Lawn edger tractor supply. Greenworks 60V Battery-Powered Edger Review

Pros and Cons of An Edger vs Trimmer for Your Lawn

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Lawn maintenance requires a certain set of tools to make sure that your property will look nice and well kept. Lawn edgers and string trimmers are two tools you might need one day, but what’s the difference between them?

We’ll look at the pros and cons of edger vs trimmer tools, which tool is best for you, and whether you really need them.

Edger vs trimmer tools may sound similar to each other, but they have different functions. If you’re on a bigger property like I am, you’ll probably use the trimmer a lot more than the edger!

However much I’d love to make all my lawn edges and garden bed borders perfect with a lawn edger, there just isn’t enough time in a day to get that done. String trimmers though – I kinda can’t live without those!

They’re the perfect accompaniment to the lawn mower – you can get them into any area where the mower can’t go.

So there’s the difference between edger vs trimmer in a nutshell. Edgers are for perfect edges. Trimmers are for whacking weeds or grass that the mower can’t reach.

If you have ever been bombarded by nasty weeds that have overtaken your garden, or you simply have tall grass that is growing out of control, you need to know which of these tools is best to use given the situation.

Edger vs Trimmer – the Difference

Lawn Edgers

Also known as an edge trimmer, a lawn edger is designed to smoothly cut and define your yard’s boundary lines.

You use this tool along the edges to establish that distinction between your lawn and the nearby sidewalk, driveway, or flowerbeds.

Grass has a habit of growing over the edges, which makes your yard look messy. Edgers will use a vertical spinning blade to cut through this grass, which will eliminate these unnecessary borders.

You can have either a manual or motorized lawn edger, but it is worth noting that manual edgers cost less than motorized ones.

Manual edgers (check this one out!) are mostly like spade tools while motorized edgers (like this awesome Greenworks battery edger) feature a rotating blade that is powered either by gas, corded electricity, or a battery.

A guiding wheel can be found on most motorized edgers. This wheel allows you to roll the edger along the border you are cutting.

Manual edgers take more effort in comparison, and may not be ideal if you have a larger yard.

Gas-powered edgers are typically the most powerful motorized edgers on the market. Especially 4-cycle ones like this Earthquake 79cc walk-behind one!

String Trimmers

Better known as a weed wacker or weed eater, string trimmers are typically used for trimming grass and removing weeds in spots that are impossible for your big lawn mower to reach. These spots include areas around trees and buildings.

A flexible non-filament line can be found inside a string trimmer, which helps it cut the grass in those hard-to-reach spots. String trimmers can either use gas, electricity, or batteries to power a horizontal rotating head.

A string trimmer is a great companion to your lawn mowing session – it finishes all those spots you couldn’t get to, making your yard look perfect.

It is a matter of how you will use your trimmer before you decide on the right model.

Gas-powered trimmers are the heaviest options to consider, but they provide more power and cut through the tougher, more stubborn plants.

Battery-powered or cordless trimmers are lighter and more convenient but have less power than gas and corded electric trimmers.

If your property is small, you won’t need to worry about a cordless trimmer running out of charge before finishing the job.

Edger vs Trimmer – the Differences

If you want to create a new boundary in your yard or keep an edge defined, then you will use a lawn edger.

If you want to maintain an already existing boundary in your yard or clear areas of weeds and grass that your lawn mower can’t reach, then you will use a string trimmer.

You bring out a string trimmer after you finish mowing your lawn, and you use it to trim grass along the edges and around obstacles so that your yard continues to look beautiful.

You can reposition a string trimmer vertically so that you can use it to edge your existing boundaries. However, if you already have a lawn edger, then there is no need to do this.

Types of String Trimmers

When it comes to the technical aspects of these tools, there are some things to watch out for.

If you get a string trimmer and prefer to use gas, then there are different types of gas-powered string trimmers you can get.

The first one is a 2-cycle trimmer that requires a mixture of oil and gas, which means you will need to set aside a separate container for this trimmer’s fuel supply.

The other type is a 4-cycle trimmer which only uses gas, much like a lawn mower. Oil is kept separate from the gasoline in another reservoir of the engine.

And these days, you can get backpack trimmers so the bulk of the weight is on your back, not hanging off your shoulders!

No different than gas-powered lawn mowers and lawn edgers (which I will discuss soon enough), gas-powered string trimmers tend to be louder than electric-powered trimmers, but they’re generally more powerful.

Corded electric string trimmers are lightweight and portable and will produce less noise than their gas-powered counterpart.

They’re also very affordable – look at this one!

Cordless string trimmers are also on the market, but be prepared to recharge the batteries or change out the battery pack altogether a few times before finishing work on your lawn.

How about a cordless trimmer and edger in one?

Types of Lawn Edgers

Just like string trimmers, lawn edgers can also be powered by gas or electricity. If you prefer not to use either of these resources, then you can use a manual lawn edger.

For some people, manual lawn edgers are preferred because they have a simplistic design and are easy to use. Most manual edgers are shaped like a spade and look like an axe.

Some are roller-based edgers that feature a wheel covered in spikes. When it comes to your wallet, manual lawn edgers tend to be less expensive. They also require less maintenance and have better durability.

If your grass is thick or you are being bombarded by weeds at every turn, it’s a better idea to get a gas-powered edger.

Using a manual edger to handle heavy grass would be a stressful, time-consuming ordeal in comparison.

The downside to gas-powered edgers is that, while they can cut right through heavy grass and weeds, they are the heaviest types of edgers to carry around.

Gas-powered edgers also deliver louder noises than electric lawn edgers and can give you a considerable hit in your wallet.

A solid alternative to the gas-powered lawn edger is the electric-powered lawn edger. These edgers can either be corded or cordless (in other words, battery-powered).

Cordless edgers are just as portable as the other types of edgers but don’t expect the same kind of power being produced from these as you would see from gas-powered edgers.

