Glass cutting with a glass cutter at home

How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter at home

Given the wide range of tasks that a home craftsman must solve when carrying out repair work, it will not be superfluous to know how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Glass preparation

It is the most critical step when cutting, and largely depends on the type of material with which to work.

So, if we talk about new glass, then the whole preparation procedure here comes down to removing dust particles and greasy stains from the glass, for which it is quite enough to wipe the places of the alleged cut with a crumpled newspaper.

Whereas for used glass, this process is more laborious and involves the following:

  • Glass is cleaned of contaminants using specialized glass detergents;
  • The sheet material is degreased by wiping it with a cloth soaked in kerosene or alcohol solution;
  • The glass is dried indoors.

Cutting glass 10mm with Toyo Cutter TC-90

In addition to the above actions, when working with old glass, it may be necessary to pre-cut the sheet to ensure even (no chips) cuts on all sides.

And of course, you should take care of preparing the appropriate set of tools: measuring (tape measure, flat rail, square) and cutting (glass cutter or scissors).

Scissors will help cut the glass

It may seem fantastic, but you can “cut off” the glass with simple scissors, which is especially important for obtaining polygonal shapes.

For these purposes, the glass is immersed in hot water and all actions are performed directly in the water. That is, the scissors create an initial fracture, and a further crack is formed due to the capillary effect. It is clear that such work should be done with the use of personal protective equipment (thick gloves, glasses, etc.), but nevertheless, if it is necessary to cut a small amount of materials, this method can be used at home.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter

When all the preparatory operations are over, you can proceed to the glass cutting procedure. For this, first, the sheet material is laid on a flat surface (for example, on a table), and after which the marking is applied (it is better to use a permanent marker) at the specified points. When laying glass on a surface, ensure maximum adherence of the material to the entire plane, for which you can lay a lining (for example, a sheet of felt, etc.).

After marking, a cut is made along the intended mowing line. This should be done in an even, confident movement in one pass (a repeated pass with a glass cutter will cause a poor-quality fracture). over, you should ensure that the cutting line runs from the very beginning to the end of the sheet (without the slightest gaps).

Further, the glass sheet is displaced so that the cutting line is aligned with the corner edge of the table, and with a sharp downward movement to the excess, the glass simply breaks off along the specified mowing line of the cut. Some experts recommend, before this procedure, to make neat tapping (from below) along the entire mowing line of the cut using a small metal tool (for example, using pliers), which will provide a better break.

glass, cutting, cutter, home

Well, in the future, all actions are repeated according to the above algorithm, and in order to cut glass does not cause any particular difficulties, in the process of performing work, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Cut only clean glass;
  • When performing a cut, ensure uniform pressure on the tool along the entire length of the cut;
  • Timely change the cutting parts of the tool for a high-quality cut.

By the way, with the help of a glass cutter, you can cut tiles.

Tool selection

As mentioned above, you can cut glass not only with a glass cutter, but also. with scissors. So let’s look at both of these options.

So, for cutting glass with a glass cutter, first of all, you should prepare the glass cutter itself. And here the question of choosing this “device” already arises.

The most reliable and high quality are considered to be diamond glass cutters (with a beveled cutter). And although they are more expensive than their counterparts, with the help of such tools you can cut glass of various thicknesses and textures in large quantities. However, after a certain period, the cutting part of such a glass cutter needs to be sharpened on a special bar. That is, if you need to cut a large volume of glass, a diamond glass cutter will be the most suitable option.

The roller glass cutter belongs to the budget options and does an excellent job of performing local tasks. A roller made of cobalt-tungsten compound is used as a cutting tool.

Oil glass cutter. a kind of roller version with a slight modification (a reservoir for supplying oil to the cutting zone is built into the handle of such a glass cutter). This allows for more complex curved cuts and thicker glass.

In general, to choose a glass cutter, it is advisable to use a thematic video.

If we talk about the selection of scissors for cutting glass, then here your choice should be stopped on metal options of medium and large sizes. The best option in this case can be sewing scissors.

Cutting alternative materials

If you want to cut corrugated glass, it is important to apply the cutting line on the back (flat side).

Whereas organic glass can be cut off at all with an assembly knife or a special cutter.

And in some cases (when working with thick sheets), a more justified option would be to use an angle grinder with a special diamond-coated cutting wheel.

If we talk about tempered glass, then cutting it off at home is unlikely to work.

If you liked the material, I will be grateful if you recommend it to your friends or leave a useful comment.

