of milling circles for motorcycle, as a fast speed. Nevertheless, a high moment of inertia is not best affected by the block drive. For tight mowing, for high, as well as for small coarse herbs and shrubs, it is better to choose circles with 40 or more teeth and peoration. They are not able to destroy vegetation, and it will practically not wrap around the circle. If the number of teeth exceeds 60, then you can safely mow grass and trees with a barrel thickness of 7 cm.

lawn, mowed, change, fishing, line, disk

Disks with a solid blade and without holes have a large weight, so they should be chosen for powerful trimmers (more than 40 cm3). It is also convenient to mow rare grass and dry; They are also suitable for mowing with different density.

Victory discs should be selected for mowing plants near obstacles. If you need to mow grass on the hay, prefer steel knives with a lot of softly sharpened teeth. Solid discs with the number of teeth from 16 to 32, well.cut plants with thick stems.

For low.power trimmers, blades with a minimum torque are better suited. The smaller the blade, the stronger the tool will grind the grass. Yes, discs with two blades are most often used to cut homogeneous grass. The main advantage of this species is that it discards cut plants to the side.

When cleaning hay, it is recommended to choose blades with four blades so that the grass does not cut.

The thickness of the blade is also important when choosing. Discs can be stamped or forged. The former differ in a low price, but at the same time they can be seriously damaged in a collision with an obstacle. As for the forged discs, they do not form chips and cuts in a collision with solid objects.

Disk for the lawn mower Test

For electric trimmers, only plastic knives should be selected. Their low weight will not create an unnecessary engine load. Soft plastic allows the blades not to break when they are on the obstacle, but bend slightly or deform. The use of such cutting elements is recommended for mowing thick soft grass.

Difficulties that you can face

When installing an SSD or starting a computer/laptop after an upgrade, the user may face some difficulties. Most of them are decided at the initial stage.

So, the first thing to pay attention to with the SSD disk (for example, Kingston Hyperx Fury 120GB) to a computer or laptop is accurate is accurate. Most cases are made of plastic, so careless actions can lead to damage to the skin

For example, a weak place of laptops. nests for wires.

Attention! It is better to supplement both the portable and the SSD desktop device when the warranty on the computer ended: any upgrade made by the user can “destroy” the warranty. If the SSD carrier is planned to be installed in a slot for an optical drive, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the adapter-carm

Most models are available with indicators of 12.7 millimeters or 9.5 millimeters. To be sure that the adapter is suitable, you need to find out the disk model and find its characteristics on the Internet

If the SSD carrier is planned to be installed in a slot for an optical drive, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the adapter-carm. Most models are available with indicators of 12.7 millimeters or 9.5 millimeters. To be sure that the adapter is suitable, you need to find out the disk model and find its characteristics on the Internet.

Hard.headed hard drive (for example, Sandisk 2.5 ″ SATA 3.0 plus 120GB) is installed, and the device “does not see it”?. You will need to look again at the BIOS and in the SATA Mode or Advanced item, to double.check whether the system in AHCI is functioning. mode intended for working with SSD.

Keep in mind: in the IDE mode, the system recognizes the SSD disk, but some functions that increase the speed of work and increase the “” of the hard drive, do not work. Therefore, check the current mode through the dispatcher, is worth. If IDE is set, you need to switch the system to AHCI.

Another type of coil. The through hole inside. There are holes on the outer case. That is, it turns out that the fishing line for a trimmer should pass through these holes both inside and outside, and immediately collect the coil. And use the button for winding (this is the same button that is used to free up the line during operation). Just to rewind the rod now you need to turn this button. over, the mechanism of this button is designed in such a way that you can turn it in only one direction, in the direction you need.

Selection of fishing line

In order for the trimmer for the grass to work “like a clock”, you need to choose the right fishing line for a trimmer, that is, choose it depending on the model of the trimmer for the grass and the type of work. Two important parameters in this matter. This is a diameter and a cross section.

The diameter of the line must correspond to the recommended for this model (this should be indicated in the product passport). The cross section of the line is round, square, with sharp edges (pentagon). The fishing line for a trimmer of a round section is designed to mow young grass and lawn, a square and five.sided fishing line for a trimmer is useful if the grass is rougher and on the lawns weeds have grown.