Can You Find a Tool That Both Edges and Trims?

Glad you asked! The innovations in gardening tools these days have very few limits (if any), and the following example is a tool that can act as both a lawn edger and a string trimmer.

Worx believes that it is a good idea to have an edger and trimmer combo for a tool, and I tend to agree with them. Worx created the PowerShare 12-inch Cordless String Trimmer and Edger, which allows you to easily transition from the functions of one tool to the other.

You press a “Command Feed” button to get more line, which means if you run out of line, the button press will replace the line you just lost. This 2-1n-1 tool is light as a feather, weighing only 5.3 pounds.

It has an adjustable head that can be tilted 90°, which makes the switch between edging and trimming look and feel seamless. A pair of 20-Volt 2.0 Ah Lithium-ion batteries are required for this special tool.

Edger vs Trimmer FAQ and Buyer’s Guide

Nope. Not all string trimmers were designed to use the same string size. The string you use in trimmers will differ in thickness, and not all string trimmers will be compatible with various different string sizes.

Keep an eye out for a model that will accommodate varying thicknesses. Or, if the string has been annoying you for years, get yourself a stringless trimmer or a brushcutter – they use a plastic or metal blade instead, and you’ll never have to fiddle with the string ever again!

It is possible to use a string trimmer for edging. You can also use a lawn edger for trimming. The key difference in these tools is the angle in which they cut. Always remember this; string trimmers cut horizontally, and lawn edgers cut vertically.

All you have to do is turn the string trimmer sideways for it to start cutting at a vertical angle. The same principle would apply to the lawn edger as you only need to turn it sideways for it to start cutting at a horizontal angle.

However, not all trimmers and edgers will let you do this because some models will have wheels attached to them, and some models may be too bulky to be oriented differently.

You can probably do this for a bit, but it starts getting heavy real quick!

You can edge or trim your grass at any time. The end result will always be the same after using a lawn edger or string trimmer. I prefer to mow first because it’s much easier to sit on the mower and do as much of the work as possible.

Once I’ve mowed as much as I can, I trim the rest. I like to trim as little as I can!

This sounds like a future topic to tackle, but let’s reveal the basic answer to this question now. Both straight and curved trimmers will let you trim grass around landscaping features, including trees, bushes, plants, and any area that your big lawn mower can’t reach.

Straight trimmers have straight shafts, and curved trimmers have an obvious curve that sticks out 2/3 of their length down their shafts. Curved string trimmers are better suited for shorter people (under 6 feet tall), and straight trimmers are better suited for taller people.

Keep an eye out for this future topic – we’re doing a full article on the differences between straight and curved shaft trimmers very soon.

What Do You Think – Edger or Trimmer?

The long debate about whether a lawn edger or a string trimmer is better suited for your yard shouldn’t be a debate at all. Both tools have their specific purposes for lawn care, and it is a matter of how you handle both tools.

Knowing the difference between an edger and a trimmer will help you to make better decisions as to what your yard really needs. At the end of the day, it comes down to the angle at which these tools cut the grass and how much work you give these tools.

Over the years, I have gotten used to string trimmers because I have needed to give the long grass in my yard a much-needed haircut.

Which tool do you think is more necessary for your yard? Do you own either one of these tools? If so, what are your experiences with these tools? Feel free to leave a comment down below!

Originally published April 2021, revamped January 2022.


Steven is a passionate gardener who loves to dig holes and take care of plants. If you need advice on how to shape your garden and what to add to it, give this guy a call. When he’s not preoccupied with feeding a group of barn cats in his backyard, he can be seen planting flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables. Whether it’s mowing lawns, trimming pesky weeds, or tilling garden patches, this guy can tell you the ins and outs of yard work at home. View all posts

Greenworks 60V Battery-Powered Edger Review

While many people prefer the interchangeability of a string trimmer attachment system, others prefer dedicated tools for each job. If you’re on the hunt for an edger, Greenworks has both styles. We put the dedicated Greenworks 60V battery-powered edger to work to see how we like it compared to the attachment version.

Greenworks 60V Battery-Powered Edger Performance

Like the majority of Greenworks’ 60V lineup, this edger uses a brushless motor powered by a 60V max battery. The combination turns a standard 8-inch blade up to 7000 RPM that’s easy to find replacements for at your local hardware or lawn care store.

As you expect with an edger, the wheel on the back is adjustable, giving you a cutting depth as high as 1.75 inches.

In actual use, it cuts confidently and its vibration is low. We were even able to redefine the edge on some pretty neglected driveway sections. If you’re looking for a gas equivalency, Greenworks is putting out similar performance to edgers in the 30cc range.

The tool is remarkably quiet. With the blade at full speed, we measured just 74 decibels.

Runtime depends on how hard you’re working the motor. In general, expect up to 60 minutes in light, dry conditions with that tapering back when you’re defining a new edge.

Greenworks 60V Battery-Powered Edger Design Notes

Size and Weight

Length is more of a storage issue than a use issue for this edger. From tip to tail, it measures 68 inches (5-foot, 8 inches). While the depth adjustment is primarily about cutting depth, it’s also helpful to adjust for your height. At 6-foot, 2 inches tall, I crank the adjustment all the way down so the motor housing doesn’t scrape the ground.

Bare, the tool weighs 10.5 pounds. If you get the kit, it comes with a 2.0Ah battery and that brings the total weight to 13.4 pounds. While we prefer string trimmers to be closer to 10 pounds fully loaded (that’s rare, by the way), edgers rest their weight on the wheel, so using this model doesn’t feel like you’re toting around a 13-pound string trimmer.


Simple yet safe is the name of the game with the control design on this edger. On the simple side, it has just one speed with a variable speed trigger if you want to feather it down some.

On the safe side, it has a 2-stage trigger to prevent accidental activation. As you grab hold of the handle, push your finger forward on the trigger to move the safety and then squeeze the trigger in to turn the edger on.