Glass preparation

It is the most critical step when cutting, and largely depends on the type of material with which to work.

So, if we talk about new glass, then the whole preparation procedure here comes down to removing dust particles and greasy stains from the glass, for which it is quite enough to wipe the places of the proposed cut with a crumpled newspaper.

Whereas for used glass, this process is more laborious and involves the following:

  • Glass is cleaned of contaminants using specialized glass detergents;
  • The sheet material is degreased by wiping it with a cloth soaked in kerosene or alcohol solution;
  • The glass is dried indoors.

In addition to the above actions, when working with old glass, it may be necessary to pre-cut the sheet to ensure even (no chips) cuts on all sides.

And of course, you should take care of preparing the appropriate set of tools: measuring (tape measure, flat rail, square) and cutting (glass cutter or scissors).

Scissors will help cut the glass

It may seem fantastic, but you can “cut off” the glass with simple scissors, which is especially important for obtaining polygonal shapes.

For these purposes, the glass is immersed in hot water and all actions are performed directly in the water. That is, the scissors create an initial fracture, and a further crack is formed due to the capillary effect. It is clear that such work should be carried out using personal protective equipment (thick gloves, glasses, etc.), but nevertheless, if it is necessary to cut a small amount of materials, this method can be used at home.

How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter at home

Given the wide range of tasks that a home craftsman must solve when carrying out repair work, it will not be superfluous to know how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Tool selection

As mentioned above, you can cut glass not only with a glass cutter, but also. with scissors. So let’s look at both of these options.

So, for cutting glass with a glass cutter, first of all, you should prepare the glass cutter itself. And here the question of choosing this “device” already arises.

The most reliable and high quality are considered to be diamond glass cutters (with a beveled cutter). And although they are more expensive than their counterparts, with the help of such tools you can cut glasses of various thicknesses and textures in large quantities. However, after a certain period, the cutting part of such a glass cutter needs to be sharpened on a special bar. That is, if you need to cut a large volume of glass, a diamond glass cutter will be the most suitable option.

Roller glass cutter belongs to the budget options and does an excellent job of performing local tasks. A roller made of cobalt-tungsten compound is used as a cutting tool.

Oil glass cutter. a kind of roller version with a slight modification (a reservoir for supplying oil to the cutting zone is built into the handle of such a glass cutter). This allows for more complex curved cuts and thicker glass.

In general, to choose a glass cutter, it is advisable to use a thematic video.

If we talk about the selection of scissors for cutting glass, then here your choice should be stopped on metal options of medium and large sizes. The best option in this case can be sewing scissors.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter

When all the preparatory operations are over, you can proceed to the glass cutting procedure. For this, first, the sheet material is laid on a flat surface (for example, on a table), and after that the marking is applied (it is better to use a permanent marker) at the specified points. When laying glass on a surface, ensure maximum adherence of the material to the entire plane, for which you can lay a lining (for example, a sheet of felt, etc.).

After marking, a cut is made along the intended mowing line. This should be done in an even, confident movement in one pass (a repeated pass with a glass cutter will cause a poor-quality fracture). over, you should ensure that the cutting line runs from the very beginning to the end of the sheet (without the slightest gaps).

Further, the glass sheet is displaced so that the cutting line is aligned with the corner edge of the table, and with a sharp downward movement to the excess, the glass simply breaks off along the specified mowing line of the cut. Some experts recommend, before this procedure, to make neat tapping (from below) along the entire mowing line of the cut using a small metal tool (for example, using pliers), which will provide a better break.

Well, in the future, all actions are repeated according to the above algorithm, and in order to cut glass does not cause any particular difficulties, in the process of performing work, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Cut only clean glass;
  • When performing a cut, ensure uniform pressure on the tool along the entire length of the cut;
  • Timely change the cutting parts of the tool for a high-quality cut.

By the way, with the help of a glass cutter, you can cut tiles.

Cutting alternative materials

If you want to cut corrugated glass, it is important to apply the cutting line on the back (flat side).

Whereas organic glass can be cut off at all with an assembly knife or a special cutter.

And in some cases (when working with thick sheets), a more justified option would be to use an angle grinder with a special diamond-coated cutting wheel.

If we talk about tempered glass, then cutting it off at home is unlikely to work.

If you liked the material, I will be grateful if you recommend it to your friends or leave a useful comment.