CHAIN Trimmer Head !? REVIEW AND TEST #2

Modification of the head of a trimmer for grass

The heads of a trimmer mowel for grass can be of various modifications: one.row for mowing the lawn (mowing with one thread of fishing line); Two.row for mowing grass and cleaning areas with automatic supply of fishing line or manual adjustment of the length of the string.

Modern manufacturers are increasingly offering gardeners universal trimmers for grass with two.row automatic mowing heads. instructions for filling the line in a trimmer for grass

  • Insert the clamps until they press, and remove the lid from the head of the mowing.
  • Carefully turn the coil, it will be freed from the holder, and now remove it.
  • Cut two identical pieces of fishing line (the edge of the cut of the fishing line should be at an angle. This will facilitate the work). Take one of them and insert the end of the fishing line into a special on the coil (there may be hooks, eyelets, clamps). Then wind the string in the direction of the shooter. Distribute the fishing line for the trimmer evenly, tightly. Fix the end of the string in a specially provided hole in the coil.
  • Perform the same operation with the second part of the line, just tidy up the end to the coil from the opposite side.
  • Return the coil with a fishing line to the mowing head. Stretch the ends of the line through the holes in the coil and insert them into a special head connector.
  • Thoroughly align the fishing line for the trimmer and close the lid. Cut the excess fishing line for the trimmer, leaving 12-15 cm of each edge.

All is ready. Trimmer for grass is covered with fishing line and ready for the train. Now you can enjoy taking a braid beloved meadow, cottage, house.

It is important to remember that not only the quality of the work performed, but also your safety will depend on how you fill the fishing line for a trimmer in a trimmer.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer: Features of replacement depending on the type of removable coil of a trimmer for grass

To figure out how to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer in a removable trimmer head, the following recommendations and video instructions will help.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass with one osm

Most often use a thread up to five meters long. The procedure consists of the following stages:

  • Bend the cord with a loop and insert the head into the groove.
  • Wind the thread in the direction opposite to the launched marks on the case. They indicate the direction of movement of the head.
  • The end of the thread up to fifteen centimeters long to leave free to increase centrifugal force.
  • Pass the free end through the output of the coil.
  • Collect the head of a trimmer for grass.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a removable coil of a trimmer for grass with two antennae

You can watch the video before work, and also take into account the following recommendations.

  • If the path is one, both threads are wound in parallel.
  • If two paths, each segment is wound in a separate groove.
  • Wind the threads in the direction opposite to rotation of the head.
  • The length of the free ends should not exceed fifteen centimeters.
  • Pass the ends to the weekend.
  • Collect the head and check the performance of the trimmer for the grass.

Advice! If free antennae are of different lengths, you should not worry. During operation, the extra ends will be cut off.

Trammer for grass with automatic feed: how to wind a fishing line for a trimmer into a removable coil

In some models of trimmers, a coil is installed, the line of line line in which occurs automatically. It is enough for the owner to fix the ends in the head, after the equipment is turned on, the mechanism will perform all manipulations on the winding on its own.

This should be known! The strengths of the automatic head of the trimmer for grass include the simplicity of the winding. The disadvantages of such equipment are frequent breakdowns of a complex mechanism and high cost.

  • Inside, the coil will show how many recesses to wrap (two or one). If there is one recess, both ends of the threads will be laid along this recess. If there are two of them, the antennas are laid out separately. each in its depths.
  • It is necessary to rewind from 2 to 4 meters of polyethylene thread and plunge it with two ends into the hole.
  • Wrap both threads in the same direction as the drum.
  • When all the hair is wound, the ends should be fixed in the grooves or hold on.
  • Both ends are stretched from the outside of the clip body.
  • After that, the drum is assembled and inserted into a mower.

Tips and steps to replace the cutting element in the video.

To insert a fishing line for a trimmer into a lawn mower with two grooves in the drum, you need to use the previous option for refueling this plastic thread. In this case, each end of the mowing fishing line of the hair will be wound along its groove. All other actions are similar to the previous process.