Additional Highlights

  • Blade guard
  • Rear debris guard with blade position indicator
  • 8-inch curb wheel
  • No gas fumes, emissions, noise, or maintenance

Greenworks 60V Battery-Powered Edger Price

Tractor Supply carries the edger with a 2.0Ah battery and charger for 299.99, but they’re out of stock at the time we’re writing. You can also order direct from Greenworks where they have the kit for the same price or the bare tool for 179.99.

The Bottom Line

Greenworks designed their 60V battery-powered edger to be exactly what it needs to be without overcomplicating matters. It looks and operates similarly to a gas edger without the gas engine hassles. If you prefer a dedicated edger over an attachment system, get your hands on this one from Greenworks and give your lawn the finished look it deserves.


  • Model: Greenworks 2700103VT
  • Power Source: Greenworks 60V battery
  • Blade Size: 8 inches
  • No-Load Speed: 7000 RPM
  • Length: 68 inches
  • Weight: 13.4 pounds with battery, blade, and handle

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The 7 best places to buy lawn mowers

Credit: Getty Images

Recommendations are independently chosen by Reviewed’s editors. Purchases made through the links below may earn us and our publishing partners a commission. were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

A perfectly manicured lawn is the pinnacle of homeowner pride, but you’ve got to have the right lawn mower first. When it comes to picking out the best mower for your yard, the choices can seem endless and overwhelming: electric versus gas, push versus self-propelled, and how about all those extra attachments?

While Reviewed has tested a variety of lawn care tools, we have yet to specifically test lawn mowers. But you can ensure you’re getting a great one by shopping at the right place. After all, where you buy matters when you’re looking at the selection, pricing, customer experience, knowledgeable employees, and convenience. Whatever your top priorities are, we’ve researched the best places to buy lawn mowers, and below are our top picks.

Ace Hardware

A smaller selection at Ace Hardware means more condensed quality and easier choices

Return policy: 30 days Brands: Ego, Craftsman, Toro, and more Free shipping: Not all products available to ship but pickup is available Price matching: No

Ace isn’t just the place for helpful hardware folks, it’s also a great place for purchasing a new lawn mower. Not only is it ranked No. 1 in customer satisfaction among home improvement retail stores, but it makes the buying process easy with a well-curated selection of great products in a range of price points. Although its stock is considered to be small compared to other retailers on this list, you’ll find many top brands, like Ego, Craftsman, and Toro, and different types of mowers, including gas, battery, and manual.

Although not every item is available to ship directly to your home, Ace does allow you to buy online and pick up in-store or through curbside pickup. In the event you’re not totally happy with your purchase, Ace offers a full 30-day return policy with proof of purchase.

The Home Depot

The Home Depot has a great selection of top lawn mower brands

Return policy: 90 days Brands: Toro, Honda, Black Decker, and more Free shipping: Yes Price matching: Yes

The Home Depot stocks popular brands like Toro, Honda, and Black Decker and offers a lawn mower rental service, so you can rent a Toro self-propelled mower from four hours up to four weeks. The retailer has every type of mower essential from parts and accessories to commercial mowers, most with free delivery (or select to pick up in-store at a nearby location).

The Home Depot price match guarantee is a great addition to its many benefits. It includes the price of the item plus shipping cost if you find the mower at a lower price elsewhere. To be valid for a price match, items must be available from the competitor and ship to your location. Most new and unopened merchandise sold by The Home Depot can be returned within 90 days of purchase, so you’ll have plenty of time to decide if the mower is right for you.


Find all the best name brands at Lowe’s

lawn, edger, tractor, supply

Return policy: 90 days Brands: Craftsman, Ego, and more Free shipping: Yes Price matching: Yes

Out of the many things we love about Lowe’s, its product selection and great are top of the list. Not only do you get the option for in-store pickup or delivery, but you have your choice of 27 top-rated lawn mower brands, such as Craftsman and Ego. The retailer even carries robotic lawn mowers that are hands-off, battery-powered devices for lawns up to an acre.

Lowe’s also has a great price match guarantee available. If you find a current lower price on an identical in-stock item from another retailer, it’ll match the price. All you have to do is present the ad, printout, or photo and show it to an associate to validate who will complete the price match. Approved price match retailers include Amazon, Wayfair, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Macy’s, and more. When it comes to returns, most new and unused merchandise can be refunded or exchanged with proof of purchase within 90 days.

Tractor Supply Company

Known for commercial lawn care, Tractor Supply Co. also offers lots of residential mowers for sale

Return policy: 30 days Brands: Cub Cadet, Worx, Swisher, and more Free shipping: Yes Price matching: Yes

Although the retailer does sell lots of commercial products, Tractor Supply Company also has a good variety of residential-use lawn mowers from push mowers to zero-turn, all of which can be shipped directly to you. It is a smaller selection when compared to other retailers on this list, but the quality of products remains high with notable brands like Cub Cadet, Worx, and Swisher. If you’d prefer to buy online and pick up your mower in-store at a location near you, you’re able to filter by the products available at stores nearest to your zip code.

Plus, whether you made your purchase in a Tractor Supply store or online, you can return it with proof of purchase within 30 days from the purchase date. Another great benefit is that Tractor Supply will match any competitor’s online or in-store price on any identical item unless the product is shipped or sold by a third-party seller (like Amazon Marketplace or eBay).

Mowers Direct

Return policy: 30 days Brands: Toro, Honda, Cub Cadet, and more Free shipping: Yes Price matching: No

While the name may say it all, Mowers Direct has more to offer than just a huge selection of lawn mowers. Not only does it offer free shipping on thousands of products, but you’re also able to finance your order if needed and get expert advice from industry-leading professionals. They carry top brands like Toro, Honda, and Cub Cadet as well as a range of lawn care items, mower accessories, and attachments.

