What You Can Do From A Circular Disc

Often in the household there is a need to perform cutting boards, but for such purposes special equipment will be needed. Such equipment is circular, the purchase of which is justified in one case. If you need to saw a large amount of wood daily. For a home workshop, a circular from an angle grinder is suitable, with the features of the manufacture of which we will familiarize ourselves in detail.

What You Can Do From A Circular Disc

The advantages of a homemade tool

On the farm, it is often necessary to cut a board, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood and other similar materials. It is most convenient to perform such manipulations using a stationary machine, which is popularly called a circular. On such a machine you can even cut firewood, so you don’t have to think about the rationality of its manufacture for a long time.

An angle grinder or angle grinder has gained wide popularity, as it is a universal tool for cutting metal, stone, concrete, plastic and even wood. However, wood processing requires not only special skills, but also caution. After all, it is during the processing of wood that such an effect as a back strike occurs. That is why experts recommend using the tool only as a circular, which eliminates the likelihood of a backstroke, as well as increasing the efficiency of the power tool.

The manufacture of a stationary machine from an angle grinder for sawing wood has several advantages:

  1. Savings on the purchase of a stationary machine, which consists of a bed and a powerful electric motor. The cost of such a machine is at least 10 thousand rubles, while a circular grinder can make a circular without additional investment
  2. Ease of manufacture. To create a machine you only need a power tool and a base, which can be made from a wooden workbench or boards
  3. High efficiency. The angle grinder develops a rotation speed of over 9000 rpm, which positively affects the speed and quality of material sawing
  4. Ability to use the angle grinder at any time by removing it from the machine

If you get to the site, it means that you are probably wondering and the goal of making a home-made circular from an angle grinder. There is no doubt in the rationality of such an idea, but we will find out further how to make a stationary machine for sawing wood.

What will be needed for alteration angle grinder for circular

The principle of manufacturing a stationary machine for sawing wood from an angle grinder is that the power tool must be rigidly fixed, fixing it to the base of the table or workbench. Implementing this will not be difficult, but for this you will need the following tools and supplies (depending on the scheme):

  • Angle grinder or angle grinder. Over, for this it is recommended to take a powerful power tool, since the capabilities of a stationary machine will depend on this parameter. If a small angle grinder is used, then only thin materials can be sawed with it, so this should be taken into account even at the stage of manufacturing the device
  • Drill. Needed to make holes with which the brackets that hold the power tool will be fixed
  • Welding machine for joining metal plates
  • Particle Boards
  • Clamps as well as fasteners

A special disc for cutting wood must be installed on the angle grinder. It will not work to use the disk from the circular to the angle grinder, since it will not fit in the outer and inner diameters. The disk mounted on the angle grinder for cutting wood must match the diameter of the bore hole. In addition, the outer diameter should have protrusions. Teeth, the number of which directly depends on the tool itself.

With the choice of a suitable disk for an angle grinder there will not be any difficulties, since they are sold for the corresponding models of an angle grinder. In addition to an angle grinder with a circle for cutting wood, you will also need to prepare a table on which the power tool will be fixed. As such a table, even a frame or workbench is suitable, to which the main requirement is presented. This is stability.

If there is a finished table, then you only need to attach a power tool to it. If there is no table, then it can be made from improvised means. As a tabletop, you can use boards or fiberboard. The countertop also acts as a stop.

To ensure the immobility of the power tool, it is necessary to make the appropriate fastening, using bars, boards or metal plates for this. The bracket for the angle grinder can be movable or stationary, which affects the quality of the tool. Movable mount allows you to adjust the size of the cutting wheel. If the bracket is stationary, then adjusting the cutting depth will not work. As clamps, you can use clamps, metal plates and other materials that securely and effectively secure the angle grinder to the base.

What You Can Do From A Circular Disc

After the installation of the angle grinder on the base is completed, only the last action remains. Check the work of the homemade tool in action. For this, a trial short-term start is performed, according to which all defects and design flaws are revealed. If there are none, then you can perform a trial cut of wood.