How to choose the right glass

Glass masters advise when choosing glass to pay attention to the following points:

  • One of the hallmarks of high quality glass is the blue or greenish tint of its ends.
  • Scratched sheets should not be used.
  • If all the rules are not followed during glass rolling or cooling, then such sheets may have defects in the form of stripes. These stripes will significantly distort the image, so it is better not to use such sheets to replace the glass in the window.
  • The thickness of the glass depends on the dimensions of the frame into which it is inserted. If its width and height is less than 600 mm, then you can get by with 2–2.5 mm thick glass. And if one of these parameters exceeds 600 mm, then the thickness of the glass sheet increases to 3.5-4 mm.
  • When glazing at home, you need to cut off a piece of glass 3-5 mm smaller than the size of the frame, because the slightest skew will not allow the glass to be inserted into the opening.

Glass preparation

Often many people simply forget about this important point. But high-quality cutting of glass with your own hands is impossible without preliminary preparation. New glass should be wiped with a damp cloth. After it dries, wipe dry.

Some experts recommend using a newspaper rather than a rag. It will not leave fluff on the glass that can interfere with the movement of the cutter.

Used glasses are cut much worse and require more thorough preparation. They are washed using special detergents, and after drying, they are degreased with turpentine or kerosene. During the drying process, it is necessary to exclude dust on the sheet.

How to use a glass cutter correctly

To cut high quality glass with your own hands, you must follow the technology and sequence of actions.

  • The points of the beginning and end of the cut are marked on the sheet.
  • The glass cutter is placed at the starting point and a ruler is attached to it.

Note! The ruler should not be positioned along the cut line, but a few millimeters away from it. This value corresponds to the distance between the cutting edge and its lateral surface.

  • The cut is carried out smoothly, from beginning to end in one movement and with one effort. And only once. If you hold the glass cutter several times in one place, then the glass will simply crack.
  • The cut piece is cleaved. For this, the line of the notch is aligned with the edge of the table. Crack by lightly tapping the cut with a glass cutter, and then break off in one motion.
  • If the chip is uneven, then the excess glass can be removed with pliers or use the special cutouts in the handle of the glass cutter. To avoid cracking, the cutting line must be slightly moistened with turpentine or kerosene.
  • At the final stage, the cut line is processed with sandpaper, a velvet file or a sharpening stone.

Tool check and workplace arrangement

Before thinking about how to cut glass correctly, you need to decide on the tool that will be used for this specific job. In order to cut a glass sheet with your own hands, a glass cutter is most often used. There are three types of glass cutters:

  • roller;
  • diamond;
  • oil.

The last two are used mostly by professionals. The cheapest and most common option is a glass cutter with replaceable rollers.

Regardless of the model used, it is best to check the sharpening of the glass cutter before cutting the glass. To do this, you can try to cut some unnecessary piece of glass. Ideally, the glass cutter should move with a slight rustle, leaving a thin, continuous line. If it moves with a creak, the cut line is interrupted or looks like a white scratch, then either the cutting element is blunt, or mistakes were made in the cutting technique.

It is also necessary to prepare a flat surface, the dimensions of which should exceed the dimensions of the cut sheet. At home, this can be a table covered with a soft cloth. If the size of the table is insufficient, you can put a sheet of plywood or chipboard on top of it. You will also need a marker and tape measure for marking. If the glass will be cut with a glass cutter, then you need to prepare a thick metal ruler. Its thickness should be 8-10 mm. this is the only way to create the necessary stop for the cutting tool.

How else can you cut glass

What if you don’t have a glass cutter at hand? There are ways in which glass is cut with a non-standard tool. This operation can be carried out with a soldering iron, angle grinder, nichrome thread and even ordinary scissors! Let’s find out how to properly cut glass with your own hands using each of these methods.