Mowers Direct also has a ton of deals on its products, including frequent closeouts, “scratch and dent” offerings (mowers with cosmetic imperfections but still run like new), and a paper check discount of 2%. As for returns, you’re able to return any unopened products and accessories within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Products that have been opened and unused in their original packaging can be returned within 30 days of delivery as well but will be subject to a 25% restocking fee.


Enjoy low prices, and even a price match guarantee

Return policy: 90 days Brands PowerSmart, Yardmax, Carevas, and more Free shipping: Yes Price matching: Yes

Shop by brand or by category over at Walmart for your ideal lawn mower, including gas, cordless, electric, and riding mowers. With more than 1,000 products to choose from, it’s one of the biggest stock selections around and at some of the best available. In fact, if you find one cheaper from another online retailer, it’ll match it (although some limitations do apply, including that the product must be identical and currently in stock).

As far as shipping goes, you might be able to get your mower with next-day or 2-day delivery, depending on where you live. Otherwise, if the lawn mower is in stock at a nearby Walmart location, there is always the option to purchase online and pick it up in-store. Returns are easy, too: You’ll have 90 days after your purchase to exchange or return unless noted in Walmart’s exceptions. As with shipping, you may also return items in-store, for free by mail, or via a scheduled pickup from your home after providing your receipt or order number.

One thing to note with Walmart’s online store: It’s filled with third-party sellers (indicated by the “sold and shipped by” below the product). While some sellers are legit, others are questionable, so read reviewers thoroughly to make sure you’re not buying a fraudulent product.


Amazon has a good selection and easy shipping

Return policy: 30 days Brands: Black Decker, Lawn Master, Greenworks, and more Free shipping: Yes with Amazon Prime membership Price matching: No

To nobody’s surprise, Amazon also sells lawn mowers—and a good number of them, at that. It carries many top-rated brands like Black Decker, Lawn Master, and Greenworks and has a good selection between price, power source, features, and cutting width that you’re able to filter by. Many of Amazon’s lawn mowers are included with Prime shipping, as well, which means you might be able to receive it within days if you have a membership. Plus, if the mower is shipped by Amazon and is over 25, you’ll automatically get free shipping.

Items shipped from Amazon can be returned within 30 days of notification of shipment. Some products do have different policies or requirements, so just be sure to read over the details for each product before purchasing. Like Walmart, Amazon is filled with third-party sellers, so double-check the reviews and the seller before purchasing.

The product experts at Reviewed have all your shopping needs covered. Follow Reviewed on and Instagram for the latest deals, product reviews, and more.

lawn, edger, tractor, supply

were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

gardening tool manufacturers are opting for battery power over fuel or electric, and today’s string trimmers are a case in point. We tested these eco-friendly yard maintenance devices to help consumers make the right purchase for their property.

By Glenda Taylor and Mark Wolfe | Updated Jul 13, 2023 6:44 AM

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs.

Handy outdoor power tools make quick work of tackling overgrown weeds and grass, giving the yard a tidy look and trimming hedges and shrubs. We put battery-powered trimmers through their paces on several grass or weed types to see how well they ran and cut, ultimately arriving at this list of the best battery trimmers.

For ensuring a polished look to a lawn, the best string trimmer is a great investment. These yard-care tools spin a cutting head loaded with nylon string (instead of a fixed blade) to cleanly trim the grass at the edge of a lawn or mow down weedy areas. Though gas and electric models once dominated, new and improved battery-powered versions don’t require mixing fuel or storing gasoline like gas string trimmers do, nor are they limited by the length of an extension cord, like corded electric string trimmers are.

Some battery trimmers are better suited to different-size yards, users, and budgets. So we could help consumers make the right choice, we tested some of the most popular string trimmers to find out how they perform under real-world conditions. To qualify as a top pick, a string trimmer should be durable, powerful, and easy to operate. The string line should exit the reel easily with no need for the user to constantly remove the reel cover and untangle the line.

The following battery-powered string trimmers are at the top of their class. Anyone looking to invest in a trimmer is likely to find one here to fit their landscaping needs.

  • BEST OVERALL:STIHL FSA 60 R 36V Battery Trimmer
  • RUNNER-UP:Ego ST1511T Power 15-Inch Powerload String Trimmer
  • BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK:BlackDecker LST300 LBXR2020-OPE 20V String Trimmer
  • UPGRADE PICK:Makita XRU15PT1 36V LXT Brushless String Trimmer Kit
  • BEST HEAVY-DUTY:DeWALT DCST972X1 60V MAX 17-Inch String Trimmer Kit
  • BEST LIGHTWEIGHT:BlackDecker LSTE525 20V MAX String Trimmer/Edger
  • BEST FOR LARGE YARDS:Echo DSRM-2100 eFORCE 56V 16-Inch Battery Trimmer
  • BEST FOR SMALL YARDS:Worx WG163 20V Power Share GT 3.0 String Trimmer
  • BEST DUAL DIRECTION:Husqvarna 320iL 40V Battery String Trimmer
  • BEST TRIMMER/EDGER COMBO:Worx WG170 20V Power Share Revolution String Trimmer
  • MOST VERSATILE:Greenworks Pro 80V 16-Inch Cordless String Trimmer

How We Tested the Best Battery Trimmers

To truly test these battery-powered string trimmers, we started by assembling the tools and charging the batteries. Most trimmers arrived with the batteries about 25 percent charged right out of the box, but a full charge allowed us to gauge runtime at full power. Although some of the trimmers offer lower power settings that could extend runtime, we found that the lower settings simply made them less capable when it came to coarse weeds, so we ran them at full power for testing.

We put each trimmer through its paces in a variety of real-world scenarios: “clean” lawn grass, weedy grass, and natural areas featuring coarse, weedy seedlings and vines. To earn a spot in our lineup, the lightweight 20-volt (V) trimmers had to deliver a clean, crisp cut in both clean and weedy grass sections. In addition to trimming the grass zones, we used the 36V, 56V, and 80V models to cut through woody, viny growth in natural areas. Along with cutting power, we tested for battery runtime, maneuverability, and operator comfort and determined the best battery trimmer by category.