A coil or a roller can have a completely different design than the previous two options. A fishing line for a trimmer can be stitched through the eye, which passes inside the coil. In this case, you do not need to disassemble the roller drum and manually wrap the plastic thread.

The plastic thread is sewn through the hole and turned by pressing a special button. This button is located on the housing and is designed to operate the equipment, to be able to produce hair as it is worn.

Do not worry that the plastic thread is wound in the wrong direction, because in this design it can rotate in only one direction.

Security measures

For quick and safe replacement of the cutting element on the drum mower, it is necessary to observe precautions. Before removing the coil, it is necessary to turn off the equipment from the power source (if the lawn mower works from electricity) to wind a fishing line for a trimmer on a lawn mower

Here I want to mention the rating of the reliability of electric lawn mowers, which will help you choose a reliable assistant.

Another important compliance with safety rules. Press the lock button. You can find out how it is located on the equipment case, following the instructions. For example, instructions for a gas mower can be found here.

Remember that the cutting element should be adjusted. There is a button on the block case. If the process does not start automatically and the thread tension decreases, the button is clamped, and the fishing line for the trimmer with force is pulled out of the coil.

It should be remembered that replacing the cutting element in the lawn mower. This is an important process that requires responsibility. All this must be done in stages, and only a special plastic fishing line for a trimmer must be inserted into the coil. Iron cable, high.quality wire or even an enhanced fishing line for a trimmer are not suitable here.


If there is a cottage or a large plot of land next to your house or cottage, then the lawn mower should be used for easy cleaning of grass and weeds. If you think about choosing an electric lawn mower or gasoline, click here and you will find comparative characteristics of various models.

Over time, a fishing line for a trimmer on a mower wear out and requires a replacement. This can be done independently. This polyethylene thread must be selected depending on the model of the mowing. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the rest of the car, for example, you will find information about the blades of the Craftsman lawn mower, which also wear out and lead to irreversible consequences.

The device of the coil, into which the fishing line for a trimmer of hair growth is inserted, is very simple. But it depends on whether the coil with one or two threaded antennas is working

It is important to take precautions when replacing the coil

How to choose?

When choosing a knife for a mower, you should pay your attention to many points. For example, wheels with metal teeth in most cases are made in the form of a circle

Teeth can differ in shape, species, size. For small trees, it is also better to give preference to discs with a huge number of teeth.

It should be noted such an advantage of milling circles for motorcycle circuits as a frisky set of revolutions. But the highest moment of inertia does not best affect the drive device of the unit. For dense mowing, for the highest, also for small rough grass and shrubs, it is better to choose circles with 40 and more teeth and penetration. They are able not to grind vegetation, and with all this it will actually not be wrapped in a circle. If the number of teeth is more than 60, then you can safely mow grass and trees with a trunk width up to seven cm.

Disks with a solid canvas and without holes are distinguished by a large mass, so they should be chosen for massive trimmers (more than 40 cm3). With all this, it is comfortable to mow the rare grass, dry, they are also suitable for mowing with different density.

Winter attacks should be chosen for mowing plants next to obstacles. If you need to mow grass on hay, then you should give preference to iron knives with a huge number of teeth with even sharpening. Continuous discs with the number of teeth from sixteen to 30 two perfectly cut plants with thick trunks.

For low.power trimmers, lobed discs with the least moment of inertia are better suited. The smaller the blades, the stronger the tool will grind the grass. So, discs with 2 blades in most cases are used to mow homogeneous grass. The main advantage of this species is that it discards cut plants to the side.

The thickness of the blades is also fundamental when choosing. Discs can be stamped or forged. The 1st differ in a low price, but with all this they can be very damaged, faced with an obstacle. As for the forged discs, chips and slices do not form on them when colliding with hard objects.

For electronic trimmers, only plastic knives should be selected. Their low weight will not create an excess load on the engine. Soft plastic allows the knives when they are on the obstacle do not break, but simply bend a little or deform. It is recommended to use such cutting elements for a beard of thick soft grass.