  • With a soldering iron. First, make cuts with a file at the beginning and end of the cut line. Then it is necessary to carefully carry out along the entire mowing line with a well-heated soldering iron. Due to the temperature difference on the sides of the surface, the glass will crack, after which it remains only to gently break it off.
  • Angle Grinder. This tool is found in almost every home, so it is not surprising that it was also adapted for working with glass. In order to cut off glass with an angle grinder, you need a thin diamond disc. With its help, a thin groove is made along the entire mowing line of the cut, along which a chipping occurs in the future. But when cutting an angle grinder, make sure that the glass does not overheat, and be sure to use coolant. A good tool is required, otherwise the glass will simply shatter from its vibration. It is imperative to protect the respiratory organs and eyes when working with an angle grinder on glass. The smallest glass dust getting into them will not lead to anything good. Therefore, if you cut a sheet of glass with an angle grinder, you need to stock up on glasses and a respirator.
  • Using heating and cooling. A thread impregnated with a combustible substance is laid along the mowing line of the cut and set on fire. Immediately after it goes out, the cut line is cooled with water. The glass will crack from a sharp temperature drop. Another option is heating the glass with a nichrome thread through which an electric current passes. In this case, no water is required, the temperature difference between the two surfaces of the sheet is sufficient.
  • Scissors. Non-thick glass up to 3 mm is cut with ordinary tailor’s scissors, if this operation is performed by immersing the scissors and glass in a container with hot water. Feels like cutting thick cardboard.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter: we do the right job at home

In any apartment, you may be faced with the need to replace glass in a window, door or closet. It is very rare to find ready-made glass of the required size. Of course, you can seek help from a specialist, but this will take time and money. All the necessary work can be done with your own hands at home, if you know how to cut glass correctly.

Tempered glass processing

Often on the forums there is a question: how to cut tempered glass? The answer is simple: tempered glass cannot be cut or drilled. At any attempt to do this, it loses all its properties and simply shatters into small pieces. Tempered glass was used in cars before the triplex technology was invented. In an accident, glass fragments should not have injured passengers. So you shouldn’t even try to cut the tempered glass with any tool.

To understand how to cut glass with your own hands, you just need to take it and try it. The choice of method depends on individual skills and the availability of the necessary tools. But all these options are quite feasible at home.

How to cut glass correctly

Cutting glass at home is done with a glass cutter. There are different types of glass cutters, but diamond cutters have gained the most popularity for cutting glass at home.

Glass cutting technology consists of several stages:

  • First, measurements are taken of the cut glass;
  • Then the glass is prepared for cutting;
  • Do-it-yourself glass cutting;

And now everything is point by point in order to know how to cut glass correctly.

How to cut glass correctly

How to cut glass correctly

How to Cut Glass Bottles Perfectly at Home

Do-it-yourself aquarium assembly or glass replacement in the interior door. as well as in a regular window. all this work, where you will need to know how to cut glass correctly and have some skills in this.

Fortunately, the question of how to cut glass is not difficult to solve correctly, and if there is a high-quality diamond glass cutter, cutting even thick glass will not be difficult.

DIY glass cutting

Initially, you need to make measurements of the new glass. As a rule, if new glass is cut, for example, for insertion into interior doors or a window frame, then it is made a couple of millimeters smaller on each side than the dimensions of the technological opening for it. After the dimensions of the new glass have been removed, you can start preparing and cutting the glass with your own hands.

To cut glass, you need a solid and even base of the tabletop, preferably a wooden one. There should be no dirt or debris on its base, due to which the glass may be damaged and burst during cutting. It is best if the glass will not also fidget on the table while it is being cut. Otherwise, you need to do everything to prevent this, put on the table, for example, a piece of thin plywood or thick cardboard.

Before cutting the glass with your own hands, its surface must be “crystal” clean. Even the slightest accumulation of dirt or dust is not allowed. Otherwise, passing the glass cutter over the glass, you can “run over” to such an area, due to which the cutting line of the glass cutter will change, and the glass will be damaged. Therefore, if necessary, the glass is washed with soapy water before cutting and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

To cut glass with your own hands at home, you will also need a flat wooden strip of suitable length for the size of the glass to be cut. The process of cutting glass at home itself is not too complicated. First, the glass is prepared, as mentioned above, then it is laid on an even and solid base.

After that, marks are placed on the edges of the glass, where the incision should be made, and exactly along them a wooden bar is settled, which serves as a guideline for working with a glass cutter. Then, from one edge to the other, tightly pressing the glass cutter to the wooden strip, an incision is made. It is better if it is one, clear and even, exactly along the plank.

To break the glass after cutting with a glass cutter, you can pull it out to the edge of the table, aligning it with the cut. While holding the part of the glass located on the base of the table, the other part must be lightly pressed down with your hand. If the glass cutter is sharp, and the cut is made correctly, then the glass should burst strictly along the cut.

If this does not happen, then it is necessary, starting from the middle of the glass, by gently tapping the cut on the mowing line to achieve the appearance of a crack in it.

The question of how to cut glass correctly is best solved by carefully preparing for it. It is best to take and practice several times in cutting glass of different thicknesses into unnecessary pieces, and only after that proceed to cutting glass with your own hands for installation and replacement.