Our Top Picks

These reviews describe the key features of each cordless string trimmer and how the models performed in our backyard tests.

STIHL FSA 60 R 36V Battery Trimmer

It makes sense that the STIHL FSA 60 R would be a top performer in this test group. It comes from a brand with a long history of industry-leading outdoor power equipment. This string trimmer measures just over 66 inches long, weighs less than 10 pounds with the battery installed, and works for about 25 minutes per charge. The 36V 3.9 amp hours (Ah) battery charges in a little more than 2 hours.

The tough polymer material used for the motor housing and debris shield help keep the weight down. A few other standout features include a variable-speed throttle trigger, trigger interlock, battery retainer latch, EasySpool cutting head, bump guard, and hang loop. The trigger interlock and battery retainer latch prevent accidental startup. The variable trigger and EasySpool head improve operating efficiency by saving battery life and minimizing the time it takes to reload, respectively. The bump guard protects sensitive surfaces during close trimming, and the hang loop offers a convenient way to store the tool when not in use.

This is a great all-around pick for quarter- to a half-acre yards. The relatively short runtime of the STIHL FSA 60 R belies a very capable trimmer. In our tests it easily and cleanly sliced through all kinds of grass and weeds, including tough tree saplings up to about ¼ inch thick. The shorter runtime actually mattered less because the trimmer cut so well, and we moved at a faster pace than with some of the other trimmers with longer runtimes.

The other thing we noted here was the amazing level of operating comfort. The trimmer was fairly lightweight to begin with, but the weight was so well balanced—with just enough weight forward of the front handle to keep the head near ground level—that using it required significantly less effort than what was required of some of the other trimmers that weighed about the same. Also, vibration was minimal, so after trimming we had plenty of energy to keep working.

Product Specs

  • Weighs less than 10 pounds but easily powers through tough weeds
  • 25-minute runtime per charge for about 5,000 linear feet of trimming
  • Excellent balance to keep the head at ground level
  • EasySpool head, bump guard, variable-speed throttle, and accidental start protection
  • Smallish 13.8-inch cutting swath is on the small side for open spaces
  • 2-hour recharge time for battery is longer than that of some competitors

Get the STIHL battery trimmer at Ace Hardware or Blain’s Farm Fleet.

Ego ST1511T Power 15-Inch Powerload String Trimmer

Ego Power has made a name for itself in the outdoor power-equipment category by building an affordable battery-powered tool line that competes favorably against old-fashioned 2-cycle gas-powered equipment. The ST1511T 15-inch string trimmer proved to be powerful, clean, and quiet in testing. The 56V 2.5Ah lithium-ion battery delivers up to 45 minutes of runtime, with a recharging time of just 50 minutes. The bump-feed trimmer head comes preloaded with 0.095-inch trimmer line for more cutting force and less noise. Taller users will appreciate the straight shaft design, and the unit weighs in at just over 10 pounds.

In our tests, the Ego trimmer showed ample power to cut through everything in its path, including overgrown, weedy grass; privet seedlings; and honeysuckle vines. Its well-balanced design, with the heavy battery in back offset by the long, straight shaft, made it comfortable to work with and more agile than others we tested. Our only caveat: For seasonal yard cleanup or maintaining larger landscapes, the 45-minute maximum runtime may not be quite enough.

Product Specs

  • Auto-loading trimmer head reduces downtime while working
  • Adjustable telescoping straight shaft provides a custom fit for different users
  • Excellent power and runtime value at a moderate price point
  • Heavier than some with less forward weight to keep head down
  • Battery is bulkier than others, making the tool tiring to use over an extended period

Get the Ego Power battery trimmer at Amazon, Ace Hardware, or Lowe’s.

BlackDecker LST300 LBXR2020-OPE 20V String Trimmer

To give the yard a polished look without breaking the bank, consider the BlackDecker cordless string trimmer. It features a 12-inch cutting swath to cut down the corners and clean up the edges of small- to medium-size yards. An automatic feed spool means no more stopping to bump the tool when new string is needed. Two 20V lithium-ion batteries are included.

In our tests, this trimmer performed very well in weed-free grass and in weedy lawn areas. With a light weight of just 5.7 pounds, this trimmer is easy to handle without causing arm and shoulder fatigue. The short, straight shaft design is most comfortable for users under 5 feet 9 inches tall. We also liked that with a quick adjustment to the head, the trimmer becomes an edger to neaten up the grass along sidewalks and driveways. In all, we found this affordable tool a solid pick for small obstacle-free landscapes.

Product Specs

  • Pack includes 2 batteries for more runtime, less downtime
  • Automatic feed spool
  • Money- and space-saving design that both trims and edges
  • Battery recharges in just 45 minutes
  • Best for grass only; struggles with coarse, woody weeds
  • Wide debris guard doesn’t fit well into tight spaces

Get the BlackDecker battery string trimmer at Amazon (with extra battery) or The Home Depot.

Makita XRU15PT1 36V LXT Brushless String Trimmer Kit

The Makita XRU15PT1 string trimmer is a premium option to keep the lawn and garden under control. It can handle large yards with enough power to tackle dense weed growth. This cordless string trimmer comes with four 18V 5.0Ah batteries so you’ll never run out of power. Shoppers can purchase this model as a kit that includes a dual battery charger and two sets of batteries, or as a “tool only” for those who already have items from the Makita 18V tool platform.

With a long, straight shaft and high-power cutting head, this 10.4-pound trimmer feels like a pro-quality tool. It was well balanced and articulate while trimming around shrubs and between obstacles. It had plenty of power to cut through tough vegetation. In our tests, it made nice clean cuts and crisp edges in the grassy areas and tore through weedy privet seedlings and honeysuckle vines without hesitation. It’s an excellent candidate to replace gas equipment for medium to large landscapes, though the price may be high for budget-minded shoppers.