How to quickly and easily make a circular from an angle grinder

It should be noted right away that there are many options for making a home-made circular saw from an angle grinder, and it all depends on the imagination of the master, as well as the availability of consumables. Initially, we consider the simplest version of making circulars, using a chipboard sheet and other consumables for this. The principle of manufacture of such a circular is as follows:

  1. A 1 × 2 m sheet of chipboard is taken, to which the legs are attached. The result is a table to which you need to attach an angle grinder. The tool must be fixed exclusively from below.
  2. An arm is made to secure the power tool. For this, metal plates with a thickness of more than 1 mm are used.
  3. The plates are attached to the countertop using threaded connections
  4. To be able to adjust the depth of cut, the bracket should be made movable type. To do this, the movable and fixed part of the bracket should be connected using a bolt with nuts
  5. To fix the tool in the appropriate position, you will need to make an additional bracket. It is based on a long bolt or stud. The nuts on the stud will fix the angle grinder in the corresponding position, and the sleeve welded to the movable bracket is responsible for the connection
  6. In the countertop, it is necessary to make a cut through which the saw circle will protrude. For this, a drill with a drill is used. On the edges of the future slot, you need to make holes, and then straight-line sawing them with thin canvases
  7. Additionally, an emphasis is also made for the countertop, due to which the saw pieces are aligned

As a result, we get a stationary machine for sawing wood, made by hand at home. Now, knowing how to make a circular out of an angle grinder, you can get down to business. instructions for making a homemade machine are presented below.

Hand circular from angle grinder

In the manufacture of a homemade machine, you need to consider that they can be stationary and portable. The angle grinder is not large, so there are no difficulties with its transportation. However, if it is necessary to transport a home-made circular, then this will be possible only if it is portable. If a metal or wooden workbench is taken as the basis, then transporting the tool will be quite difficult. This factor must be foreseen at the stage of designing a circular saw. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare drawings according to which you will understand what exactly needs to be constructed.

So that the tool can be transported, it is recommended to make a mini circular tool from an angle grinder. The principle of its manufacture is simple, and consists in the following actions:

  1. A sheet of metal with a thickness of 1-2 mm is prepared, which will be used as a base. Sheet size 80×80 cm
  2. On the reverse side of the sheet, a bracket of metal plates is welded, which will serve as the basis for the installation of a power tool
  3. In the steel sheet you need to make a slot for the protrusion of the cutting disc
  4. Fix the angle grinder and test it in action

The principle of manufacturing a wood sawing machine is simple, and everyone can cope with the task of arranging circulars from an angle grinder. There are a large number of homemade manufacturing options, and which one to choose depends on the preferences of the master, as well as the work that is planned to be performed.

What angle grinder to use for making circular

There are no special comments here, since it is possible to use both low-power and powerful angle grinders, which differ in size, weight and diameter of the saw wheels. The larger the power and disk size, the higher the efficiency and productivity of the sawing machine. If you use a small and low-power angle grinder, then in the end you can use the machine exclusively for cutting chipboard, thin boards and plywood.

If you use a household tool as a drive mechanism on a sawing machine, then you need to take into account the features of its temporary work. If the household angle grinder overheats, the motor will quickly fail. When planning often to use a sawmill for a tree, it is necessary to purchase an appropriate power tool.

How to make a power button

After manufacturing a stationary machine, you will need to perform one more refinement. This is a push-button station. It is necessary to make a button for turning the saw on and off, as this will allow you to quickly interrupt the tool at the right time. In addition, it is practically impossible to work with a stationary circular by pressing a button on the power tool body, so you need to take care of installing a button station at the design stage or the end of work.

To make the power button, you will need to remove the wires from the tool body, and connect them to the switch located in the structure of the fabricated base. If you do not plan to use the angle grinder on the machine, then you can use a simpler method. Fix the button in the pressed position with the clamp, and turn on the tool by connecting the plug to the outlet.

How to work and application tips

The use of an angle grinder as a circular tool does not make this tool safer at all, which is why the work must be carried out strictly in protective uniforms and safety precautions. When working on a homemade circular, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. Start work only after the tool has reached the working spindle speed
  2. The duration of continuous operation should not be more than 15-20 minutes to prevent overheating of the motor
  3. The angle grinder should only be used with a protective cover, even though the main part is located under the worktop
  4. If the frequency of rotation of the spindle of the power tool is higher than 10,000 rpm, then from this speed smoke will occur in the cutting line of the wood, and as a result, damage to the appearance and even fire. To eliminate the occurrence of such a disadvantage, the spindle speed must be reduced using a special device to reduce stress. Reduces stress, drops RPM
  5. If during the sawing process there is a decrease in speed or a complete stop of the cutting wheel, then it is necessary to quickly remove the workpiece, freeing the disk from contact. If you neglect this recommendation, then the motor may burn out on the angle grinder

It is not difficult to make a circular saw with your own hands from an angle grinder, and to achieve the result you will need a minimum of investments and a maximum of imagination. The finished tool can be used for sawing boards, beams, logs, fiberboard, particleboard and plywood. With such an assistant in the household, you can quickly eliminate the need for a hand saw.