Features of the work

First you need to prepare the foundation on which the work will be carried out. It is better to put thick fabric, cardboard or newspapers in several layers on a flat table.

Marking is carried out using a marker, the line should be even, and the glass at the cut point is clean.

The thickness of the ruler should ensure normal sliding of the tool, so that the ruler does not slide over the tool from the side that is adjacent to the glass, you can glue electrical tape.

In order to get a perfect cut, professional craftsmen use a special oil, but it can be successfully replaced with ordinary kerosene.

The use of kerosene allows even a person who does this work for the first time to normally cut glass even 6 mm thick.

Special oil or kerosene is poured into a container that is in the handle of the glass cutter, if it is not there, then you can simply moisten the tip of the cutter in kerosene.

When working with thick material, it is necessary to moisten the cutting line abundantly and then you will get it even.

The ruler must be of sufficient thickness, and the glass cutter is attached to it in such a way that its cutter moves exactly along the mowing line of the cut.

Moderate force should be applied to the instrument, it should not be very strong or weak.

Experienced craftsmen recommend that a whistling sound emanate from the glass cutter while working. You need to start doing the work first of the glass so that the tool goes on it, and at the end of the work it comes off it, this is the only way you can completely cut through the edges.

It is necessary that the cutting line is continuous; you cannot stop while guiding the glass cutter. It is impossible to carry out the tool several times on one mowing line, everything must be done in one pass.

What is needed to get the job done?

When deciding how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter at home, you must first purchase all the necessary elements. In addition to a glass cutter, you will need a ruler if the cut is straight and a curve, if it is curved. You will not be able to make an even curved cut of both plain and tempered glass without a normal pattern.

You need to buy a good diamond glass cutter and then, in order to cut tempered or plain glass, you just need to make one pass.

Cheaper models may need to do multiple passes.

In addition to the quality of the glass cutter, care and accuracy of work is of great importance.

Of no less importance is the surface on which the cutting is carried out, plain or tempered glass. It should be flat and the glass should fit snugly against it. Some people find that cutting tempered glass at home cannot be done.

Everything will depend on the degree of hardening, if it is high, then there is a high probability that it will crumble into small pieces.

It is especially difficult to cut tempered glass with an angle grinder. If you nevertheless decide to use an angle grinder, then you need to use a diamond disc and supply water to it.

But keep in mind that the slightest deviation of the angle grinder or glass cutter from the mowing line when cutting the tempered glass, it will crumble. If it becomes necessary to work with tempered glass, then it is better to do this on a machine with a diamond wheel, while a cooling emulsion should be supplied to it.

Before starting this work at home, you need to decide on the type of glass with which you plan to work. Regular glass can be easily cut with a glass cutter or even scissors.

Cutting tempered glass is a complex process and, if possible, it is best done before tempering.

If it is necessary to cut corrugated glass, this must be done from the smooth side, for these purposes it is better to use a roller glass cutter.

If the glass is organic, then it can be cut either with a glass cutter or an angle grinder, or with a regular saw.

If the thickness of the material is less than 2 mm, then it can be dealt with using a clerical knife.

When choosing a glass cutter, you need to pay attention to its sharpening angle, it is in the range of 77-165 degrees.

For thin glass, take an instrument with a sharper angle. At home, it is difficult to properly cut glass that is more than 6 mm thick.

You can purchase a universal tool with replaceable rollers with different sharpening angles. The more expensive models have a better quality roller, which makes the cutting process easier. The quality tool in the handle has a container for oil.

Features of cutting glass with a glass cutter

Very often, when carrying out construction or repair work, it is required to cut the glass to size, although this is a difficult process, it can also be done at home.

Many home craftsmen are worried about how to cut glass with a glass cutter. if the technology is followed, then you will succeed.

Breaking process

It is necessary to break the glass immediately after the line has been drawn, since over time it cools down and will break worse. The material is placed on the edge of the table along the mowing line of the cut and the necessary piece is broken off with one push.

In order for it not to break, you can press it from above with a wooden bar, and the thin one just needs to be spread apart.

To break off thick glass or a narrow strip, you can place a pencil or similar object under the break line. Some people prefer to tap the back of the glass with a hammer before breaking the glass.

It is not necessary to do this, if the glass is thin, then it will break off normally, and chips may remain on thick material from such actions.

To grind the resulting edge, you can use a touchstone or sandpaper, but during operation, so that the glass does not burst, they must be moistened with water.