Product Specs

  • Runtime is longer than charge time for ready-to-go fresh batteries
  • Includes a second set of batteries for extended work
  • Gas-like power and performance for tough trimming jobs
  • Expensive trimmer due to the high cost of batteries
  • Small debris guard allows some material close to operator
  • Stiff bump head required a hard strike to let out line

Get the Makita battery trimmer at Amazon or Mowers Direct.

DeWALT DCST972X1 60V MAX 17-Inch String Trimmer Kit

When an established leader in pro-grade cordless hand tools enters the lawn-care category, shoppers will want to take note. The DeWALT 60V battery trimmer packs a heavy-duty brushless motor powered by a 60V 3Ah FlexVolt lithium battery that lets it tear through all kinds of tough weeds for at least 40 minutes per charge.

This attachment-capable trimmer comes equipped with a straight shaft and Rapid- loading adjustable spool. It uses.080-inch trimmer line to cut either a 15-inch or 17-inch swath. A safety switch in the grip prevents accidental starts. Users can select high or low power, depending on the project, and control the trimming RPM with a variable-speed trigger. The universal attachment feature lets owners replace the trimmer attachment with a variety of other tool heads, including an edger, hedge trimmer, pole saw, and more.

The DeWALT battery trimmer was one of the heaviest we tested, but also the most powerful. With the standard.080-inch trimmer line that came pre-spooled, this tool had no trouble cutting anything from grass to thin tree seedlings and even tough blackberry canes. In low-power mode it offered more cutting force than the high- power setting of most others we tested. In high range it beat all but the STIHL, which was about an even match in terms of pure power. To be honest, high power was too much for many of our applications, so we also tested thoroughly in low range. It ran about 40 minutes on high, and about 60 on low.

Other than the heavy weight, the only negative point we have to offer is the noise. The trimmer is loud to begin with, and when initially triggering or feathering the trigger it makes an even louder whine/whistle sound. Still, it’s a very impressive tool at a fair price for the power and runtime and a good choice for large properties or cleaning up overgrown areas.

lawn, edger, tractor, supply

Product Specs

  • Battery type: 60V 3Ah FlexVolt lithium ion
  • Runtime: 40 minutes
  • Weight: 12.95 pounds
  • Outstanding power for clearing overgrown weeds and brush
  • Works with.080-inch or.095-inch trimmer line for normal or heavy trimming
  • Excellent runtime of up to an hour for average grass trimming
  • Power head can run other landscaping tool attachments
  • Heavy weight of just under 13 pounds, but no shoulder strap
  • Longer battery charge time at 135 minutes
  • Noisy operation, especially when initially triggering

Get the DeWALT battery trimmer at Amazon, Ace Hardware, or The Home Depot.

BlackDecker LSTE525 20V MAX String Trimmer/Edger

Weighing just 8.8 pounds, this string trimmer is easy to carry, maneuver, and control with an adjustable handle and a safety trigger switch to prevent accidental starts. The 12-inch trimming radius is suitable for keeping the lawn properly maintained without damaging fencing, decks, trees, or other common yard obstacles.

This cordless string trimmer operates with a 20V battery that can last for up to 20 minutes, and a spare battery is included. For edging, simply turn the head and use the built-in wheel to balance as the trimmer string handles the task.

When we used the tool to trim weedy lawn grass patches and edge the curb and driveway, it made nice clean cuts and tracked well to make good straight edges. The shaft and handle adjusted to comfortably fit our 6-foot user. The tool is amazingly lightweight for the amount of power it offers, but the weight is mostly balanced to the front of the handle, and having to manually counterbalance it while working fatigued our tester. Though not built for heavily weed-infested yards, it has ample power and runtime to clean up curb lines, driveway edges, and otherwise maintain a smaller landscape.

Product Specs

  • Very lightweight and easy to carry
  • Handle is customizable to fit the size of user
  • Trimmer doubles as an edger with a simple turn of the head
  • Battery provides limited runtime, although a spare is included
  • Not enough power to tackle coarse, woody weeds
  • Weighted toward the front, which may cause user fatigue

Get the BlackDecker MAX battery trimmer/edger at The Home Depot or Tractor Supply Co.

Echo DSRM-2100 eFORCE 56V 16-Inch Battery Trimmer

A wide cutting swath, extended runtime, and powerful trimming ability make the Echo DSRM-2100 eFORCE battery trimmer an excellent choice for large yards. The straight-shaft trimmer is powered by a brushless motor and 56V 2.5Ah lithium battery for up to 56 minutes of powerful performance that rivals traditional 2-cycle trimmers. It cuts a 16-inch-wide swath to get the job done efficiently.

This battery trimmer weighs in at a comfortable 9.75 pounds, making it a relatively lightweight choice at this level of capability. It features battery-saving low/high power settings for different cutting conditions, a variable-speed trigger, and a cushioned handle grip for comfort. The Speed-Feed cutting head comes preloaded with.095 trimmer line and reloads quickly without disassembly.

The Echo eForce battery trimmer is an excellent value for large-property maintenance. In our tests, the cutting power seemed to be slightly less than that of the DeWALT and STIHL trimmers, but it was still very capable. In high-power mode we trimmed for about 40 minutes. But the better-than-average power and wider swath meant that in 40 minutes with the Echo, we were able to complete work that other trimmers would need an hour to accomplish. The noise level was good, and reloading was fast and easy.

This trimmer could have scored higher with improved balance. Although it is a lightweight trimmer overall, most of the weight is in the working end. The heavy cutting head forces the operator to compensate by lifting upward on the front handle and pushing downward on the rear handle while working. We tested with the 2.5Ah battery that comes standard. Working with the available 5Ah battery (sold separately) would rebalance the trimmer to some degree while doubling runtime and increasing overall weight.

Product Specs

  • Excellent price for this combination of power and runtime
  • Wide cutting swath and power performance for large properties
  • Rapid charging system charges the battery in less than 40 minutes

Get the Echo battery trimmer at The Home Depot or Acme Tools.

Worx WG163 20V Power Share GT 3.0 String Trimmer

Owners of small yards may find this lightweight string trimmer an excellent option. It weighs just 5.5 pounds and easily converts from a trimmer to an edging tool; a built-in wheel helps balance the tool while edging. A push-button feed system gives the ability to extend the trimmer string without bumping the 12-inch trimmer head or manually pulling additional string from the trimmer. It comes with two 20V batteries and a charger, and the battery lasts for up to 20 minutes on a full charge.

This Worx string trimmer tackled our grassy areas with ease, both the weedy and weed-free zones, but it wasn’t as capable on rough areas. We were particularly impressed by the edger function, which we found comfortable and well balanced thanks to the 90-degree shaft-rotation capability. The adjustable trimmer head and upper handle let us customize the working angle, but the process of doing so proved clunky. We had to reach down and turn a rather stiff knob at the connection point between the shaft and cutting head to unlock and relock the angle for each adjustment.

Product Specs

  • Trimmer and edger in a single tool
  • Smooth push-button Command Feed spool system
  • Adjustable head tilts to 90 degrees
  • Battery provides limited runtime, although a second battery is included
  • Head-tilt adjustment is somewhat awkward and clunky
  • Relatively long 60-minute charging time for 20 minutes of runtime

Husqvarna 320iL 40V Battery String Trimmer

One limiting factor of most string trimmers is the cutting head’s direction of rotation; it matters more than one might think. The direction of rotation determines where the clippings will go, and in some situations, how the user should grip the trimmer. The Husqvarna 320iL 40V battery trimmer offers a solution, thanks to its dual-direction cutting head. At the touch of a button, we could change from clockwise to counterclockwise rotation and back, without changing grip on the handles.

This straight-shaft trimmer is powered by an efficient brushless motor and 40V 4Ah battery that drives about 45 minutes of runtime per charge. It features a Rapid-load cutting head that comes prespooled with.080 trimmer line and cuts a 16-inch swath. Low-vibration technology improves operator comfort, and the machine weighs in at just over 10 pounds with the battery.

The Husqvarna 320iL ranked near the top of the test group in terms of user comfort and quiet operation, but its power was somewhat underwhelming after the big showing from the STIHL and DeWALT trimmers. We were super impressed with the dual-direction feature. It allowed us to use the trimmer right- or left-handed, and we could safely trim curb lines from either direction without standing in the street. On high-power mode the trimmer performed lawn-trimming duty superbly, but in heavy weeds and natural areas it could not keep up with the more powerful trimmers.

Anyone not interested in going off the beaten path might still do well to consider this trimmer. Its balance is impeccable, rivaling the STIHL in comfort even though it’s a fraction of a pound heavier. And for quiet operation, this one takes the gold medal. The only real question regarding comfort and control was, why so many buttons? Its four thumb-operated buttons control on/off, high/low power, clockwise rotation, and counterclockwise rotation.

Product Specs

  • Dual-direction trimmer head leaves clippings where desired
  • Excellent balance for comfortable extended use and less fatigue
  • Among the quietest of the trimmers we tested
  • The 4 buttons and a trigger seem like too many controls
  • Even the high power is not adequate for heavy-duty trimming

Get the Husqvarna battery trimmer at Lowe’s.

Worx WG170 20V Power Share Revolution String Trimmer

While plenty of string trimmers also function as edgers, we found this model to have the best dual-function design. At the push of a button, the trimming head on the Worx WG170 Revolution trimmer converts to an edger that rolls easily along the edge of a sidewalk or driveway. The head tilts up to 90 degrees, so it is easy to reach weeds on slopes while standing comfortably.

The trimmer comes with two batteries plus a charger and three extra spools of trimmer line. The string trimmer also boasts a handy spacer guard that keeps it from bumping into plants, and the shaft adjusts to suit taller or shorter users. It cuts a 12-inch swath and operates on a 20V lithium-ion battery. We tested the tool with the 2Ah battery, but it also comes with a 4Ah battery at some retailers.

In our yard, this trimmer cut through and created a crisp edge on both weedless and weedy lawn areas. We really liked the easy adjustable feature on the trimmer head: A twist lock holds it in just the right position, up to 90 degrees, for a customized working angle for users of different heights. Also, the batteries are interchangeable with those of many other Worx 20V cordless tools.

Product Specs

  • Adjustable upper handle to accommodate users of different sizes
  • Trimmer head converts to an edger for use along sidewalks or driveways
  • Comes with 2 batteries to make up for shorter runtime
  • Requires a relatively long charging time
  • Trimmer feels underpowered for tackling coarse, heavy weeds
  • Only 20 minutes of runtime per charge

Get the Worx WG170 GT battery trimmer at Amazon or Target.

Greenworks Pro 80V 16-Inch Cordless String Trimmer

The Greenworks Pro 80V trimmer is a quality tool that adapts to a variety of other functions with attachments such as a brush cutter. (However, attachments are sold separately.) The 2Ah battery provides up to 45 minutes of runtime and recharges in just 30 minutes. The brushless electric motor is efficient and quiet, providing plenty of torque to cut through heavy weeds without the noise and smell of a gas-powered unit.

In our test areas, the Greenworks Pro trimmer was powerful enough to cut through the toughest weeds and vines with ease. The heavy battery weighs the machine down toward the rear, but the included adjustable shoulder strap makes operation more comfortable. The battery is compatible with other Greenworks 80V tools. Just don’t get too excited about the variable-speed trigger: Although it’s intended to allow a gradual increase from “off” to “high” speed, we found the range of movement between the two to be minuscule; in effect, the trimmer is either “off” or “on.”