Glass cutter name Unit of measurement Cost, rub.
Oil PCS. 150-220
Roller PCS. 110-150
Diamond PCS. 240-300

Table 1. Tool cost.

The cost of cutting glass will depend on whether the edge is straight or curved; on average, you will have to pay from 200 to 400 rubles per square meter.

If you adhere to the technology, then the specified work can be done with high quality at home.

Diamond disc

This method is not safe. Processing a sheet using a diamond disc requires special care and compliance with safety requirements. But processing glass with a circle allows you to quickly and efficiently cut the glass sheet. For work, you will need an angle grinder, a saw blade, diamond-coated with a thickness of 0.1 mm.

The cutting process is as follows.

The sheet should be laid on a flat surface. Then, on the surface, it is necessary to draw with a typewriter, or rather a rotating disk, over the surface of the sheet. The touch must be careful. After that, a small groove should form, which outwardly resembles a wide fishing line from a glass cutter. Then the glass can be broken off at the designated place.

To reduce the risk of cracks and chips, it is advisable to water the cut site with water, by the way, the water will bind the resulting glass dust.

Glass cutter selection

On the market, the consumer has a wide selection of glass cutting equipment. They are called glass cutters. They differ from each other in design, working body and cutting method. The abundance of offers allows you to make the best choice of tool.

Diamond glass cutter

This tool is most often used by professionals. In order to cut this material, technical or natural diamond is used in this tool. To fix it in the holder, a silver-based solder is used. Natural diamond tools can work with glass up to 10 mm thick. If technical diamond is used in the tool, then the maximum thickness of the glass sheet should not exceed 5 mm. But, a glass cutter with a natural diamond is quite expensive.

Glass cutter with diamond cutter

There are several types of diamond glass cutters on the market, some have a curved edge. The cutters, and there can be several of them, are installed on the same axis with the glass cutter and this makes the life of the cutter, especially the beginner, easier. On some glass cutters, a pyramid-shaped diamond is fixed. It is fixed at a 20 degree angle. Such fastening requires certain skills from the master, and only professionals can cut them.

Intensive use of a glass cutter leads to the fact that the diamond becomes dull after a while and a bar with a layer of diamond dust applied to its surface is used to restore it.

Oil glass cutter

It is a tool similar in appearance to a classic roller tool. But there is one significant difference. it is equipped with a lubrication system. The grease poured into the handle is fed into the working area through a special wick. This cutting method reduces frictional force and tool wear.

Glass cutter with oil

Such a glass cutter can be equipped with several heads, which allow you to cut material with different thicknesses. To work with a thickness of 10 mm, rollers with a sharpening angle of 135 degrees are used, glass up to 20 mm thick can be processed with a roller with a sharpening of 150 degrees.

Up to 6,000 rm can be cut using one head. to increase efficiency, both stationary and rotating rollers are used. Heads that have exhausted their resource must be replaced.

This tool is professional, and therefore it makes no sense to buy it for one-time work. At the same time, if a large amount of work is to be done, then its acquisition becomes expedient.

Burning thread

This method is most often used for cutting glass bottles. This method can also be used to cut sheet material. To complete the work, you will need a piece of woolen thread, fuel and a water container.

The thread must be moistened with fuel and fixed on the glass along the mowing line of the cut. Then the thread soaked in liquid fuel must be set on fire and after it has completely burned out, dip the glass in cold water. As soon as the cut is made, a characteristic click will sound.

This method works on bottles. When using it, you must observe fire safety measures.

The final stage of breaking glass

This is perhaps the most crucial stage. Thin glass sheets can be broken by hand. In general, the glass breaking technology is as follows. The sheet is laid on the table in such a way that the cut line should slightly extend beyond the edge of the table. With one hand, the sheet must be pressed against the table, with the other hand, gently press on the protruding part.

Glass cutting

Glass became known to people more than five thousand years ago, its samples were discovered by archaeologists in the territory of Ancient Egypt. In addition, samples were found in other countries, for example, in India, Japan, etc. Research carried out in our country showed that the secrets of the glass business were known about one thousand years ago. Despite the fact that this material has been used for more than one thousand years, they learned to make and process sheet material only in the century before last.

Circular glass cutter

It is a special tool for cutting circles and ovals. Its design includes a measuring scale that sets the size of the cut, a suction cup and directly a glass cutter, rods for cutting ovals. Usually use an oil tool.