Product Specs

  • Battery type: 80V 2Ah lithium ion
  • Runtime: 45 minutes
  • Weight: 10.6 pounds without battery
  • Trimmer has a quiet, efficient brushless motor
  • The recharging time is only 30 minutes; runtime is 45 minutes
  • Gas-like power and performance without the noise and smell
  • Slight lag time between triggering and full power
  • The trimmer’s adjustable speed feature is difficult to use
  • Weight is balanced toward the rear, but shoulder strap helps

Get the Greenworks Pro battery trimmer at Amazon.

What to Consider When Choosing a Battery Trimmer

When shopping for string trimmers, also known as weed eaters, keep in mind yard size, how often the tool will be used, and the height and strength of the primary user. The following key considerations will help in selection.

Trim Width

Trim width, also called swath width, indicates how wide a path the trimmer will cut through weeds in a single pass. Many models on the market today feature swath widths of 10 to 18 inches. The wider the width, the more power the trimmer must have, which often means the tool will be heavier because it will require a larger, more powerful battery.

Battery Type

Running a string trimmer requires a hefty dose of power. Though most of today’s trimmers run on rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, a few accept nickel cadmium (NiCad) batteries. Li-ion batteries are more powerful, but NiCad batteries are less expensive (an average of 70 to 125 less). Li-ion batteries also are smaller, hold a charge longer, and provide full power throughout the discharge cycle.

NiCad batteries suffer from “memory effect,” meaning if the battery is used before it has fully charged—or if it’s recharged before its power depletes—it will “remember” the earlier charge level and won’t hold a longer charge in the future. If choosing a trimmer that has a NiCad battery, let it charge fully before use and drain completely before charging. For most users, a string trimmer with a Li-ion battery will be the best choice.


Along with battery type, consider how much operating power the battery has, which is measured in volts. Today’s rechargeable string trimmer batteries average from 18 volts up to an average of 60 volts of power. powerful batteries at the high end often are intended for commercial use and can cost 200 or more per battery.

Some string trimmers in this category sell without a battery (or battery charger), which the user must purchase separately. This could be a cost-saving benefit for those who are adding to a same-brand, battery-compatible cordless tool collection, since the same battery will power multiple tools. However, it can be more convenient to purchase a kit with multiple batteries to have one on the charger while the other is in use.

Feed Type

The “feed” of a string trimmer indicates how the trimmer head releases additional trimmer line as it becomes frayed and broken during use. The standby is a bump feed where the user bumps the bottom of the trimmer (the area where the spool attaches) on the ground to release a few inches of fresh line.

Some newer models feature an auto-feed sensor that gauges the length of the strings and releases more when needed. Still others have a push button to release more line. Auto and button feeds eliminate the need to bump the spool, which can reduce the risk of damage if bumped too hard, but many commercial-type trimmers still use bump feed because it’s quick and easy.

Curved vs. Straight Shaft

Some string trimmers feature a straight shaft that runs from the handle to the cutting head, while other models feature a distinct curve in the lower shaft about two-thirds of the way down. Some users find curved-shaft trimmers to be easier to operate since the spool end already rests at a handy angle for weed whacking.

Straight-shaft trimmers often accommodate interchangeable tools, such as a tree trimmer head, which can be swapped out depending on the task at hand. In general, straight-shaft trimmers work better for users at least 6 feet tall, while shorter users will appreciate curved-shaft trimmers.


Battery-powered string trimmers have a distinct advantage over gas-powered trimmers when it comes to noise pollution. Gas-powered trimmers are moderately loud, emitting an average of 90 decibels (about as loud as a motorcycle passing by from 25 feet away). By contrast, a cordless string trimmer emits approximately 77 decibels, which is comparable to casual conversation.


Those who are still unsure about how to use a battery string trimmer may find the following answers to common questions about these tools helpful.

Q. Can a string trimmer cut weeds?

A string trimmer is used to cut and control weed growth around the home and garden. However, light-duty trimmers may have issues with very dense weed growth.

Q. Can you use a string trimmer to cut grass?

A string trimmer can be used to cut grass, though you need to be careful not to cut the grass too short while trying to keep the trimmer balanced. It isn’t the easiest way to cut the grass, but it is possible.

Q. Can you edge with a string trimmer?

Yes, a string trimmer can be used for edging the garden, driveway, walkway, or sidewalk. If you have a large yard, it may be better to invest in a separate edging tool.

Q. How many volts should be in a trimmer?

String trimmer batteries average from 18 volts up to 80 volts. Typically, the higher the voltage, the longer the battery life.

Q. How do you edge a lawn with a string trimmer?

Hold the string trimmer perpendicular to the lawn to keep the cut even. Position the head about 4 inches off the soil so the string has space to rotate. The string should rotate and cut through the grass and dirt. As you move along the desired borders, keep the head balanced and even. Clean up the cut grass and dirt to finish the job.

Why Trust Bob Vila

Bob Vila has been America’s Handyman since 1979. As the host of beloved and groundbreaking TV series including “This Old House” and “Bob Vila’s Home Again,” he popularized and became synonymous with “do-it-yourself” home improvement.

Over the course of his decades-long career, Bob Vila has helped millions of people build, renovate, repair, and live better each day—a tradition that continues today with expert yet accessible home advice. The Bob Vila team distills need-to-know information into project tutorials, maintenance guides, tool 101s, and more. These home and garden experts then thoroughly research, vet, and recommend products that support homeowners, renters, DIYers, and professionals in their to-do lists.

Meet the Tester

Mark Wolfe is a writer and product tester with a background in the nursery and landscaping industry. For more than 20 years he mowed, edged, planted, pruned, cultivated, irrigated, and renovated beautiful landscapes. Now he tests and writes reviews about the latest outdoor power equipment, hand tools, lawn-care products, and other outdoor-living goods.

Additional research provided by Glenda Taylor.